SF34 FO 7-Day Briefs Flashcards


First Officer Crew Checks - Land Evacuation


Approximately 1 minute prior to impact I will lock my harness and the PNF will announce, ‘This is the Captain, Brace! Brace!’ or the secondary method which will be the seatbelt sign cycled twice creating four chimes. I will then set the three emergency switches to on.
After impact and the aircraft has come to a complete stop and if the Captain orders ‘Evacuation Drills’.
Ensure Emergency Switches (three) on.
Fire Handles. Both Pull.
Fire Extinguisher Switches both on.
Don cap.
Take torch and flight deck fire extinguisher.
Exit through first available exit.
Once outside, check for fire and extinguish if necessary.
Assist passengers as required.
Ensure passengers remain grouped, proceed upwind from the aircraft and wait for crew.

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First Officer Crew Checks - Water Evacuation


Approximately 1 minute prior to impact I will lock my harness and the PNF will announce, ‘This is the Captain, Brace! Brace!’, or the secondary method which will be seatbelt sign cycled twice creating four chimes. I will then set the three emergency switches to on.
After impact and the aircraft has come to a complete stop and when the Captain orders, ‘Evacuation Drills’.
Ensure Emergency Switches (three) on.
Fire Handles. Both Pull.
Fire Extinguisher Switches both on.
Don life jacket but do not inflate it.
Don cap.
Take torch.
Relieve the Flight Attendant at forward doors.
Continue to guard forward doors until passengers have evacuated.
Once relieved by the Captain, exit through overwing exits, when outside aircraft inflate life jacket.
Ensure passengers remain grouped in a huddle, proceed upwind from the aircraft and wait for crew.

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First Officer Crew Checks - Rapid Depressurisation - Emergency Descent


May be conducted by Captain or First Officer or in a challenge and response format.
Conduct our Memory Items: Oxygen masks and regulators, establish communications, transponder to 7700, seat belt signs on, initiate descent (advising high speed or low speed).
The PNF will call over the PA ‘This is the Captain, Emergency Descent!’.
We will descend to 10,000ft.
When stabilised at this level, the PNF will call over the PA, ‘This is the Captain. A safe altitude has been reached’.

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First Officer Crew Checks - Hijacking


May be conducted by Captain or First Officer or in a challenge and response format.
In response to the Flight Attendant’s call: ‘Captain, I must come to the flight deck immediately’.
The PNF will respond ‘No’ and ensure the door is locked.
Squawk code 7500.

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First Officer Crew Check - Full 7-Day Brief


Approximately 1 minute prior to impact I will lock my harness and the PNF will announce, ‘This is the Captain, Brace! Brace!’ or the secondary method which will be the seatbelt sign cycled twice creating four chimes. I will then set the three emergency switches to on.
After impact and the aircraft has come to a complete stop and if the Captain orders ‘Evacuation Drills’.
Ensure Emergency Switches (three) on.
Fire Handles. Both Pull.
Fire Extinguisher Switches both on.
Don cap.
Take torch and flight deck fire extinguisher.
Exit through first available exit.
Once outside, check for fire and extinguish if necessary.
Assist passengers as required.
Ensure passengers remain grouped, proceed upwind from the aircraft and wait for crew.

Approximately 1 minute prior to impact I will lock my harness and the PNF will announce, ‘This is the Captain, Brace! Brace!’, or the secondary method which will be seatbelt sign cycled twice creating four chimes. I will then set the three emergency switches to on.
After impact and the aircraft has come to a complete stop and when the Captain orders, ‘Evacuation Drills’.
Ensure Emergency Switches (three) on.
Fire Handles. Both Pull.
Fire Extinguisher Switches both on.
Don life jacket but do not inflate it.
Don cap.
Take torch.
Relieve the Flight Attendant at forward doors.
Continue to guard forward doors until passengers have evacuated.
Once relieved by the Captain, exit through overwing exits, when outside aircraft inflate life jacket.
Ensure passengers remain grouped in a huddle, proceed upwind from the aircraft and wait for crew.

May be conducted by Captain or First Officer or in a challenge and response format.
Conduct our Memory Items: Oxygen masks and regulators, establish communications, transponder to 7700, seat belt signs on, initiate descent (advising high speed or low speed).
The PNF will call over the PA ‘This is the Captain, Emergency Descent!’.
We will descend to 10,000ft.
When stabilised at this level, the PNF will call over the PA, ‘This is the Captain. A safe altitude has been reached’.

May be conducted by Captain or First Officer or in a challenge and response format.
In response to the Flight Attendant’s call: ‘Captain, I must come to the flight deck immediately’.
The PNF will respond ‘No’ and ensure the door is locked.
Squawk code 7500.k

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Emergency Take-off Briefing - Engine Failure


PF - Before V1, either pilot may call “Failure”. If the First Officer calls it, the Captain may call “Stop” or “Go”.
At the V1 call, the take-off will continue, climbing at V2.
In the event of a malfunction, I will call “Positive rate, gear up, Max Power”.
PNF - I will check positive rate of climb. Select the gear up, set CTOT to rated power and select both Flight Directors to ON.
If Max Power is not achieved on the good engine, I will advance the power levers to set max power.
Responding “Selected, Max Power set, 1/2 bank on”.
I will continue to monitor the engine gauges.
Confirming that the prop has autocoarsened by checking that the prop gearbox oil pressure is below the green arc and correct CWP indications are displayed.
PF - I will check the ball is centered and call “Yaw Damper On”
PNF - I will confirm the ball is centered, select the Yaw Damper ON and call “Selected”.
If autocoarsen has not occurred, either pilot may call “Negative Autocoarsen”.
PF - I will respond “Confirmed, engine failure memory items”
PNF - We will action the memory items.
On reaching the acceleration altitude if Flaps are at zero, I will call “Flap at Zero, Enroute or (icing conditions) Enroute + 10…” (and the speed).
PF - I will accelerate to Venroute or Venroute+10 and then call “Autopilot ON”.
PNF - I will confirm HDG, IAS and 1/2 bank mode and select the autopilot on responding “Autopilot on, heading, indicated, 1/2 bank on”.
PNF - Or if flaps are at 15, I will call “Flap Zero… (and the Vflup speed, Vflup+10 in icing conditions).
PF - If a long acceleration segment is required, I will lower the pitch attitude and call “ALT”.
I will accelerate towards Venroute or Venroute+10.
Passing Vflup/Vflup+10 in icing conditions, I will call “Flap Zero”.
PNF - I will select Flap Zero and respond “Selected, Enroute or Enroute+10…” (and the speed) and when flaps indicate zero call “Flap at Zero”.
PF - If ALT was selected, at Venroute or Venroute+10 I will call “Indicated”.
PNF - I will select IAS mode and respond “Indicated”.
PNF - I will confirm HDG, IAS and 1/2 bank mode and select the autopilot on responding “Autopilot on, heading, indicated, 1/2 bank on.
PF - I will call “Identify the Failure”.
PNF - I will check all the engine gauges and call “Left (or right) engine failure”
PF - I will respond “Confirmed, engine failure memory items”.
CR - We will action the memory items and then consider performance.
PF - I will call “Check circuit breakers”.
CR - We will check our circuit breakers.
PF - I will call “Emergency Cover Checklist”.
PNF - I will retrieve the Emergency Cover Checklist and read from the top the appropriate checks.

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Missed Approach Briefing


PF - Either pilot may call “Going Around” and I will press the go-around button, advance the power levers to approximately the 1 o’clock position, or 80%, and rotate to 6.4 degrees.
PNF - I will call and action: “Flap 7 selected, power set, gear selected up, yaw damper on, 1/2 bank off”.
PF - At 146 kts I will call “Heading, indicated”.
PNF - I will selected them on the MSP and respond “Heading, indicated”.
PF - I will call “Autopilot on”.
PNF - I will select it and call “Autopilot On, Heading, Indicated” and at a minimum of 400ft AGL “Flap Zero… (Vflup/Vflup+10 in icing conditions)”.
PF - At or above that speed I will call “Flaps Zero”.
PNF - I will select flap zero and when they indicate zero I will call “Flaps at Zero”.
PF - At 1000ft AGL I will call “Set climb power”
PNF - I will conduct the Climb Scan-Action Flow
PF - Above the MSA I will call “Climb Checklist”
PNF - I will commence the Climb Checklist.

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