Sexually Transmitted Infections Flashcards
Long term health consequences of STIs:
1) Reproductive tract cancers
2) Impaired fertility
3) Adverse pregnancy outcomes
4) HIV acquisition and transmission
Genital, anal, or perianal ulcers:
Genital herpes (common) or syphilis (rare)
Diagnosis involves: culture, DFA, or PCR for herpes, darkfield examination, DFA, or serology for syphilis. HIV testing is recommended, especially in patients with syphilis.
Genital warts cause non-ulcerating lesions.
Urethritis and cervicitis:
Urethritis usually presents with dysuria and penile discharge in men, and is often caused by gonorrhea or chlamydia. Non-gonococcal urethritis (NGU) describes other possible causes of urethritis beyond gonorrhea and chlamydia.
Cervicitis may be asymptomatic or present with abnormal discharge or vaginal bleeding.
Vaginal discharge or vulvar itching and irritation. Usually caused by candida, bacteria (too many anaerobes), or trichomoniasis.
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID):
Manifests as lower abdominal pain, adnexal tenderness, and cervical motion tenderness. It may represent endometritis, salpingitis, tubo-ovarian abscess, or pelvic peritonitis.
Usually chlamydia or gonorrhea, but can be due to anaerobes.
Rectal pain, tenesmus, discharge, or constipation associated with gonorrhea, HSV, chlamydia, syphilis or genital warts.
Unilateral scrotal pain and swelling (epididymitis) or rectal pain (prostatitis) associated with gonorrhea, chlamydia, or enteric flora.
Chlamydia microbiology and pathophysiology:
Obligate, intracellular bacteria with multiple serotypes. Types D-K are sexually transmitted pathogens. Types L1-L3 cause lymphogranuloma venerum. Exist is elementary bodies and reticulate bodies. Chlamydia is taken up by receptor-mediated endocytosis. It is a major cause of infertility, and can cause perinatal infection.
Chlamydia clinical syndromes:
Asymptomatic, urethritis, cervicitis, epididymitis, proctitis, PID (leading to infertility), and reactive arthritis. In infants: inclusion conjunctivitis (cobblestoning without exudate), and interstitial pneumonia.
Chlamydia diagnosis and treatment:
Diagnosis: nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) performed on vaginal swab sample or first catch urine.
Test of cure (3-4 wks after treatment) recommended in pregnant women or those with compliance issues, persistent symptoms, or possible reinfection.
Gonorrhea microbiology and pathophysiology:
Neisseria is a fastidious gram-negative diplococci that requires a warm, moist, CO2 rich environment for growth. It attaches to mucosal surfaces by pili. Majority of women are asymptomatic, most men are symptomatic.
Gonorrhea clinical syndromes:
Urethritis, cervicitis, epididymitis, prostatitis, anorectal infections, pharyngeal infections, conjunctivitis (exudative) in children and adults. May also cause PID, perihepatitis (FITZ-HUGH-CURTIS SYNDROME), disseminated gonococcal infection, and septic arthritis.
Gonorrhea diagnosis and treatment:
Diagnosis: Gram stain of discharge, NAAT on vaginal swabs or first-catch urine, culture using Thayer-Martin agar.
Treatment of simple infection: CEFTRIAXONE (anogenital or oropharyngeal) or CEFIXIME (anogenital only), and AZITHROMYCIN (single dose only).
Treatment of complicated infection: CEFTRIAXONE and AZITHROMYCIN.
Azithromycin is for clinically silent Chlamydia co-infection.
Test of cure is not indicated.
If GC is diagnosed, test for syphilis and HIV.
Syphilis microbiology and pathophysiology:
Treponema pallidum is a thin, coiled spirochete. Darkfield microscopy and direct immunofluorescence are required for visualization. Organisms penetrate mucous membranes and disseminate through the blood.
Stages of syphilis infection:
1) Incubation period (~3 weeks)
2) Primary syphilis (chancre) - 2-4 weeks
3) Secondary syphilis (mucocutaneous lesions and lymphadenopathy) - 6-24 weeks after infection
4) Latent syphilis (may last years)
5) Tertiary syphilis (gummas, aortitis, and neurosyphilis).
* NEUROSYPHILIS may occur at any point during the disease process, and may present as stroke, dementia, or tabes dorsalis.*
Syphilis diagnosis and treatment:
Diagnosis: Darkfield microscopy, VDRL and RPR, treponemal specifc antibody, syphilis IgG assay.
Treatment: Parenteral (IV or IM) penicillin. Doxycycline in the penicillin-allergic patient.
Screening for all pregnant women.
Populations at risk for the development of STDs:
Youth, minorities, multiple sexual partners, those living on social margins (runaways, homeless, incarcerated, migrant workers), those native to STD endemic areas.
Important points about STD treatment/screening:
Screen for multiple agents
Treat for asymptomatic infections
Treat as if patient will be lost to follow-up
Treat sexual partners
Report to state health departments, when appropriate
Educate patients
Treat adolescents confidentially without parental consent
Gonorrhea is more likely to cause ____, while Chlamydia is more likely to cause ____.
Septic arthritis, reactive arthritis.