Shad Darshan - The six philosophies of life Flashcards
What is Ayurveda?
Medical Science and its purpose to heal and to maintain the quality and longevity of life.
What Ayurveda contains?
Ayurveda deals with the nature, scope and purpose of life, and includes its metaphysical and physical aspects - health and disease, happiness and sorrow, pain and pleasure.Ayurveda defines life as the conjunction of body, mind and spirit found in Cosmic Consciousness and embracing all of Creation. Ayurveda states that the purpose of life is to know or realise the Creator, both within and without, and express this Divinity in ones daily life. According to Ayurveda, every individual life is a microcosm of the Cosmos.
What does Ayurveda means in Sanskrit?
Ayuh - life, vedas - knowledge
Western Medicine vs Ayurveda
Western Medicine is extremely helpful for acute conditions and trauma, it tends to overlook the importance of individual response to stresses and conditions of life. There is no concept of specialization in Ayurveda, as there is in Western Medicine. Ayurveda treats the whole person, not just the organ or the system involved.
Ayurveda’s basic foundation on philosophies is based on..
Shad Darshan
What are vedas?
The Vedic scriptures are the spiritual literature of the ancient Indian culture, written in the Sanskrit language.
What are the 4 main vedas?
What are 4 secondary vedas?
Upa- Vedas or subordinate Vedas, which developed from main bodies of knowledge
What are sutras?
Ayurvedic knowledge has been passed on in Sutras or small phrases and the wisdom these sutras contain is there to be unlocked by the inquiring mind.
What Sutras means in Sanskrit?
to suture with the thread. The small phrase of the sutra is analogous to a thread passing through the eye of a needle. The eye of a needle is small but the trail of the thread leads to a great hidden wisdom waiting for interpretation.
What is the oldest Ancient Sanskrit text and what it describes?
The Charaka Samhita, compiled appox 400 C.E. and it described the five subdoshas of vata.
What Anxient text would described first surgery, blood and five pita doshas?
The Sushruta Samhita
List The Six Philosophies of Life according to Ayurveda?
Sankhya Nyaya Vaisheshika Mimamsa Yoga Vedanta
The founder of Sankhya
The founder of Nyaya
The founder of Veisheshika
The founder Mimamsa
The founder of Yoga
The founder of Vendanta
Translation of Shad Darshan
Darshan is translated as direct perception and philosophy, which is love of truth. While darshan is not philosophy, philosophy of comed from Darshan. Therefore we translate Shad Darshan as Six Philosopies that Ayrveda accepts for the healing mankind.
Which of 3 systems predominantly deal with material world?
Which of 3 systems observe inner reality as an attempt to understand outer reality?
Whats the purpose of Shad Darshan?
All six system lead to evolutionary fulfilment and self realisation.
What word Sankhya mean?
San - truth
Khya - to realise, to know, to understand
is philosophy to discover and understand the Truth of Life. Kapila discerned 24 principles in the manifestation of the Universe.
Purusha meaning
Pur - city, sheta - dwelling, living, existing
Purusha define
Purusha is pure consciousness that exists, lives, dwells in the city of senses. Purusha is the ultimate truth, the ultimate healing power, the ultimate enlightenment, the transcendental state of being and existence. It is formless , colorless, beyond attributes and takes no active part in creation. Purusha can be called Pure consciousness.
Prakruti define
Primordial will, primordial matter, creative potential. Prakruti has a form, color, and attributes in the field of action. It is awareness with choice , Divine wil, the one that desires to become many.
Purusha and Prakruti relationship
Prakruti creates all forms in the universe, while Purusha is the witness to this creation. There is no matter without energy, but there can be energy without matter. Prakruti cannot exist without Purusha.However there can be Purusha without Prakruti. Sankhya says Prakruti is creativity, the feminine energy. With the womb of Prakruti the whole universe is born. Therefore the Prakruti is the Divine Mother.
The unmanifested state of Purusha and Prakruti
Brahman define
the state of pure Awareness, pure consciousness. Before Prakruti begins to manifest
The emerging point of Purusha and Prakruti
avyakta, which means unmanifested
Vyakta define
Once Prakruti manifests Vyakta means manifestation. The root cause of the whole universe is Prakruti, not Purusha.
List 24 principles of creation according to Sankhya
- Prakruti
- Mahad (Universal Intelligence)
Formed from the interaction of Sattva and Rajas - Manas ( sensory faculties (Jnanendriya))
- Hearing
- Touch
- Vision
- Taste
- Smell
Motor faculties - Speech
- Grasping
- Walking
- Procreation
- Elimination
Formed from the interaction of Tamas and Rajas
Objects of Sensory PErception (Tanmatras) - Sound (Shabda)
- Touch (Sparsha)
- Form (Rupa)
- Taste (Rasa)
- Odor (Gandha)
Five Elements (Maha Bhutas) - Ether (Akasha)
- Air (Vayu)
- Fire ( Agni)
- Water (Apas)
- Earth (Pruthivi)
Mahad (Creative Intelligence)
Purusha and Praktruti are there for the purpose of creation. In the presence of Purusha, when Prakruti becomes conscious of Consciousnesses, Prakruti creates a first expression, which is Mahad. Mahad has self awareness. The meaning of Mahad is supreme intelligence, that which puts everything in its proper place.
the communication between cells which if the flow of intelligence, the life force. Mahad is the collective intelligence.
Mahad is pure intelligence and from mahad comes Ahamkara. It means the feeling of “I am”, the ego.
The moment the “I” is formed , which is a centre created in the consciousness, that the creative intelligence (Mahad) becomes Buddhi, which is reasoning capacity, intellect, individual awareness.
Mahad vs Buddhi
Mahad is the universal principle. Buddhi is the individual principle.
Sattva Rajas Tamas
The pulsation of cosmic prana causes Consciousness to break up into three universal qualities (gunas) which pervade all Creation
Sattva define
is the pure essence of light, right action, and spiritual purpose.
Rajas define
the principle of movement, change, excitability.
Tamas define
inertia, darkness, confusion.
Describe qualities of each guna on universal level
Sattva - vast, clear space
Rajas - atmosphere
Tamas - solid substance
Describe qualities for each guna on individual level
Sattva - perception, the knower
Rajas - the mover of perception, which becomes the process of attention
Tamas - precipitation of perception, which is experience, the known.
Type of energy that relates to each guna
Sattva - is the light of consciousness, it is potential energy
Rajas - kinetic energy
Tamas - represents inertia. Without tamas there is no experience.
the further word in Sanskrit used to describe Sattva. Means energy of cognition, the motive for perception. Jnana means perception, knowledge, cognition, intelligence.
Further description for Rajas, the energy of observation. Kriya means action, creativity.
Further description of Tamas. Material matter, the observed.
Time of the day and gunas
You wake up because of Sattva ( jnanashakti), because of rajas (kriyashaki) you plan for entire day. In evening after heavy dinner you feel tamas ( dravyashakti) heavy, dull, like going to sleep. Tamas brings sleep, inaction and darkness.
What creates organic universe?
Rajas is the active vital force which moves to sattva to create the organic universe, the world of sensory perception.
What creates inorganic universe?
Rajas moves to tamas to create the inorganic universe.
What required kinetic force of rajas?
Sattva and tamas are inactive energies that require the active, kinetic force of rajas.
What are the result of three universal qualities interacting?
five jnanendriya ( sensory pathways) five karmendiya ( motor pathways)
What are the 5 tanmatras (gunas/qualities) or objects of sensory perception?
shabda (sound) sparha (touch) rupa (form) rasa (taste) gandha (odor/smell)
What are five elements?
Ether Air Fire Water Earth
Nyaya meaning
Nyaya means logic
Vaisheshika means to specify the important aspect of concrete reality
Proponents found that certain principles which can be experienced with sensory perception are real - pratyaksha, that which can be seen and experienced.
Meaning of Prahana
Prahana means proof
Explain how Nyaya and Vaisheshika go together
While Vaisheshika speaks about nine causative substances of the universe, called nava karna dravya, Nyaya deals with how to think about them - the reasoning
Meaning of Nava Karna Dravya
Nava means nine, karna means causatives, dravya means substances.
List the nine causative substances (Nava Karna Dravya)
Ether Air Fire Water Earth the soul (atman, spirit or self) mind (manas) time (kala) direction (dig)
Vaisheshika’s view on atoms
Vaisheshika believes the union and seperation of atoms is guided or directed y the will of the Supreme Being.
The union of atoms in twos, threes etc., created universal elements at the time of creation and these atoms will seperate at the time of pralaya, disintegration or annihiation.
According Nyaya there are three sources of non-valid knowledge and four sources of valid knowledge. List them:
Three sources of non-valid knowledge: Samshaya (doubt) Bhrama (faulty cognition) Tarka (hypothetical argument) Four sources of valid knowledge: Pratyaksha (Perception) Anumana (Inference) Upamana (Comparison) Shadba (Testimony)
How Nyaya clasifies perception?
Laukika (ordinary)
Alaukika (extraordinary)
What perception is used as diagnostic tools in Ayurveda?
Ayurveda uses both ordinary and extraordinary perception as diagnostic tools.
The second proof is Anumana, which involves interference and cognition based on some previous knowledge or experience. Wherever there is a smoke, there will be a fire. Ayurveda can use interference to see which dosha is aggravated. For example, we can say that wherever there is inflammation, there is pitta.
The third proof is upamana. Upamana relies upon comparison. Ayurveda uses comparison to understand the different diseases in terms of their doshas. For instance, a pitta type cold will show thin, yellow mucus, a sore throat and fever while a kapha type cold will present thick, white, copius mucus, chest and bronchial congestion and chills.
The fourth pramana is shadba, which means verbal testimony, that which is authentic and truthful.The Bible, the Koran and Vedas are sacred texts. They are authority which gives them authenticity and validity. These authorities are called apta, those whose thoughts, feelings and speech/actions are consistent. X - rays, electrocardiograms and MRIs are also objective observation, shadba. If an ultrasound shows that there are gallstones, we must believe it. The patient is one who knows the truth that he/she has a tummy ache, so we must believe the patient and listen with great respect.
The Elements in Sanskrit
Panchanaha Bhutas
Ether in Sanskrit
Akasha meaning
all- enclosing, all-pervading, omnipotent, omniscient,
Attributes of Ether: Gunas (Qualities)
Clear, light, subtle, soft, immeasurable.
Attributes of Ether: Karmas (Actions)
Vibration, expansion, non - resistance, freedom, love. Descent of intelligence into the heart of the matter.
Attributes of Ether: Tanmantra
Attributes of Ether: Type of Energy
Nuclear Energy
Ether describe
expansive, empty and has no resistance. Ether provides freedom in which to move . Without Ether there is no freedom or love. Ayurveda holds that within Ether there is pure presence of spiritual energy that manifests as nuclear energy.
Air in Sasnkrit
Attributes of Air: Gunas (Qualities)
Mobile, dry, light, cold, rough, subtle.
Attributes of Air: Karmas (Actions)
Movement in particular direction
Attributes of Air: Tanmaras
Sound and touch
Attributes of Air: Type of Energy
Electrical energy
Air description
Principle of movement necessary for keeping the body in constant motion and manifests as electrical energy. Prana is basic principle of the Air element. It is flow of consciousness from one cell to another cell in the form of intelligence. Movement of the heart , respiration, peristalsis and other involuntary movements are governed by principle of Air, prana.
Fire in Sanskrit
Attributes of Fire: Gunas (Qualities)
Hot, sharp, light, dry, subtle
Attributes of Fire: Karmas (Actions)
Brilliance, Luminosity, penetration, the radiant flame of intelligence
Attributes of Fire: Tanmantras
Sound, touch, form
Attributes of Fire: type of energy
Radiant energy
Fire element describe
All transformative processes are governed by the fire element. It governs the metabolic processes regulating the transformation of food into energy and is responsible for body temperature and the processes of digestion, absorption and assimilation of food stuffs. Fire is carried throughout the body in the blood and plasma as heat. If the blood supply is cut off, that part of the body will be cold. Poor circulation results in cold hand and feet. Fire regulates understanding, comprehension and selectivity.
The fire element is a radiant energy and is present in the body a a flame of attention
Water in Sanskrit
Attributes of Water: Gunas (Qualities)
Cool, liquid, dull, soft, oily, slimy
Attributes of Water: Karmas (Actions)
Downward movement, cleansing cohesiveness, adhesiveness, percolation
Percolation define
is the process of a liquid slowly passing through a filter. It’s how coffee is usually made
Cohesiveness Define
the quality of forming a united whole”the film lacks cohesiveness”
Attributes of Water: Tanmatras
Sound, touch, form, taste
Attributes of Water: Type of Energy
Chemical Energy
Water element in detail
Water is the universal chemical solvent and all biochemical functions are governed by it. Water is necessary in the human body for assimilation and for maintaining the electrolyte balance. The plasma in our blood is composed of approximately 90 percent water and this water carries nutrients from one part of the body to another. The body’s lymphatic system is also governed by the Water Element. Within the medium of Water all elements maintain their function. This is the water of life.
Earth in Sanskrit
Attributes of Earth: Gunas (Qualities)
heavy, dull, static, dense, hard, gross.
Attributes of Earth: Karmas (Action)
Gravitation, downward attraction
Attributes of Earth: Tanmatras
Sound, touch, form, taste, odor
Attributes of Earth: Type of Energy
Physical, mechanical energy
Earth describe
Pruthivi holds all living creatures of the planet, giving them food and shelter. All Solid structure, hard, firm and compact tissues are derived from the Earth element (eg bones, cartilage, nails, hair, teeth and skin)
The element and Associated Types of Energy: Ether Air Fire Water Earth
Ether - nuclear energy Air - electrical energy Fire - radiant energy Water - chemical energy Earth - mechanical energy
What causes changes of elements in human body?
The predominance of each element changes continuously, modifying temperatures, humidity and seasons. People must strive accommodate these changes in order to survive.
What is the sixth out of ninth causative of Vaisheshika?
Soul (atman)
What is soul (atman) according to Vaisheshika?
soul is eternal, universal, of two kinds, individual and supreme (jivatman and paramatman), inferred and indivisible. It is a substratum or phenomenon of Consciousness. Consciousness evolved because soul or spirit eists. Individual souls do not perceive other souls but they do infer their existence.
What is Purusha according to Sankya?
Pure awareness, the highest principle.
What is seventh out of nine causative substances?
Mind, Manas
What is manas according to Vaisheshika?
Mind is universal, atomic, or indivisible and not directly perceivable. Mind directs experience.Mind directs awareness to an object or goal and then perceives the outer object.
Subconscious vs conscious mind
There is no line of demarcation between the conscious and subconscious mind. Mind is one, but it operates on levels that we call consciousness and subconsciousness. For the convenience of understanding we have created division.
What happens to the mind when meditating?
Meditation is probing into the subconscious. In meditation, thoughts of stress being released. We can begin to talk, share and communicate with each cell.
what is the eighth causative substance?
Time (Kala)
Describe Tima (Kala)
Time is a force that can produce the change and we use it as a marker for change. When we measure time we measure a change.
How time (kala) and doshas interact?
The function of doshas also relate to the time of the day. For example 5 am - m is associated with vata, and 9 am- pm is associated with kapha. The timeof the day produces different style of function. Time is a cause of change, creation,maintenance and destruction.
The ninth causative substance?
Direction (Dig)
Describe Direction (Dig)
Direction is an important concept in ayurveda. Up down and lateral movement describe doshic functor and are referred to as dosha gati. Internal and external movement also give sense of direction.
East, West, North and south are four directions also used in Ayurveda. Describe them
East is hot sharp bright, It has more solar energy
West is cool and has more feminine, lunar energy.
Northern hemisphere,the more you go to the north the colder it is.
South - the souther you the hotter it gets.
Southeast - direction of Fire
Southwest - direction of Earth
Northeast - direction of Water
What do we call Vedic understanding of arrangements?
Vastu Shilpa Shastra
Mimamsa meaning
means to analyze and thoroughly understand the truth.This is a philosophy of attaining freedom through the performance of duty or dharma (action in the light of awareness). Mimamsa says that there must be a non - moving mover who moves every object and that non moving mover is God
Yoga meaning
Yoga mean union - the union of lower self with the higher self, the union of man with God. Its a practical discipline for knowing the self. Yoga comes from yuj that means to unite.
Lower Self in Sanskrit
Higher Self in Sanskrit
List various schools of Yoga
Bhakti yoga - path of devotion
Jnana yoga - path of knowledge
Karma Yoga - path of action
Ptanjalis yoga sutras gives eight methods to attain enlightenment:
- Yama
- Niyama
- Asana
- Pranayama
- Pratyahara
- Dharana
- Dhyana
- Samadhi
Five restrains
Five Observances
control of the vital force
Withdrawal of senses
Focusing attention on an object or manta, one pointed awareness
Meditation, a continuous flow of attention without words or thoughts, moment to moment awareness without judgement
balance of body, mind and consciousness, an expensive state of choice less, passive awareness , spiritual bliss
What is Siddhi ?
the benefit of asana
What is Samadhi?
The merging of lower self to the higher self, where body, mind and spirit becomes one, and that is the state of liberation.
What Vedanta means?
veda means knowledge and anta means ending
Upa means near, nishad means sit in the vicinity of the enlightened one, the teacher, he master the guru and listen to him or her without any doubt, delusion or comparison.
Vedanta explain
is profound philosophy that Ayurveda has accepted. This philosophy is also referred to as upanishad. The entire teaching of vedanta is unpanishad.
The essence of Buddha’s teachings is condensed within the Four Noble Truths:
- Suffering exists.
- There is a cause of suffering
3 There is cessation of suffering - There is a means to cease suffering
According to Buddha there are 12 causes of suffering:
- Ignorance (Avidya)
- Samskara (Past impressions)
- Vignana (Initial Consciousness)
- Nama Rupa (Mind Body)
- Shadayatana (Six Organs of Cognition)
- Sparsha (Contact with senses with objects)
- Vedana (Sensation, feelings, Pain/Pleasure)
- Trushna (Third to Enjoy )
- Upadan (Mental Attachment)
- Bhaka (Becoming)
- Janma (Birth)
- Jara Marana (Old Age, Death)
Eight ways to overcome suffering:
- Right perception and Observation
- Right Thinking
- Right Speaking
- Right Conduct
- Right doing
- Right Mindfulness
- Right Meditation
Sankya contribution to Ayurveda
Sankya gave the theory of evolution and a theory of cause and effect
Nyaya and Vaisheshikas contribution to Ayurveda
gave Ayurveda logical and sequential thinking. The body is material machine and this machine should be corrected.This approach is reflected in modern physics.
Mimamsa’s contribution to Ayurveda
Mimamsa is about action, the path of life, freedom, through performance of duty (dharma). Its teachings include methods and means attaining God Through rituals, ceremonies, and fasting
Vendatas contribution to Ayurveda
Ayurveda gave profound thinking to Ayurveda about eternal, changeless Brahma, the ultimate achievement of each human being. To achieve that goal each person needs perfect health.