Shafana Flashcards
Through personal experiences brought to life by theatre, individuals are able to intricately explore the complex nature of culture and identity, thus acting as a medium to elucidate the internal and external conflicts that arise from an evolving religious devotion.
“I want to make the real change that has happened to me, that God is really there and that I believe that” –> FPP + rep. of ‘that’ –> her certainty and determination even as it distances her from aunt and mainstream society!
“want[s] to put on the hijab” –> high modal language + symbolic of rejection of acculturation –> assert cultural/religious identity despite societal/familial pressures
“for me it was as if a switch had been lit…illuminating the world.” –> simile (Shafana’s epiphany <–> Light switch) + symbolic of our enlightenment + stark imagery of light –> clarity/shift in perception