Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) Flashcards
What is sexually transmitted diseases?
STDs are a group of emerging infectious diseases, not only in developing countries, but even in Industrialized ones, including Italy. Include in heterogeneous group of clinical,Caused by over 25 different etiologic agents of bacterial, viral, and parasitic protozoan, Whose
Transmission may occur by vaginal, oral or anal (Therefore, for Both heterosexual and homosexual relationships) and affect the reproductive system.
Epidemiology of STDs
- about 400 million people including the band età15-45 years sick of STDs each year. (WHO)
- Compared to the last century, a when predominated syphilis and gonorrhea, today the most common STDs in Italy are diseases Chlamydia, mycoplasma, herpes and HPV
- 2/3 of sick people are under 25 years
- Infection from external genitals can come higher to internal genitals
- Unnecessary use of antibiotics have contibuted not only to the emergence new infecting organisms, but the Increase in the incidence of the same MST
Risk factors (biological)
conditions predisposing biological
- Age: young,big number of sexual partners
- Females: vaginal habitat, Reasons anatomical (shorter length of the urethra)
Risk factors (behavioral)
behavioral conditions predisposing
Drug addiction and alcoholism
High number of sexual partners (ie, occasional reports)
Unprotected sex
Coinfection or previous infection with HIV
Previous history of STDs
Low socio-cultural
Mode of infection
- Transversal: hetero- or homosexual relationships
- Vertical: mother to child: In utero; At delivery
General characteristics of diagnosis
- TORCH: INFORMS about the presence of Toxoplasma, CMV and HSV
- serological tests for syphilis: VDRL, TPHA
- Search for HIV
- analysis of markers of hepatitis
Women symptoms
- Vaginal discharge (leukorrhea): can be of different color and odor (OftenHowever smelly). For example, in the case of Candida infections, the loss is”Cottage cheese” for the formation of a series of granulations; in other cases, However,Recognize air bubbles
- vaginal pain and burning
- genital ulcers
- Abdominal pain conspicuous (issiskiriantis, ryskus)
Men’s symptoms
- pain and burning
- losses urethral
- genital ulcers
- serological tests
- search of the microorganism in the secretions: for example, Trichomonas is well visible in cool while you search with Candida vaginal swabs / urethral
- viral DNA Research
What causes STDs?
- bacterias
- virals
- protozoa
- mushrooms
What bacterias can cause?
- Neisseria gonorrhoeae
- chlamidia trachomatis
- treponema pallidum
N.gonorrhoaea epidemiology
Neisseria gonorrhoeae: is the most common STDs, Particularly common in poor countries, for
unhygienic conditions and socio-economic
N.gonorr etiopathogenesis
Etiopathogenesis: the adhesion of bacterial cells to the mucosal surfaces, decisive for the
development of the disease, OCCURS at the level of the cylindrical epithelia, predisposing to infection
ascending (PID: pelvic inflammatory desease). It is Transmitted by vaginal, anal, oral or
ocular (especially for poor hygiene in the latter case)
N.gonorr clinic (women)
• Cervicitis with losses (whites) greenish-yellow (Which may suggest
the Trichomonas)
• endometritis
• Irritations vulvar
N.gonorr clinic (men)
- Urethritis
• disorders of urination (also from prostatitis)
N.gonorr clinic (both sex) and for neonatal because of mother
- Anorettite
• pharyngitis
for neonatal :conjunctivitis
N.gonorr complications
- men: urethritis That You back from the front, and then prostatitis. epididymitis
• In women: endocerviciti or endometritis dating back to give salpingitis and PID
- Systemic: hematogenous dissemination (endocarditis, meningitis, etc.
Chlamidia trachomatis - definition
CT infection is asymptomatic in 2/3 of the cases and, Moreover, is somewhat difficult to diagnose. Can cause two pictures:
- lymphogranuloma venereum: is caratterizzata by ulcerative lesion Often fleeting and subject to multiple chronic adenopathy fistolizzazioni
- genital infection
Ch.trachomatis - symptoms for women
the cervix is the first site of infection; the Resulting
endocervicitis presents:
• Symptoms: abdominal pain, dysuria, blood loss, conditions general malaise, nausea and vomiting
ch,trachomatis - diagnosis and complications (women)
• Complications
-Chronic Pain
-Salpingitis: no longer Allows the passage of the egg through the fallopian tubes, causing infertility or ectopic pregnancies
• Diagnosis
-search spontaneous secretions from the urethra
Ch.trachomatis for men
urethritis Which may involve the epididymis and prostate
Treponema pallidum - definition
Treponema pallidum: causes syphilis, Which OCCURS with a typical symptoms cutaneo-mucosa and internal organ involvement
Cross street
Via vertical (transplacental)
Tr.pallidum - clinic
Primary syphilis chancre caratterizzata is accompanied by satellite adenopathy
Secondary syphilis is caratterizzata by the appearance of roseole and papules, lesions
mucous and papular, until you get to destructive lesions (tires luetic)
Tertiary syphilis: you have skin lesions and mucous localized and persistent, with
frequent CNS involvement
tr.pallidum - diagnosis
Microscopic observation
Serological tests
• VDRL: antibodies anticardiolipinici
• TPHA: antibodies antitreponema