Sgt Defintions Flashcards
Handheld metal detector
A portable, handheld security device capable of detecting metal objects authorized for use by the service
Assistive/Prosthetic device 
A device used to replace, compensate, or improve the functional abilities of people with disabilities or for trans or gender diverse persons to affirm gender identity. Assistive device includes a broad range of items such as mobility in visual/hearing aids, Orthotics/Prosthetics, speech devices, medical supplies, environmental controls and respiratory devices. Prosthetics used to expressed gender identity include, breast forms, chest binders, gaffs, Packers, prosthetic penises and wigs.
Booking and search template
A document created to record the pertinent details of all frisk and strip Searches and the authorization of a body cavity search. The template allows the service to electronically capture the data required to properly report all frisk and strip Searches of persons (including self identified transgender/transsexual persons ) conducted by members. Four prisoners that are booked into a police facility
Body cavity search template 
A document created to record the pertinent details of all body cavity searches. The template allows the service to electronically capture the data required to properly report on all body cavity searches of persons including self identified transgender/transsexual persons conducted by members
Search in the field only template
A document created to record the pertinent details of all protective and frisk searches that occur in the field where a person has not been brought into a police facility. The template allows the service to electronically capture the data required to properly report on all searches of persons including self identified transgender/transsexual persons conducted by members that have occurred in the field where the person was not brought in to a police facility
Disability means
– any degree of physical disability, infirmity, malformation or disfigurement that is caused by bodily injury, birth defect, or illness and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Includes diabetes melllitus, Epilepsy, abraded jury, any degree of paralysis, amputation, lack of physical coordination, blindness or visual impediment , deafness or hearing impediment, Muteness or Speech impediment, or Physical reliance on a guide dog or other animal or other wheelchair or other remedial appliance or device
– a condition of mental impairment or of developmental disability
- learning disability, or a dysfunction in one or more of the processes involved in understanding or using symbols or spoken language,
– a mental disorder
—Any injury or disability for which benefits were claimed or received under the insurance plan established under the workplace safety and insurance act or human rights code, accessibility for Ontarians with disability act.
Gender means
The set of socially classified behaviors, attitudes and norms associated with a roles of men, women, trans people, non-binary people and more. Encompasses gender identity, a persons internal sense of being a man, woman, both or neither.
Gender expression means
How a person publicly presents their gender. This can include behavior and outward appearance such as dress, hair, make up, body language and voice. A persons chosen name and pronoun are also common and important ways of expressing gender.
Gender identity means
Each persons internal in individual experiences of gender. It is their sense of being a woman, a man, both, neither, or anywhere along or beyond the gender spectrum. A persons gender identity may be the same as or different from the Typical pairing with their birth assigned sex. Gender identity is fundamentally different from a person sexual orientation.
Item of religious significance means
Any item, article, Apparel, or clothing a person identifies as having religious importance.
Non-binary means
Gender identities outside of the expected binary of men and women
Prisoner care and control for the purpose of prisoner transportation, Care and Control, includes
-police officer
– court officer
– custodial officer
Protective search (formally level) 
This is used generally during investigative detention and involves a limited search of a person who has been detained by police when there is reasonable belief the person possesses a safety risk. The scope of the search is limited to exterior padding of clothing such as pockets, waistband or areas that be reasonably conceal such items as weapon or implements that may be used as weapons, usually with open hands to maximize the ability to detect weapons through clothing. This search may also be described as a safety search, as that is the purpose and objective.
Frisk search (Formally level 2)
This is used generally for search incident to arrest it means a more thorough search that may include emptied and searching pockets as well as removal of clothing, Which does not expose a persons undergarments, or the areas of the body normally covered by our undergarments. The removal of clothing such as belts, footwear, socks, shoes, sweaters, extra layers of clothing, or the shirt of a male would be included in a frisk search. A frisk search may be commenced in the field in concluded at the station.
A frisk search conducted incident to arrest includes the area within the immediate control of the arrested person.
Members shall make Every effort to a video in audio record all frisk searches. Members are also required to articulate the justification for the manner and circumstances under which the surges are conducted.
For the purposes of this definition, pat-down search means the same as Frisk search.
Strip search (Formally level 3) means
R vs Golden. 2001 SCC 83 Established that which constitutes a strip search and what types of circumstances may justify one. A strip search includes all steps in protective and Frisk searches as well as a thorough search of a persons clothing and non-physical search of the body. That will often require removal or rearrangements of some, or all, of the persons clothing to permit a visual inspection of a persons private areas;
Dave Lee the genitals, buttocks, breasts or chest, body cavity, and/or undergarments; the mouth was excluded from this definition despite being a body cavity.
The Supreme Court noted that strip searches represent a significant invasion of privacy and are often humiliating, degrading and traumatic, and therefore require a higher degree of justification in order to support the higher degree of interference with individual freedom and dignity.
The police must establish they have reasonable and probable grounds for concluding that a strip search is necessary in the particular circumstances of the arrest.
The beer fact that portions of a persons body normally covered by undergarments are exposed because of the way the person was dressed when taken into custody does not constitute a strip search, if the removal of such clothing was not caused by the officer i.e. the arrest of a naked person does not in itself Constitute a strip search.
The rearrangement of clothing that permits a visual inspection of a persons private area constitutes a strip search.
Body cavity search (Formally level 4)means
A search of the rectum or vagina
Service members perception data means
Information derived from a member making a determination with respect to the race of an individual by observation, solely on the basis of that members own perception
Sex means
The classification of people as male, female, or intersex based on a specific combination of reproductive organs, chromosomes or hormones and assigned at birth based on observation of a person’s genitals
Trans means
In umbrella term referring to people with diverse gender identities and expressions that differ from their assigned sex at birth. It includes but is not limited to people who identify as transgender, trans woman, trans men, none binary, gender nonconforming, gender variant, or gender queer. Some people may consider two spirit to be a trans identity. Trans persons may or may not make a social transition, have surgery, use prosthetic devices, or take prescription medication’s i.e. such as hormone therapies To affirm their gender identity. They may or may not have identity documents that reflect their lived identity.
Divisional cells means Cells that may be used for short term detention of a person in custody when
– Being processed, or waiting to be processed, or to ensure the safety of the person and/or members;
– awaiting transportation to a central lock up
– being held for returned by an outside agency
Lock up means and assigned Division used to detain a person in custody
– When the person is held for a show cause hearing, a judicial interim release where the bail court is closed
– when outside of admitting hours stipulated in procedures 03–03
– In any other circumstances where detention is authorized and necessary
Booking Hall System (BHS) means,
A video surveillance system installed in the Sally – port, booking hall, in other areas of a police facility that is designed to record the booking and release of all prisoners as they enter and leave a police facility. The BHS is operated manually by the booking officer
Booking officer means
A police officer, court officer or custodial officer designated by the officer in charge as the person responsible for the care and handling of persons detained in custody
Designated operator
For the purposes persons in custody means any member designated as an audio/video operator with an understanding of how to operate the equipment
Detention area monitoring system (DAMS)
Video surveillance system installed in the prisoner detention areas of a police facility, such as the cells in the bullpen, which is the designated to monitor and record the condition of prisoners while they are in custody. The DAMS is set to automatically record each cell and bullpen when activity is detected.
Court cells mean sells used during those hours in which the courts are sitting. A person shall be lodged in a quart cell when:
– Being held for a court appearance
– awaiting transportation to a detention facility
– ordered into custody by the court
Police cells means
Divisional cells, central lock ups, and court cells used for the secure detention of persons in custody. In interview room is not a police cell.
Police vehicle – prisoner transportation
For the purposes of prisoner transportation, includes marked and unmarked vehicles owned and operated by the service, that has the capacity to transport a driver in two or more passengers
Abandoned property means
A thing over which a person has surrendered Any possessory right or privacy right and which may or may not relate to a crime and/or crime scene in which potentially has some evidentiary value.
Affiant means
A police officer who swears to an affidavit, commonly used when requesting a search warrant before a justice
Case manager means
A police officer assigned to prepare and manage a case for trial. A case manager is assigned for each confidential Crown envelope in designated in accordance with established unit policy
Common informant the purposes of court disclosure means a divisional warrant officer, or an on-duty designate, or a court officer who is a sworn peace officer, during the lawful execution of their duties.
Court officers may only act as a common informant for the purposes of bringing a 5.2 before a justice when property has been seized and the accused has been show caused and the Form 5.2 is completed correctly and is in the Crown envelope up at the time the accused Is being held for a show cause hearing
Continued detention means
The detention of property beyond the initial three months from the date of seizure.
Exhibit Officer means
A police officer delegated to seize all property, commonly used when a search warrant is executed
Forfeiture means seizure of private property because
– It was illegally obtained or
– it was an illegal substance, or
– the legal basis for possession has ended
Forfeiture order means
In order prepared and signed by a justice to authorize the disposal of seize property by the public prosecution service of Canada and/or the ministry of the Attorney General
Found property means
Any property which was located by a member or a citizen and turned over to a member, and the item (at the time) has no apparent evidentiary value.
Informational material means
Information obtained from a thing that is seized
Justice means
A justice of the peace or a provincial court judge
Seized property means
A thing, including informational material, seized from a person and/or place, with or without a warrant, buy a peace officer without that persons consent.
Seizing Officer means
A peace officer who has seized property, either with or without a search warrant, and includes a court officer during the lawful execution of their duties.
Surrendered property means
Any article, document, informational material and/or Thing whose possession has been voluntarily given to a member and the item (at the time) may or may not have
Amber alert means
A cooperative effort between police, the media and the Ministry of transportation Truevine early notification to the public where a person under 18 years of age is believed to have been abducted and where circumstances lead police to believe that the abducted person is in danger of serious bodily harm or death and there is enough descriptive information about the abducted person, and/or The abductor, and/or the abductor’s vehicle, To believe an immediate broadcast alert will help in locating the person. An Amber alert will have a duration of five hours following activation, unless canceled or extended period
Divisional search box means
A portable storage box containing the necessary items essential to the supervisory officer at the scene of a level 2 or level 3 search. These items shall be determined by procedure 04–05 and established practice, and should be located where it is easily accessible by the officer in charge
Incident commander means
The police officer who has taken charge of the incident and who is in charge of the command post and, in conjunction with other emergency service commanders, is responsible for coordinating and managing police response at an incident.
Last known position means
The last substantiated by (clues are evidence) position that the missing person was known to be
Level 1 missing person search means
The level of search implemented when a person is reported missing and there are no extenuating circumstances. At this level, there are minimal concerns regarding the issue of foul play or the infirmity of limitations of the missing person. 
Level 2 missing person search means
The level of search with a missing person is:
– under 16 years and judged likely to be in capable of caring for themselves
– mentally challenged
– over 65 years of age or infirm, or;
– there is evidence of foul play
Level 3 missing person search means 
The level of search implemented when the level one and level two missing person searches are ineffective or if the situation, due to the extenuating circumstances, necessitates that this level be initiated immediately.
Major case manager means
The investigator responsible for the effective governance and management of every threshold major case investigation and possesses the knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform the functions of major case management. The major case manager shall have successfully completed the Ontario major case management course or equivalent as defined by the Ontario police college, and shall have the resources to manager investigations through the minister – approved software, Currently known as powercase. For the purposes of a homicide investigation, the major case manager Shelby and investigator from Det. operations – Homicide.
For the purposes of a sexual assault investigation, the major case manager shall be an investigator from the Det. operations – sex crimes. For the purposes of human trafficking investigation, the major case manager Shall be an investigator from Det. operations – sex Crimes – human traffic enforcement team. For the purposes of kidnapping investigations, the major case manager Shall be an investigator from Det. operations – organize crime enforcement.
Missing person means
A person where both the following circumstances exist with respect to the person:
The persons whereabouts are unknown and,
– the person has not been in contact with people who would likely be in contact with the person, or
– it is reasonable in the circumstances to fear for the person safety because of the circumstances surrounding the person’s absence or because of any other prescribed considerations.
Missing person search page means
A webpage located on the service Internet site used to publish information and pictures regarding missing persons investigations that have proceeded to a level three search.
National Center for missing persons and unidentified remains means
The national Center created and maintained by the RCMP to compile data on missing persons and unidentified remains
The Toronto Police service supports the center and encourages officers to forward pertinent information to the RCMP to assist in matters of missing persons and identified remains.
National missing children’s operations means
The national Registry created and maintained by the RCMP to compile data on missing and abducted children. The Toronto Police service supports the registry and encourages officers to forward pertinent information to the RCMP to assist in matters of both parental and non-parental abduction.
Parental abduction means
The unlawful removal of a child by a parent, Guardian, or any other person having lawful care or charge of a person under the age of 14 whether or not there is a lawful order in relation to that child made by a court, with the intent to deprive a parent, Guardian, or a person having lawful care or charge of the person.
Last place seen means
A point where the missing person was actually seen by a witness
Primary investigator means
The investigator assigned by the major case manager in every threshold major case investigation to perform the functions and responsibilities of the primary investigation function. The primary investigator shall have the knowledge, skills and abilities to perform the function; shall have successfully completed the Ontario major case management course or equivalent, as defined by the Ontario police college
Search management team means
The team from Emergency Management & Public order, supported by the requesting division, responsible for coordinating a level 3 search for a missing person.
Search manager means
The police officer in charge of Emergency Management & Public order – search management team.
Unit means
A section of the service as designated by the board, such as a field headquarter, Division, bureau or squad.
Regulated interactions
Rationale – this procedure provides direction to members of the Toronto Police service only for specific specified interactions with the public that are governed by Ontario regulation 58/16 made under the police services act entitled collection of identifying information in certain circumstances– Prohibition and duties and Toronto Police services board policy entitled regulated interactions with the community and the collection of identifying information
This procedure only applies to an attempt by a police officer to collect identifying information by asking an individual, is a face-to-face encounter, to identify themselves or to provide information for the purpose of identifying the individual, it includes such an intense whether or not identifying information is collected, only if that attempt is done for the purpose of:
– inquiring into offenses that have been or might be committed;
– Inquiring into suspicious activities that detect offences;  – gathering information for intelligence purposes
Controller – regulated interactions means
The member of the service, designated by the chief of police who assesses procedural compliance regulated interaction reports, once they have been approved or restricted by a supervisory officer. The controller – regulated interaction reports is also responsible for:
– fulfilling the role of subject matter resource for supervisory officer;
–Preparing a report to the unit commander of the Toronto Police college every three months that outlines the results of all reviews undertaken specific to regulated interaction reports
– monitoring and recording on any changes or amendments to legislation or Service governance which may be relevant to training specific to regulated interactions.
Historical contact data means
Oh person investigated card (form 172), field information report (form 208), community inquiry report (form 306), and community safety note (street check) records submitted into the services records management systems prior to January 1, 2017, It may include any such submitted record whether or not it would have been categorized as a regulated interaction report how did being submitted on or after January 1, 2017.
Identifying information means
Any information that, alone or in combination with other information, can be used to identify an individual. It may include information about an individual’s race, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital or family status, economic circumstances, and education, medical, psychiatric, psychological, criminal or employment history
Regulated interaction means
An attempt by a police officer to collect identifying information by asking an individual, in a face-to-face encounter, to identify himself or herself or to provide information for the purpose of identifying the individual, and include such an attempt whether or not identifying information is collected,
1) only if that attempt is done for the purpose of 
– Inquiring into offenses that have been or might be committed; and/or
– inquiring into suspicious activities to detect offenses; and/or
– gathering information for intelligence purposes;
2) But does not include an attempted collection made by a police officer for the purpose of investigating on the fence the officer reasonably suspects has been or will be committed;
3) And does not include an attempt by a police officer to collect identifying information from an individual if,
– the individual is legally required to provide the information to a police officer;
– the individual is under arrest or is being detained;
– The police officer is engaged in a covert operation;
– the police officer is executing a warrant, acting pursuant to a court order or performing related duties; or
– the individual from whom the police officer attempts to collect information is employed in the administration of justice or is carrying out duties or providing services that are otherwise relevant to carrying out the police officers duties.
Regulated interaction report means
The electronic record of a regulated interaction submitted into the services record management system, whether or not identifying information was collected during the regulated direction
Is a classification which applies to historical contact data and may apply to regulated interaction reports for which the service has instituted constraints to prevent access to the records unless:
– approved by the chief of police or designate; end
– access is needed,
For the purpose of an ongoing police investigation
In connection with legal proceedings or anticipated legal proceedings
For the purpose of dealing with a complaint either part five of the PSA or for the purpose of an investigation or inquiry under clause 25
Chiefs special investigations unit (SIU) on – call designated authority means
A member of the cadre of on call Toronto Police service uniform senior officers that acts as a designated authority and manages the SIU event in the field on behalf of the chief.
Death in custody means
The death of a person at any time during attest/detention and before the persons release or transfer to another agencies custody.
SIU mandate means
That the SIU Director because an investigation to be conducted into any incident in which any of the following occurs, if the incident may have resulted from the criminal conduct of a service official :
– The death of a person
– the serious injury of a person
– the discharge of a firearm at a person
– the sexual assault of a person, as reported by the person
The SIU Director meet causing investigation to be conducted if, at the time of the incident,
– the official was on duty; or
-Official was off duty
Engaged in the investigation, pursuit, detention or rest of a person or otherwise exercise the powers of a police officer, special constable, peace officer, or other prescribe person, as the case may be, whether or not the official intended to exercise such powers or identified themselves as a person who may exercise such powers, or
The incident involved equipment or other property issued to the Official in relation to their duties.
Intelligence lead policing consists of a number of components including crime management, disorder resolution, problem oriented policing, targeted policing, and directed patrol.
Community policing is an operational philosophy requiring local police – community partnerships that prioritize and solve problems in order to enhance safety, prevent crime, maintain order, and enforce the law.
Community patrol means
The performance of general policing duties in the community by officers assigned to a combination of General and directed patrol, targeted and problem oriented policing initiatives
Community police liaison committee CPLC means
A divisional committee that represents all segments of the community
Crime analysis means
A set of systematic, analytical processes directed at providing timely and pertinent information relative to crime patterns and trends correlation,. It assists operational and administrative personnel in planning the deployment of resources for the prevention and suppression of criminal activity, aiding in the investigative process, and increasing apprehensions and the clearance of cases.
Crime prevention means
The anticipation, recognition and appraisal of a crime risk followed by the initiation of some action to remove or reduce the risk, and the measurement and evaluation of the outcome
Debriefing means
The process by which persons in custody will be asked if they wish to provide information on other crimes including, but not limited to the divisional crime problems established as priorities.
Directed patrol means
Specific activity designed to address an identified concerns within the community. Directed patrols our activities detail to officers in order to have specific measurable tasks carried out. This form of patrol may be enforcement– based but may also be focused on achieving a goal by other means. Directed patrol can be an effective component in the maintenance of public order and improving the quality of life for the community
General patrol means
Routine police in activities carried out by officers within a specified period. General patrol is an important part of community policing that does not specifically focus on or target and identified concern within the community, but permits officers to accomplish their general policing duties in a non-– focused manner.
Order maintenance means
The act of upholding community standards, using both informal community activities in law-enforcement to create a safe environment, and improve quality of life
Problem oriented policing means
A technique by which public disorder and crime issues identified, analyzed and strategies are developed to eliminate or bring the issues under control
Quality of life means
An actual or perceived social, economic or physical environment, which is conducive to a state of mental or physical well-being. When applied to neighborhoods or communities, it means that there is little disorder or anti-social activity, permitting local community members to go about their daily activities with minimal fear or disruption.
Self initiated patrol means
Patrol or enforcement action targeting a specific area or problem, that is undertaken by an officer, without previous direction from the supervisor. The area of the self initiated virtual maybe based on trends derived through crime analysis
Senior management team includes
The chief of police, command officers, staff superintendents and directors, and any other member as determined by the chief of police.
Target policing means
The targeting of offenders or offenses within a specific time and/or a specific geographic area 
Agent means
A person who acts on behalf of the police and under their direction, which may result in them becoming a material compellable witness. The identity of the agent is subject to disclosure.
Confidential source means
A person who is registered with intelligence services – covert operations – source management CO – SMS and voluntarily provides information of some useful this or interest to the Toronto Police service with respect to the prevention and detection of Crimes, with the explicit or implicit expectation of confidentiality. This person would generally not become a witness or require protection as a result of their involvement or the information they have provided.
A confidential source is an asset of the Toronto Police service it is not the exclusive asset of any one police officer.
A confidential source does not include a person who provides a statement to police as part of routine police inquiries into alleged offenses.
There are two levels of confidential sources: confidential source – level one and confidential source level two
Confidential source – level 2 means
– A source under the age of 18 (young person), or
– a source whose information could be considered:
– multijurisdictional;
– may affect national security
– involves organized crime
– Is beyond the resources or the source – handling abilities of the officer involved
– at the discretion of the controller
Unless otherwise approved by the controller, it confidential source – level 2 shall be managed by a handler – level 2
Controller – source means
Detective Sgt – intelligent services – covert operations who ensures the effective control, accountability and evaluation of the source, continually assessing the risks and managing all information provided by the source. The controller – source is responsible for the source major program of the Toronto Police
Crown letter – source means
The document provided to the Crown attorney by intelligent services – covert operations – source Management On behalf of a source seeking consideration for the sources assistance to the police. All Crown letters issued on behalf of the source shall only be provided by the Unit commander - intelligent services.
Handler means
A police officer who has received information from a source and who has been so designated by the controller or designate. A handler, on behalf of the Toronto police service, is responsible for the:
– development of a source
– integrity of any contact
– acquisition in dissemination of information received from the source
There are two levels of handlers: handler – level one and handler – level two.
Handler – level one means
Any police officer from the Toronto Police service who can handle level one source only
Handler– level 2 means
Any police officer from the Toronto police service who has been accredited or designated by the controller or designate. A handler – level two can manage agents, and level one and level two sources. For the purposes of agents, Handler – level two is also responsible for:
– the management of agents on behalf of the service
– considering the Primary concerns
– the acquisition and dissemination of information from that agent
Restricted source means
A person who has been restricted by intelligent services – covert operations – source management. Such a person shall not be used as such by any officer unless designated by the controller
Child means
A person younger than 18 years of age
Homicide investigation means
An investigation led by Det. operations – Homicide a missing persons unit into the circumstances surrounding a sudden death where there is
– Obvious or suspected foul play
– the cause of death cannot be explained
– found human remains
– any other suspicious circumstances
Infant means
A child less than one year of age
Intimate partner means
A partner from a current or former intimate relationship
Intimate relationship includes
Current or former relationships between opposite sex and same-sex partners and include persons who:
– are legally married to one another
– were previously married to one another
– are not married, but are currently in a family type relationship
– Or not married, but we’re formally in a family type relationship
– have a child in common regardless of whether such persons have been married or lived together at one time
– are or have ever been involved in a dating relationship
Primary investigator means
The investigator assigned by the major case manager in every threshold major case investigation to perform the functions and responsibilities of the primary investigation function. The primary investigator shall have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform the function; shall have successfully completed the Ontario major case management course or equivalent, as defined by the Ontario police college.
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) means
The sudden death of an infant under one year of age, which remains unexplained after a thorough investigation which must include a complete autopsy, examination of the death scene, a police investigation and a review of the child’s clinical history.
Sudden unexplained death means
The death investigation of a child due to
– accidental injury
– non-accidental injury due to neglect or abuse
– a previous undiagnosed natural disease process
and may include
– negative autopsy but evidence of an old healed fracture which has not been adequately explained by the investigation
– negative Autopsy but some positive Toxicology, which although not considered to be a cause of death
– negative autopsy but a previous history of child abuse
Financial institution means
Any bank, trust and loan company or credit union.
Global positioning system GPS tracking device in reference to hold ups, means
Are you tracking device used primarily by the pharmaceutical and Finacial industries to assist with the apprehension of suspects in recovery of stolen property when a hold up has occurred
Hold up mandate – HUS will take charge and attend all robberies that fall within their mandate including
Financial institutions
Armored cars
Retail businesses
Home invasions committed with firearms or offensive weapons
Money deposits
Carjackings committed with firearms or offensive weapons
Bona fide reasons means
– A victim or witness who may possibly require or may seek admission into the provincial witness protection program,
– a crown attorney is requesting information for disclosure purposes
– the information is necessary to prove essential elements of an offense, or
– Investigations where the circumstances make it clear that it is essential to public or officer safety and security to ascertain the immigration status of a victim or witness
Child in need of protection means
A child that can be apprehended has been in need of protection as defined in section 125(1) of the child, youth and family services act. 
Criteria offense – Ontario major case management means (The following major cases)
All Sexual assaults
Trafficking in persons
Occurrences involving non familial abductions attempts
Missing person occurrences
Occurrences suspected to be a homicide involving found human remains
Criminal harassment cases in which the offender is not known to the victim
Any other type of cases designated as a major case pursuant to this Ontario major case manager manual
Dominant aggressor means
The individual who has been the principal abuser, and not necessarily the person who initiated the offense that resulted in the attendance of police.
Firearms interest police “FIP” means
A database with the Canadian Police Information center CPIC system that contains information from local police agencies, which could affect the individuals eligibility to be issued or to continue to hold a firearms license.
Intimate partner incident means
Any incident between persons involved in an intimate relationship where, although no criminal offense has occurred, police have been called to the scene.
Intimate partner violence means
Any physical, sexual or psychological harm caused, or attempted, between persons involved in an intimate relationship including:
Sexual assault
Unlawful interference with a persons liberty
any other criminal offense
Offenses other statutes, such as the family law act etc. but does not include child abuse investigations.
Intimate partner violence investigator means
An investigator qualified in the investigations of intimate partner violence
Intimate partner violence occurrence means
An occurrence report created to detail criminal behavior and/or a breach of any statute related to an intimate partner violence situation and includes an arrest report(Excludes an intimate partner incident report)
Intimate relationship – dating means
Marriage, domestic partnership, engagement, casual or serious romantic involvement, and dating, whether in a current or formal relationship. Intimate partner violence can occur between persons of any sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or gender expression, and it can occur in any type of intimate relationship including monogamous, non-committed, and relationships involving more than two partners
Victim means
A person to whom harm was done or who suffered physical or emotional loss as a result of the commission of the offense, and
Where the person described in paragraph (a) is dead, ill or otherwise in capable of making a statement referred to in subsection one includes the spouse or common-law partner or any relative of that person, anyone who has in law or fact the custody of that person or is responsible for the care or support of that person or any dependent of that person
Victim quick response program means
A program administered by victim services Toronto that provides quick financial assistance to victims of homicide, attempted murder, serious physical assault, intimate partner violence, sexual assault and hate crime in the immediate aftermath of a crime
Victim/witness assistance program VWAP means
The program operated by the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General. Services are provided on a priority basis to the most vulnerable victims and witnesses of violent crime; such as intimate partner violence, child abuse, sexual assault, Homicide and hate crime. Families of traffic fatality victims are also eligible. Services begin once police have laid charges and continue until the court case is concluded.
Sexual assault
sexual assault investigations are conducted in a timely and effective manner, balancing the needs of the victim with the requirements of the investigation
Supervisory officer attendance mandatory
Divisional sexual assault investigator attendance mandatory
Officer in charge notification mandatory at the scene of the sexual assault
Divisional sexual assault investigator or dividual investigator notification mandatory at the scene of the sexual assault
Sex crimes in professional standards notification mandatory when the suspect/accused is a member of this service
Divisional investigator means
An officer assigned to a divisional Det. office. In reference to sexual assault investigations means an officer assigned to a divisional investigative unit who is not accredited to investigate complaints of sexual assault
Divisional sexual assault investigator means
An officer assigned to a divisional investigative unit who is accredited to investigate complaints of sexual assault
Primary investigator means
Investigator assigned by the major case manager in every threshold major case investigation to perform the functions and responsibilities of the primary investigation function. The primary investigator shall have the knowledge, skills and abilities to perform the function; shall have successfully completed the interior major case management course or equivalent, as defined by the Ontario police college
Sex crimes investigator means
An accredited sexual assault investigator assigned to Det. operations – sex crimes
Sexual assault means
The offense as defined by the Criminal code
Sexual assault/domestic violence care center means
Medical care center designated for the treatment an examination of victims of sexual assault
Supervisory officer means
A police officer assigned to oversee other members, either temporarily or permanently
Trafficking in persons means
The offense committed by a person who recruits, transports, transfers, receives, holds, conceals or harbors a person, or exercises Control, direction or influence over the movements of a person, for the purpose of exploding them or facilitating their exploitation
Violent crime linkage analysis system (ViCLAS)
The national database operated by the Royal Canadian mounted police for the purpose of linking occurrences of designated offenses across Canada
Child abuse no person have a charge of each child shall
– Inflict abuse (physical, sexual or sexual exploitation)on the child or,
– by failing to care and provide for or supervise and protect the child adequately,
Permit the child to suffer abuse or
Permit the child to suffer from a mental, emotional or developmental condition that, if not remedied, could seriously impair the child’s development
Child physical abuse where the circumstances could be a violation of the criminal code and/or render the child in need of protection under the child, youth and family services act, and where the alleged abuser “weather adult or child” has responsibility for the care of the child victim. Child physical abuse refers to in the fence where a child is victimized by an abuser and includes all of the following:
– Physical assaults, emotional abuse, or neglect occurrences with the victim is under 18 years of age and the suspect is a caregiver, parent or a person in a position of trust or authority
– abductions when the victim is under the age of 16 years of age
– occurrences entitled child in need of protection or child left unattended
– Homicide’s with the victim is under the age of 18 years and the suspect is a caregiver, parents, or person in a position of trust or authority
– physical offenses the victim is under the age of 18 years and there are clear developmental differences between the victim and the suspect
Child sexual abuse means
The use of a child by an adult for sexual purposes, whether or not consent is alleged to have been given, which could be a violation of the criminal code and/or could place a child in need of protection under the child, youth and family services act. Child sexual abuse can include:
– inserts
– acts of exposure
– sexual touching
– sexual intercourse
– sexual molestation
– inappropriate sexual language
– sexual-harassment
– exhibitionism
– exploitation of child for pornography or prostitution
Designated child abuse investigator means
A specially trained police officer who Is responsible for the criminal investigation of child sexual and physical abuse cases
Designated children’s aid society worker means
A trained children’s aid society specialist who is responsible for the child protection investigation and the protection of the child. 
Team “child abuse investigation” means
A designated child abuse investigator and a children’s aid society specialist, who shall conduct interviews together and communicate at every stage of the investigation
Hate/bias crime means
A criminal offense committed against a person or property that is motivated by hate, bias, or prejudice based on the victims race, national or ethnic origin, language, color, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or on any other similar factor
Hate incident is
A non-criminal action or behavior that is motivated by hate against an identifiable group. Examples of hate incidents include using racial slurs, or insulting a person because of their ethnic or religious dress or how they identify.
Hate propaganda means
Any communication that advocates or promote genocide against an identifiable group or make statements that are likely to promote hate against any identifiable group because of color, race, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or mental or physical disability.
Intelligence services - hate crime will liaise with the __________________________and advise their respective Det. office with a decision by the _______________ has been made concerning the commencement of legal proceedings in cases of heat propaganda
Ministry Of the attorney general
Attorney General
Organized crime enforcement – integrated gun and gang task force is
Responsible for the identification interest of criminal gunman in the identification, arrest and dismantling of any gang, criminal organization, or crime group or its members responsible for violent criminal activity within the community, primarily focusing on illegal firearms, drugs and crimes of violence. The IGGTF operate 24 hour seven days a week
The IGGTF– Firearms enforcement unit FEU is
Mandated to identify and take enforcement action against persons involved in the legal movement of firearms, ammunition and explosives. This includes the offenses of smuggling, trafficking in the possession of crime guns.
Fire arms enforcement unit – firearms investigation and analysis unit FIAU is
Will streamline firearm investigations and ensure that there is a standard process for investigating and accountability. FIAU screens all firearms, ammunition and casings seized by the service. FIAU will designate if firearms are criminal or non-criminal. Firearms deemed to be Criminal will be examined, which includes verifying, forensic testing, test firing an intra-gated ballistics identification system testing. Examiners also provide expert testimony in court. All firearms, ammunition, projectiles in case it is brought into the custody of the service will be screened through the Det. at FIAU or their designate.
Members of the FIAU are available to assist with all inquiries concerning possession of a firearm’s license, authorization to transport, authorization to carry or permits held by the individual. They are also available to assist with investigations of all the weapons seizures, illegally possessed firearm investigations relating to businesses in the city of Toronto they use, sale in storage in firearms and related products.
Crime gun means
Any firearm that has been used or suspected to have been used in a criminal offense; any firearm that is obtained, possessed, or intended to be used to facilitate criminal activity; any firearm that has had a serial number removed, altered, or obliterated; any weapon that has been adapted for the use as a fire.
Firearms investigation & analysis unit means
The part of the organized crime enforcement – integrated gun and gang task force – firearms enforcement unit, responsible for the verification, testing, and tracing of all seized firearms and related components including Crimes scene evidence. FIAU consists of firearms experts who testify in all levels of court, as required do you get it can also assist with expert opinion with respect to video/image analysis and coded language investigations.
Firearms enforcement unit means
A section of organized crime enforcement – integrated gun and gang task force, responsible for investigations into incidence of firearms trafficking and smuggling.
Elder and vulnerable adult abuse means
Any action, or, that harms or threatens to harm the health or well-being of an elderly person or vulnerable adult by a person in a position of trust authority. This includes physical/sexual abuse, psychological abuse, financial abuse, neglect or any combination thereof
Elderly means
A person over the age of 65
Harm means
Physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse, financial abuse, neglect or any combination thereof 
Incapable means
A person unable to independently manage their day-to-day affairs due to cognitive impairment, thus making them vulnerable to abuse
Vulnerable adult means 
Any adult who by nature of a physical, emotional or psychological condition is dependent on other persons for care in assistance in day-to-day living
Often, upon receipt of a missing child complaint, the most challenging task at hand is
Determining whether it is an actual abduction, runaway child, lost child, abandoned child or a fictitious report to cover up a death or family crisis
Child Abductions
If there is insufficient information to formulate an assessment of the type of incident being investigated, officers should treat such a disappearance as ___________________, until information is developed to indicate otherwise.
An abduction
A child that has been abducted by a stranger is clearly a _________________ as defined in the child, youth and family services act.
Police officers have the authority on reasonable and probable grounds to enter and search any premises without warrant using force if necessary, to locate a child in _______________________ who is health and safety is a substantial risk
Child in need of protection
Child in need of protection
When responding to incidents of child abduction, both parental and non-parental, The services main objective is
The safe return of the child
Child means
A person younger than 18 years old
Custody order means
In order of the court, which sets out the particulars of who shall have custody or access to a child and under what circumstances
Non-parental abduction means
The unlawful removal of a child by a person other than a parent, guardian or a person having lawful care or charge of the child
Restraining order means
In order of the court, which restrains one parent from having contact with the other parent and/or children. This could also include restraining both parents from having contact with their children.
Royal Canadian mounted police missing child registry means
The national Registry created and maintained by the Royal Canadian mounted police to compile data on missing an adopted children. The Toronto Police service supports the registry and encourages officers to forward pertinent information to the RCMP to assist in matters of both parental and non-parental abduction
Window of opportunity means
The interval between the time the missing person was last seen in the time they were believed to be missing
Aggravated assault means
Everyone commits an aggravated assault who wounds, maims, disfigures or endangers the life of the complainant
Attempt Homicide/attempt to commit murder
Every person who attempts by any means to commit murder is guilty of an indictable offense and liable
A) In any other case, to imprisonment for life
Community treatment order means
An order with conditions issued by a physician to a person who provides that person with psychiatric treatment in the community that is less restrictive than being detained in a facility
Disorderly means
Behavior that appears to the police to be “to some extent rational although not unruly.
Divisional mental health liaison officer Means
The police officer responsible for coordinating all mental health/needs and/or concerns within the division; usually the community relations officer or the FOCUS liaison officer.
Mental disorder means
Any disease or disability of the mind. A person suffering from a mental disorder may have to live with a long term breakdown of coping skills including perception, decision-making and problem-solving abilities
Person in crisis means
A member of the public whose behavior brings them into contact with emergency services, either because of an apparent need for urgent care within the mental health system, or because they are otherwise experiencing a mental, emotional or substance use crisis involving behavior that is sufficiently erratic, threatening or dangerous that emergency services are called in order to protect the person or those around them. This includes Persons who may require assessment under the mental health act
Psychiatric facility means
Facility for the observation, care and treatment of person suffering from a mental disorder designated as such by the regulation contain to the mental health act
Tramatic critical incident means
Any incident during which a member experiences, witnesses or is confronted with serious injury, death, or mass casualties; any incident in which the members life has been imperiled or threatened; or any situation which is recognized at the time to have the potential to significantly interfere immediately or at a later time with the members ability to function professionally or personally.
Vulnerable person means
A person who by nature of an emotional, medical, psychological or other physical condition may exhibit patterns of behavior that pulls it increased risk to danger of themselves or others, who may require assistance from emergency services
Blue card means
A motor vehicle certificate issued by the unit commander -Toronto Police college to members who have a valid drivers license under the highway traffic act and meet Service standards authorizing them to drive specific classes of service vehicles
Driving assessment means
A practical, on the road driving assessment conducted by the divisional traffic Sgt, or Traffic Services Sgt, as applicable
Intentional contact means
When a Toronto police service vehicle operated by a member intentionally comes into contact with another vehicle, person or object does using the vehicle as a tool to stop a threat
Mark vehicle means
A service vehicle use primarily by uniformed officers that:
– is clearly marked with Toronto Police service decals along with the word police and is equipped with overhead emergency lighting visible from 360° and has a forward facing electronic siren
– Meets the minimum requirements as that out in the highway traffic act for an emergency vehicle
Reportable collision means
Every person operating a motor vehicle or streetcar involved directly or indirectly in a collision that results in personal injury, death, or property damage exceeding $2000, is required to report and furnish information forth with to the nearest police officer in accordance with the highway traffic act.
Service vehicle means
Any vehicle, vessel, aircraft or bicycle owned or operated by the Service and used to perform duties on behalf of the Service. This includes vehicles leased, owned, or rented by or loaned to the service, or a service trailer which is towed by a service vehicle.
Service vehicle collision SVC means
A vehicle collision involving a Toronto police service vehicle where involvement is direct or indirect
Service vehicle collision reduction committee means
A panel consisting of, but not limited to, the unit commander and/or designate from:
– professional standard support
– Traffic Services
– Toronto Police college
With the mandate to monitor Toronto Police service vehicle collisions for a trend analysis, problem identification, quality assurance and training issues, and report its findings to the chief of police
Service vehicle collision reduction program means
A program managed by professional standard support which monitors Toronto police service vehicle collisions for trend analysis, problem identification, quality assurance and training issues
Unmarked vehicle means
Any vehicle owned or operated by the Toronto Police service without the identifying decals of the service or emergency lighting system. It includes motor vehicles leased, owned or rented by or loaned to the service. Most unmarked vehicles are equipped with a hand operated identification lamp bearing the words police – stop
Employee and family assistance program Liaison/critical incident response team (CIRT) coordinator means
The member designated by the EFAP committee to
Liaison with
– the EFAP provider and it’s CIRT
– the Trono police operation center, officer in charge and/or unit commander and the CIRT/peer support volunteers and
Work with CIRT/PSV’s, the EFAP provider and/Or psychological services toward the diffusing in debriefing sessions
Critical incident response team means
The team consisting of peer support volunteers coordinated through the service to respond to incidents where critical incident stress may occur in to assist members and their families to cope after becoming involved in a traumatic critical incident. The CIRT members are trained in trauma response measures and are qualified to lead defusing sessions. CIRT members are not counselors.
Critical incident stress means
Physical and psychological symptoms experienced by a member as a result of being involved in a traumatic critical incident.
Debriefing session means
Is scheduled formal meeting specifically set up for members directly involved in the traumatic critical incident to discuss reactions to the traumatic event in confidence with a qualified mental health professional. The debriefing session takes place a few days after the conclusion of the traumatic critical incident in a secure location where disruptions can be eliminated and can last up to 2 1/2 hours. 
Defusing session means
And immediate informal meeting attended to by an individual or a group of members involved in a traumatic critical incident to assess the need for further assistance prior to the end of shift. The diffusing session takes place immediately after the conclusion of the traumatic critical incident in a secure location where disruptions can be eliminated and last for approximately 15 to 30 minutes. To peer support volunteers normally lead these meetings
Peer support volunteers means
Servicemembers trained in trauma response measures and available on called provide ongoing assistance to support it’s members and their families. PSV’s are qualified to lead defusing sessions and are not counselors
Traumatic critical incident means
Any incident during which a member experiences, witnesses, or is confronted with serious injury, death, or mass casualties; any incident in which the members life has been imperiled or threatened; or any situation which is recognized at the time to have the potential to significantly interfere immediately or at the leader time with a members ability to function professionally or personally.
Worker means
Any person who performs work or supply services for monetary compensation, and includes a contractor or a volunteer such as an auxiliary member
Workplace means
Any land, premise, location or thing at, upon, in order, which service business is being conducted. This can include, but is not limited to
– Service facilities/buildings
– service vehicles
– courthouses
– any other location where Service business is being conducted
Workplace violence means
The exercise of physical force, or attempt, by a person against a worker in a workplace that causes or could cause physical injury to a worker. This includes a statement or behavior that is reasonable for the worker to interpret as a threat to exercise physical force against the worker
Workplace harassment means
Engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome, or workplace sexual harassment. Harassment may be a one time incident or repeat incidents. Workplace harassment does not include discipline or performance management.
Workplace sexual harassment means
Engaging in a course of Vexatious comment or conduct against a worker in a workplace because of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, where the course of comment or conduct is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome, or making a sexual solicitation or advance where the person making the solicitation or advance is in a position to confer, Grant or deny a benefit or advancement to the worker and the person knows or out recently to know that the solicitation or advancing
Naloxone is
A life-saving medication which can be used to temporary counteract an opioid overdose and prevent an overdose death. In response to an increase in opioid-related overdoses within the city of Toronto, the Toronto Police service will provide designated members with naloxone to assist with life saving efforts until other medical assistance is available
Critical injury (to a member) in reference to member health and safety means an illness /injury of a serious nature that:
– Results in the death of a member
– places life insignificant jeopardy
– produces unconsciousness
– results in substantial loss of blood
– involves the fracture of a leg or arm but not a finger or toe
– involves the amputation of a leg, arm, hand or foot but not a finger or toe
– consists of burns to a major portion of the body,
– Causes the loss of sight in an eye
Special investigations unit SIU mandate means
– The death of a person
– the serious injury of a person
– the discharge of a firearm at a person (regardless of causing injury or death, and including less lethal weapons); and/or
– the sexual assault of a person, as reported by the person
The SIU Director may cause an investigation to be conducted if, at the time of the incident,
– the official was on duty, the official was off duty but
(a)Engaged in an investigation, pursuit, detention or arrest of a person or otherwise exercised the powers of a police officer, special constable, peace officer or other prescribe person, as the case may be, whether or not the official intended to exercise such powers or identified themselves as a person who may exercise such as powers,
(b)The incident involved equipment or other property issued to the official in relation to their duties
Fitness for duty means
Remember is mentally, emotionally and physically able to safely and competently performed assigned duties, without any limitations attributable, but not limited to, illness, injury, fatigue, mental stress or the youth and/or after effects of alcohol or drugs
Access means
The approach or point of entrance to the scene
Command post means
A place near the scene of an emergency incident where members report for instructions and information. The command post should be located at a safe distance and near other emergency services command post
Egress means
The exit or way out of the scene
Emergency means
Situation or an impending situation that constitutes a danger of major proportions that could result in serious harm to persons or substantial damage to property and that is caused by the forces of nature, a disease or other health risk, accident or an act whether intentional or otherwise
Emergency Operations Center, (EOC) means
Facility operated by the city of Toronto specifically established to conduct the overall management of an emergency. The Toronto Police service is one of the many agencies represented. The Toronto EOC is located at 703 Don Mills Road six floor
Emergency preparedness committee (EPC) is
A committee, chaired by the staff superintendent - public safety operations, comprised of subject matter experts from every command Pilar within the Toronto Police service. The EPC focus is on mitigation, preparedness planning, response and recovery; ensuring appropriate planning, investigative and response capabilities are available within the service.
Hold and secure means
That all movement in and out of the school is restricted and external doors locked, however, movement within the school is not restricted and the external danger near the school poses no immediate threat to the students or staff unless they are leaving the building
Incident commander means
The police officer who has taken charge of the incident and who is in charge at the command post and, in conjunction with other emergency services commanders, is responsible for coordinating and managing police response at an incident.
Incident commander cadre (ICC) means
Toronto Police service senior officers who have been trained as incident commanders and are available 24/7 on an on-call basis and may be activated through the inspector – Emergency Management & public order
Incident management system (IMS) means
The model of police on site response to Emergency’s and disasters based on the incident command system, adopted by the province of Ontario. The IMS provides the functional infrastructure necessary for the appropriate inefficient use of police resources.
Incident management team (IMT) means
Service members trained in IMS whose responsibilities are to attend the command post and manage site operations for level 2 – major incidents and level 3 – disaster incidents. Emergency Management & public order maintains a list of qualified team members.
Level one – emergency response means
The general response activities and resources to mitigate the situation of any incident. Members respond quickly to the report of an emergency situation to gather information, assess the situation, and determine whether additional members and specialize response is required. Many emergency incidents are resolved within a short period of time, using resources available at the divisional level.
Level two – major incident means
An emergency incident which exceeds a divisions normal operational resources and requires additional support, or multiple agency coordination at the site and some degree of external support. Level two – major incidents may continue for an extended period of time and require a site command post and/or the major incident command center (MICC).
Level three – disaster incident means
An incident that may affect a significant portion of the population, may continue for a long period of time and maybe require extensive recovery period. Response to a disaster may require the activation of the major incident command center, the emergency operation center, political direction and support, and the official declaration of a disaster in accordance with municipal code 59 and the provincial Emergency Management and civil protection act.
Lockdown means
That all movement in and out of the school and within the school is restricted as the danger is inside the school or is on school property and poses and immediate threat to the students or staff
Major incident command center (MICC)means 
The facility specifically established to coordinate the services operational response to a major event or emergency. Emergency Management & public order -Public safety is task by public safety operations with the care, maintenance and oversight of the MICC during operational period. The MICC is located at the Toronto Police headquarters, 40 College St., 12th floor. However, It may be temporarily located off site pending the unique circumstances of the major event or emergency.
Material means
The aggregate of things needed to respond to an incident not including personnel e.g., logistics supplies heavy machinery and vehicles
Senior management team includes
The chief of police, command officers, staff superintendence and directors, and any other member as determined by the chief of police.
Shelter in place requires
That people enter and remain in a building with the doors and windows closed due to an external environmental threat. Fans, including heating and air conditioning units, should be turned off to prevent air from outside entering the building. Normal operations may continue within the building.
Staging means
A determined off – site location where responding personnel and appropriate equipment initially report to await details before entering the emergency site itself.
Toronto emergency management program committee means
A committee compromise of the mayor and key representatives from local boards, city agencies, and other agencies and organizations, responsible for the overall management of level three – disaster incident. During these emergencies this group is collectively responsible for the direction and coordination of emergency response operations within the city.
Unified command means
A team of people representing involved agencies with responsibility for the incident, which jointly provide management direction to an incident through a common set of incident objectives and strategies established at the command level.
Police explosive technician means
Any police officer who has completed the appropriate training as approved by the chief of police to maintain the appropriate knowledge, skills and abilities to perform their work.
ETF tactical commander means
A member of specialized emergency response – Emergency task force who has completed an incident commanders hostage/barricaded persons course at the Canadian police college, or other recognize police training agency.
Although the incident commander has control over all police response had an incident, the supervisors – ETF will have control of all aspects of ETF tactical operations. In relation to a bomb threat and/or explosion, the supervisory Dash Emergency Management in public order explosive disposal unit will have control of all aspects of EDU operations.
Incident commander means
The police officer who has taken charge of the incident and who is in charge at the command post and, in conjunction with other emergency service commanders, is responsible for coordinating and managing police response at an incident
Scene means
The entire area of the incident, including both the inner and outer perimeters
Terrorism means
The criminal use of violence, intimidation or coercion, or the threat of such violence to influence the behavior of others by a terrorist activity
Immediate rapid response means 
That if there is an immediate threat to life in a school, officers shall enter the school to stop the threat in accordance with training
Parent staging area means
A location where parents can initially report to and await details. Usually position of site from the immediate emergency or threat. Ideally separate and exclusive from the Emergency responders, equipment and media.
45 – Day status update form means
A form outlining the status of the investigation to the office of the independent police review (OIPRD)
Alternative dispute resolution means
Mediation, conciliation, negotiation or any other means of facilitating the resolution of issues in dispute by a third-party offsite meeting
Association means
The Toronto Police association or the Toronto Police senior officers organization
Attachments in reference
Totally complaints administration means correspondence, other than the T.P.S 901 or OIPRD form associated to a given complaint, which would include internal correspondence, facsimile, a letter written by the complainant or any other relevant document
Civilian member means
Any Service employee who is not a police officer, including employees classified as:
– permanent
– temporary
– part time
– summer help
– participants in the Cooperative education program
Customer service resolution means
An office of the independent police review Director (OIPRD) process to handle complaints prior to engaging the screening process. All matters suitable for a customer service resolution will be referred to professional standards by the OIPRD. These matters can be resolved by an agreement between all parties in Lieu of acomplaint being formalized by the OIPRD. No record of a customer service resolution shall be placed in a police officers personal file.
External complaint means
And allegation made by a member of the public:
– in writing and signed on the of the office of the independent review Director form
– delivered to any service facility or the OIPRD personally or by an agent, by mail, facsimile, or by email
– must concerned the policies of, or the services provided by the Service or the conduct of a police officer and
– classified by the OIPRD
Informal resolution (external) 
In reference to external complaints means where the conduct is deemed less serious and can be resolved through agreement from all parties after an OIPRD complaint has been lodged
Investigative supervisor
In reference to complainants means a supervisor assigned to investigate a complaint and includes a unit complainant coordinator UCC
Investigative brief means
A brief similar in content to a crown brief, is that it should be bound, the page is numbered sequentially, and include all video and audio recordings, or other electronic recordings, along with a transcript of the same, and should be in a format As defined by prosecution services.
Less serious complaint allegation means
The conduct is not of a serious nature
Local inquiry means
When a local resolution process has commenced but is not completed, e.g. complainant refuses to complete/sign a local resolution form
Local resolution means
The agreement that is reached between all parties when an external complaint is made directly to a police officer in Lieu of being lodged with the OIPRD. No record of a local resolution shall be placed in a police officers personal file.
Office of the independent police review Director means
An independent civilian agency responsible for receiving, managing and overseeing all public complaints about the police in Ontario in accordance with the police services act
Office of the independent police review Director liaison officer means
A senior officer of the Toronto Police service designated by the chief of police to act as a liaison with the OIPRD relating to conduct investigations and adjudications.
Ontario civilian police commission means
An independent oversight agency and is the appeal body for decisions made at police disciplinary hearings
Party to a complaint includes
– A person making a complaint under part V of the police services act
– a police officer who is a witness officer in a complaint filed by a member of the public under part V of the police services act
– the chief of police of the police service to which the complaint relates or
-In the case of a complaint against the chief of police, The police services board of the police service to watch the complaint relates, and
– May include any person added as a party to the offense of The independent police review Director
Report of investigation in reference to complaints means
A report outlining the circumstances and investigative results of a complaint in the prescribed format as defined by the office of the independent police review Director
Respondent Officer means
A police officer who is the subject of a complaint filed by a member of the public under part V of the police services act And may include a chief of police or deputy chief of police
Serious complaint allegation means
A matter that, at the discretion of the chief of police, is of public interest to be dealt with as a complete under part V of the police services act. A serious complaint, if substantiated, must go to a disciplinary hearing
Side issues in reference to complaints means
And issue identified during the course of the investigation concerning the policies or the services provided by the Toronto Police service or the conduct of a police officer or a civilian member, which is not part of the original complaint
Substantiated means
Based on the results of the investigation, there are reasonable grounds to believe the conduct of a police officer or civilian member constitutes misconduct
Unsubstantiated in reference to complaints means
1)Insufficient evidence exists to support the allegation
2)Evidence exists that, is believed, would not constitute misconduct
3)The identification of the police officer involved cannot be established
Witness officer in reference to complaints means
A police officer who is not the respondent of a complaint
Prohibited grounds means
The protective grounds under the Ontario human rights code for which a person cannot discriminate. These include: age, ancestry, citizenship, color, Creede, disability, ethnic origin, family status, gender expression, gender identity, marital status (including single status), place of origin, race, receipt of public assistance (in housing only), record of offenses (in employment only), sex (including discrimination based on pregnancy and breast-feeding), and sexual orientation.
When a complainant wishes to withdraw a complaint, or a part thereof, the withdrawal must be in________and____________ by the complaint.
writing and signed
The Chief of police may continue to deal with the complaint if the chief considers it appropriate to do so. If a complainant wishes to withdraw a complaint after a hearing has commenced , consent must be provided by the______and the__________. 
Chief and the OIPRD
When it has been decided that an investigation will continue even though the complaint has been withdrawn, the involved officer shall be notified in writing within ___ days of the decision to continue with the investigation
30 days
When a PSA hearing has commenced for an internal complaint, only the_____________ officer may receive the withdrawal.
Hearing officer
External complaint – civilian means
An allegation made by a member of the public concerning the conduct of a civilian member 
Informal resolution (internal) means
At the conclusion of the investigation and upon review of the written report, the unit commander is of the opinion that there was misconduct and/or unsatisfactory work performance but that it was not of a serious nature, the unit commander may resolve the matter informally
Internal complaint– civilian means
An allegation from internal sources concerning the conduct of a civilian member, or the policies or the services provided by the Toronto Police service
Investigating supervisor means
A supervisor assigned to investigate it complete and includes a unit complaint coordinator (UCC)
Remediation means
The act of correcting a fault or deficiency it is often referred to as a remedy
Accommodation factor means
Providing accommodation to persons with any disability, as defined in the accessibility for Ontarians with disabilities act
Barrier means
Anything that prevents a person with a disability from fully participating in all aspects of society because of their disability, including a physical barrier, an architectural barrier, an information or communications barrier, an attitudinal , a technological bear, a policy or a practice.
Management practices means
The supervisory practices used to control the work environment and to assign tasks, and the methods used to communicate standards. Also includes the manner in which training needs are met and equipment issues are resolved
Service governance includes:
Police services board policies and bylaws
Tripolesvc Service collective agreements
Standards of conduct
Service governance definition
Policy and procedure manual
Routine orders
Specialized manuals issued by the chief of police
Unit – specific policies issued by their unit commander
CPIC messages
Directions from a superior
Special review means
A two-part process involving an initial interview with the unit commander about management practices and/or accommodation factors, and a second phase that may include heightened monitoring of performance be on the annual evaluation to improve in individuals work performance
Sundry duties means
The tasks associated with a primary task defined in a civilian job description that are too numerous to list
Discrimination means
Any distinction, conduct or Action, either by intention or not, on the basis of any prohibited ground under the human rights code, which has the impact of excluding persons, denying benefits, or imposing burdens on an individual or group, which are not imposed on others or which withhold or limits access to benefits available to others.
Human rights complaint means
An alleged violation of a prohibited ground under the human rights code
Human rights tribunal of Ontario (HRTO) means
The independent provincial government agency who receives human rights code complaint applications and assists parties to resolve complaints through mediation and/or a hearing
Internal complaint means
An allegation from internal sources concerning the conduct of a police officer, or the policies or the services provided by the Toronto Police service
Internal complaint – civilian means
In reference to the civilian complaint and discipline process means an allegation from internal sources concerning the conduct of a civilian member, or the policies or the services provided by the Toronto Police service
Offensive material means
The possession, reproduction, circulation, dissemination, publication or posting of any material that may be considered harassment under the human rights code in any area of the Toronto police service facility
Ontario human rights commission (OHRC) means
An independent government agency that provides leadership for the promotion, protection and advancement of human rights and builds partnerships across the human rights system (but does not receive human rights code complaints)
Racially biased policing occurs when
A member of a police service inappropriately considers raise or ethnicity deciding how and with whom to intervene in an enforcement capacity. Racial bias policing includes racial profiling
Responded – human rights complaint means
The member who is the subject of a human rights code complaint.
Stereotyping means
That particular roles and characteristics are attributed to people on the basis of a prohibited ground under the human rights code
Systemic discrimination means
Organizational policies or practices that create or perpetuate a position of relative disadvantage for some individuals/groups, on the basis of prohibited grounds
Administrative investigation means
A police investigation to review the policies of, or services provided by the service and the conduct of its officers.
Affected person means
In relation to an incident where the special investigations unit mandate has been or may be involved, a person who died or was seriously injured, a person whom a firearm was discharged, or a person who reported that they were sexually assaulted.
Chiefs special investigations unit SIU liaison officer means
A uniform senior officer of the Toronto Police service designated, in writing, by the chief of police to act as the main liaison with the SIU it all matters relating to SIU Investigations. The Chiefs SIU Liaison officer overseas the Chiefs SIU on-call designated authority cadre and professional standards SIU liaison section while in the field.
Incident notes mean
Only in relation to an incident where the special investigations unit mandate is or maybe invoked, notes made in the members service issued memorandum book or unit approved notebook about the incident giving rise to the SIU mandate been involved. Isn’t it notes do not include other types of Notes such as occurrence reports, arrest records, use of force reports, Duty reports, logs or a canine training records.
Misconduct means
Any conduct that is contrary to or a breach of any legislative or service governance or the police services act
Conducted energy weapon means
A weapon that primarily uses propelled wires to conduct energy that affects the sensory and/or motor functions of the central nervous system
Dispatching of an animal means
The discharge of a firearm for the purpose of ending the life of an animal that is potentially dangerous, or is so badly injured that humidity dictates that it’s suffering be ended
Firearm means
A service issued or authorized firearm
Firearm discharge investigator means
A detective or detective sergeant assigned to professional standards who has completed the accredited firearm discharge investigators course
Handgun means
A firearm that is designed, altered or intended to be aimed and fired by the action of one hand
Service members perception data means
Information derived from a member making a determination with respect to the race of an individual by observation, solely on the basis of that members own perception
Unit investigating supervisor means
A supervisor assigned to the unit Quality Control, or a unit complaint coordinator
Accidental discharge means
An unintentional discharge of a service firearm or less lethal shotgun by a police officer that is NOT the result of undue care and attention to the prescribed safe handling procedures
Negligent discharge means
An intentional or unintentional discharge of a service firearm or less lethal shotgun by a police officer that IS the result of undo care and attention to the prescribed safe handling procedures
Cartridge – standoff means
An issued component of the taser seven capable of discharging probes at a 3.5° angle
Conducted energy weapon use means
Demonstrated force presence, drive stun mode, full deployment, or an unintentional discharge
Demonstrated force presence means
That the conducted energy weapon is un – holstered displayed in presence of a subject with the intention to achieve behavior compliance.
Drive stun mode means
When the conducted energy weapon is placed in direct contact with the subject and the current is applied without the probes being propelled
Full deployment means
The conducted energy weapon is used wherein the probes are fired at a subject and the electrical Pulse applied. In this mode, the device is designed to override the subjects nervous system and affect both the sensory and motor functions causing incapacitation.
Sensitive areas means
– Head
– eyes
– Neck
– trachea
– groin
– General
– any visible pre-existing injuries
Abandoned pursuit means
The discontinuation of a pursuit when police officers are no longer pursuing a fleeing motor vehicle for the purpose of stopping or identifying the fleeing motor vehicle or an individual in the fleeing motor vehicle.
Marked vehicle means
A service vehicle used primarily by uniformed officers that:
– is clearly marked with Toronto Police service decals along with the word police it is equipped with overhead emergency lighting visible from 360° and has a forward facing electronic Siren
-meets the minimum requirements as that out in the highway traffic act for an emergency vehicle
Pursuit supervisor means
The communications supervisor or, if unavailable the Road supervisory officer
Suspect apprehension pursuit occurs when
A police officer attempts to direct the driver of a motor vehicle to stop, the driver refuses to obey the police officer, and the police officer pursues in a motor vehicle for the purpose of stopping the fleeing motor vehicle, or identifying the fleeing motor vehicle, or an individual in the fleeing motor vehicle
Unmarked police vehicle in reference to pursuits, means 
All vehicles, other than a marked police vehicle, that are owned or operated by the service. These include vehicles commonly known as stealth vehicles and clean top vehicles.
Appearance standards means/refers
To the standard set by the service with respect to hair, beards, goatees, mustache, jewelry and clothing
Secure area means
An area in a police facility which has been designated by the unit commander as restricted access and which cannot be accessed or viewed by the public
Call for service means
An incident attended by police officers in response to a call from the public for assistance or service. This includes, but is not limited to, investigative detention, apprehension under the mental health act, arrests, interactions with persons in crisis, Crimes in progress, investigations, active criminals, and public disorder issues etc.
On means,
The body worn camera is powered on. When they care is in the on position, the camera has a pre-event recording with no audio set for 30 seconds. When the camera begins recording, the video automatically captures the 30 second pre-event and attaches it as part of the overall recording
Overt means
Shown openly, plainly or readily apparent, not separate or hidden
Private place means
A place where one may reasonably expect to be safe from uninvited intrusion or surveillance, but does not include a place to which the public has lawful access. Such places include, but are not limited to, a place of worship and a lawyers office
Public place means
Any place to which the public have access as of right or by invitation, expressed or implied
Record indicates
Any process which causes the body worn camera to record audio and video data
Protective search (formerly level 1)
This is used generally during investigative detention and involves a limited search of a person who has been detained by the police when there is reasonable belief the person poses a safety risk. The scope of the search is limited to exterior patting of clothing such as pockets, waistband or areas that be reasonably conceal such items as weapons or implements that may be used as weapons, usually with open hands to maximize the ability to detect weapons through clothing. This search may also be described as a safety search, as that is the purpose and objective
Frisk search (formally level 2)
This is used generally for search incident to arrest it means a more thorough search that may include emptying in searching pockets as well as removal of clothing, which does not expose a persons undergarments, or the areas of the body normally covered by undergarments. The removal of clothing such as belts, footwear, socks, shoes, sweaters, extra layers of clothing, or the shirt of a male would all be included in a frisk search. A frisk search maybe commenced in the Field and concluded at the station.
A Frisk search conducted incident to arrest includes the area within the immediate control of the arrested person; common law also typically supports searching the entirety of a motor vehicle with a person was arrested in or moments after exiting it.
Members shall make every effort to video and audio record all frisk searches. Members are also required to articulate the justification for the manner and circumstances under which these searches are conducted. For the purposes of this definition patdown search means the same as, “frisk search”
Strip search (formally level 3) R vs Golden
A strip search includes all steps in protective and frisk searches as well as a thorough search of a person’s clothing and non-physical search of the body. That will often require removal of/or rearrangement of some, or all, of the persons clothing to permit a visual inspection of a persons private areas: namely the genitals, buttocks, breasts or chest, Body cavity, and/or undergarments; the mouth was excluded from this definition despite being a body cavity.
The supreme court noted that strip searches “represent a significant invasion of privacy and are often humiliating, degrading and traumatic” and therefore require a “higher degree of justification in order to support the higher degree of interference with individual freedom and dignity”.
When considering whether a strip search is justified, the Supreme Court stated, “in addition to reasonable air probable grounds justifying the rest, the police must establish reasonable and probable growls justify the strip search,” and the police must establish they have reasonable improbable grounds for concluding that a strip search is necessary in that particular circumstances of the arrest.
Body cavity search (formerly level 4)
A search of the rectum or vagina
Stealth mode means
A state of the BWC where the cameras lights and sound are suppressed, even though recording continues. Used only on rare occasions, and only for officer safety.
Authorize user
Are all individuals who have been granted access to the Toronto Police services IT resources. These include but are not limited to,
– permanent members
– temporary members
– contractors
– consultants
– volunteers
– personal affiliated with third parties
Workplace technology device
Is any computing and user device, typically with its own operating system, which can communicate to a network. These include, but is not limited to,
– standard workstations
– laptops/notebooks/tablets
– mobile workstations
–. External media storage devices
– mobile devices
– monitors
– printers
– photocopiers/scanners
– fax machines
– telephone voicemail Yuile
– handheld ticketing devices
Information and technology resource
Is any system, service, hardware, and network resources that are owned by, or supplied to authorized users by the Toronto Police service. This includes, but is not limited to
– networks and network devices
– software
– Internet access
– communication and business applications
– workplace technology devices
Confidential information
Is all police information, it is to be used for official business only. This includes,
- privileged information
– third-party information
– personal information
– any other information collected, obtain or derived for or from T.P.S records that must be kept confidential under the municipal freedom of information and protection of privacy act, police services act, youth criminal justice act, or any applicable legislation
Personal devices and technology
Any telecommunication equipment and technology that is not issued or authorized by the service