Sgt Exam Flashcards
True or False?
There is no general arrest authority for contravention of a provincial statute, and reference must be made to the individual and statutes for specific arrest authorities?
What section of the criminal code provides authorities to arrest without warrant by any person?
Section 494
What is Excited Delirium?
Excited Delirium is a condition that can be caused by drug or alcohol intoxication, psychiatric illness or a combination of both.
What are some of the symptoms of a person suffering from Excited Delirium?
Abnormal tolerance to pain
Abnormal tolerance to pepper spray
Acute onset of paranoia
Bizarre or aggressive behavior
Impaired thinking
Sudden calm after frenzied activity
Sweating, fever, heat intolerance
Unexpected physical strength
Violence towards others
Persons exhibiting he symptoms of Excited Delirium must always be?
Treated as suffering from a medical emergency and once secured, be transported to a hospital for examination
Who do you submit all documents to prior to the completion of the tour of duty?
Officer in charge
If a person is arrested and accompanied by a guide dog what shall you do?
Make reasonable effort to have the guide dog accommodated by friends or relatives, or contact the Toronto Police operations center (TPOC) for further resources such as K9 vision Canada or the Humane Society.
True or False?
You can transport a guide dog to court with the prisoner?
False, you cannot transportation guide dog to court with a prisoner.
Foreign embassies and consulates are considered
Foreign land and outside the jurisdiction of police officers
When arresting a foreign national
Should not normally arrest a person during a religious ceremony or judicial hearing
When did the Supreme Court of Canada make a ruling in the case of R. V. Golden, in which directly impacted on the search of persons incident to arrest?
December 2001
Where does the lawful authority for searching a person come from?
The lawful authority for searching a person comes from statute or common law.
The decision as to what type of search is appropriate must be assessed by what?
A case by case basis
How should all searches of persons be conducted?
All searches of person should be conducted thoroughly and in a methodical manner.
What does section 1 of the Ontario human rights code state?
Every person has a right to equal treatment with respect to services, goods and facilities, without discrimination because of race, ancestry, place of origin, color, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, family status, or disability.
A trans prisoner’s gender identity or gender history should be
Shared on a need to know basis only with those persons directly involved in the case
What are the three options of search?
-conducted by officers who are men only or,
-conducted by officers who are women only or,
-a split search
*the officer in charge shall be guided by the preference of the individual to be searched in terms of the gender of the person conducting the search
When required to remove a gender-affirming article or a prosthetic device/item (including breast forms, chest binders, gaffes, packers, prosthetic penises and wigs) from a trans, gender diverse or CIS – gendered person shall
-advise the person of the reason for removing the device/item
-provide the person with the opportunity to remove the device/item themselves when self – removal does not pose a potential risk or safety/injury to the person or member
-be cognizant that the trans or gender diverse persons may have an emotional as well as physical attachment to the gender affirming items in shall treat the device/items with respect at all times
What should you do if a prisoner has a prosthetic device?
Whenever practicable allow for the removal of the device in a private area
- when self – removal is not possible, ask the person how to properly remove the device
– allow adequate space in range of motion for reattachment of the device
– return the device/item to the person as soon as possible upon completion of the search
Section 2 of the charter of rights and freedoms
Section 2 of the charter rights and freedoms gives everyone the fundamental “freedom of conscience and religion “
What does section 8 of the charter of rights and freedoms state?
Section 8 of the charter of rights and freedoms states that “everyone has the right to be secure against unreasonable search and seizure”
Section 1 of the Ontario human rights code states what?
Section one of the Ontario human rights code states “every person has a right to equal treatment with respect to services, goods and facilities, without discrimination because of race, ancestry, place of origin, color, ethnic origin, citizenship, Creede, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, family status, or disability.
From this section, creed is the issue that deals with religious beliefs.
When deemed necessary to remove an assistive device from a person with a disability to conduct a search when should it be returned?
The device should be returned to the person as soon as practicable upon completion of the search.
When may a police officer search a person? 
- with a persons consent
– when authorized by statute
– after an arrest has been made (common law – incident to arrest)
In most instances a consent search should not be used when?
A consent search, in most instances, should not be used where other lawful authority exists
The right to search as an incident to a lawful arrest is found
In common law
A police officer must be able to demonstrate that a consent for a search was
Informed in freely given
A person giving consent for a search must understand
The possible consequences of the search prior to giving consent
As an incident to arrest a police officer may search for?
-Anything that could cause injury including drugs and alcohol
-Anything that could assist in a persons escape
Whenever practicable, all Protective and Frisk searches including the removal of excess clothing must be captured on?
Audio and video
Every effort should be made, where appropriate, to have the searching officers be
The same gender as the person being searched
When required to remove an item of religious significance 
Make a reasonable effort to ensure the removal and search occurs in a private setting
When conducting a consent search of a person shall
- ask for the consent of the person and explain the nature of the search
- Inform the person that they have the right to refuse consent
- Inform the person of potential consequences of the search, including the possibility that anything seized may be used as evidence
- Immediately stop searching the person if consent is withdrawn, unless evidence has been disclosed that would permit continuation pursuant to lawful authorities
Prior to transporting an arrested person SHALL
—Search the police vehicle prior to placing the arrested person in the vehicle
– for reasons of safety, ensure the arrested person has been searched except where the search would interfere with the administration of emergency medical assistance
*Every effort should be made, where appropriate, to have the searching officers be the same gender as the person being searched
After arrival at the station with an arrested person SHALL
– Search the police vehicle
– advise the OIC what type of search has been conducted and what has been found this far
– if a Frisk search has not been fully completed then ensure the Frisk search is completed in its entirety in front of the officer in charge it is audio and video recorded
- ensure the manner of booking and search notice – frisk search is red to the person prior to the search
– when it is believed that reasonable grounds exist for a strip search, articulate to the officer in charge and advise them of the grounds in circumstances involved

When reasonable and probable grounds have been satisfied and a strip search is deemed necessary by the officer in charge, the searching officers shall
- read the arrested party their rights to counsel prior to the strip search being conducted and ensure they are provided a reasonable opportunity to speak to counsel before the search commences
-Advise the officer in charge if the person identifies that they have in item of religious significance on their person or in their possession
– search the person in a private area and insure the search is audio taped but not video taped - Be of the same gender as the person being searched, except in exigent circumstances
– ensure the number of police officers involved in the search are no more that is reasonably necessary in the circumstances - where appropriate,
-Ask the person to remove clothing one article at a time
– document whether the arrested person removed items of clothing themselves, end
– record all the relevant details in the memo book and the booking and search template
-Not remove any more articles of clothing than necessary
– Not seize bras, underwire bras and string bikini tops unless there is reasonable grounds to believe it is necessary to do so * this action can amount to an unlawful strip search
-Not perform any more visual inspection of the persons body that is necessary to achieve the objectives of the search
– inspect each article of clothing in a methodical manner
-Permit the person to replace articles of clothing after inspection, where appropriate
– provide replacement clothing for articles seized as evidence as soon as possible
– not leave the person in a completely naked state after the search
Members shall not conduct strip searches in any location other than a private area of a secure police facility, unless there is an immediate safety risk were no other option is available. Members shall advise as supervisor prior to commencing the search, if unsafe, then at the earliest opportunity.
Members shall provide the person the Highest degree of privacy possible given the circumstances.
Upon completion, members will report to the officer in charge the circumstances. The officer in charge shall complete a strip search - Not in a police Facility Occurrence and notify the unit commander.
What is strip search has been completed shall
Ensure the officer in charge will complete the booking and search template
- If applicable, the officer in charge will complete the trans person specific details section of the booking and search template
Where there are reasonable grounds to believe that a person under arrest has secreted weapons or evidence in a body cavity shall
- consult with the officer in charge
– escort the person to the hospital - Request that the person to remove the item in a controlled area of the hospital with a medical professional present, if possible
– if the person is unable or unwilling to remove the item and consents to a search
1 Ensure that the search is conducted by a qualified medical practitioner
2 Remain with the person while the search is taking place
3 Advise the officer in charge of the results - Where the person refuses a body cavity search by a medical practitioner, and the item has not been removed
Advise the officer in charge
Restrain the person and hold in isolation pending a show cause hearing
Continuously monitor the person to ensure their safety and the safety of service members Until recovery of the item or substance is made.
What a body cavity search has been completed shell complete a body cavity search template.
Officer in charge
An officer in charge of a unit where prisoners are detained shall ensure 
—The decision to search a person has been evaluated based on reasonable and probable grounds and all risk factors, including those found in appendix B
– all arrested parties are advised, on camera, of the level of search To be performed in the manner in location in which it will be carried out
– a Frisk search must be completed prior to any strip search being conducted
– when applicable, All frisk searches must be audio and video recorded. If not, the reason shall be documented accordingly
– searches are conducted appropriately in the required booking in search template has been completed for all booked prisoners
– every effort is made to provide persons who do not speak English or, Who buy a reason of disability have difficulty communicating
With the service of an interpreter or other person who can assist the person in understanding the process
– prisoners property is handled in compliance when in item of religious significance is removed from a person that the item is treated with respect and handled appropriately
-Assessments regarding the retention of assistive devices are bid on a case by case basis taking into consideration all risk factors, including those contained in the appendix B, in all available accommodation options
– when it is determined that a person with a disability requiring the aid of an assistive Cannot be accommodated, the reasons for the determination are clearly articulated in the memo book, including all accommodation options considered
The officer in charge can authorize the use of an approved handheld metal detector to assist in the search of any prisoner at any point of the booking and search process, or at any point while the person is lodged in the station. For a search to be lawful, using the handheld metal detector, it must be reasonable and justified given all the circumstances is it must be conducted for a valid reason.
– – Handheld metal detectors are only for use inside a police facility
– where a handheld metal detector has been used the appropriate entries shall be made in the booking and search template
– staff sergeants shall book prisoners and authorize Strip searches, unless at a central lock up where a designate Can be appointed
Upon being consulted regarding a strip search shall determine whether the search is appropriate, based on the information provided by the parading officer in the circumstances involved
- where reasonable grounds to conduct strip search exist, SHALL
– Advise the arrested party of the authorization to conduct a strip search - It sure the better of booking in search notice – strip search is red to the person prior to the search
– ensure the arrested party is reread their rights to counsel prior to the strip surge being conducted and ensure they are provided a reasonable opportunity to speak to counsel before the search commences
– provide the arrested party the opportunity to speak toCounsel prior to the strip search commencing
– read the audio privacy notice prior to the phone call to counsel
– escort to use the phone, give audio privacy, but maintain visual for safety
– In rare circumstances, where the officer in charge believes that there are safety concerns that would prohibit the officer from allowing the arrested party access to counsel prior to the strip search, shall explain on video to the arrested party and not the reason in the Memo book
-Ensure the deferred call to counsel notice be read by the officer in charge and noted in the booking in search template if required
Were reasonable grounds do not exist ensure a strip search is not conducted

Upon being consulted regarding a body cavity search shall
—Determine whether the search is appropriate, given the circumstances
– ensure the transporting and relieving officers accompanying an accused for the purpose of a body cavity search are the same gender unless the person has self identified as a trans person and requests otherwise 
- Ensure the search is conducted by a qualified medical practitioner at a medical facility
– ensure a body cavity search template is completed
The right to search as an incident to a lawful arrest is found in common law, it has been upheld by the Supreme Court, as long as the search is conducted for a valid objective it is not conducted in an abusive fashion.
As an incident to arrest a police officer me search for
– weapons
– anything that could cause injury which includes drugs and alcohol
– anything that could assist in a persons escape
– evidence
For safety reasons, every person who is brought into a police facility under arrest shall be subject to a search

When a person has been lawfully arrested and transported to a police facility, an assessment of the risk factors shall be conducted
Where are reasonable grounds exist to conduct a strip search, a strip search shall be conducted. Where reasonable grounds do not exist for a strip search, a frisk search shall only be conducted. A strip search may be conducted if reasonable grounds are established as a result of a Frisk search first.
Officers contemplating a strip search of a person shall consider all the circumstances, including but not limited to
– The details of the current arrest
– the history of the person
– any item already located on the person during a protective or frisk search
– the demeanor or mental state of the individual
– the risks to the individual, the police, or others, associated with not performing a strip search
– the potential that the person will come into contact with other detainees, creating an Opportunity for the person to hand off contraband, weapons, etc. to another prisoner
The officer in charge cannot know the background/history/state of mind of all the prisoners that will be brought into the system on any given day
But is required to ensure their protection.
All persons who are held in custody pending a show cause hearing are deemed to be entering the prison population.
In assessing the appropriate type of search, the officer in charge shall take into account the height and safety concerns created by this situation
The fact that a person is being held for a show cause hearing and may come into contact with other persons in custody does not,
Justifier strip search
The Supreme Court has ruled that strip searches in the field will only be justified where there is a demonstrated necessity and urgency to search for weapons or objects that could be used to threaten the safety of the accused, the arresting officers or other individuals.
In this case, officers would have to show why it wouldn’t have been unsafe to wait and conduct a search at the police station.
Strip searches shall not be conducted in the field for the sole purpose of preserving evidence.
When is strip search must be conducted in the field, it will be done in a private area with only the searching officer is able to view the person being searched, where possible. When a strip search must be conducted in the field, the searching of the shell immediately notify the officer in charge upon their arrival at the police station.
The Toronto Police service recognizes that special arrangements may have to be made to accommodate trans persons.
The term trans refers to people with diverse gender identities and expressions that differ from their assigned sex at birth.
When interacting with trans persons, officers shall be sensitive to the needs and concerns with her jeopardizing officers and prisoners safety,
And the need to perform a legal and thorough search
The officer in charge with respect to gender diversity and trans inclusive policy when determining the best possible course of action in order to respect the dignity of a person being searched, the officer in charge shall
– Refer to the person in their chosen name and gender pronouns
– after discussion with the prisoner, lodge the prisoner according to their self identify gender and lodging preference
Ensure the information regarding A trans prisoners gender identity and gender history is shared on a need to know basis only with the person is directly involved in the case
– Explain to the individual the following three options of search, male officers only, female officers only, or a split search
– the office in charge shall be guided by the preference of the individual to be searched, in terms of the gender of the person conducting the search

Items of religious significance shall be treated
With respect and handled appropriately
When handling the item of religious significance, member shall be cognizant of human rights in unless circumstances make it impracticable to do so, comply with the process below, having regard for the
– Immediate risk of injury
– immediate risk of escape
– immediate risk of destruction of evidence
– safety of the member
– safety of the person
– safety of the public
The following process shall be followed with handling an item of religious significance
– Members shall advise the person if an item of religious significance will be removed, the reason the item is being removed, and provide the person with the opportunity to remove the item themselves if self removal does not pose a potential risk of safety/injury to the person or member
– When practical, members shall use gloves when handling an item of religious significance
– when practicable, member Shell facility the replacement of an item of religious significance as soon as possible when the item is removed and help for any purpose and is not being immediately return to that person
– member shall place an item of religious significance in a separate property bag (In general, it is acceptable to store items of religious significance together in one property bag)
– Sealed property bag containing an item of religious significance may be sealed within the main property bag when the person is being transported or held for a show cause hearing
The Service has a responsibility to ensure the safety of all persons who come into police custody and the safety of the service members
To ensure a reasonable level of safety, this procedure set out the standards of care and transportation, booking, lodging and monitoring of the prisoners
Persons in custody
– officer in charge notification mandatory:
– When transporting a prisoner who requires priority and booking
– with a person in custody requires medical attention
– upon arrival at a police station with a person in custody
– when entering or leaving a detention facility with a person in custody
– when receiving a person or lodging police cells
– When in doubt regarding the contents of the medication container, or if the prison request medication in excess of the prescribed dosage, or the prisoner exhibit signs of alcohol or drug consumption in the booking hall or detention area Monitoring system equipment malfunctions
Audio/video equipment has been installed in central lock ups in booking Halls
– To monitor and record the condition of persons in police custody and service members
– to ensure their safety
– for court purposes
When accessing, storing, viewing or duplicating any electronically recorded material
A member showed never apply a police seal or other similar device to any videotape, DVD/CD or the associated storage case
A young person under 18 years of age may be lodged in a divisional sale only,
– To prevent injury or to protect others from aggressive behavior and
– when there is no adult present in the cells
– when there is an adult present in the cells and there is adequate space to isolate the young person from the adult
The decision to permit the retention of religious or personal items rest with
The officer in charge based on an evaluation of the associated safety risks
Duty to accommodate persons with disabilities
– the service has a duty to accommodate persons with disabilities under
The Ontario human rights code and the accessibility for Ontarians with disabilities act. Therefore, persons with a disability requiring the aid of an assistive device should be permitted to keep their device while in custody.
When required, any infringement of a persons right to be accommodated
Must be minimal in nature, and no more than is necessary to achieve the desired objective. Assessments regarding the removal of an assistive device shall be made on a case by case basis. Member shall also consider all available accommodation options when making their assessment i.e. placing the person in a cell by themselves.
The determination regarding the removal of a persons assistive device while they are in custody shall be reassessed should circumstances regarding their custody change
Members should be cognizant that persons requiring the aid of an assistive device may have an emotional as well as a physical attachment to the device is your treat assistive devices with respect at all times
Members – when transporting a person in custody shall,
– Using only those handcuffs, leg irons and other restraining devices authorized by the chief of police, place a person in handcuffs using the approved bidder and utilize the double lock mechanism where possible in order to
– prevent the escape of a person in custody
– control the violent activities of a person in custody
* What did Costa not use, be prepared to justify this decision
Where the police vehicle has no screen,
The person shall be placed in the right rear seat. If an escort is available the escort shall occupy the left rear seat
When transporting a prisoner prior to departure,
Advise the communications operator of the destinations, the gender identity and age of the person, is the odometer reading.
When transporting a prisoner who, due to their mental, physical or emotional condition, requires priority in the booking and processing to decrease the likelihood of a confrontation, health or safety risk Shell
Request the communications operator to notify the officer in charge of the station to watch the prisoner is being transported and attend the station and put the prisoner as soon as practicable
Police officer
Arrival at the police station
Advise the officer in charge
-known or suspected suicidal tendencies
– violent tendencies
– serious medical conditions
-assistive devices
– safety concerns
– injuries
-emotional disturbance; any known mental illness or developmental disability
Ash medication, or whether any medication has been administered
– impairment due to alcohol or drugs
Where a person in custody exhibit violent behavior, or threatens or attempts suicide, and it is believed that the persons master name index (MNI) in criminal numerical index (CNI) file should include a ”caution flag” shall
Add the information to the remarks field is the persons MNI
Records management services – operations (RMS) will receive an ad applicable information to CPIC
Where a person in custody has provided a false name or identification shall update the information in the MNI and all other relevant records as soon as possible
Where are the chosen name of a trans person aligns with their gender and lived identity but does not match their identification documents Shelton sure the persons chosen name and pronouns are constantly used in compliance with procedure 01–02 appendix C
Who forwards the completed T.P.S 300 to the detective sergeant, at 24:00 each day or as close as practicable
The booker
It is crucial that a prisoners movement in and out of the cells be recorded in the arrest booking/cell management screen
In the event that an incident occurs in the cells, property a video evidence management unit will rely on this information to locate the relevant recordings
All activity in the cell area including the complete lodging of the prisoner will be recorded on
Who designates the secure area to store the property of prisoners effects
The Unit Commander
Booking officer
With a person in custody has soiled their clothing with bodily fluids i.e. vomit, urine, shall arrange for replacement clothing as soon as possible
Booking officer – with our prisoners lodged in the police cell Shall
Use a target of 30 minutes between physical cell checks having regard for all the circumstances during the tour of duty and we notify the officer in charge of any change in condition of persons in custody
Booker duties
Awaken intoxicated persons a minimum of every four (4) hours but more frequently if circumstances require
Booker do you line when receiving a request for access to prescribe medication for the person in custody Shall
– Inspect the medication container and ensure the patient’s name on the medication container label matches the person
- if there is a discrepancy, call the pharmacy and ask whether they accept the legal name or chosen name when filling prescriptions for gender diverse or trans persons
– There is only one type of pill in the medication container
– the container label in Clinton still not appear to have been tampered with
-the medication container label is legible
-the expiry date on the medication container label has not passed, if applicable
*Ensure the medication is dispensed in accordance with the directions and warning labels on the medication container label
Where did doubt regarding the contents of the medication container, or the prisoner request medication in access to the prescribed dosage, or if the prisoner exhibit signs of alcohol or drug consumption shall
Notify the officer in charge and consult with the prescribing physician or another physician at a medical facility
When the person in custody is a young person
Ensure a parent, legal guardian, adult relative, adult friend, or spouse is notified without delay and requested to attend the Station
Upon determining the detention of the person is necessary the officer in charge of Shall
- ensure the investigation is continued by the arresting officer and/or by the Appropriate Det. personnel
- Ensure the front line officers are returned to active duty as soon as practicable
- All the permit the following individuals to interview a person in custody
– police officers involved in the investigation
– defense counsel –
– members of law-enforcement or government agencies involved in the investigation, at the request of the investigating officer
– Crown attorney or assistant
– a parent, relative, spouse, Or adult friend(Young person only)
– Spouse or immediate relative (at the conclusion of investigation only) - a consular official, Where the person in custody is a foreign national as defined the procedure 04–13
Officer in charge
Upon the completion of investigation shall
– Ensure the applicable eReports the arrest booking/cell management screen have been properly completed and the required documents have been scanned and attached to the original eReport
End with the person in custody is a young person, ensure the YCJA Parent Is completed and served at the station whenever possible
– release or continue to detain the person in compliance with the applicable procedures
It is the responsibility of the officer in charge to ensure that all members responsible for monitoring the condition of persons in police cells are made aware of any pertinent information regarding the subject/person including
– Known or suspected Suicidal Tendencies
– violent tendencies
– serious medical conditions
– assistive devices
– safety concerns
– injuries
– emotional disturbance, any known mental illness or developmental disability
- medication, or Whether any medication has been administered
– impairment due to alcohol or drugs
Individual suspected of having suicidal or violent tendencies or serious medical conditions are more closely monitored and checked as frequently as possible
Trans persons are lodged in compliance with appendix E
It is the officer in charge his responsibility to ensure that the transporting officers in the officer in charge of the receiving facility is made aware of any known issues regarding the health and safety of the prisoners including
– known or suspected suicidal tendencies
– Violent tendencies
– serious medical condition
– injuries
– assistive devices
- safety concerns
– emotional disturbance, any new mental illness or developmental disability
– medication or whether any medication has been administered
– impairment due to alcohol or drugs

Officer in charge
When a prisoner claims to be a methadone patient shall ensure that such persons are informed that their prescribed dosage can only be obtained
– following release from custody, or
– if remanded in custody By request to corrections staff and after corrections staff have consulted with the prescribing doctor.
When the prisoner complains of symptoms associated with the non-receipt of their prescription, shall ensure
– Medical advice i.e. telehealth Ontario is sought, where the person is transported to a hospital for assessment by a doctor for a short term health risks
– while in police custody, such persons are not transported for treatment at any place other than a hospital
– if the person is transported to a hospital, That staff are advised the purpose of the visit is not to receive their prescribed dosage
– the results are noted in the crown brief, the arrest booking/Cell management screen and the prisoner transportation report
Officer in charge
If an incident occurs in an area being monitored and recorded by the DAMS shall 
– Ensure that assistance is immediately rendered and that the incident is dealt with in the appropriate manner
–once the incident has been resolved, it is determined that the recording should be retained, notify PVEMU to
Retrieve and preserve the relevant Security recording
– ensure the incident, along with a notation that the recording has been preserved, is made in the appropriate arrest booking/Cell management screen and the UCMR
Case manager
When a person is lawfully held in custody and an investigation is initiated shall
– Conduct a thorough investigation and advise the officer in charge of any information pertaining to the release or detention of the person
– insure front line officers are return to active duty as soon as possible
Detective Sgt
The detective sergeant shall ensure an investigation is commenced in relation to the last drink information received on the TPS 300, when required
The unit commander Within charge of a unit equipped with cells shall
– Designate a secure area for storage of returnable prisoners property that is inaccessible to any person lodged in the cells
– ensure compliance with the requirement to perform and record cell checks in the arrest booking/cell management screen
When attending a crime scene were a risk of contact with blood or bodily fluid does exists, members shall exercise extreme caution and use universal precautions. These include
Wary of disposable examination gloves, using waterless antiseptic wash, or head wipes, and using a disposable one way air valve for mouth to mouth respiration.
Where it is suspected or known that a person is a carrier of an air-Bourne transmitted disease such as tuberculosis members
-shall when at a police station, place the person in an area where adequate ventilation exists. Members shall not place a person suspected or known to have tuberculosis or other airborne transmitted communicable diseases in an area with little or no ventilation, such as interview rooms
DAS should wear a surgical mask when in close contact with the person and when transporting the person to a police station or other location. Where possible, the infected person should also be asked to wear a surgical mask when in close contact with other individuals. If surgical masks are not available or the infected person refuses to wear a mask, members shall transport the person as the sole occupant of a compartment of a prisoner transport vehicle, or, if not available, with a window of the police vehicle open
Officers should consider the possibility that illness may be drug related and be mindful that,
Under certain circumstances, a prisoner may have unknowingly consumed a drug E.g GHB
Following services to help the officer in charge of making a determination as to whether a prisoner is a need a further medical treatment
Telehealth Ontario provides a quick easy access to qualified health professional which is a registered nurse who can assess the symptoms of the prisoner and offer advice as to whether the individual is in need of immediate hospital care.
Ontario regional poison information Center, – sick kids hospital can provide information regarding drug interactions, and potential overdose information
______________ has the final determination whether to accept the individual at the police facility
Officer in charge
Individuals who have taken hard drugs such as cocaine, heroin, etc. shall be monitored more closely for at least
Three (3) hours from the time the drug was taken
Prisoners housed in divisional cells or lock ups should be placed opposite each other where possible
This can provide the opportunity for one prisoner to give early warning of illness, suicide, or self injury involving another prisoner
Unexpected deaths Of intoxicated individuals may occur as a result of a condition called obstructive sleep apnea.
The consumption of alcohol or alcohol in combination with central nervous system depressants e.g. narcotics, barbiturates, etc. can frequently produce a deep sleep accompanied by loud snoring
Snoring is not an indicator of consciousness.
It indicates only that a person is breathing. Individuals who are intoxicated or who exhibit very loud or disrupted snoring must be closely monitored and awakened frequently in order to determine if their state of sobriety is improving over time.
Alcohol withdrawal syndrome AWS is characterized by physical and mental symptoms that can occur after a person discontinuous consuming high doses of alcohol.
Symptoms of AWS may appear within 6 to 12 hours after a persons last consumption of alcohol. AWS more commonly affects those with a history of alcoholism and or those who have experienced problems with alcohol withdrawal in the past.
Is important to determining the last consumption of alcohol in assessing the onset of AWS 
Mild symptoms
– Tremors
– anxiety
- Sleep disturbance
- Sweating
- over responsive reflexes
- nausea/vomiting
Mild symptoms can occur within 24 hours after discontinuance it should subsided within 48 hours
Moderate symptoms
– Intensified mild symptoms
– rapid breathing
– racing heart rate
– education
Moderate symptoms can occur within 24 to 36 hours after discontinuance it should subside within 48 hours
Severe symptoms
– Severely intensified mild and or moderate symptoms
– hallucinations
– seizures
– disorientation
– abnormally high fever
Severe symptoms get occur within 48 hours after discontinuance and/or after a decrease in consumption of alcohol aching cause a persons condition to deteriorate to a very serious condition known as delirium tremens (DT’s) .
Symptoms of DTs usually occur 48 hours to 72 hours after discontinuance and include:
– profoundly intensified mild, moderate, and/or severe symptoms.
If left untreated, DTs could result in death.
– The time frames for the onset of AWS symptoms have been generalized. Symptoms occurring outside of the time frames (before and after) must still be considered e.g. seizures me present between 12 to 60 hours after a person/consumption of alcohol.
A diabetic suffering reaction from low blood sugar will exhibit behavior normally apparent in an intoxicated person such as
Confusion, unsteadiness, profuse perspiration, or other unusual behavior.
In such cases, a diabetic shall be given a soft drink containing sugar, sweetened orange juice, chocolate bar or candy containing sugar. After consuming the item, the diabetic must be immediately transported to the nearest hospital
Positional asphyxia
Member should be aware that certain restraint positionS might compromise heart and lung functions increasing the risk of death. Unless circumstances make it possible, persons should be restrained in a sitting position while being closely watched. Use of the sitting position permits easier breathing in cardiac function, while affording good positional control over the individual.
Excited delirium is a condition that can be caused by drug or alcohol intoxication, psychiatric illness or a combination of both. Symptoms displayed by individuals suffering from this condition may include any combination of
– Abnormal tolerance to pain
– abnormal tolerance to pepper spray
– unexpected physical strength
– violence towards others
– Shelley
– sweating, fever, heat intolerance
– sudden calm after frenzied activity
– bizarre or aggressive behavior
– Impaired thinking
– disorientation
– Acute onset of paranoia
– hallucinations
– panic
Individuals exhibiting the symptoms of excited delirium must always be treated as suffering from a medical emergency and one secured, be transported to hospital for examination. Do you live because of their inclination to violence in extreme exertion, individuals Exhibiting the symptoms of excited delirium are often restrained for their own protection and the protection of others.
Members shall not inject any medication into a prisoner and under no circumstances shall a medication container be given to the prisoner
Requests for injectable insulin, transition related hormones and similar medications require treatment by physician.
A person taken into custody has in their possession an Epinephrine auto injector, which has been prescribed for them, and experiences a severe allergic reaction, they shall be immediately provided with their epinephrine auto injector to self administer
Where a person is unable to self administer the auto injector, member shall administer it to them in accordance with the instructions on the device and/or first aid training
The person shall be transported to the hospital by Toronto paramedic services immediately following the injection.
Any member accidentally injected with Epinephrine Not prescribed for them, shall be immediately transported to the hospital
If prescription medication is in pill form,
The prisoner may be handed the appropriate dosage in compliance with this procedure
Methadone is a synthetic opioid used as a replacement therapy for narcotic addiction
Treatment is obtained only by prescription and the prescribe dosage varies between individuals. The short – term 24 to 36 hours effects of abstinence from methadone by a patient are not life – threading, although the patient may show signs of anxiety
Individuals who bring a prescribed dosage of liquid methadone with them into custody (called a Carry) Shall not be given the medication. The risk of in adulterated sample being brought into custody presents too great a health danger to allow such dosages to be consumed by prisoners.
Pregnant persons who require methadone treatment Should be treated at hospital regardless of the dispensed form of methadone. The officer in charge should make arrangements where possible for the issue of a prescription by the originating physician.
Methadone clearly labeled and sealed will be
Refrigerated and returned to the prisoner upon released from custody
Male Young persons/prisoners will be
Held at 14 division
Female young persons/prisoner will be
Held at 23 Division
Accused young persons must be fingerprinted and photographed prior to be lodged at any lock up for young persons.
Court services will transport young persons for this purpose and will determine, on a case by case basis, which adult central lock up will be used for this function
The Toronto Police service recognizes the charter of rights and freedoms violation arising from the videotaping of individuals in custody using the toilet facilities
And has adopted the use of privacy shields
If a person declines the use of a privacy shield
The booker or accompanying officer shall make a notation in there memo book
When did I am the issuance of a privacy shield the officer/Booker shall
– Consult with the officer in charge
– advise the person of the reason for not issuing the privacy shield
– make a notation in there memo book including the justification
The issuance of a privacy shield may be denied for safety reasons if it can be proven that there are specific overriding safety concerns that cannot be resolved.
The chief of police has designated all police officers holding the rank of
Sgt/Det., or a higher rank as an officer in charge
Police officers who are required to testify as an officer in charge must state in their evidence that they have been designated by
The chief of police.
A letter of the services letterhead indicating such authorization is available at all court offices it must be produced when requested in court.
When a person under arrest is being released unconditionally at the station
The officer in charge shall be the releasing officer. In all other circumstances, the arresting officer shall release the person when appropriate to do so
When releasing a person on a form 9 or a form 10
Ensure they have been served with the T.P.S 493
When releasing a person shall make every effort to ensure the safety of that person given
The age, gender or condition of the person and the time and location of release
When releasing and accused from the station on sexual assault, Criminal harassment, or a intimate partner violence – related charge shall be
– The victim is immediately notified of all release conditions and the next court date of the accused 
– The victim is advised to engage in a safety plan into contact victim services for safety planning information
– the victim is advised to contact the ministry of the Attorney General’s victim/witness assistance program VWAP
– T.P.S 483 is completed
– notations of the date, time, person contacted in other details including theAttempts made to notify the victim are added as a supp, notes in memo book
– A copy of the release documents in a TPS483 or retained electronically in the designated folder on the divisions Shared drive
The T.P.S 483 in the original copy of the release documents are forwarded to the Det. Sergeant 
In regards to releases the detective sergeant Shall
Upon receipt of the release documents and completed T.P.S 483 from the officer in charge shall
– Review the completed documents
– ensure the original documents are forwarded to the appropriate case manager
Bail hearings and detention orders
The detailed instructions to the crown attorney opposing bail or recommending conditions for releases are contained in a show cause brief. It is through this brief that the crown is made aware of all aspects of the case so that proper representation can be made at the bell hearing concerning the release conditions or they continue detention of an individual.
The focus of police efforts for the purposes of Bail hearings and detention orders must be
The safety of the victim and the protection of the general public. Where a detention order cannot be justified, appropriate conditions must be sought to govern the behavior of an accused and protect the victim, witness in the community.
Bail opposition shall be considered whenever the safety of the victim, the victims dependents , or the public is believed to be at risk because of the actions of the accused person or because the nature of the crime demands it
The final decision to recommend the opposition of bail is the responsibility of the officer in charge. It all circumstances, the crown attorney shall be provided with detailed reasons supporting the continued detention of the accused person.
Case manager if an accused person is presently before the courts the case manager shall notify the unit manager managing the outstanding charge of the new arrest, court date and location if the accused person is currently before the courts in another jurisdiction, notify the agency managing the case via CPIC
The case manager should request an adjournment to the Bail hearing when there are unfinished aspects of an investigation pertaining to bail in indicate the approximate time required to complete the investigation. A justice may adjourn these proceedings for a maximum of three clear days unless the accused persons consents to a lengthier adjournment.
The unit commander, Detective Sergeant or the officer in charge can
Give permission to attend the bail hearing for serious offenses or at the request of the crown and to coordinate any witnesses being called
Organized crime enforcement - Bail & Parole
Bail and Parole is the only police facility to be designated for the purpose of having an accused person report to police. This unit is open between 9 AM and 9 PM Monday to Friday, except for statutory holidays.
The victim is informed of the right to attend the bail hearing and consideration is given to calling the victim
To testify at the bail hearing to present evidence with appropriate
Bail conditions
Shall be communicated personally to the victim as closest possible to the time Bill is granted and not delayed until the time the accused person is actually released. It is not sufficient to simply leave a message or a letter outlining the release conditions at the victim’s address. The conditions contained on the release documents shall be reported to the victim. However, Actual copies of the release documents or not to be given to the victim by the police.
When an accused person has been arrested while on an interim release – shall commence the revocation of bail process when the original offense is one of the following
– Murder or attempt murder
– any form of assault including intimate partner or sexual
– robbery you
– extortion
– threatening
– Weapons offenses
– criminal harassment or intimidations
– mischief to property where there is an attempt to intimidate
– any criminal organization or gag related activity
– drug trafficking including possession for the purpose of trafficking
* may commence the revocation of bail process for all other offenses or when the offense is one listed above, but where the only condition breached is “to attend court as required”.
Detective sergeant
Will always ensure the original documents are forwarded to the appropriate case manager
Officer in charge
Upon receipt of a license, registration certificate, authorization or other document enabling the acquisition or possession of a firearm or weapon or travel documents, including the passport from the accused person surrendering these items as part of bail conditions shall
*Notify the case manager that the accused person has complied with the applicable bail conditions.
Arrest warrants
Anyone who, on reasonable grounds, believes that a person has committed an offense may lay an information in writing and under oath before a Justice.
If the justice considers that a case for doing so is made out, the justice will issue either a summons or a warrant for the arrest of the accused to compel the accused to attend before a Justice for the territorial division to answer to the charge
Types of arrest warrants
A warrant to arrest is a written order signed by a judge, justice of the peace, or coroner, which directs peace officers within the territorial jurisdiction to apprehend the person named or described therein.
The “public interest” may include
– The accused has flood do you like
– the accused is evading capture
– danger to the public
– danger to the victim and/or witness
– nature and/or seriousness of the offense
– all attempts to locate the suspect have been exhausted
Persons arrested on a warrant in the first must be presented to the court for a bail hearing Unless the word was endorsed by the issuing justice authorizing the release of the arrested person by an officer in charge. The officer in charge retains the discretion to release with the warrant is endorsed
A warrant of committal may be used by the court upon the conviction of an accused for an offense. It directs police officers to arrest the named/described individual and generally, in default of payment of monetary penalty set by the court, deserve a period of time in jail.
Warrants of committal also include warrants issued for criminal convictions, small claims court words, federal/provincial parole violations, immigration and refugee protection act in provincial matters such as the Family Responsibility Act, The trespass to property act, safe streets act, and the highway traffic act. Persons arrested solely on words of committal are not to be brought before the court. They are to be processed according to the instructions contained within the body of the warrant.
A bench warrant is an arrest warrant in Form 7 issued by a justice having jurisdiction when it accused has failed to attend Court
– When directed by summons, appearance notice, promise to appear, recognizance entered before an officer in charge, judicial interim release or
– when directed by the court to return a subsequent date
When a person is arrested pursuant to the Superior Court bench warrant, the court services unit at Superior Court shall be advised forth with by telephone and email regarding the following information
– name of the accused newly
- Date of birth
– charge
– date of issue of the bench words
In the case of a bench warrant issued for drug charges, the person must be taken to old city hall courts for a show cause hearing.
Bench warrant – fail to appear or additional charge being laid
If a fail to appear or additional charge is laid in relation to the execution of a bench warrant issued by the superior Court of Justice, the new charge will be heard in the Ontario court of justice. However, the individual must appear at the superior Court of the bench warrant before any other court appearance for new or additional chargers.
In circumstances where The Superior Court is not sitting, a reman to the next city date of the Superior Court Shelby site at the bail hearing.
In the case of a person appearing on Toronto police service charges but it’s also wanted on a warrant held by another jurisdiction, A T.P.S 178 shall be completed and given to a court officer at the Superior Court.
Members shall make a prominent notation or the confidential Crown envelope to ensure that the person is not released until appearances have been made in both courts.
When a search warrant has been executed, the officer completing the 5.2 and attending a report to justice hearing may include:
– affiant of the search warrant
– case manager
– exhibit officer
– seizing officer
In all instances where property, including cash, is seized as proceeds of crime or offense – related property, officers shall contact the
Organized crime enforcement – Finacial Crimes – asset forfeiture as soon as possible
In circumstances where it is necessary to detain property beyond one year, and application for continued detention shall be made before a superior court justice.
Search applications will be made through the office of the Crowns attorney.
If a justice refuses to sign a 5.2 or recognize the common informant status shall
– Request that the reason be given on record
– notify the case manager by email of the refusal and request that the seizing officer attend in person
– complete a T.P.S 649 outlining the circumstances and submit to the unit commander through the next level Supervisor
Death investigations
Supervisory officer attendance mandatory for
– Suicide, possible sudden death, unnatural sudden death, suspicious death or suspected Homicide
– sudden unexpected death, apparent suicide, accident where the only witness at the time of death or the finding of the body is an intimate Partner, past or present.
Death investigations
divisional Det. attendance mandatory for
– Death of a child under five
– an unexpected death of a child
– unnatural sudden-death
– sudden unexpected death, apparent suicide or accident were the only witness or person present at the time of death or the finding of the body is an intimate partner, past or present
Death investigations
Supervisory officer notification mandatory for
– Attempt suicide
– unable to confirm/establish identity of the deceased person
–unable to determine next of kin
– unable to notify the next of kin in person
– request by another police service to notify the next of kin
No person, except a qualified medical practitioner, has the authority to pronounce a person dead. The only exceptions are
– Death appears obvious due to decomposition, decapitation transaction, gross Rigamortus, gross outpouring of cranial or visceral contents, or a grossly chard body
– A base hospital physician has declared death through consultation with an on scene paramedic.
When investigating a sudden death in the emergency department of a hospital shall ensure,
As part of the investigation the hospital staff and other caregivers have not intentionally interfered with or altered the body in such a way as to compromise the evidence of the investigation
A SOCO shall not be assigned to death investigations involving
The sudden, unexpected death of a child
The death of a child under five years of age
A suspicious death or suspected Homicide
When a death occurs on TTC property, and FIS investigator or a SOCO (with approval from FIS) will photograph the scene
Request FIS to fingerprint and photograph the deceased if
– Any outstanding criminal warrants exist
– an active criminal record is found
– the identification of the deceased is in question
When investigating a death resulting from a scuba diving accident shall
Request attendance of the marine unit
A finding of drowning is rarely based on definitive autopsy findings.
Information from the initial responder is therefore often critical in these cases in determining the cause and manner of death
When responding to a rail – related attempt suicide or death on TTC property shall
– Ensure the electrical power is turned off before approaching the track level
– make every effort to restore subway service as soon as practicable
– – – undo subway delays caused safety concerns and a tremendous inconvenience to the TTC and the public
What investigating an attempt suicide/suicide by aparent gas poisoning
The TFS, local utilities, and the ministry of the environment are equipped to remove such hazards as natural gas, carbon monoxide etc.
Consider the notification in attendance of Emergency Management & public order – explosive disposal unit (EDU)
When investigating a death attributed to consumer products shall notify
Health Canada, consumer product safety.
Consumer products may include such things as children’s play things and equipment, flammable items, sports equipment, household and garden items, dangerous household chemical products, and Charcoal products
Items such as illicit drugs or drug related paraphernalia
These items create a high risk situation for all involved and should never accompany the body sent for post Mortem examination, except in cases of homicides and criminally – suspicious deaths.
True or false
Bodies should always be transported and stored in the supine (face up) positions pending post Mortem examination to avoid introducing artifacts which may obscure post Mortem findings
The first supervisory officer shall be responsible for the quality and thoroughness of the uniform response.
Shall ensure the attendance of
– A divisional Det.
– Coroner
- FIS investigator
The detective will confer with the attending coroner and obtain a copy of the coroners warrant
It is imperative that the corner is provided with a contact number of the assigned investigator in the event that additional information is required from the service prior to the autopsy be conducted
Missing person is a person where both the following circumstances exist with respect to the person:
– The person has not been in contact with people who would likely be in contact with the person, or
– it is reasonable in the circumstances to fear for the person safety because of the circumstances surrounding the persons absence or because of any other prescribed considerations.
A member of a police force is unable to locate the person after making reasonable efforts to do so. When someone is reported as missing or lost to the service, a full missing person report shall be taken in all instances and completed in accordance with this procedure.
The national missing person DNA program
Is designed to be utilized as an additional resource with ongoing missing person investigation. The national missing persons DNA program is a joint effort of the national Center for missing persons and unidentified remains in the national DNA Data bank
Divisional unit commanders shall ensure that a list of local resources is created and maintained to assist personnel assigned to missing person searches. Information may include, but is not limited to the listings for
– Community centers, pools, Arena‘s, libraries
– churches
– shopping malls
– transportation facilities i.e. bus terminals, train stations, etc.
– hotels/motels
– hostels and withdrawal management centers formally known as Detoxification Centers
– social service Agencies and drop in centers
– hospitals
– private security agencies operating in the division
The activation of an amber alert shall be considered it all missing children investigations, and major case management shall be implemented in all cases involving amber alert activation.
Before an amber alert is initiated, the following Guidelines must be met
– The investigator believe the child is under 18 years of age and has been abducted
– the investigator believe the child is in danger
– there is descriptive information about one or more of the following
– child
– abductor
– vehicle
To believe an immediate broadcast will help in locating the Child.
When a person has been reported missing to the service, officers shall utilize the missing person phone – in process by contacting our RMS – OPS via telephone to generate the required missing person ereport. This process will simplify data entry requirements for officers, and ensure the missing person is entered onto CPIC immediately.
It all instances:
– a missing person report shall be completed,
– the persons information shall be entered onto CPIC as Missing, and
- An investigation shall be commenced.
*Under no circumstances will the report of a missing person be entered as an incident.
Missing person (A)
– reportee is situated in the city of Toronto
– missing person is a resident of the city of Toronto
The Division receiving the report of a missing person shall
– conduct the initial investigation
– complete the applicable report
– if the Division receiving the report for the missing person is not the division where the missing person resides, immediately
– provide the report number to the officer in charge of the division with a missing person besides
– record the name, rank and badge number of the officer in charge contacted in the report
The division where the missing Person resides shall conduct a follow up investigation.
Missing person (B)
– reportee is situated in the city of Toronto
– missing person is not a resident of the city of Toronto
– area the person is missing from is known
The division receiving the report of a missing person shall
– conduct the initial investigation
– complete the applicable report
– if the Division receiving the report for the missing person is not the division responsible for the area from which the person is missing, immediately
– provide the report number to the officer in charge of the division responsible for the area from which the person is missing
– Record the name, rank and badge number of the officer in charge contacted in the report
Division responsible for the area where the person is missing from Shall conduct a follow – up investigation
Missing person (C)
– reportee is situated in the city of Toronto
– missing person is not a resident of the city of Toronto
– area of the person is missing from is unknown
The division receiving the report of a missing person shall
– conducting initial investigation
– complete the applicable report
– conduct a follow up investigation
– add any new information in the original report until the missing person is located or further information is received concerning the whereabouts of The missing person that identifies an area where the person may be located or was missing from
– if further information is received about the area from which the person is missing, provide the report number to the officer in charge of the division responsible for the area for the follow up investigation
Missing person D
– reportee is situated outside the city of Toronto
– missing person is a resident of the city of Toronto
The unit receiving a report of a missing person shall transfer the report T to the division where the missing person resides.
The division where the missing person resides shall
– advise the reportee that a member of the police service having jurisdiction where the reporte is currently situated will attend to speak with them
Generate a CPIC message to the local police service requesting,
– An officer from the local police service attend and speak with the reportee
– the name, rank, badge number, and contact information of the officer from the local police service who is attending to conduct the initial investigation, be forwarded by CPIC message to the T.P.S Division the investigation
– All information obtained during the initial investigation will be forwarded by facsimile to the T.P.S division conducting investigation
Complete the applicable reports, including the results of the investigation conducted by the local police service.
The division where the missing person reside shop conduct a follow up investigation
Missing person (E)
– reportee is situated outside the city of Toronto
– missing person is not a resident of the city of Toronto
– Area the person is missing from his known
The unit receiving a report of a missing person shall transfer the reportee to the Division responsible for the area from which the person is missing
The division responsible for the area from which the person is missing shall
– advise the report he that a member of the police service having jurisdiction where the reports he is currently situated will attend to speak with them
– generate a CPIC message to the local police service requesting,
An officer From the local police service attend and speak with the reportee
The name, Rank, badge number, and contact information of the officer for the local Service who is attending to conduct the initial investigation, be forwarded by CPAC message to the T.P.S division conducting the investigation
All information obtained during the initial investigation be forwarded by facsimile to the T.P.S division conducting the investigation complete the applicable report, including the results of the investigation conducted by the local police service
Missing person F
– reportee is situated outside the city of Toronto
– missing person is not a resident of the city of Toronto
– area the person is missing from is unknown
The unit receiving a report of a missing person shall transfer the report he to the Toronto Police Operation Center, TPOC
The TPOC shall
– speak with the report he over the telephone in an attempt to identify an area from which the person is missing
– If the area is identified transfer the reportee to the division responsible for that area
– If the area is not identified, the officer in charge – TPOC shall assign the investigation to the most appropriate division and ensure the reportee is transferred to that division
If a missing person is under 16 years of age and circumstances warrant, the police officer shall advise the parent, guardian or the approved agency that has custody of the child that they may apply to each justice of the peace (Ontario court of justice, family division) Or an apprehension warrant under the child, youth and family services Act
When in receipt of a child apprehension warrant, officers shall scan and attach the warrant to the original report and notify RMS – OPS to ensure the warrant is entered onto TPOC
Officer in charge
Upon being advised of a missing person under 16 years of age Shall…..
Escalate the search level from a level two to a level three. The school principal is contacted as soon as practicable 
Officer in charge– Missing persons
In a level 2 search the officer in charge will notify the unit commander (if available) and the duty inspector via Tpoc in a level 3 search the officer in charge will notify the Unit commander And the duty inspector, via Tpoc
The OIC is always responsible in ensuring that the particulars are recorded in the unit commanders morning report the UCMR
Missing persons
The duty inspector is responsible for
ensuring that sufficient resources are made available, and that the applicable deputy chief of police is advised and determined, after consultation, whether to escalate or de-escalate physical surgery operations.
Missing persons
During a level three search the ________________ will appoint an incident commander from the division
Duty inspector
Limitations on regulated interactions
A police officer shall not attempt to collect identifying information about an individual from an individual if;
– the police officer is seeking a particular individual
– being within the racialized group form as part of the description of the particular individual or is evident from a visual Representation of the particular individual, and
– the police officer has additional information, in addition to information about the particular individual being in a racialized group, that may help to identify the individual or Narrow the description of the individual;
Additional information may include, but is not limited to the following:
– The appearance of the individual, including clothing, height, weight, eyecolor, hair color, hairstyle;
– the location where the individual might be found
– the type of vehicle do individual might be found in;
– the associates the individual might be found with; or
– the behavior of the individual
However, additional information may not consist only of the sex of the individual, approximate age of both
– the attempted collection is done in an arbitrary way.
Limitations on regulated interactions
A regulated interaction is done in an arbitrary way unless the police officer has a reason that they can articulate the complies with all of the following
*The reason includes details about the individual that cause the police officer to reasonably suspect that identifying the individual may contribute to or assist with
– Inquiring into offenses that have been or might be committed; and/or
– inquiry into suspicious activities to detect offenses; and/or
– gathering information for intelligence purposes
The reason does not include either of the following:
– that the individual has declined to answer a question from the police officer which the individual is not legally required to answer; or
– that the individual has attempted or is attempting to discontinue interaction with the police officer and circumstances in which the individual as a legal right to do so
The reason is not only that the individual is present in a high crime location
Death in police custody
In accordance with a special investigations unit act, the special investigations unit mandate is invoked whenever and in custody death occurs.
Members are to preserve the scene, prevent contamination or deterioration of evidence, notify the Chiefs SIU On- call designated authority and ensure the SIU protocol is adhered too
Police officer
Upon becoming aware of a death in police custody shall
– Protect the scene in all evidence
– immediately request the attendance of a supervisory officer
– notify the officer in charge
Police officer – detective operations – forensics identification services FIS
When attending the scene of a death in police custody shall
Await the arrival of SIU forensic investigator before commencing with evidence collection.
The SIU and FIS run parallel forensic investigations when there is a death in police custody
Death in police custody
Supervisory officer – where notified of a death in police custody shall
– Attend immediately and take charge of the scene
– request the attendance of
An investigator from Homicide
Investigator from FIS
The corner
* Ensure the officer in charge has been notified and notify the officer in charge – Toronto Police Operation Center, TPOC
Death in police custody
Officer in charge when notified of a death in police custody shall
Ensure the attendance of
– an investigator from Homicide
– investigator from FIS
– the corner
Ensure the officer in charge – Tpoc is notified
Notify the unit commander
As a supervisory officer when assigning officers to community patrol activities shall
– Promote an implement crime management initiatives to respond to identified crime, public disorder and road safety problems, including repeat calls for service and repeat victimization
– use crime analysis for identifying areas or issues requiring directed patrol, targeted enforcement, problem oriented policing, or community-based crime prevention initiatives
– we are possible, work with municipalities, school boards, businesses, community Organizations and members of the public to address crime, public disorder in road safety problems
– encourage obviously is to document the intelligence information of Crimes, active criminals a disorder issues in the applicable reports
– ensure patrol officers are provided with relevant information in order to undertake the type of activity to which they have been assigned
– ensure appropriate measurements of each activity recorded by each officer assigned
– ensure the use of directed patrol, targeted enforcement And other initiatives to respond to high crime or high occurrence locations and serial occurrences
– notify the officer in charge when crime management initiatives are utilized
– Ensure both local and service – wide crime prevention initiatives are brought to the attention of all relevant members
– encourage officers to provide crime prevention information or referral to the community whenever possible during the course of duty
Divisional Detective Sgt
When assigned to the management of investigators shall ensure;
– Where practical, A debriefing of persons in custody takes place
– The debriefing is conducted a part from any other investigative interview
– Any positive result is recorded in the memo book and submitted it already to the divisional crime manager
– the information source is identified by the arrest number
– persons seeking informant status are handled in compliance with procedure 04–05
– persons wishing to provide a statement are informed that they may be called as a witness and subsequent proceedings
Information received from the debriefing process may be subject to disclosure
There are four key steps in establishing the crime management process at the divisional level. The purpose is to ensure a high level of integration, coordination and focus of divisional resources:
1) Long term strategic planning and evaluation to set direction for the division
2) Short term/daily tactical planning and evaluation to adjust and react as required
3) Integrated role for divisional CPLC’s
4) Targeted debriefing of all prisoners
The duties of a police officer are set out in subsection 42(1) of the police services act. These are
A) Preserving the peace
B) Preventing crimes and other offenses and providing assistance and encouragement to the other persons in their prevention
C) Assisting victims of crime
D) Apprehending criminals and other offenders and others who may lawfully be taken into custody
E) Laying charges and participating in prosecutions
F) Executing warrants that are to be executed by police officers and performing related duties
G) Performing lawful duties that the chief of police assigns
H) Enforcing municipal bylaws
Source management – confidential source
Policing is moving towards more intelligence led strategies, while at the same time making efficient use of limited resources. Sources/informants have a legitimate place in law-enforcement, and it has long been recognized that they are one of the most cost effective means of obtaining information.
Professional and ethical management of sources is paramount in maintaining public confidence in the Toronto Police service. The proper management of sources is a key component to risk management.
A supervisory officer notification is mandatory in relation to source management-confidential source when
– Considering whether to establish a relationship with a source
– prior to any meeting with a source
– after any communication or meeting with a source
– upon becoming aware that the safety of a source may have been compromised
In relation to source management – confidential source
Covert operations – source management notification mandatory when
- prior to using any source information obtained from a person who is a first time source
– prior to using any source information obtained from a source, under 18 years of age
All officers shall consider the following primary concerns when establishing a relationship with a source:
– public safety
– officer safety
– safety of the source
– the administration of justice
– the integrity of the service
– corporate liability
If the source request advice regarding taxation for money Received from the service,
They shall be advised that Finacial awards from the service are considered taxable income, however since the source is not a Service employee, T4 slips will not be issued
Caution shall be used with dealing with sources who are:
- facing criminal charges
– subject to any stage of an immigration inquiry - subject to a parole or probation order

Confidentialities commences immediately after the first officer undertakes that the information provided will be kept confidential,
Whether or not the source is later formally registered with CO – SMS
It is mandatory for CO – SMS to be notified in the following instances:
– First time confidential source
– prior to acting on any source information obtained from a person who is a first time source, the handler shall notify and consult with a member of CO – SMS
– source under 18 years of age
– any source information obtained from a source, under 18 years of age, shall not be action until the handler has consulted with a member of CO – SMS and received Documented authorization that states that the information can be actioned
A police officer when communicating with a source shall not
Use a source as an agent without prior approval of the unit commander – INT
Police officer Shall notify a supervisory officer within 24 hours of a scheduled meeting providing
 Supervisory officer with date, time, location and secondary officers name and badge
Hand written reports shall not be accepted by CO – SMS and shall be returned to
The officers unit commander for action 
When multiple communications or meetings occur within the same tour of duty, all incidents may be recorded on a single T.P.S 276 or T.P.S 277. 
A single notification to the supervisory officer is sufficient
Upon becoming aware that the safety of a source may have been compromised as a result of the sources identity having been revealed Shall
– Ensure the safety of the source
– immediately notify a supervisory officer
– immediately notify the controller, detailing the circumstances, the potential risk to the source, and the effect on the related investigation
As a sgt, When notified by an officer that the safety of a source may have been compromised as a result of the sources identity having been revealed shall
– Ensure that the controller and the unit commander are notified Forthwith
– notify the Det. Sergeant
Det. Sgt
When a source is used shall ensure that the officer in the supervisory officer comply with all the requirements and ensure reports are submitted and accurately completed as well as Submit to the unit commander forthwith
With notified by the supervisory officer that a safety of a source may have been compromised challenge of the controller than Unit Commander notified forthwith
Preliminary homicide investigation
The prompt inappropriate actions of the first officers on scene during the initial stages of suspicious death and Homicide investigations will assist in achieving a quick resolution to the investigation and contribute to a successful prosecution.
Det. operations – Homicide and missing persons unit shall
– Lead the investigation of all Homicides within the city of Toronto
– read the investigation of all criminal acts which result in serious bodily harm or life-threatening injury to a police officer while on duty
– support field officers with the investigation of suspicious deaths
– lead the investigation of deaths in police custody that are not related to the discharge of a service firearm
– provide investigative support to the coroner in the investigation of deaths in police
These investigations will be conducted in accordance with the interior major case management manual.
Officers are reminded to remain vigilant for the possibility of foul play in every circumstance where there is
– A sudden, unexpected death and
– present at the time of death or the finding of a body, a partner, and particularly a partner with whom the deceased had or may have had an intimate relationship, recent or remote
Sudden unexpected death of a child
Under 18 years of age shall be treated as suspicious and a member of the on-call team – homicide squad shall be consulted by the attending division of Det.
The CYAC, a sub – unit of detective operations – sex crimes, Shall be notified when investigating a sudden unexpected death of a child under the age of 16 in any division citywide.
Pediatric death review committee is composed of two sections:
– PDRC – child welfare
– PDRC – medical
PDRC – child welfare must review all cases of deaths involving children and youth when the child, the youth or their family was receiving, or had received, the services of CAS or indigenous child wellbeing society within 12 months of the death.
The PDRC – child welfare panel includes police officers, Crown attorneys, senior staff from the office of the chief Coroner and representatives from the child welfare organizations across the province in his chair by the regional chief corner of the province of Ontario.
PDRC – medical reviews the deaths of children where issues or concerns pertaining to the medical diagnosis or provision of care have been identified. These cases are done on a discretionary basis and are referred by the relevant regional supervising Coroner. The PDRC – medical panel includes pediatric experts, forensic pathologist, senior staff from the office of the chief Coroner it is also chaired by the regional chief Coroner for the province of Ontario.
Identification of the deceased
The investigator heading the investigation or a police officer designated by the investigator shall attend the morgue and be physically present when a deceased is identified under the following circumstances
– Homicide, suspected homicide or other related criminal offenses
– cases where the investigating officer has requested the presence of another officer
– cases where an inquest has been or is likely to be called,
– the coroner believes it is necessary due to the nature of the case, or the condition of the person doing the identification
Major case management – Det. operations – Homicide a missing persons
Arrival at scene of a suspicious death or suspected homicide
An officer from Det. operations – Homicide missing persons shall take charge and designate a primary investigator if necessary
Unless deemed inappropriate, notification shall be made by the investigating officer from the Homicide squad.
When it is necessary for a divisional officer to do so, notification of next of kin should be made by a supervisory officer in lieu of a constable, when possible.
Decisions regarding the safe placement of surviving siblings or other children who may be at risk or time sensitive.
Collaborative information sharing facilitates timely decisions that will safeguard children who may potentially be at risk, while preserving the integrity of the criminal investigation.
Hold up squad will take the lead and provide coordination throughout the service for all robberies within their mandate. These include all robberies involving;
Financial institutions
Armored cars
Retail businesses
Home invasions committed with firearms or offensive weapons,
Money deposits
Carjackings committed with firearms or offensive weapons
When not designated as a primary responder or back up shall
Not attend the scene until requested by the first to responding officers, a supervisory officer or the communication operator
True or false
When traveling to the scene of a robbery you shall activate the in car camera system
True or false
After verifying that the holdup has occurred and the suspect has left the scene shall notify the communications operator by telephone and maintain an open line
If bait money was given to the suspect
Send the serial numbers of the bills in the original report number by e-mail to the prime handle, requesting they be entered onto CPIC
Intimate partner violence –
The goal of the service is to:
– Reduce the incidence of intimate partner violence and Homicide in the community through education and enforcement
– thoroughly investigate all intimate partner violence and intimate partner incidents, and bring offenders to justice wherever possible
– enhance the safety of victims to prompt action including referrals to other community partners, and
– build effective partnerships with community support Agencies to ensure a victim focused response
Intimate partner violence
Divisional investigative office mandatory notification where
Reasonable grounds exist and the suspect has left the scene
True or false
Intimate partner violence in intimate partner incident calls for service shall be treated with the same priority as other life-threatening calls
The safety of the victim and dependence requires prompt and efficient response to all calls and the service shall respond even with the original call for service is canceled
Charges shall be lead in all cases were reasonable grounds exist, and the decision to lead charges or not be influenced by factors such as:
– Marital status of the parties
– disposition of previous calls for police service
– victims and willingness to attend court
– likelihood of obtaining a conviction
– denials of violence despite contrary evidence
– fear of reprisal from the accused
– Occupation of the victim/accused
– immigration status of the parties
When a criminal offense has been committed and no charges laid e.g., offenders deceased, offender has diplomatic immunity, offender is in foreign country, etc. after shell document the incident, that number, and the reasons for no arrest/charge in the report.
Intimate partner violence investigators shall take the lead role in all intimate partner violence investigations except the following circumstances where colon
– The incident involves an allegation of a sexual assault, the IPVI shall be designated as a lead investigator but shall work in consultation with an accredited sexual assault investigator
– the incident involves death, the investigation shall be assigned to Det.‘s operations – Homicide is missing persons unit
– cases involving criteria offenses is defined as a Ontario major case The investigation shall be assigned to the accredit major case manager
– the Incident involves a young person IPVI shall be designated as the lead investigator but shall work in consultation with the officer assigned to youth investigations
Professional standers is designated as a service liaison with other police services regarding service member – involved intimate partner violence occurrences outside the city of Toronto, it shall be responsible for
Submitted the T.P.S 901
Occurrences of service member – involved intimate partner violence outside of Canada shall be treated as allegations of
Discreditable conduct 
If the victim requires or request medical attention, offered to take the victim to a sexual assault/domestic violence care Center,
SA/DVCCS are located,
Women’s college hospital in the Scarborough Hospital
Women’s college hospital SA/DVCC is open 24 hours/7 days per week. Patients can access services at WCH or at one of their seven mobile emergency department sites they are:
Mount Sinai
Toronto General Hospital
Toronto Western Hospital
Michael Garin hospital
St Joseph’s healthcare Center,
Sunnybrook health sciences Center,
Saint Michael Hospital
True or false
There is no longer an emergency department at Womens College Hospital.
A child in need of protection when the child has suffered:
Emotional harm
Demonstrated by serious anxiety
Self-destructive or aggressive behavior
Developmentally delayed
And there are reasonable grounds to believe that the emotional harm suffered by the child results from the actions, failure to act or pattern of neglect on the part of the child’s parents or the person have in charge of the child.
Multi lingual community interpreter services will provide free interpretation services to the service during the investigation of all sexual, intimate partner violence and human trafficking related occurrences irrespective of the age of the victim or the suspect/accused.
NCIS interpreters will provide their services to all involved parties, including the accused up until the time that a formal charge has been laid.
For Non- urgent matters involving child/youth include the following information in the eReport.
– Demographic
– incident details
– outcome ODARA
– determining if family is Catholic
– ensure email is sent to the appropriate agency
Please restrict your advice to the victim about the services, victim services Toronto can provide an refrain from committing to what they will provide.
The decision remains with victim services Toronto
In high risk cases, consider placing both the victim and the accused in the CPIC special interest to police category by submitting a completed T.P.S 227 according to the instructions on the form
The SAP category exists in CPIC to capture a wide range of information, including persons who are dangerous to themselves or others including, but not restricted to intimate partner violence situation’s. All SAP entries must include the specific reason e.g. dangerous person – intimate partner violence and should contain a caution for family violence
The firearms act indicates the types of offenses/incidents which justify a FIP. The FIP database in CPIC flags in individual applying for a firearms license.
Such a flag is not an automatic refusal to issue a license, but assists in the initial screening process or a subsequent review of the license file by the chief firearms officer.
Police officer
If unable to notify the offender of the revocation of consent to communicate, complete a T.P.S 227.
The T.P.S 227 will state “revocation of consent to communicate – offender notification required”.
Police officer
Ensure a NOTIFY is sent to the following handles through the direct report injury fourthwith,
Records management services
Bail and Parole
Detective sergeant of the Division assigned to the original report
True or false
The divisional sexual assault investigator, or in their absence, individual investigator shall take charge of the sexual assault investigation without delay in order to conduct a preliminary investigation.
They shall attend the scene, attend where the victim is located or attend any additional location necessary.
The victim shall be afforded privacy and consideration
The CYAC will investigate child sexual and physical abuse cases such as
Physical assaults when the victim is under the age of 16 years and the suspect is a known adult
Sexual offenses with the victim is under the age of 18 years, the suspect is known and the offenses are not within the mandate of the sex investigative office
Investigator – sex crimes
Upon becoming aware of occurrences produced by divisional members that are incomplete or inappropriate in their contact shall notify the unit commander – sex crimes or designate
An officer from sex crime shall be designated the major case manager to undertake the functions and responsibilities directed by the OMCMM
The CYAC is a section of Det. operations – sex crimes.
The CYEC promotes the protection of victims; provides advocacy, treatment and ongoing support
If it is determined by the CYAC team that it is in the best interest of the child, investigations may take place on school premises, without first notifying the parents and in their absence when-
– The abuse is disclosed at school and reported immediately by School personnel to the children’s aid Society
– the abuse is disclosed outside the school and the team wishes to interview the child at school
– the abuse disclosure involves school personnel as an alleged offender
– the Buse disclosure involves another child/student as an alleged offender
– subsequent to the initial investigation, police or child care protection workers need access to the child at school or childcare setting as a continuation of this process
The parents shall be informed of any interview conducted without prior notification as soon as reasonably possible.
The CYAC team shall be responsible for informing the school principal, as soon as practicable, of the following
– When parents have been informed of an interview conducted without their prior notification
– if the investigation is delayed, indicating when the interview is expected to occur
– the appropriate time that school personnel may resume contact with one or both parents
– If the child is placed in the care of CAS
– Whether child protection proceedings will be commenced
– whether a criminal charge will be laid
– the existence in terms of any court orders regarding access or contact with the child
– any other information deemed necessary
Disclosure in regards to child abuse may be made to a child protection agency or worker in circumstances where
The joint protocol of child physical and sexual abuse does not apply
CAS workers are not legally able to disclose whether a suspect has been entered on the provincial child abuse registry. However,
They may disclose the history and patterns that may be relevant to the joint investigation
IfCAS is not in attendance for an interview with a victim during the taking of an electronically recorded statement,
They may be permitted to view the recording at a later time
When CAS request a copy of an electronically recorded statement shall instruct them to obtain
A subpoena or court order
Decisions regarding the safe placement of surviving siblings or other children who may be at risk are time sensitive. Collaborative information sharing facilitates timely decisions that will safeguard children who may potentially be at risk, while preserving the integrity of the criminal investigation.
When investigating an incident where a reasonable belief exists that an individual person, group of persons, or the public is at risk shall consider disclosure of personal information in accordance with the applicable sections.
Disclosure may be made to a child protection agency or worker in circumstances where the joint protocol of child physical and sexual abuse does not apply.
Where an arrest occurs from a joint investigation, in addition to your notification responsibilities to the complainant or victim, shall provide the CAS counterpart with a SCANNED copy of the undertaking to an OIC, recognizance of Bail or probation order which outlines the bail status and conditions. Advise the CAS counterpart to be aware that conditions can be varied at subsequent court appearances.
The only exception to providing a copy to CAS would be in the case of the accused being a young person. That youth record shall not be shared.
Hate/biased crime
The impact of crime motivated by hate or bias is far-reaching; extending beyond the physical and emotional trauma suffered by the victim and encompassing other members of the targeted group. Such crimes often heightened in the isolation invulnerability of the victim group and can cause severe stress for all members of the community. If Unchecked, these crimes can result in escalating social tensions between different groups that can destroy communities.
An appropriate police response to hate/biased crime goes beyond law-enforcement and must convey a strong message of our respect for, and commitment to, a diverse society. The commitment of the Toronto Police service to the community is based upon value in the equality and dignity of every person. 
The investigation of firearm offenses and gun violence is a priority of the Toronto police service
The increased availability of firearms in the potential for the use in criminal offenses, is a significant concern to the community and to the service.
Firearms investigation and analysis unit will act as a liaison with the provincial firearms tracing and enforcement FATE unit on behalf of the Service in all matters relating to the tracing to firearms and will ensure that copies of all trace requests are forwarded to Criminal Intelligence Service Ontario (CISO)-FATE in a timely manner.
Prolonged or multi jurisdictional tracing investigations shall become the responsibility of FEU following consultation with a local investigator.
All firearm trace submissions shall be submitted by FIAU only
When officers from specialized criminal investigations – FIS attend active crime scenes involving firearms, they will seize or receive all firearms, ammunition, casings and projectiles. Members of FIS will turn the seized items over to the laboratory section of FIS for identification, Testing, and examination. The seized items will then be forwarded to the FIAU for further testing, analysis and investigation.
All submissions for testing shall be completed through FIAU. Explosives shall be handled by the explosive disposal unit.
FIS/FIAU technicians have been certified to perform serial number restoration procedures.
Only FIAU you and FIS members, in consultation with the investigating officer, shall determine what form of testing on a firearm is required.
Abuse of the elderly is a growing concern to the Toronto police service due to an increasing senior population and their reliance on caregivers to maintain their independence. Vulnerable adults are also a target for abuse due to an increasing trend encouraging independent community living.
The elderly and vulnerable adults hesitate to report their victimization for a variety of reasons. In conjunction with the community agencies who serve the elderly and vulnerable adults, the service is working to encourage the reporting of abuse and to ensure that all the complaints are fully investigated in a timely manner.
Elder & vulnerable adult abuse
It is the goal of the Toronto Police service to
– Reduce the incidence of abuse of elderly and vulnerable adults through education and enforcement
– investigate all occurrences thoroughly and to bring offenders to Justice whenever possible
– ensure the safety of victims through prompt action including referrals to other community partners
Officers should be alert to the possibility of victims who may have special communication needs in, where necessary, should
Seek assistance from the appropriate community resources through communication services
Elder and vulnerable abuse
Police officer shall
request the attendance of a supervisory officer or, in the absence of a supervisory officer, advise the officer in charge of the circumstances
Four abduction – related offenses are 
Abduction of a person under 16 – non-parental
Abduction of a person under 14 – non-parental
Abduction in contravention of a custody order – parental
Abduction – parental
Before an Amber alert is initiated, the following guidelines must be met,
– The investigator believes a child under 18 years of age has been abducted
– the investigator believes the child is in danger
– there is descriptive information about one or more of the following: child, abductor, vehicle
– to believe an immediate broadcast alert will help in locating the child

Custody disputes may involve allegations of parental child abduction. Where no intent to deprive is established, the matter must be documented and both parents should be referred to Family Court for resolution of the custody dispute.
Should there be grounds to believe there was intent to deprive the custodial parent of the rights to the child and there is no evidence of a custody order in effect, proceedings may only commence with the consent of the Attorney General.
The first police officer to arrive at the scene shall be responsible for
Safety and well-being of victims
Offender management
The preservation of evidence in crime scene
True or false
A scenes of crime officer SOCO shall not be deployed to examine any scene of an aggravated assault and/or attempted homicide without consulting with FIS
Persons in crisis
While it is not the rule of the police officers to diagnose mental health or substance use issues, it is their role to respond appropriately to the behaviors and circumstances they observe.
A person in crisis means a member of the public whose behavior brings them into contact with emergency services, either because of an apparent need for urgent care with in the mental health system, or because they are otherwise experiencing a mental, emotional or substance use crisis involving behavior that is sufficiently erratic, threatening or dangerous that emergency services are called In order to protect the person or those around them. This includes persons who may require an assessment under the MHA.
The Toronto Police service is committed to preserving the lives and well-being of people who may be experiencing mental health and/or substance use issues, while working towards the goal of zero deaths and ensuring the well-being, safety, rights and dignity of individuals and communities. In every encounter, the service is committed to taking all reasonable steps to assess, De escalate and safely resolve the situation
Person in crisis
Custody occurs with the hospital arranges for their staff to take charge of the individual, or when the person is taken for an assessment.
With a supervisors approval, the police officer may remain at a psychiatric facility if it is in the public interest, requested by hospital staff or charges against a person are being considered, and the decision on whether or not to admit the person has yet been made
Within reason, and officer may transport the person to more than one psychiatric facility if the officer feels it is in the public interest to do so.
Officers must be prepared to articulate the reasons for taking this course of action and shall submit a TPS649 to the unit commander detailing the problem.
The Toronto Police service is committed to preserving the lives in well-being of people who may be experiencing mental health and/or substance use issues, while working towards the goal of zero deaths and ensuring the well-being, safety, rights, and dignity of individuals and communities. Well it is not the role of police officers to diagnose mental health or substance use issues, it is there a rule to respond appropriately To the behaviors and circumstances they observe. And every counter, the service is committed to taking all reasonable steps to assess, de-escalate and safely resolve the situation
The attendance of a mobile crisis intervention team at incidents involving a person experiencing a mental, emotional and/or substance use crisis, provides a skilled and compassionate response that may assist in diffusing and concluding the incident safely. The-MCIT can assist Frontline officers by providing a prompt assessment, supportive counseling, as well as connect the person to the appropriate follow-up services.
The -MCIT program is a collaborative partnership between participating hospitals and the service bound through a memorandum of understanding. The -MCIT program partner is a mental health nurse with a police officer with additional training and working with persons in crisis that will respond, or assist in the response to calls for service involving individuals experiencing a mental, emotional and substance use crisis.
The-MCIT response will assist with
– assessing the situation
– attempting to stabilize and defuse a crisis
– providing supportive counseling as needed
– connecting the individual to appropriate community services
The MCIT program currently operates seven days a week from 9 AM to 11 PM it is partnered with area hospitals having catchment areas.

True or false
The-MCIT shall remain with in their respective divisions/catchment areas when responding to calls for service as specified in the hospitals legal agreements with the Toronto Police services board
The MCIT officer shall conduct a threat assessment prior to attending the call; where a person in crisis is found to pose a risk or threat to the attending-MCIT nurse, the MCIT officer shall direct the nurse not to actively engage in the incident until it is determined to be safe by the attending-MCIT officer
A threat assessment of the incident and overall safety of the-MCIT shall determine the involvement and level of the MCIT response. The specialized emergency response – Emergency task force ETF shall be notified when there is information that a person in crisis is armed or may be armed with a weapon; background checks indicate that the person in crisis has a history of violence or use of weapons; The incident involves a barricaded person; and/or the incident involves a person who by their position has placed them selves or others in immediate Jeopardy.
-MCIT’s shall not generally be utilized for the following:
– Incidents not involving a person in crisis
– clinical assessments where criminal charges will be laid
– to transport a person apprehended by the PRU, or to relieve a PRU officer at the hospital who has apprehended individual
The MCIT may call ahead to the hospital to assist for a smooth transition of care
Highway traffic act defines circumstances where collisions are reportable and when provincial forms are to be submitted.
When a member is involved in a service vehicle collision (SVC) if they are determined to be at fault, the member may be subject to the following;
– Criminal/provincial charges
– disciplinary action
– driving assessments/driver development training
– revocation of their blue card
When investigating a non-reportable SVC shall
Complete field notes in diagram or memorandum book notes with same attention to detail as any other reportable collision
When investigating a SVC involving an unmarked service vehicle and presented with covert identification for the vehicle and/or members shall record the particulars as described on the documents.
In the event the collision location is or at/near the covert police facility, officers should consult with a supervisory officer prior to entering the location on reports
As a supervisory officer if the service vehicle is equipped with an in car camera system and required for court or training purposes,
request a copy of the ICCS video evidence from the property and video evidence management unit by email, indicating the date time and fleet number as soon as practicable.
In relation to a reportable or non-reportable SVC that has occurred in the city of Toronto the supervisor;
We’ll send a copy of the SRLD401 or eReport to the unit commander – fleet & materials management forth with
As a supervisor a T.P.S 559 needs to be completed for each service vehicle involved in a SVC. 
Send a copy of the SRLD401 or a report to the unit commander – fleet & materials management forthwith.
As a supervisor and immediate action is required, take appropriate action, then advise the involve members_______________
Unit commander.
If immediate action is not required, consult with the involved members unit commander prior to laying a charge.
Officer in charge when notified of a SVC that has occurred
– within the divisional boundaries
– outside the boundary of the members Division and inside the city of Toronto
– when detailed by the OIC – TPOC
Shall ensure that a supervisory officer is assigned to attend the scene and conduct an internal investigation if applicable.
When notified of a SVC which has occurred outside the city of Toronto shall notify the OIC– TPOC
The Toronto Police services board, Toronto Police service, command officers, senior officers, and Toronto Police association recognize that it is in the best interest of its members to provide and employee and family assistance program – EFAP.
For those members and their families who experience personal problems relating to health, marriage, family, lifestyle, retirement, legal issues, finances, gambling, substance abuse, psychological/emotional disorders, work or critical incident stress
The ultimate goal of the EFEP committee is to provide leader ship and support to the ensure a strong and responsive support program for the service members and their family
The committee acts as an advisor and practices, issues and trends in employee and family assistance programs in support of policing and service support services.
The EFAP provider will only breach client confidentiality when required by law, such as
– When records are subpoenaed by the court of law
– when there is suspicion that a child is or may be in need of protection from current or potential physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, or neglect
– when there is a need to intervene to prevent serious harm to an individual or others
– when there is a need to report a health professional where there is reason to believe that they are not working in accordance with the standards of the regulated health professions act.
What are two examples of routine events that meet the definition of traumatic critical incident?
Serious traffic collisions and sudden deaths
Factors that may impact the assessment include, but are not limited to (traumatic critical incident)
– Nature of the event
– members service experience
– members life experience
– members involvement in previous traumatic critical incidents, and
– members behavior
In determining whether an event should be reported as a “traumatic critical incident”, the decision should be based on
The reactions, or lack of reactions of the involved individuals. In making such a determination, members must consult with the officer in charge and/or the TPOC.
Why was the CIRT – critical incident response team established?
It was established to assist members and their families To cope after becoming involved in a traumatic critical incident.
Who can apply to become a PSV or the CIRT?
All Service members can apply
A diffusing session occurs immediately after a traumatic critical incident in can be led by?
Can be led by 2 CIRT/PSVS, EFAP provider or service psychologist
After a traumatic critical incident there is a debriefing session, the session is led by?
The debriefing session is led by EFAP provider and/or service psychologist
Who determines which, if any, of the sessions are required in regards to a traumatic critical incident?
The officer in charge, unit commander and/or the TPOC, the service psychologist (if applicable) and the EFAP providers CIRT, the CIRT/PSV.
When do post incident firearm exposure sessions not apply to the discharge of a fire arm?
For the purpose of dispatching an animal, unless circumstances suggest otherwise
ETF officers who discharge their firearms in the line of duty, or are determined by their unit commander to be directly impacted by a shooting incident, have the option of?
They have the option of attending a post incident firearms exposure session with a qualified firearms instructor at the ETF or at the college. 
Who should the unit commander when determining officers directly impacted by an officer – involved shooting incident consult with?
Unit commanders should consult with the supervisor, the officer in charge, the armament officer – Toronto Police College – armament section and a service psychologist when required
If assessment of the incident has determined that CERT must be activated in relation to a traumatic critical incident, TPOC shall
Immediately notify
– the on-call CIRT/PSV using the on-call roster at the TPOC
– EFAP liaison/CIRT coordinator, during business hours
– the duty senior officer – TPOC
– an on-call member of the senior officers organization and/or Toronto Police association, which ever is appropriate
When the SIU mandate has been involved, the critical incident response team/peer support volunteer Will inform the?
Chiefs SIU on-call designated Authority or CIRT/PSV participation during business hours consult with psychological services regarding the coordination of response.
True or false
A person who is close to the affective member in regards to a family notification should contact or conduct the initial notification of the affected members family?
True – this is subject to logistics and exigencies of the situation upon approval by the unit commander or designate.
After a traumatic critical incident and the platoon is scheduled to go on days off the next day you should consider?
With the platoon scheduled to go on days off the next day, consider returning the members for a debriefing in a timely manner. This also permits members to be updated personally concerning developments. Psychological services can be contacted for guidance if required
If appropriate, ensure that all evidence of the tramatic critical incident is removed from the home unit as soon as possible
Consider requesting a special budget project number for expenses related to the incident
Substance abuse refers to the use of
– Alcohol
– cannabis
– other prescription, non prescription, or illegal drugs; or
– any other substance
In a manner that could have adverse effects on a members health, safety, productivity, quality of life, or the morale and effectiveness of the service
Upon becoming aware of a member who exhibit’s work performance concerns that may be related to substance abuse shall,
– Determine if there are any immediate fitness for duty or safety concerns
– discuss performance concerns and expectations with the member
– encourage the member to seek assistance, where appropriate
– advised a member of options available for assistance including MAS and EFAP
– follow up, if required, to provide the member with proper support and encouragement to resolve the problem
– provide heightened performance monitoring and management
When the officer in charge is directed to retrieve the service issues uniform and equipment which a member has surrendered and/or returned, will forward the E token?
Via internal mail to the attention of token administration or retain the token in the spare pool for reconfiguration
OIC will return to the Toronto Police college – armament section all service issued use of force equipment when applicable
Deliver any applicable service issued uniform and equipment to fleet and materials management
The occupational health and safety act 0HSA requires the employer to assess the risk of workplace violence that may arise from the nature of the workplace, the type of work or the conditions of work. The assessment shall take into account
– Circumstances that would become into similar workplaces
– circumstance is specific to the workplace, and
– any other prescribed element

Officer in charge – upon becoming aware of, or Ought reasonably to be aware of, violence which may occur in the workplace and would likely expose a member to physical injury, shall take every responsible precaution necessary for the protection of the member
Reasonable precautions necessary for the protection of the member may include the reassignment to reasonable alternative duties
Some of the symptoms to fentanyl exposure are?
–Irregular and or shallow difficult breathing
– confusion
– seizures
– dizziness
– excessive drowsiness
– headaches
– pinpoint pupils, or
– nausea/vomiting
Instances where police officers administered naloxone, the special investigations unit (SIU)may require notification if the SIU established injury threshold is met. This may include instances where:
– The police officer used force against the person prior to or after the provision of first aid
– the person suffered serious injuries or Doswell detained by the police or in police custody; or
– the person suffered serious injuries or died as a result of a motor vehicle incident involving police or a police pursuit
Fleet and materials management – Hanna will issue a replacement naloxone kit if it is
– Lost
– damaged, including as a result of exposure to heat or cold
– used
– expired
Officer in charge – when notified that naloxone has been used on a service member who has been critically injured shall
Immediately notify the involved members unit commander and the officer in charge – TPOC of the particulars of the event, including
– the date time and location of the event
– the nature of the injury
– the circumstances that caused the event
– the injured members name badge and unit
– the whereabouts of the injured member
– any other relevant facts
Officer in charge – TPOC
When naloxone has been administered to an on duty service member who has been critically injured
Shall immediately notify
– On-call wellness unit member
– on-call Director of the Toronto Police association or senior officers organization
– duty inspector – TPOC
As the first officer on scene/incident commander you should designate a line of approach that allows for the least risk and notify communications about the following
– The type or nature of the incident
– the location and extent of damage
– casualty information
– potential hazards
– if a separate radio channel will be required
– the need for additional members or specialized response
– the need for a supervisory officer to attend
– whether immediate traffic diversion is required Line – whether paramedics or fire response is required
– the exact location of the command post
– existing hazards
– required equipment
– the presence of explosive devices
– active attackers
– route stupid avoided or closed
The public information officer will assume the following duties
– Media briefings
– community relations activities, including the use of social media to inform the public
– rumor control
When receiving a call of the bomb threat shall
Record the time of the call and the exact words used
Attempt to note the following information about the caller
– sex and approximate age
– speech characteristics
– background noises
– telephone number I can call display if available
Ask the caller specific details such as
– the location of the bomb
– when will it go off
– what it looks like
– what kind of bomb it is
– the reason that bomb was placed
By asking such questions the caller may often answer them impulsively, thus providing additional information
When attending the scene of a bomb threat shall use a telephone, not _____________for communication rather than a radio to avoid possibility of detonation
Who provides the evacuation distances chart from specific explosives based on the type of explosive?
National ground intelligence center
The ETF shall be notified for, but is not limited to, the following scenarios:
– Barricaded persons and hostage situation’s
– executing a high-risk search or arrest warrants were violent or armed resistance is anticipated
– arresting persons armed with firearms and/or offensive weapons, and known to be violent
– incidents involving persons in crisis, including suicide intervention
– crisis negotiation
– high-risk prisoner escort/witness protection
– incidents involving Explosive substances
– acts of terrorism
– Security offenses act incidence
– any other violence situations involving weapons or explosive substances or violent persons
– any other incidents as determined by the unit commander – ETF
True or false
Supervisory officer notification and attendance is mandatory in the case of all track level events
True and Divisional officer in charge notification is mandatory when a supervisor attends a track level event
All TTC security officers are sworn as special constables and have the authority to lay charges and make arrests on TTC property. This authority is limited by conditions set down in the agreement between the TTC and the Toronto Police services board.
These limitations are summarized as follows:
All arrest and/or investigations involving dual procedure or indictable offenses must be reported to the Toronto Police service in the following manner:
– Where there is a police officer in attendance at the scene of the incident, special constables will apprise the police officer of the circumstances of the incident and be guided by their directions
– where no police officer is in attendance at the scene, the special constable will contact communication services for notification to the appropriate division regarding events of a serious nature
Without exception, we’re both a police officer and a special constable are involved in an incident or investigation, etc. the police officer is the higher Authority and the special constable must comply with their instructions
All TTC vehicles are equipped with driver – activated alarms:
– street car – stop lights flash on and off, and the horn sounds continuously
– light rail vehicle – 4 – Way lights flash on and off, and a pulsating electric tone alarm sounds
– bus – 4 – Way lights flash on and off, and the horn sounds continuously
All TTC service vehicles are equipped with a radio system which has alarm in communication about capabilities linked to transit control center
Officers must be aware that even though the power is cut, subway trains will
Continue to coast silently into the next station
Can you escape from the tunnels of the subway system?
Escape from the tunnels is possible by emergency exits accessible within the tunnels and identified by illuminated signs. The TTC is immediately notified when it exit door is opened as each door is equipped with an alarm
If required who can provide a radio telephone to contact TTC or for use as a public addressing system throughout the train?
If required, the TTC train crew can you provide a radio telephone to contact the TTC or for use as a public addressing system throughout the training
Examples of a situations that might initiate a school lockdown include:
– A person attacking a person with a knife in a school
– a person using or threatening to use a gun on school property
Examples of situations that might initiate a Hold and Secure include:
– A suspect with a weapon is in the vicinity of the school
– a search near a school for a suspect wanted for violence
– a serious motor vehicle accident in the area of the school, requiring temporary control of pedestrian and vehicle traffic
When developing a communication strategy, the incident commander shall ensure corporate communication is consulted, and that the following are considered:
– The intended audience
– the information to include in the communication
– the form of communication
– will the communication be accessible to the intended audience
Any member of the public may make an external complaint. A complaint shall be made on an OIPRD form which can be obtained at any Service facility or at the OIPRD website. The OIPRD form can be submitted:
– Electronically
– by mail
– by T.P.S fax
– in person/or agent
– by delivering the OIPRD form to any service facility
Complaints about a police officer from another police service and third-party complaints will also be accepted in the above manner.
True or false
The OIPRD will except anonymous complaints
False, the OIPRD will NOT except anonymous complaints
A local resolution is an agreement between all parties prior to and OIPRD complaint being lodged. It must be resolved within 30 days of the complainant reporting to the police and involved a complaint that meets one of the below criteria
– Dealing with personal property, other than money or firearms
– failing to treat a person equally, other than violations based upon the prohibited grounds in the Ontario human rights code
– using profane language
– acting in a disorderly manner
– Neglect of duty
– failing to work in accordance with others
– failing to make a report or record entry
– conspiring And abetting to commit any of the above
– contravening any provision of the police services act or its regulations of the less serious nature
True or false
No record of a local resolution or a Customer service resolution shall be placed in a police officers personnel file
There are two types of informal resolutions:
1) Informal resolution occurs during the investigation
*When a complaint is lodged directly with the OIPRD, the substance in nature of the complaint is not initially established by police. The investigating supervisor may then resolve the complaint by way of informal resolution agreement
2) Informal resolution occurs after the investigation is completed
*After an investigation, when a completed investigative report has been forwarded to the OIPRD, the OIPRD may suggest that an informal resolution is an option; which may or may not involve unit level discipline.
Informal resolutions are facilitated by a supervisor and are to be documented on the prescribed OIPRD form.
No record of an informal resolution shall be placed in a officers personnel file.
The PSA includes the following offense provisions:
– Harassment, coercion or intimidation in relation to a complaint
– intentionally hindering or obstructing or providing false information to the OIPRD or an investigator
– attempts at the above
This applies to either a police officer or a member of the public. No prosecutions of these offenses can be commenced without the consent of the Attorney General.
In regards to a conduct complaint, the notice shall be provided forthwith when;
– There is evidence to support an allegation
– the evidence, if believed, would constitute misconduct/substantiated complaint
– he respondent officer has been identified
True or false
The OIPRD complaint cannot be withdrawn?
False it can be withdrawn 
Who submits copies of the hearing decisions for all external conduct complaints submitted to the OIPRD?
The OIPRD Liaison officer. 
Pursuant to the PSA, all police officers involved in a conduct complaint or compelled to submit detailed statements and/or attend an investigative interview and answer questions, unless the member is simultaneously a respondent of a _________________________ arising out of the same incident. These compelled statements cannot be used against the person making the statement in Any criminal proceedings 
Criminal investigation.
When determining that an OIPRD conduct complaint may be resolved by an informal resolution the unit complaint coordinator may utilize the following options
- Discuss the matter with the complainant, and/or
– discuss the matter with the respondent officer,
– facilitate a discussion between the respondent officer and the complainant
– facilitate an apology from the respondent officer
– referred the matter to mediation, if the complainant, respondent officer, And Director of OIPRD consent
Who is responsible for determining which unit will be responsible for investigating the OIPRD contact complete?
The OIPRD liaison officer – professional standards determines which unit will be responsible for investigating the complaint. They will also forward the unit commander and advise the complainant which unit has been assigned.
True or false
The OIPRD liaison officer – professional standards shuffle word completed local resolution agreements and completed and formal resolution agreements to the OIPRD
Members of the Toronto Police service may initiate a conduct complaint about a police officer in the following manner:
– Civilian members in general and police officers of equal or lesser rank by way of T.P.S 649 to the subject officer supervisor
– A civilian supervisor that directly manages a police officer by way of T.P.S 901
– A supervisory officer of higher rank than a police officer by way of T.P.S 901
Pursuant to the police services act, conduct complaint investigations compels all involved police officers to submit detailed statements and/or attend an investigative interview and be compelled to answer questions, unless the member is simultaneously a subject of a criminal investigation arising out of the same incident.
These compiled statements cannot be used against the person making a statement in any criminal proceeding.
In accordance with the police services act, the chief of police may suspend a police officer from duty with pay where the police officer is suspected of, or charged with, an offense under A lot of Canada or of a province or territory, or is suspected of misconduct under the PSA.
If a chief of police, deputy chief or other police officer is convicted of an offense and sentenced to a term of imprisonment, the chief of police or police services board, as the case may be, may suspend him or her without pay, even if the conviction or sentence is under appeal
The chief of police hereby authorizes the following personnel the power of suspension granted to the chief under the PSA:
– Any deputy chief of police
– all uniform senior officers
– all officers permanently assigned to professional standards
– the officer in charge of a unit
True or false
An authorized officer of equal or superior rank shall commence the suspension of a police officer
The following factors shall be considered in determining if immediate suspension from duty is appropriate:
– the seriousness of the misconduct
– impact upon the reputation of the Toronto Police service
– impact upon the integrity of the investigation
– prevention of workplace violence or workplace harassment
After having made the decision to suspend, the suspended officer shall advise the suspended officer that the Suspension is effective immediately
A police officer upon being suspended from duty shall immediately surrender the following service issued equipment and uniforms to the suspending officer:
– All use of force equipment
– handcuffs
– wallet & cap badge
– warrant/identification card
– E token
– any service issued electronic equipment including Cell/smart phone, laptop etc.
– corporate credit card
– corporate vehicle
– memorandum book
The outcomes available in the complaint process for a civilian member are?
– Unsubstantiated
– substantiated
– internal informal resolution
The disciplinary actions available in a substantiated complaint for a civilian member are?
– Verbal reprimand
– written reprimand
– suspension without pay
– suspension without pay pending recommendation or termination
True or false
Civilian members may utilize time banks as an alternative to a suspension without pay
Civilian members may not utilize time banks as an alternative to a suspension without pay
Work performance standards applicable to members can be found in?
Service governance
Federal statutes and associated regulations
Provincial statutes and associated regulations
Municipal bylaws and municipal codes
As a supervisor, when a member has been identified as having a minor work performance deficiency shall?
– Meet with the member in private
– provide guidance or instruction targeted at correcting the deficiency
– continue to monitor the member for compliance
– record the matter in their memorandum book, or on a T.P.S 649 if not normally required to maintain and memorandum book
As a supervisor, when a work performance deficiency has been identified as persistent it cannot be rectified through guidance or instruction shall? 
-Generate a T.P.S 955
– meet with a member in private
– serve the member with a copy of the T.P.S 955
– for the T.P.S 955 to a second level supervisor
– continue to provide guidance or instruction targeted at corrupting the deficiency
Human rights code protected social areas:
Accommodation (housing)
Goods, services and facilities
Membership in vocational associations and trade unions
Special investigations unit
– Supervisory officer attendance mandatory
– chiefs SIU on call designated authority attendance mandatory
– supervisory officer notification mandatory when a service member is involved in an incident where the SIU mandate is or maybe invoked
– officer in charge – TPOC notification mandatory when the SIU mandate is or maybe invokedDo you like
– duty senior officer notification mandatory when the SIU mandate is or maybe invoked do you lie
– Chiefs SIU on-call designated authority notification mandatory with the SIU mandate is or maybe invoked
The medical and psychological well-being of service members is a priority for the service. To assist involved members in coping with an event in which the SIU mandate is or may be involved, access, as required, to medical care and/or 
A representative of the critical incident response team (CIRT)/employee family assistance program (EFAP)/peer support volunteer (PSV) will be provided
Service subject matter experts shall be assigned chiefs administrative investigators. The following internal units shall be assigned administrative investigations:
Professional standards
– officer – involved firearm in less lethal weapon discharge
– all serious injury not listed below
Specialized criminal investigation – Homicide
– death in police custody – other than an officer – involve firearms discharge
Specialized criminal investigation – sex crimes
– allegations of sexual assault
Traffic Services
– suspect apprehension pursuit or officer – involved collision

The SIU will communicate all requests directly to?
Chief of police
The scheduling of all investigative interviews requested by the SIU shall be arranged through the?
PRS- SIU liaison section
Does the SIU have the authority to audio record, or video record on consent, official interviews?
What are incident notes?
Incident notes are notes that pertain to the incident giving rise to the SIU mandate being invoked and are made in the members memorandum book or unit approved notebook only.
Incident notes are created at the time of the event or shortly there after, with active input by the member.
Incident notes do not include other written or electronic records of information, such as occurrence reports, arrest reports, use of force reports, duty reports, or logs.
Incident notes shall only be made in memorandum books in unit approved notebooks, unless exigent circumstances exist.
The____________________________ will review or a case-by -case basis any content captured or recorded via electronic mediums, whether captured advertenly or inadvertently, to determine if the content qualifies as an incident note.
Professional standards SIU liaison investigator
True or false
Digital recordings do not automatically constitute incident notes?
In an SIU investigation who can excuse the completion of incident notes b the end of the official’s tour of duty?
The Chiefs SIU on call designated authority
It events which fall under the mandate of the SIU are police officers permitted to consult with counsel prior to completing their incident notes?
No, police officers involved in events which fall under the mandate of the SIU are not permitted to consult with counsel prior to completing their incident notes.
If there is a need to inform a police officer of their duties and obligations under the SIUA, it will be delivered by?
The Chiefs SIU on call designated authority or the duty senior officer
When a Chiefs administrative investigation has commenced, at the direction of the assigned PRS SIU liaison investigator shall?
– Provide the PRS SIU Liaison investigator a copy of their incident notes
– make themselves available for an interview
True or false
Civilian members including court officers, parking enforcement officers, and Special Constables are included in the definition of police officer for the purposes of the SIU? 
False, they are not included in the definition
PRS Are available between the hours of?
0800 to 1600 hrs
True or false
The courts may supersede any privilege extended by the command to members?
True – However, the crimestoppers program can claim privilege from disclosing information based on a Supreme Court of Canada decision
Anonymous reporting of discredible conduct
Investigator/case manager – professional standards
-ensure the completed T.P.S 909 is not photocopied
– ensure the completed T.P.S 909 is placed in the unit file – not remove the T.P.S 909 from the unit file unless directed by a court order
– refer to the information source in any subsequent reports, documents or records as “Anonymous police informant”
Any member who has a clear reason to believe that another member of the service is engaging in conduct that constitutes misconduct including, but not limited to, assault or physical abuse (i.e. excessive use of force) involving any person, shall
– Where feasible, intervene and take reasonable steps to prevent behavior from continuing
– record details of the incident in substance of the complaint, including dates, time, locations, other persons present and other relevant information, including the presence of video and/or other evidence end
– Report the incident forthwith, to their immediate supervisor, or another supervisor
With ETF and public order are operating/responding as a team they shall submit a team use of force report in situations where force, meeting the reporting requirements is merely displayed.
An incident in which force was actually used, including the demonstrated force presence of a CEW, requires a separate use of force report from each individual officer involved.
Before initiating a suspect apprehension pursuit, a police officer shall;
Determine whether the immediate need to apprehend or identify an individual in a fleeing motor vehicle or to identify the fleeing motor vehicle outweighs the risk to public safety that may result from the pursuit.
What is the Paramount consideration factor in any decision to initiate, continue or abandon a suspect apprehension pursuit?
Public safety
Public safety represents a factor which may change rapidly in Shall be continually assessed
The responsibility for the safe conduct of a pursuit rests with who?
The responsibility for the safe conduct of a pursuit rests with the individual police officer, the communications operator, the pursuit supervisor and any other authorized person monitoring the pursuit
AVLS means
Automated vehicle location system
CAD means
Computer aided dispatch
True or false
An unmarked police car may not engage in the pursuit?
A police officer in an unmarked motor vehicle shall not engage in a pursuit unless a marked motor vehicle is not readily available and the police officer believes that it is necessary to immediately apprehend an individual in the fleeing motor vehicle or to identify the fleeing motor vehicle or an individual in the fleeing motor vehicle
True or false
Motorcycles and all terrain vehicle operators shall not engage in a pursuit
Alternatives to a pursuit include
– Strategic following
– follow up investigation
– the tandem stop
– use of tire deflation devices, when available
– the use of a helicopter, when available
– strategic use of rear, side in combination methods for stopping vehicles
Methods of terminating a pursuit include
– Strategic pursuing
– abandoning
– use of tire deflation device is, when available
– rolling block
– stationary roadblock
– pinning
– intentional contact
Police officers may only intentionally cause a marked or unmarked motor vehicle to come into physical contact with a fleeing motor vehicle for the purposes of stopping it, where the police officer believes on _________________ to do so is necessary to immediately protect against the loss of life or serious bodily harm.
reasonable grounds
During pursuits, impacts at relatively low speeds can cause the driver and passenger side airbags to deploy and potentially injure the occupants of the marked or unmarked motor vehicle. This maneuver should only be considered in areas of low _________and __________ traffic, and executed at very low speeds.
vehicular and pedestrian
As a termination method, what is the primary driving mode during an active pursuit?
Strategic pursuing with fully activated emergency equipment - not to be utilized once abandoned
The intent of this technique is that by significantly increasing the distance between the marked or unmarked motor vehicle and the fleeing motor vehicle, the fleeing driver will seize the opportunity to stop and abandon the motor vehicle.
When there is more than one police service involved in a pursuit, the responsible supervisor is the supervisor in the jurisdiction where the pursuit is initiated until the pursuit is handed over to the other police service. Where a pursuit has covered more than one police service jurisdiction, the police service in the jurisdiction where the pursuit begin shall ensure co-ordination of a joint ______________ report 
Fail to Stop report
For the protection of the public and numbers, police officers shall not adjust the _______ while actively engaged in apprehending or pursuing a fleeing motor vehicle
True or false
A police officer may be held liable for any criminal code or highway traffic act offense committed in relation to the pursuit.
Members may, when necessary wear sunglasses provided they are of a conservative design and color
Mirror type lenses shall not be worn while in uniform
Members shall not display any tattoo or body art that is likely to bring discredit upon the reputation of the service including tattoos that;
– Depict nudity or violence
– use profane words or phrases
– may be perceived as gang related
– May contravene any section of the Ontario human rights code
True or false
Ensure hair does not fall below the lower edge of the uniform collar 
Hair holding devices are authorized only for the purpose of securing the hair and must be plain in color or as close to the members hair color as possible. Members shall not use hair holding devices for decorative purposes.
Authorize hair holding devices include, but are not limited to, barrettes, pins, clips, hair ties/bands, or plain scrunchies (elasticized hairbands covered with material)
Members initiated in the Sikh religion may wear the five Kakaars or 5 Ks. These physical symbols of Khalsa are,
The Kesh, Kanga,kara, Kachhera, and Kirpan. The Kesh(uncut hair) shall be covered by a police issue Daster (turban)
Members of the Muslim faith may wear an issued_________ as part of their uniform
The in-car camera system (ICCS) is a multifaceted tool that can:
– Enhance public trust and police legitimacy
– enhance public and police officer safety
– enhance the commitment to bias- free service delivery by officers to the public
– provide a tool to facilitate early resolution of complaints
– provide improved evidence for investigative, judicial and oversight purposes
– provide information as to the effectiveness of Service procedures in training 
The goals of Frontline officers with body worn cameras are to assist the service to:
– Enhance public trust, confidence in the police and police accountability
– capture an accurate record of police officer interactions with the public
– Enhance public and police officer safety
–Straighten the commitment to bias-free service delivery by officers to the public
-Provide improved evidence for investigative, judicial an oversight purposes
– ensure fair in timely resolution of complaints and reduce unwarranted accusations of misconduct
– provide additional supervisory and leadership tools
– provide information as to the effectiveness of service procedures in trading
Body worn cameras are intended to?
Capture specific incidents. They are not intended for 24 hour recording
The Supreme Court of Canada decision of Regina v.________ emphasizes that interactions between the police and public or not to be secretly recorded without judicial authorization. Covert recording by a uniform police officer using the BWC is prohibited by law.
True or false
When a BWC is used, recordings are considered as supporting the officers observations and shall supplement, detailed memorandum book notes and applicable reports.
In circumstances where the special investigations unit mandate has been involved, the SIU will be the lead investigative agency and the service cannot release that footage to the public; that decision would be made by the__________. In cases where the SIU is not involved Or their involvement has ceased, the service may release to the public, recordings from body worn cameras where such recordings depict interactions with members of the public where a compelling public interest exists.
Such compelling public interest releases will only occur with the explicit authorization of____________
Chief of police
In regards to body worn cameras, Any officer found not in compliance with the procedure, and/or Service governance, will receive a minimum penalty of?
Eight (8) hours
Sixteen (16) hours for a supervisor
Discipline will take affect after an officer is trained and equipped with a BWC for ____calendar days. ____calendar days was deemed by the service to be a fair amount of time to allow officers to learn to properly use this new technology.
Officers should be mindful that the public has a reasonable, albeit ____________________ to privacy in public spaces
diminished expectation
True or false
BWC’s shoulder be used as tools to carry out general surveillance it or not intended to be used to dissuade members of the public from exercising their lawful right to a peaceful assembly, demonstration or protest.
Officers at such events shall start recording their BWCs when they engage or are about to engage a member or members of the public to investigate a breach of the law or to attempt to enforce the law.
Access to or viewing of BWC recordings Will only be allowed to members of the service with a specific role in relation to the recordings justifying and necessitating such access
– A service member who wore the BWC which captured the recording and who has already completed any required initial notes, reports, statements and interviews regarding the recorded events shall be allowed to access such recordings
– supervisors of the service member who wore the BWC
– Service members who have grounds to believe the recording includes evidentiary materials relevant to a service criminal or quasi criminal investigation shall have access to the recording
– legal counsel to the service and service members
– service members who are conducting an audit of the services body worn cameras procedure
– Service members tasked with the development of training programs for the service who are made aware through their unit commander
– service members attached to forensics identification service
– service members engaged in internal investigations such as professional standards
– servicemembers aiding the chief with respect to a compelling public interest release
Access to or viewing Of production of BWC records for people who are not members of the Toronto Police service;
– Members of bodies responsible for independent oversight e.g. office of the independent police review Director and the special investigations unit
– anyone who has legal authority
– members of the public or the representatives may be allowed to view BWC footage that captures an incident in which they are involved for the purpose of attempting to informally resolve a complaint or potential complaint into the conduct of a service member. Such viewing will be at the discretion of the officer in charge or delegate.
– Members of the public will see a body worn camera recording that has been ordered released to the public by the chief by virtue of their being a compelling public interest