Metodi contraccettivi Flashcards
<p>what is contaception?</p>
<p><strong>methods or devices used to prevent pregnancy</strong></p>
Contraception means clustering prevention of conception or the <strong>impediment of fertilization between<br></br>
egg and sperm</strong> (in fact, if this occurred, it is called abortion methods)<br></br>
<p> </p>
<p>Characteristics of the<em><strong> ideal contraceptive</strong></em> method</p>
<p> </p>
<li><strong>Effectiveness</strong>: itself with the <strong><em>Pearl Index</em></strong> (IP): number of pregnancy occurred in 100 women in 12 months x 1200 (12 months x 100 women): number of months of use of the method. Place in certain period of use, the Pearl index will proportionally vary the number of unwanted pregnancies: Therefore, it will be inversely proportional the effectiveness of the method</li>
<li><strong>Reversibility</strong>: we must, in fact, differentiate:<br></br>
-Reversible contraceptive methods<br></br>
-Methods irreversible - sterilization: Male ( Vasectomy and other methods of occlusion of the vas deferens) ; Female: tubal resection</li>
<li><strong>agreeable, pleasant</strong></li>
<li><strong>low cost</strong></li>
<p>Factors Involved in the choice of contraceptive method</p>
<li>frequency of reports (manyčiau lytinių santykių dažnis)</li>
<li>cycle regulation</li>
<li>Desire of pregnancy</li>
<li>Any concomitant (susijusios) diseases</li>
<li>socio-psychological aspect</li>
<p>Methods of contraception</p>
<p> </p>
<li><strong>Natural</strong>: are the most common, but are also Those with the highest failure rate. Are based abstention from intercourse During the fertile period of women</li>
<li>Barrier: you put a barrier between sperm and oocyte</li>
<li>Hormonal: block ovulation: oral contraceptives</li>
<li>Intrauterine device (IUD)</li>
<p>Natural methods of contraception (5)</p>
<li><strong>Interrupted sexual intercourse(coitus)</strong>: Widely used, is the interruption of relationship before ejaculation.Not very effective (IP: 7-15) and unwelcome. Furthermore, it is possible to issue nemaspermi before ejaculation or persistence of the same in the urethra with additional risk in the event of repeated coitus</li>
<li><strong>Ogino-Knaus</strong> is an empirical method That Identifies the time of ovulation according to Functional the <strong><em>menstrual rhythm</em></strong>, staring <em><u>around the 14th</u></em> day and <em><u>Prohibiting full sex in 4-5d. </u></em>before and after ovulation. The IP is very high (15-45), making it a methodical unsatisfactory and outdated</li>
<li><strong>Method Billings or cervical mucus</strong>: is based on the characteristics That the cervical mucus to assume touch in the ovulatory period. For action of <u><em>estrogen: </em></u>the mucus increases and becomes piu filante(aromatingos-racy), transparent and elastic ("to egg white") -->feeling wet, slippery,lubricated until the day of ovulation peak. Then <u><em>progesterone: </em></u>mucus-->drier and rare until the next period->making it impossible to migrate and sperm penetration. Sexual relations are allowed for the whole period<em><strong> "dry"</strong></em> from the end of menstruation until appearance of mucus and, then, by the fourth day after the death of the mucus up to next menstruation</li>
<li> <strong>Basal temperature method</strong>: 2 days before and after temperature's increase (an index of ovulation)</li>
<li><strong>Method person</strong>: a small computer, evaluating the <u><em>levels of LH</em></u>, Allows you to determinates what is time of ovulation (when LH rises may not occur relationships). The sticks are made with urine (green light to high levels of LH)</li>
<p>Limits of natural methods</p>
<li>15% of women have irregolar menstrual cycle•</li>
<li>Technical errors: for example in the temperature measurement</li>
<li>Interference of other causes, for example, Increase the temperature</li>
<li>Presence of ovulations supernumerary (per daug)<br></br>
<p>What barrier methods do you know?</p>
<li>substances spermicide</li>
<li>intrauterine devices (IUDs)</li>
<p>What is condoms? How do they work?</p>
Condom (condoms) is a cylindrical sheath(apvalkalas) of thin rubber(guma) or latex, Which AIMS(siekia) not only to prevent pregnancy, but also diprevenire the transmission of sexual diseases. Has an IP 3-10<br></br>
<p>What is diaphragm?</p>

is a rubber device, of different types (including the most common is to <u><em>"dome"</em></u>(kupolas) withConsisting of base metal ring), tailor-made, filled <u><em>with spermicidal cream</em></u> and added <em><u>tovagina 2-3 hours before intercourse,</u></em> in order to perfectly cover the cervix and the upperportionof the vagina (the diameter must Correspond to the distance between the posterior vaginal fornix and angleretropubic So THAT it can cover the arches).<em><u>It must be kept in situ for 7-8 hours</u></em><br></br>
So THAT Subsequent sperm Has time to act.The IP, However, is quite high (20): thepercentages of positioning errors and extraction, in fact, are quite high</p>
<p>Diaphragms prevent pregnancy by keeping sperm from joining with an egg. In order to be as effective as possible, the diaphragm must be used withspermicidecream, gel,or jelly.</p>
<p>Diaphragms work in two ways:</p>
<p>The diaphragm blocks the opening to theuterus.<br></br>
The spermicide stops sperm from moving.</p>

<p>How are spermicide substances constituted?</p>
Substances spermicide: Their use alone is not recommended, are constituted by:</p>
<li>Enzyme inhibitors</li>
<p>what is intrauterine devices (IUDs)?</p>
Intrauterine devices (IUDs) are devices of various shapes with a <em><u>plastic supportinert</u></em>, Which is wound on a copperwire-viela (<u><em>copper spirals</em></u>-vario spirales) or connected to a tank <em><u>containingProgesterone</u></em><br></br>
<p>IP: good, 0.4-2</p>

<p>Types of IUD's</p>
<p> </p>
<li><strong><em><u>Spiral copper</u></em></strong>: copper ions release for 3-5 years, with effects on: </li>
<li><u><em>Sperm</em></u>: block motility and direct toxic action</li>
<li><em><u>endometrial mucosa</u></em>: chronic inflammation: this makes it unsuitable plant</li>
<li><strong><em><u>Spiral progesterone</u></em></strong>: releases progesterone for 3-5 years, with effects on:</li>
<li><em><u>Cervical mucus</u></em>: Becomes dense and difficult to penetrate by sperm</li>
<li><u><em>Endometrium</em></u>: Becomes unsuitable Nesting (lizdas)</li>
<p>IUDs insertion technique</p>
Insertion technique is usually you inserted <u><em>During the menstrual cycle,</em></u> is to be That is a sure that woman is not pregnent, to create less discomfort to the patient, in a<br></br>
period in cui the cervical canal is physiologically <em>patulous</em>?<br></br>
<p>IUDs contraindications</p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p>Uterine inflammation</p>
<p>Uterine malformations<br></br>
Polyps, fibroids or uterine tumors<br></br>
Hypersensitivity to copper and Wilson's disease<br></br>
Treatment with Anticoagulants<br></br>
<p> </p>
<p>side effects of IUDs</p>
• Spotting (kas tas?), mild metrorrhagia, menorrhagia<br></br>
• pelvic Algie<br></br>
• Unwanted pregnancy<br></br>
--> for inadvertent ejection device<br></br>
--> to ectopic implantation<br></br>
• Infertility<br></br>
• Serious infections (pelvic inflammatory disease by Actynomices)<br></br>
<p>what is hormonal contraceptive methods? How consists? How administer?</p>
Hormonal contraceptives consist of <em>female sex steroids</em>, <strong><em>estrogen and progestin</em></strong> in association, or progestin alone, administered <u><em>orally, parenterally, or transvaginal intrauterine, subcutaneous (plants) or transdermal (patch). </em></u>The preparations are used monophasic oral estroprogestiniche combinations (where hormonal dosage is the same for all days of employment) or multiphasic (two- or three-phase, containing varying doses of Progestogens). The IP is very low (0:07), as well as the risk of complications <br></br>
<p>Components of the contraceptive pill?</p>
<li><u><em>Estrogen</em></u>: etilenestradiolo (alternatively, estradiol valerate)</li>
<li><em><u>progestins</u></em>: Progesterone as longer available can not be used for rapid hepatic catabolism and, consequently, its derivatives are used, since:</li>
<li>19-nortestosterone: levongestrel, gestodene</li>
<li>17-hydroxyprogesterone </li>
<li>Spironolactone: drospirone: is a synthetic progestin, can counteract the estrogen-induced stimulation on renin angiotensin-aldosterone</li>
<p>Mechanism of horm0nal pill action?</p>
<li><strong>block ovulation</strong>: Effected is a block away synergistic (estrogen-progestagen) of<br></br>
<u><em>gonadotrophic secretion</em></u> of hypothalamic and pituitary, with inhibition of the <u><em>LH surge and<br></br>
tonic secretion of FSH and LH</em></u></li>
<li><strong>modification of tubal motility and secretion</strong></li>
<li><strong>abnormalities of the cervical mucus</strong>: <em><u>progesterone</u></em> makes rare, viscous and hypercellular. The content of proteins, enzymes and electrolytes it is changed, Resulting in <u><em>inhibition penetration of the sperm </em></u>and a bacterial protection</li>
<li><strong>non-physiological endometrial Impregnation</strong>: is manifested by a reduction of the normal<br></br>
endometrial proliferation (fail to come true cyclical changes endometrial) and an early and accelerated secretory activity, Followed by modifications<br></br>
-like decidual stroma with regressive glandular (endometio "secretory irregular "<br></br>
<p>Other benefits of horm pill?</p>
<p> </p>
<li> improvement of the menstrual cycle, with reduction of bleeding and dysmenorrhea menstrual</li>
<li>Reduced risk of ectopic pregnancy</li>
<li>reduction in the risk of ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer and cancer colorectal</li>
<li>Prevention of youth osteoporosis</li>
<li>prevention of sexual infections</li>
<li>positive changes in the lipid (HDL Increase and decrease LDL)</li>
<p>Side effects of Horm pill?</p>
<p>Spotting (especially in the first period)<br></br>
Breast tenderness<br></br>
Mood disorders (nervousness, depression) and psychotic<br></br>
Water retention with weight gain<br></br>
Skin discoloration (attention to the sun!)<br></br>
Decreased libido</p>
Visual disorders<br></br>
Cardiovascular: thromboembolism, thrombophlebitis<br></br>
Cervical cancer: it was, in fact, Demonstrated an association between cancer<br></br>
squamous and adenocarcinoma and use of Progestogen</p>
<p>Benign tumors of liver (hepatocellular adenoma)<br></br>
<p>New (piu recente) naujausi Horm contraceptikai?</p>
<p> </p>
<li><strong>Evra</strong> is a patch That puts Progestogens</li>
<li><strong>Nuvaring</strong> is an intravaginal ring ricopero of Progestogens with wide release vaginal. The advantage is That Are avoided metabolism in the liver and the possible side effects (by Increasing the concentration to decreased At catabolism): this is Particularly important in patients with liver disease. Also, Ensure lower doses than oral. Are positioned after the menstrual phase and are maintained in place for 21 days</li>
<p>Emergency contraception</p>
<li> "mini-pill" contains only progestin and is Especially useful in lactating women.<br></br>
In fact, theoretically being lactation prolactin and oxytocin Should prevent<br></br>
ovulation, but this does not always occur</li>
<li>postcoital levonorgestrel (Within 72 hours)<br></br>
<p>What is RU486?</p>
RU486 is based <em><strong>mifepristone</strong></em> and Allows chemical abortion in the <em>first two months of pregnanc</em>y<br></br>
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Chap. 15: Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)<br></br>
Par. I: General<br></br>
STDs are a group of emerging infectious diseases, not only in developing countries, but<br></br>
even in Industrialized ones, including Italy. Include in heterogeneous group of clinical,<br></br>
Caused by over 25 different etiologic agents of bacterial, viral, and parasitic protozoan, Whose<br></br>
Transmission may occur by vaginal, oral or anal (Therefore, for Both heterosexual and homosexual relationships)<br></br>
Affecting and the reproductive system.<br></br>
According to data provided by the WHO, about 400 million people including the band età15-45 years<br></br>
sick of STDs each year.<br></br>
Compared to the last century, a when predominated syphilis and gonorrhea, today the most common STDs in Italy are<br></br>
diseases Chlamydia, mycoplasma, herpes and HPV; However, the trend could change further Top<br></br>
Both for the change of sexual habits (sexual promiscuity, drug addiction), and for<br></br>
the import of other pathogens from tropical regions (immigration, but anche sex tourism).<br></br>
Moreover, patients suffering from MST, presenting solutions continuously at the level of the genital mucosa, not<br></br>
blackberries are only exposed to HIV infection, but also, if HIV<br></br>
, Sources of infection of the virus, creating a<br></br>
"Epidemiological synergy". Furthermore, the immunosuppression by HIV can determinates a state of<br></br>
That immunosuppression predisposes to other infections, including genital.<br></br>
Other general features That are important:<br></br>
• In two thirds of cases are to get sick people under the age of 25 years<br></br>
• Once you hit the external genitalia, can climb upwards, Affecting the internal genitalia<br></br>
• Even antibiotics not targeted and not Necessary Contributed have not only to the emergence<br></br>
new infecting organisms, but the Increase in the incidence of the same MST<br></br>
In Additions, You Should Consider:<br></br>
• Risk factors<br></br>
or conditions predisposing biological<br></br>
Age: a young age, Increasing the number of sexual partners and,<br></br>
Increases the risk<br></br>
Females: for the Particular vaginal habitat, but anche For Reasons<br></br>
anatomical (shorter length of the urethra)<br></br>
or behavioral conditions predisposing<br></br>
Drug addiction and alcoholism: especially for the distortion of the defenses<br></br>
High number of sexual partners (ie, occasional reports)<br></br>
Unprotected sex<br></br>
Coinfection or previous infection with HIV<br></br>
Previous history of STDs<br></br>
Low socio-cultural<br></br>
• Mode of infection<br></br>
or Transversal: hetero- or homosexual relationships<br></br>
or Vertical: mother to child<br></br>
In utero<br></br>
At delivery<br></br>
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• General characteristics of diagnosis<br></br>
or TORCH: INFORMS about the presence of Toxoplasma, CMV and HSV<br></br>
or serological tests for syphilis: VDRL, TPHA<br></br>
or Search for HIV<br></br>
or analysis of markers of hepatitis<br></br>
Clinical and diagnostic<br></br>
• Symptoms<br></br>
or the woman<br></br>
Vaginal discharge (leukorrhea): can be of different color and odor (Often<br></br>
However smelly). For example, in the case of Candida infections, the loss is<br></br>
"Cottage cheese" for the formation of a series of granulations; in other cases, However,<br></br>
Recognize air bubbles<br></br>
Burning pain and vaginal<br></br>
Genital ulcers<br></br>
Abdominal pain conspicuous<br></br>
or humans<br></br>
Pain and burning<br></br>
Losses urethral<br></br>
Genital ulcers<br></br>
• Diagnosis<br></br>
or serological tests<br></br>
or search of the microorganism in the secretions: for example, Trichomonas is well visible in<br></br>
cool while you search with Candida vaginal swabs / urethral<br></br>
or viral DNA Research<br></br>
Par. II: Microorganisms responsible for MST<br></br>
• Neisseria gonorrhoeae: is the most common STDs, Particularly common in poor countries, for<br></br>
unhygienic conditions and socio-economic<br></br>
or Etiopathogenesis: the adhesion of bacterial cells to the mucosal surfaces, decisive for the<br></br>
development of the disease, OCCURS at the level of the cylindrical epithelia, predisposing to infection<br></br>
ascending (PID: pelvic inflammatory desease). It is Transmitted by vaginal, anal, oral or<br></br>
ocular (especially for poor hygiene in the latter case)<br></br>
or Clinic<br></br>
In women<br></br>
• Cervicitis with losses (whites) greenish-yellow (Which may suggest<br></br>
the Trichomonas)<br></br>
• endometritis<br></br>
• Irritations vulvar<br></br>
In humans<br></br>
• Urethritis<br></br>
• disorders of urination (also from prostatitis)<br></br>
In Both Sexes<br></br>
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• Anorettite<br></br>
• pharyngitis<br></br>
In the newborn from infected mother: conjunctivitis<br></br>
or complications<br></br>
• In men: urethritis That You back from the front, and then prostatitis<br></br>
• In women: endocerviciti or endometritis dating back to give salpingitis<br></br>
and PID<br></br>
Systemic: hematogenous dissemination (endocarditis, meningitis, etc.)<br></br>
• Chkamydia trachomatis: CT infection is asymptomatic in 2/3 of the cases and, Moreover, is somewhat<br></br>
difficult to diagnose. Can cause two pictures:<br></br>
or lymphogranuloma venereum: is caratterizzata by ulcerative lesion Often fleeting and<br></br>
subject to multiple chronic adenopathy fistolizzazioni<br></br>
or genital infection:<br></br>
In women: the cervix is the first site of infection; the Resulting<br></br>
endocervicitis presents:<br></br>
• Symptoms: abdominal pain, dysuria, blood loss, conditions<br></br>
general malaise, nausea and vomiting<br></br>
• Complications<br></br>
or Chronic Pain<br></br>
or Salpingitis: no longer Allows the passage of the egg through the<br></br>
fallopian tubes, causing infertility or ectopic pregnancies<br></br>
or PID<br></br>
• Diagnosis<br></br>
or search spontaneous secretions from the urethra<br></br>
or Colposcopy<br></br>
In humans: urethritis Which may involve the epididymis and prostate<br></br>
• Treponema pallidum: causes syphilis, Which OCCURS with a typical symptoms cutaneo-<br></br>
mucosa and internal organ involvement<br></br>
or Transmission<br></br>
Cross street<br></br>
Via vertical (transplacental)<br></br>
or Clinic<br></br>
Primary syphilis chancre caratterizzata is accompanied by satellite adenopathy<br></br>
Secondary syphilis is caratterizzata by the appearance of roseole and papules, lesions<br></br>
mucous and papular, until you get to destructive lesions (tires luetic)<br></br>
Tertiary syphilis: you have skin lesions and mucous localized and persistent, with<br></br>
frequent CNS involvement<br></br>
or Diagnosis<br></br>
Microscopic observation<br></br>
Serological tests<br></br>
• VDRL: antibodies anticardiolipinici<br></br>
• TPHA: antibodies antitreponema<br></br>
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• HPV is the most common viral causes of STDs, as well as the causes of frequent blackberries in MST<br></br>
Western countries. Approximately 30-40% of the adult persons is the bearer of HPV, but only 1% of them<br></br>
is suffering from an STD<br></br>
or Subtypes<br></br>
High risk: 16, 18, 31, 33: have a high risk of malignancy of<br></br>
Low risk: 6, 11: determinates at risk of benign<br></br>
or Transmission<br></br>
Fomito: is the presence of biological fluid contaminated That can be Transmitted for<br></br>
unsanitary conditions in the absence of reports sesuali:<br></br>
• Environments and unclean clothes<br></br>
• Surgical gloves, biopsy forceps, fumes generated by laser CO<br></br>
or Pathogenesis: HPV penetrates the regions most susceptible to microtrauma During intercourse<br></br>
sexual, goes in the basal layer of the squamous epithelium, where the viral genome Reaches<br></br>
nucleus of the cell, and here he settled in episomal form.<br></br>
or Locations: labia, vestibule, urethral meatus, anal canal, perineum<br></br>
or types infezionu<br></br>
Clinic: evidential ispettivamente<br></br>
• condylomata acuminata<br></br>
• Warts dishes<br></br>
Subclinical: detectable with acetic acid at 3-5% and to colposcopy. They can<br></br>
anche occur with only itching. However, colposcopy Should be Noted:<br></br>
• Injuries macular: macules are just detected, tending to merge into<br></br>
large areas<br></br>
• Injuries micropapulari: macules are microscopic<br></br>
Latent: detectable with molecular biology techniques (HPV-DNA in tissue<br></br>
clinically healthy)<br></br>
or Diagnostic procedures<br></br>
Inspection of the external genitalia<br></br>
PAP-test: the koilocytosis Indicates HPV infection<br></br>
Viral typing: is the search of the viral DNA to identify the subtype and then the<br></br>
or vaccine subtypes 16-18-31-33<br></br>
• Genital herpes: the infection is Caused in 90% of cases by HSV-2 and is Often asymptomatic. In<br></br>
Alternatively, you can appreciate the fleeting appearance of vesicles genitals. It is noteworthy the repute<br></br>
the infection remains latent<br></br>
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• Trichomonas vaginalis is a unicellular parasite, present in Both men and women. In<br></br>
this, OFTEN OCCURS in latent form, but can cause a vulvo-vaginitis caratterizzata by<br></br>
vaginal irritation, malodorous discharge and itching.<br></br>
It has a very easy to identify macroscopic conformation to cool; Furthermore, it is<br></br>
the characteristic repute, by adding a potassium hydroxide determines a smell of "fish<br></br>
rotten "<br></br>
• Candida albicans:<br></br>
or Pathogenesis: live guest in our body and passes from the latent and asymptomatic at<br></br>
clinical form, very troublesome in cases of favoring conditions: such as:<br></br>
Hyperglycemia: then, Candida infection is typical of diabetic patients<br></br>
Anaerobic conditions: in fact, Affects the toenails, If These are little<br></br>
aerated (athlete's foot)<br></br>
Pharmacological alteration of the normal vaginal flora<br></br>
or Clinic<br></br>
Uncontrollable itching<br></br>
Loss ricottosa: white is a loss, partly liquid and partly solid, in cultured<br></br>
poor, sometimes very abundant<br></br>
Contamination of the external genitalia, in the region Is that vulvar perianal, with<br></br>
appearance of red patches<br></br>
Par. III: Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)<br></br>
Main Features<br></br>
It is an inflammation of the upper genital tract, with involvement of the endometrium, fallopian tubes, ovaries and cervix: is the<br></br>
first cause of irreversible tubal damage, Resulting Therefore Involved in a large number of cases of<br></br>
primary infertility (the damage to the mucus and tubal ciliary structure Prevents the passage of the egg<br></br>
uterus). In some cases, the inflammation may be so as to Affect Extensive splenic capsule, Appendix<br></br>
and liver surface (see below).<br></br>
Usually follows a MST (PID primary: sharing, Therefore, the bacterial etiology view for<br></br>
MST), but may result from other conditions anche of contamination extragenital as surgical trauma<br></br>
(PID secondary).<br></br>
It is appropriate to Consider: such as oral contraceptives, reducing the production of cervical mucus, reduce<br></br>
the risk of PID.<br></br>
Risk factors are:<br></br>
• A number of sexual partners<br></br>
• Previous PID<br></br>
• Presence of a bacterial vaginosis or a MST<br></br>
• Use of IUDs<br></br>
• nulliparity<br></br>
• Recent invasive procedures to load the uterus (eg, revision cavitary instrumental)<br></br>
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• Failure antibiotic prophylaxis or no post-surgical<br></br>
Clinical diagnostic aspects<br></br>
• Symptoms: ranges from mild tenderness to severe complications<br></br>
or located on the lower abdominal pain: Becomes Progressively severe with blackberries<br></br>
the occurrence of contractions of defense<br></br>
or nausea and vomiting<br></br>
or fever and leukocytosis: especially In These cases, the picture is similar to That of appendicitis<br></br>
or losses cervical mucus-purulent<br></br>
or irregular bleeding<br></br>
or vaginosis with whites<br></br>
or Tenderness bounce and movement of the neck of the uterus and adnexal regions<br></br>
• Complications<br></br>
or Sterility<br></br>
or Chronic Pelvic Pain<br></br>
or dyspareunia: pain During sexual intercourse<br></br>
or tubo-ovarian abscess: Develops in about 15% of cases and suddenly with OCCURS<br></br>
the worsening of pain in the lower abdomen and the onset of nausea, vomiting,<br></br>
signs of peritonitis and septic shock<br></br>
or Piosalpinge: One or Both fallopian tubes are filled with pus. The liquid can be sterile, but<br></br>
filling of leukocytes<br></br>
or hydrosalpinx is the obstruction of the fimbria with distension of the tube by liquid<br></br>
purulent, Which Develops in the case of late or incomplete treatment. Usually<br></br>
asymptomatic, it can still cause a compression pelvic pelvic pain croncio<br></br>
or dyspareunia<br></br>
or Syndrome Fitz-Hugh-Curtis: It can be a complication of gonococcal salpingitis or<br></br>
Chlamydia and is caratterizzata by pain in the right upper quadrant<br></br>
association with an acute salpingitis, Which Indicates the presence of a perihepatitis<br></br>
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Chap. 16: Endometriosis<br></br>
Par. I: General<br></br>
Definition, epidemiology and classification<br></br>
Endometriosis is a condition caratterizzata by the dissemination and growth of tissue<br></br>
Endometrial in abnormal locations (heterotopia), with features stromal, epithelial and glandular-like<br></br>
the normal endometrium (in this sense could be Considered a "metastasis" endometrial).<br></br>
It is a benign disease, but a progressive character, since the ectopic lesions reserved respond in a<br></br>
consensual to hormonal changes typical of the menstrual cycle, including menstrual flow, Which<br></br>
accumulates in nonwoven provided with natural drainage.<br></br>
It is a disease on the rise, multifactorial etiology, Which can cause reduced fertility. Respect<br></br>
etiology (see below for details of Which), Has premise as the predominant role in the onset<br></br>
endometriosis (EM) of estrogen, as supported by the Following observations:<br></br>
• There is no EM before menarche and after menopause: in the latter case, However, may<br></br>
Following occur the use of hormone replacement therapy designed to treat the symptoms of<br></br>
• The ectopic endometrial cells are ormonoregolate as endometrial cells eutopiche<br></br>
• The therapeutic aspect is the most important pregnancy: in this period, in fact, the excess of<br></br>
estrogen and progesterone causes a down-regulation of receptors Resulting block<br></br>
• Hormone treatments are most effective<br></br>
Epidemiological data are significant:<br></br>
• Peak incidence: 35 years. It is very important to point out the Increase in the average age of first<br></br>
pregnancy resulted in an increased At incidence of endometriosis (and a worsening of<br></br>
prognosis): in fact, while endometriosis is mild to 20-25 years, asymptomatic and readily<br></br>
reversible with pregnancy, in 35 years it is symptomatic and severe (that Has Already formed<br></br>
adhesions, reversible only surgically, and infertility may be compromised Already)<br></br>
• frequency in the general population: 12%<br></br>
• frequency in women with pelvic pain and / or infertility: 20-90%<br></br>
• Frequent diagnostic delay: in fact, the symptoms usually you appear <br></br> in Conjunction with the<br></br>
menstruation and, Therefore, macaws is brought back to this<br></br>
Stand out:<br></br>
• External Endometriosis (ectopic):<br></br>
or intrapelvic<br></br>
• Ovary<br></br>
• Tube<br></br>
• Uterine ligaments<br></br>
• Pelvic Peritoneum<br></br>
• Vaginal<br></br>
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• Bladder (suggested by the presence of hemoglobin in the urine of patients, However,<br></br>
• Rretto-sigmoidaria (as you can to complete intestinal obstruction)<br></br>
or extrapelvic: Can Affect other organs,: such as lung, skin, sciatic nerve,<br></br>
pancreas, appendix<br></br>
• Endometriosis internal or adenomyosis: is to develop in the myometrium<br></br>
Risk factors and etiology<br></br>
• Risk factors<br></br>
or Familiarity<br></br>
or nulliparity<br></br>
or Iperpolimenorrea and menorrhagia: In These cases, the stimulus is greater on the endometrium and<br></br>
the higher the probability of formation of endometrial material, That, During The<br></br>
scaling of a menstrual cycle, However, blackberries abundant, can migrate to other parts of<br></br>
or anatomical defects: Some birth defects,: such as imperforate hymen, vaginal septum<br></br>
transverse uterine horn and not communicating, prepare, Because of failure<br></br>
drainage material endometrial onset of endometriosis<br></br>
or alterations of COX<br></br>
\: Determine an Increase of PGE<br></br>
, Which induces an Increase<br></br>
aromatase, estrogen and then, in the ectopic cells. The Increase of PG would be<br></br>
very important not only for the onset of endometriosis itself, but for anche<br></br>
the onset of infertility for:<br></br>
Interference on tubal motility, ovulation and steroidogenesis of the luteal phase<br></br>
Syndrome lack luteinized follicular rupture, with retention<br></br>
• Theories etiopathogenetic:<br></br>
or plant and peritoneal metastatic spread: after retrograde menstruation<br></br>
transtubarica (tubal reflux), endometrial cells would reach the surface<br></br>
peritoneal impiantandovisi and proliferating in the presence of a stimulus adequate hormone.<br></br>
This hypothesis, next to That of the diffusion vascular (blood or lymphatic), may<br></br>
explain not only ovarian endometriosis, but anche That extrapelvic and iatrogenic<br></br>
or Dissemination blood-lymphatic<br></br>
or surgical Dissemination: in case of caesarean section, for example, the transition may occur<br></br>
of endometrial cells elsewhere<br></br>
or Transformation coelomic (coelomic metaplasia of Meyer): based on totipotentiality<br></br>
of the peritoneal mesothelium, Considered as a secondary Müllerian system, Which<br></br>
Under Certain stimuli can become sense endometrial (metaplasia endometriosis)<br></br>
or Immune tolerance: endometriosis derivates, according to Functional this theory, by a reduced<br></br>
peritoneal clearance of endometrial cells from menstrual flow<br></br>
for retrograde alteration of cell-mediated:<br></br>
Decrease in cell-mediated cytotoxicity against endometrial cells<br></br>
Functional deficiency of NK lymphocytes normally delegated to lysis<br></br>
of abnormal cells<br></br>
Alteration of the monocyte / macrophage:<br></br>
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• Increased growth factors stimulate cell growth<br></br>
• Increased cytokines: they are Involved in the progression<br></br>
• Increased angiogenic factors: create a microvasculature<br></br>
peritoneal essential for the persistence and progression of<br></br>
or hormonal dependence (see back for the role of estrogen)<br></br>
or role of environmental toxins<br></br>
Dioxin and other dioxin-like compounds: activate the steroid receptors and, as<br></br>
result, promote 'the Increase of aromatase. In this way, These Substances<br></br>
stimulate the formation of endometriosis and block the activity of progesterone<br></br>
That does not induces regression blackberries<br></br>
DEMP: is a substance used to make the soft platic, Which, also,<br></br>
binds to estrogen receptors with similar effects to dioxin<br></br>
Bisphenol A and B: is in plastic bottles and in resins for fillings<br></br>
Gives dental and similar effects<br></br>
Par. II: Considerations clinical-diagnostic<br></br>
Pathological anatomy<br></br>
The epithelium ectopic Maintains the characteristics of the fabric eutopic (also the sensitivity to hormonal phases<br></br>
of the cycle, However, can occur typical characteristics for the individual affected organs:<br></br>
• Ovarian Endometriosis: the ovary is the organ most affected by endometriosis and is larger for<br></br>
presence of endometrial cysts. Endometriosis Ovarian includes localizations ovarian<br></br>
superficial punctate, the so-called "chocolate cysts". These cysts, so called for the efflux<br></br>
blackish liquid, are adherent to the peritoneum and are formed as secondary to ovarian endometriosis<br></br>
at the level of peritoneal endometriosis ovarian dimple. In fact, it determines adhesion between<br></br>
peritoneum and ovary, Which peritoneal folds on the plant: in a place longer available, Subsequent<br></br>
ovulations causes the distension of the parenchyma of the impossibility of evacuation of the liquid<br></br>
follicular and blood material. Moreover, since These cells are normally Subjected to<br></br>
cyclical hormonal stimuli, the ectopic endometrium will give rise, cyclically, to menstrual discharge, Which,<br></br>
not being Able to escape, will determinates the collection of cysts ("pseudomestruazione"<br></br>
Within the cyst).<br></br>
From a clinical point of view, In These cases the cyst will be asymptomatic up to 2-3 cm, to then be<br></br>
symptomatic: in Particular, there is a painful symptoms by compression (see also later).<br></br>
• Peritoneal Endometriosis: causes pelvic pain, but, unlike the EM (causing pelvic pain for<br></br>
compression), it leads to a direct nerve stimulation, with nervous symptoms<br></br>
• Endometriosis Extragenital:<br></br>
or SIGMO-rectal: determines phenomena of intestinal obstruction<br></br>
or Urinary (especially bladder detrusor)<br></br>
or on scars: eg umbilical or by Caesarean section Following<br></br>
or Appendix<br></br>
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or utero-sacral ligament<br></br>
• Syndrome adhesions: if in charge of ovary or tube determines infertility. The adhesion is determined<br></br>
by chronic inflammation and the Resulting fibrosis<br></br>
Especially it is important to evaluate the spread:<br></br>
• Stage I: Minimum: presence of isolated systems; not present significant adhesions.<br></br>
• STAGE II: mild: the presence of surface facilities (total length <br></br>
peritoneum; adhesions significant not present.<br></br>
• Stage III: Moderate: presence of multiple systems, Both superficial and infiltrating; presence of<br></br>
periannessiali adhesions.<br></br>
• STAGE IV: severe: the presence of multiple systems, Both superficial and deep, including endometriomas;<br></br>
presence of thick and tenacious adhesions<br></br>
• General (in order of frequency): it is appropriate to note That in 25-30% of cases, endometriosis is<br></br>
asymptomatic and detected incidentally in the course of laparoscopic or laporotomici, the carried out for<br></br>
looking for causes of infertility or other Reasons<br></br>
or Dysmenorrhea: painful menstruation<br></br>
or Chronic pelvic pain: pain out of menstruation<br></br>
or fatigue and asthenia<br></br>
or nausea, vomiting, dizziness and headache<br></br>
or Reduced resistance to infections<br></br>
or Infertility<br></br>
• For home<br></br>
or peritoneal adhesions: acute or chronic pelvic pain<br></br>
or Involvement of the pouch of Douglas (and pars posterior vaginal):<br></br>
or Rectum-sigma (cul de sac posterior peritoneum): tenesmus, dischezia<br></br>
or Bladder (cul de sac anterior peritoneum): hematuria, dysuria<br></br>
or Intestine: sub-ileus<br></br>
or Lung: hemoptysis<br></br>
or ureters: hydronephrosis (two to the interest of the uterine artery)<br></br>
or sciatic nerve: sciatica<br></br>
• Symptoms dell'adenomiosi<br></br>
or dysmenorrhea and pelvic pain<br></br>
or Enlarged uterus<br></br>
or Menorrhagia<br></br>
Diagnostic procedures<br></br>
• gynecological speculum<br></br>
• pelvic and transvaginal ultrasound (or transrectal): These methods Showed ovarian cysts<br></br>
as cystic echostructure mostly liquid, with echoes of low amplitude, Which<br></br>
bordering areas heterogeneous echogenic (cysts corpuscular ground glass)<br></br>
• RM<br></br>
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• Dosage of serum CA125: This source coelomic epithelium, increased At in<br></br>
patients with endometriosis. Given ITS low specificity, is most useful as a marker of the evolution of<br></br>
• Laparoscopy: is the method most used<br></br>
• Cystoscopy-urography: in the event of Suspected involvement of the urinary<br></br>
• Colonoscopy and barium matte: in the event of Suspected involvement of the intestine<br></br>
• Medical: is a second-line Compared to surgery and AIMS to decrease the stimulation<br></br>
or GnRH analogs: decrease the release of gonadotropins<br></br>
or intrauterine progestins<br></br>
or Danazol suppresses the secretion of LH, Resulting in a condition of anovulation, and<br></br>
Occupies the progesterone and androgen receptor sites, causing hypoestrogenism and<br></br>
or Gestrinone<br></br>
or Progestogens: second choice<br></br>
or dell'aromatosi inhibitors and COX<br></br>
\: In trial<br></br>
• Surgical<br></br>
or Conservative: in stage I and II and in patients desiring pregnancy<br></br>
Fenestration and ovary removal of the cyst<br></br>
Ablation of peritoneal implants<br></br>
Uterine artery embolization<br></br>
or demolishing: in Stage III or IV, and in patients who no longer desire pregnancy:<br></br>
Bowel resection<br></br>
Resection of bladder<br></br>
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Chap. 17: Screening in gynecological oncology<br></br>
Par. I: General<br></br>
First, as a preliminary observation, it Should be remembered as the evolution of a tumor<br></br>
can stand out in five phases:<br></br>
• Debut biological<br></br>
• Initial phase or not invasive<br></br>
• Phase invasive localized<br></br>
• Phase invasive locoregional<br></br>
• Phase invasive remote<br></br>
Prevention is the set of Measures to:<br></br>
• Avoid the onset of the disease: primary prevention<br></br>
or Target (T): elimination of the causes<br></br>
or conditions for the application (CA): known causes and avoidable<br></br>
• Recognize in asymptomatic phase: secondary prevention<br></br>
or T: discovery of the disease in asymptomatic phase through the administration of tests<br></br>
laboratory and / or instrumental (PAP-test, mammography):<br></br>
Pre-clinical diagnosis: do before the onset of clinical disease and Identifies the<br></br>
ITS early onset of disease in biological<br></br>
Early diagnosis (see later) is to Recognize the disease in phase<br></br>
initial (or phase noninvasive)<br></br>
or CA: This must be a stage a when the disease is asymptomatic, and alterations<br></br>
functional and / or structural detectable with common diagnostic tests<br></br>
• Treat with the aim to reduce complications (gynecology in the concept of complication goes<br></br>
extended to recurrence and metachronous tumors): Tertiary prevention<br></br>
or T: prevention of complications<br></br>
or CA: must be available therapy can reduce the number and extent of<br></br>
Any prevention policy rests on two pillars:<br></br>
• About habits (lifestyle, eating habits), risk factors and screening methods or<br></br>
early diagnosis<br></br>
• Systematic Application of These methods in the population (screening) or individuals<br></br>
(Early diagnosis):<br></br>
or Screening: procedures organized in the territory, enabling identification of a disease or to<br></br>
specific condition in apparently healthy individuals<br></br>
or Early diagnosis: procedures performed on asymptomatic individuals who go<br></br>
at health centers for medical checks<br></br>
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Par. II: Prevention of cervical cancer<br></br>
Main Features<br></br>
The introduction of the PAP test Has led to a significant decrease in the incidence and mortality of<br></br>
invasive carcinoma.<br></br>
Risk factors for ITS occurrence are:<br></br>
• Early Sexual Activity<br></br>
• High number of sexual partners<br></br>
• multiparity<br></br>
• Before pregnancy and childbirth at an early age<br></br>
• Tobacco smoke<br></br>
• Infection with HPV aggressive (16, 18, 31, 33)<br></br>
• Failure to control: the screening is to not make a major risk factor,<br></br>
Whereas in the early stages the symptoms are absent<br></br>
Screening methods<br></br>
• Pap test: is the examination of the first level, to be made to coincide with the onset of sexual intercourse or<br></br>
but no later than 25 years. The test Involves taking exfoliated skin cells and is based<br></br>
That principle on the cancer cells lose the Cohesion between them for the destruction of<br></br>
desmosomes and exfoliate blackberries abundantly:<br></br>
or Execution<br></br>
Place the patient in gynecological position<br></br>
It Introduces a speculum into the vagina, the cervix highlighting<br></br>
We carry two samples<br></br>
• In correspondence dell'esocervice (as close as possible to the junction<br></br>
squamocolumnar) with a wooden spatula (Ayre spatula)<br></br>
• At endocervix by citobrush with cottono fiock<br></br>
They crawl exfoliated epithelial cells on a slide, in cui are fixed with<br></br>
alcohol or with a mixture of alcohol-ether (in the absence of fixation would be altered and<br></br>
could no longer be read)<br></br>
Is colored with Papanicolaou smear staining<br></br>
It is prepared Observed the optical microscope<br></br>
or Who runs it: being very simple, can be performed not only by the specialist, but<br></br>
anche by a midwife or GP to competent<br></br>
or Features:<br></br>
Absence of pain<br></br>
Low cost<br></br>
or classifications<br></br>
Papanicolaou (cutting easier, but almost completely outdated)<br></br>
• I: smear Clearly benign (normal)<br></br>
• II: smear with minimal cellular abnormalities (inflammatory)<br></br>
• III: smear with cellular abnormalities, but not neoplastic (atypical)<br></br>
• IV: smear probably neoplastic<br></br>
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• V: smear frankly malignant (positive for cancer)<br></br>
• Normal<br></br>
• Normal with reactive changes (inflammatory)<br></br>
• SIL (squamous intraepithelial lesion) Low grade: CIN (neoplasia<br></br>
cervical intraepithelial) 1 or mild dysplasia (Affects the lower 1/3<br></br>
• high-grade SIL<br></br>
or CIN 2 or moderate dysplasia: Affects less than 2/3<br></br>
or severe dysplasia or CIN 3: Affects the full thickness epithelium, but<br></br>
without exceeding the basement membrane (carcinoma in situ)<br></br>
• Squamous cell carcinoma: the cells are of squamous simple<br></br>
• Adenocarcinoma: the cells of glandular type (cylindrical)<br></br>
• ASCUS: atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance<br></br>
• AGCUS: atypical glandular cells of undetermined significance: in about 2/3<br></br>
cases, the repeat testing after 2-3 months ASCUS and not AGCUS<br></br>
are no longer present; in the remaining third of the cases evolve to SIL or<br></br>
• Colposcopy is the examination of the cervix and vagina with a speculum Particular<br></br>
(Colposcope), Which Provides excellent lighting, a three-dimensional view and a<br></br>
magnification up to 40 times. For carcinoma of the cervix is an examination of the second level<br></br>
or Execution<br></br>
It puts the woman in gynecological position<br></br>
It Introduces the speculum<br></br>
First time of investigation: examination of the cervix to "panoramic magnification"<br></br>
(Ie 6-12 times). Also, remove any excess mucus and cleansed the<br></br>
cervix with saline, we study the epithelial angioarchitettura. It is good<br></br>
notice how the speculum might be Introduced until the initial part endocervix:<br></br>
Therefore, a major limitation of colposcopy is PRECISELY Given by the impossibility of<br></br>
explore the cervical canal and to explore lesions partially or totally<br></br>
Second Half survey: observation of the cervix after application of a<br></br>
solution of acetic acid at 3-5%: this determines the swelling of the tissues, and<br></br>
Particularly the papillae of the glandular mucosa endocervix (Which<br></br>
take on a papillary villous "in grape"), Allowing you to<br></br>
highlight the squamous columnar junction. The acetic acid, in fact, acts on epithelia,<br></br>
making them swollen and ITS changing color (pink in the case of normal mucosa,<br></br>
pearly-white for thickened mucosa) and is more active on abnormal epithelia and thickened.<br></br>
The effect of acetic acid depends on the amount of nuclear proteins present:<br></br>
Therefore, the abnormal epithelium, for ITS higher nuclear density and for the<br></br>
greatest concentration of nuclear proteins, meets at most<br></br>
clumping, assuming them to more or less colorful background. If atypia Involves<br></br>
crypts pseudoghiandolari cervical canal, you will notice whitish circles<br></br>
around the orifices of the pseudoghiandole<br></br>
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Third time survey: observation cervica after application of solution<br></br>
Lugol's iodine (Schiller test): while the normal squamous epithelium is rich<br></br>
That glycogen binds to the iodine solution, coloring itself in dark brown,<br></br>
the endocervical columnar epithelium and the abnormal, lacking glycogen,<br></br>
REMAIN unstained<br></br>
or Purpose: is to evaluate the location and extent of cervical lesions and allow<br></br>
a biopsy accurate, That may be associated with:<br></br>
Curettage (scraping endocervical)<br></br>
Cone biopsy (removal of an Entire cone of tissue from the cervix) is<br></br>
performs in the event of:<br></br>
• Whole area of transformation is not Clearly visible to the colposcope<br></br>
• Ascent of the colposcopic atypical in the cervical canal beyond the limits of<br></br>
• Area colposcopic atypical widespread<br></br>
• Evidence of microinvasion<br></br>
• Evidence of malignant characteristics in endocervical curettage but not<br></br>
colposcopic observation<br></br>
• Probes DNA of biopsies for the diagnosis of cervical infection with HPV types are defined<br></br>
Par. III: Screening of endometrial cancer<br></br>
Main Features<br></br>
Predominantly Affects postmenopausal women, with a peak incidence around 65 years of age.<br></br>
• Risk factors<br></br>
or Obesity<br></br>
or Hypertension<br></br>
or DM<br></br>
or nulliparity<br></br>
• Pathology: Develops cylindrical epithelium lining the lumen of the uterine body and is,<br></br>
in 90% of cases, Represented dall'adenocarcinoma. Is classified according to Functional the degree of<br></br>
differentiation and proliferation of glandular:<br></br>
or G1: well-differentiated<br></br>
or G2: moderately differentiated areas with partially solid<br></br>
or G3: undifferentiated with predominance of solid areas<br></br>
• Considerations hormonal<br></br>
or The pill is Considered a protective factor, as it Prevents the<br></br>
endometrial proliferation<br></br>
or hormone replacement therapy in menopause does not Increase the risk: in fact, the progestin<br></br>
induces the collapse of the endometrium and Hinders Growth<br></br>
or the use of tamoxifen in breast cancer Increases the risk of cancer<br></br>
endometrium: in fact, These antiestrogenic Has a role in the antiproliferative level<br></br>
breast, but a role in stimulating the proliferation in the endometrium<br></br>
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• Limits<br></br>
or Clinical: remains asymptomatic for a long time. The most common manifestation of onset,<br></br>
ie uterine bleeding in menopause, in fact, OCCURS a when the cancer is Already in<br></br>
advanced placement<br></br>
or Di health policy: adequate screening would be very expensive<br></br>
• Methods<br></br>
or diagnostic endometrial curettage (or other types of endometrial cytology: aspiration,<br></br>
or hysteroscopy with biopsy<br></br>
or transvaginal ultrasound<br></br>
or Ecoflussimetria-Doppler transvaginal<br></br>
Par. IV: Ovarian<br></br>
Main Features<br></br>
It is prevalent in Industrialized countries, with a peak incidence in menopausal age; anche in this case<br></br>
there is no effective screening program.<br></br>
Risk factors are:<br></br>
• nulliparity or low parity<br></br>
• Infertility<br></br>
• Familiarity: especially for mutations of BRCA 1 or 2<br></br>
Does not target the general population, but only one at risk (see above) and uses:<br></br>
• Gynaecological examination: findings striking is the presence of palpable menopausal ovaries (in conditions<br></br>
physiological arent Because They are atrophic)<br></br>
• pelvic and transvaginal ultrasound: Locate ovarian lesions at risk. The blackberries the<br></br>
lesion is solid, the greater is the risk of malignancy. Further sign of malignancy is the strong<br></br>
angiogenesis, Recognized by Echo-Doppler<br></br>
• Dosage of CA125 is a tumor marker, Which Increases in the case of ovarian cancer, but That<br></br>
However, little is specific:<br></br>
or Other causes of increase<br></br>
Benign diseases<br></br>
• Pregnancy<br></br>
• Endometriosis<br></br>
• PID and peritonitis<br></br>
• pancreatic and liver disorders<br></br>
• Tumors tubal<br></br>
• Breast Neoplasms<br></br>
• Endometrial Cancer<br></br>
• pancreatic neoplasms, liver and intestinal<br></br>
or Features<br></br>
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Specificity: very poor<br></br>
• Stage I: 50%<br></br>
• Stage II and III: 90%: Therefore, it is not useful for screening, but to follow<br></br>
the evolution of the pathology<br></br>
• Laparoscopy<br></br>
Par. V: Breast cancer<br></br>
Main Features<br></br>
Over the past 2 years Has seen an Increase in the number of cases to be Attributed to the improvement of<br></br>
diagnostic techniques, but anche to a reduction of mortality of breast cancer, by<br></br>
Attributed to a recognition in the earliest stages.<br></br>
Risk factors are:<br></br>
• Strongly correlated<br></br>
or Genetic alterations:<br></br>
BRCA 1 and 2<br></br>
P53: Li-Fraumeni syndrome<br></br>
PTEN: Cowden syndrome<br></br>
STK11 / LKB1: Peutz-Jeghers<br></br>
or lobular carcinoma in situ<br></br>
or ductal carcinoma in situ<br></br>
or atypical hyperplasia<br></br>
• Moderately Related<br></br>
or age of first pregnancy blackberries than 35 years<br></br>
or familiarity of First Instance<br></br>
or Radiation Exposure<br></br>
or Previous history of breast cancer<br></br>
• Poorly Related<br></br>
or early menarche<br></br>
or late menopause<br></br>
or nulliparity<br></br>
or benign breast pathology<br></br>
or Obesity<br></br>
or Alcohol Abuse<br></br>
• Visit senologica: recommended for all women over the age of 50 years<br></br>
• breast self-examination<br></br>
• Mammography: is performed annually since 50th year and is caratterizzata by:<br></br>
or diagnostic Reliability<br></br>
80% for cancers of diameter> 1 cm still not palpable<br></br>
90% a when performed in Conjunction with an ultrasound breast<br></br>
or Absence of carcinogenicity to the skin for the background radiation dose delivered<br></br>
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or Paintings of malignancy found: radiated masses, irregular margins, with distortion dela<br></br>
trabecular structure, fibrosis and breast microcalcifications<br></br>
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Chap. 18: Menopause<br></br>
Par. I: General<br></br>
It Should be distinguished:<br></br>
• Climacteric: it is a stage of life That places women between 45 and 55 years, During Which<br></br>
Verifies the progressive loss of reproductive capacity exhaustion heritage follicular<br></br>
(Follicular atresia: However, the ovary may be still present in Certain proportion of follicles,<br></br>
However, to the primitive stages or primary), accompanied by a progressive insensitivity<br></br>
ovary to gonadotropins<br></br>
• Menopause is the permanent cessation of menstrual flow, peak and a clear sign of the decline<br></br>
endocrine production, with general effects of trophic character, metabolic and sexual.<br></br>
The main feature of menopause is, Therefore, ovarian failure That determines not only<br></br>
an inability reproductive (for the non-ovulation), but anche a series of symptoms referable to<br></br>
deficit hormonal (estrogen, progesterone but anche). In Additions to the time of<br></br>
menopause, are Considered:<br></br>
or Premenopausal: is the period before the last menstrual period, accompanied by changes<br></br>
or Post-menopause is the last menstrual period Following the period (after age 65 does not<br></br>
speaks more of post-menopausal, but aging, And These changes are Attributable blackberries<br></br>
purely geriatric)<br></br>
or artificial menopause: can be induced by radio- or chemotherapy or Surgery<br></br>
General considerations on menopause are:<br></br>
• Average age of menopause: 50-52 years: the age of menopause is extended with improved<br></br>
living conditions. Therefore, In These conditions, you not only have a late menopause (accompanied<br></br>
Often by an early menarche), but, for the new social habits, the number of children, and Therefore<br></br>
anovulatory periods, is Considerably decreased. Therefore, the number of ovulations fatto che<br></br>
context is increased At Largely, as well as the average concentration of estrogen exposure<br></br>
in this period, thus Resulting in increased At an incidence of estrogen-related conditions,: such as<br></br>
endometriosis and ovarian and endometrial<br></br>
• Duration of premenopausal: varies widely. In fact, some women in this period lasts<br></br>
several years and is presented with the whole procession of symptoms That will be Analyzed later; in the other,<br></br>
Instead, the condition, until the time of the last menstrual period, is normo-ovulatory and normo-<br></br>
• To define a menopause need to be gone a year since the last menstruation<br></br>
Hormonal changes<br></br>
• Premenopausal: decreased At secretion of inhibin (Which, remember, is produced by cells of the<br></br>
grainy and of the corpus luteum from Those and PRECISELY Has the task of inhibiting the secretion of FSH)<br></br>
Involves Increasing the production of FSH During the cycle. While FSH Increases, there are<br></br>
still near normal levels of estrogen, progesterone and LH. In this period, the production of<br></br>
Increases estrogen (hyperestrogenism related) Compared to That of progesterone (the latter,<br></br>
in fact, is produced after the outbreak of the follicle: if the follicle does not burst, it does not occur).<br></br>
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However, the production of estrogen soon Becomes insufficient and only rarely determines the<br></br>
LH peak, and then ovulation. The cycles become Thus blackberries and more frequently anovulatory.<br></br>
Moreover, the production of estrogen, albeit declining, it turns out, rather than cyclical, continuous:<br></br>
A first Consequence Is that the endometrium is exposed in an irregular manner, the stimulation<br></br>
Continuous estrogen, Which causes an Increase in vascularization is not controlled, up to the<br></br>
breaking of the vessels (irregular menstruation absolutely). A second Consequence Is that<br></br>
the relative hyperestrogenism raises the risk of hyperplasia, endometrial polyps or cancer,<br></br>
as well as uterine leiomyomas and breast tumors (These cases of relative hyperestrogenism<br></br>
Should be treated with progesterone to make bring the balance estrogen / progesterone).<br></br>
In These cases premenopausal, can be determined two Circumstances:<br></br>
or amenorrhea: begin to appear long periods (even 6-7 months) anovulatory: risk,<br></br>
These Times, Is that the focus on contraception decreases In These periods, with<br></br>
Resulting in unwanted pregnancies<br></br>
or menstrual Irregularities: polimenorrea or menometrorrhagia: are associated with a high risk<br></br>
anemia (and, Therefore, Should be treated)<br></br>
• Post-menopausal women: there are no longer menstruating Because estrogen is too low. Yes<br></br>
Remember That menstruation is the epiphenomenon of hormonal activity, Particularly ovarian fact,<br></br>
the uterus Retains the capacity, if properly stimulated, reserved respond to it adequately to<br></br>
hormones. So, in case of absence of the ovary determines menopause (also early). Vice versa,<br></br>
in case of absence of the uterus and the ovarian cycle a continue not arrive, if not physiologically, to<br></br>
menopause. However, the reduced production of estrogen determines the absence of the feedback<br></br>
pituitary negative, with increased At release of FSH. The Increase in FSH, However, is in relation with the<br></br>
decreased At ovarian sensitivity. In conclusion, postmenopausal measurement<br></br>
FSH concentration, Which is increased At (> 30 pg / mL), and estradiol, Which is decreased At (<<br></br>
25 pg / mL), is decisive (condition hypergonadotropic hypogonadism).<br></br>
In location addition, the decrease in ovarian estradiol production is accompanied by an Increase<br></br>
production extraovarica (adrenal, subcutaneous fat and perivisceral) of estrone.<br></br>
Par. II: Symptoms<br></br>
Neurodegenerative diseases<br></br>
Usually occur in premenopausal, are indexed According Kupperman (for each disorder is Given<br></br>
a score from 1 to 3 and Becomes the sum). Their pathogenesis would be Attributable, rather than a<br></br>
decrease in estrogen, the abrupt change in concentration of estrogen (high> low> high).<br></br>
In fact, in post-menopause, a when estrogen levels have stabilized, the symptomatology<br></br>
autonomic regresses.<br></br>
They are Represented by:<br></br>
• Hot flashes: have a sudden feeling of extreme heat, with increased At<br></br>
vasodilation, and are accompanied by:<br></br>
or Sweating<br></br>
or Chills<br></br>
• Sleep disorders, mood (irritability, depression), attention and memory<br></br>
• Palpitations<br></br>
• Fatigue<br></br>
• Headache<br></br>
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• Paresthesias<br></br>
• Dizziness<br></br>
Menopausal disorders<br></br>
• In the short term: neurodegenerative diseases<br></br>
• In the medium term:<br></br>
or amenorrhea: Remember That, in the event of amenorrhea, to understand the adequacy levels<br></br>
estrogenic do the test to progesterone (in addition pcs, you do an ultrasound check: if<br></br>
adequate estrogen levels, the endometrium is, unlike what happens in the case of<br></br>
Low levels of estrogen, yet well Represented). Progesterone Has, in fact, the capacity<br></br>
to induce menstruation in women with adequate levels of estrogen, then:<br></br>
If the woman mestrua: estrogen levels Has still good and is not in menopause<br></br>
If the woman does not mestrua: or is in menopause (with hepatic estrogen) or<br></br>
or atrophy of the skin, mucous membranes and respiratory glandular breast<br></br>
or atrophy of the genitourinary: OCCURS on the embryogenesis of this stretch (third<br></br>
the distal end of the vagina, urethra, bladder trigone), Which makes it sensitive to estrogens, and<br></br>
manifested by:<br></br>
Vaginal dryness: causes difficulty During intercourse (dyspareunia<br></br>
surface: that is, at the moment of penetration; endometriosis, However, was<br></br>
Increased incidence of vaginitis is Caused by:<br></br>
• Inadequate vaginal tropism<br></br>
• Changes in vaginal flora<br></br>
Most of the periurethral tissue laxity: exacerbation of pathologies<br></br>
dysfunctional or anatomical, leading to urgent (even with nocturia) and<br></br>
Urinary incontinence (typical of post-menopausal)<br></br>
or weight gain<br></br>
or arthralgias<br></br>
or decreased At libido<br></br>
• In the long term<br></br>
or increased At cardiovascular risk: the decrease in estrogen levels change is<br></br>
the lipid is the vascular system:<br></br>
Changes in the lipid<br></br>
• Increased LDL<br></br>
• Decreased HDL<br></br>
• Increased lipoprotein A<br></br>
Changes of the vascular system<br></br>
• Increased vasoconstriction<br></br>
• Increased deposition of atheromatous plaque<br></br>
• Decreased production of prostacyclin<br></br>
• Increase of the factors procaoagulativi<br></br>
or Osteoporosis is Caused by a loss of bone, age-dependent Generally, During The<br></br>
bone remodeling, in cui intrinsic and extrinsic factors they act, Which, exaggerating the<br></br>
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process, Determining an increased At resorption. One of these factors is the<br></br>
decrease in estrogen<br></br>
or neoplastic risk: especially cancers of the endometrium, breast and ovarian<br></br>
(Important methods of screening)<br></br>
Par. III: Therapy<br></br>
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)<br></br>
It is based on the assumption That, Given That menopausal disorders result from a reduction of the<br></br>
estrogen, administration of estrogen is protective against These disorders. However,<br></br>
improperly administering estrogen in menopause, Has disproportionately increased At the<br></br>
Number of carcinomas of the endometrium. Then, it is Introduced the additional use of progesterone: However, the<br></br>
risk of endometrial cancer was not Significantly reduced. Later, it was shown That<br></br>
Also the risk of breast cancer increases.<br></br>
So, currently, in TOS is indicato only for short-term disorders (ie Those neurodegenerative) or<br></br>
early menopause.<br></br>
However, administering estrogen (etilenestradiolo, 17-β-estradiol, estradiol valerate) and progestin<br></br>
oral, transdermal, vaginal or intravascular.<br></br>
The association between estrogen and progestin can be either sequential (estrogens and progestins mimic<br></br>
the cyclical physiological) or continuous type: the principle is the same as the contraceptive pill, but the results are<br></br>
very minor.<br></br>
Tibolone, However, That is a Particular estrogen has no effects on the endometrium and does not require Therefore<br></br>
the association of a progestin.<br></br>
Also, the use of androgens is Particularly suitable to combat decreased At libido.<br></br>
Finally, a note on phytoestrogens: These Are food supplements, contained Mainly in soybeans,<br></br>
That have estrogenic-like properties<br></br>
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Chap. 19: Pathology of the corpus uteri<br></br>
Par. I: Pathology benign<br></br>
Endometrial polyps<br></br>
Polyps are growths exophytic size, shape, number and appearance variables. Polyps<br></br>
endometrial, in Particular, are growths of the mucosa of the corpus uteri, the location of Which can<br></br>
be anywhere in the endometrium (anche but at the endocervix).<br></br>
Regarding the dimensions, may be a few mm or several cm, Occupying, in this second case,<br></br>
much of the uterine cavity and escaping from the external genitalia.<br></br>
Regards the number may be single or multiple.<br></br>
Considering the role exerted by estrogen stimulation on Their formation, the frequency is<br></br>
greater in the age group between 30 and 50 years (Generally, if encountered in menopause, were Already present).<br></br>
Important features are:<br></br>
• Pathology: always consist of an axis-vascular connective covered with epithelium<br></br>
Endometrial. They have a yellowish-red color and possible neoplastic evolution (Therefore,<br></br>
Should always be Eliminated). They can be of different natures Depending on the content of the surface<br></br>
or adenomatous: glandular ducts lined by cuboidal epithelium<br></br>
or with adenomatous hyperplasia: very crowded glands with epithelial proliferation type<br></br>
or fibrous: poor content with glandular prevalent fibrous structure<br></br>
• Symptoms<br></br>
or Menorrhagia: abundant and prolonged menstruation (a normal menstrual period, you<br></br>
Recalls, Involves loss of 70-80 mL of blood per day for 4-5 days)<br></br>
or Metrorrhagia: bleeding outside the menstrual period (or postmenopausal)<br></br>
or Menometrorragia: menstruation abundant and prolonged Throughout the cycle. All These<br></br>
un'anemizzazione hemorrhagic conditions can cause slow, progressive and<br></br>
worsening (since the need for transfusion)<br></br>
or pain two to uterine contraction (to expel the octopus, Recognized As The Body<br></br>
• Diagnostic Imaging<br></br>
or transvaginal ultrasound Allows you to evaluate the thickness of the endometrial rhyme: a rhyme<br></br>
thickened, in fact, Allows to suspect a polyp<br></br>
or hysteroscopy: provides for the introduction into the uterine cavity of a hysteroscope, Which, thanks<br></br>
the use of a physiological solution, will go to distend the uterine cavity.<br></br>
Nell'isteroscopio is an optical camera connected to an external room, Which<br></br>
Allows a macroscopic view of the cavity. Hysteroscopy Allows removing (and<br></br>
Subsequent evaluation biopsy)<br></br>
or curettage diagnostic and therapeutic<br></br>
• Therapy (see below)<br></br>
Endometrial hyperplasia<br></br>
It is a common condition in women in perimenopausal period and more rare in the blackberries<br></br>
young. It is a result of hormonal imbalances hyperestrogenism caratterizzata by absolute or relative, to two<br></br>
anovulation or luteal insufficiency, or secondary to estrogen therapies do not revealed adequately<br></br>
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balanced with the progestin: it is as if, under the stimulus of estrogen and / or lack of adequate<br></br>
stimulus progestin, endometrial epithelium proliferasse blackberries than they Should (Therefore, the pill, being a<br></br>
estrogen-progestagen does not cause endometrial hyperplasia).<br></br>
By the term "hyperplasia" is included, then, various morphological aspects of the endometrium, ranging from<br></br>
simple glandular crowding, bordering the proliferative endometrium, up hyperplasia<br></br>
adenomatous with cytologic atypia, virtually indistinguishable from a well-differentiated carcinoma.<br></br>
Important aspects are:<br></br>
• Pathology:<br></br>
or Types<br></br>
Simple: increased At number of glands, but no branching glandular<br></br>
Cystic: is a variant of the previous one, in cui there is expansion and modification<br></br>
morphological glands<br></br>
Complex or adenomatous: polymorphism with buttressing of glandular<br></br>
glands (look "back to back"), and the reduction of glandular ramifications<br></br>
stromal component<br></br>
or atypia: the above types may arise or less with atypia: the presence of atypia is very<br></br>
important Because it does veer toward a benign lesion preneoplastic<br></br>
• Symptoms<br></br>
or polimenorrea: menstruation That lasts for several days<br></br>
or Main-, metr- or menometroragie<br></br>
• Diagnostic Imaging<br></br>
or transvaginal ultrasound<br></br>
or hysteroscopy<br></br>
Treatment of polyps and hyperplasia<br></br>
• Polyps: Eliminated are always the risk of evolution<br></br>
• Hyperplasia<br></br>
or Typical: hormonal treatment with progestins<br></br>
or Atypical: should be treated aggressively blackberries:<br></br>
Adolescent: progesterone or Progestogens<br></br>
In women of reproductive age: as above (curettage in cases where the therapy<br></br>
hormone is not possible)<br></br>
In women with blackberries than 40 years<br></br>
• Danazol<br></br>
• GnRH Analogs: allow a state of hypoestrogenism only<br></br>
transitional and, Therefore, are shown only in view of a treatment<br></br>
• Endometrial ablation transuterina<br></br>
In menopause:<br></br>
• Hysterectomy with annessectomia<br></br>
• Ablation is more conservative and its use is supplanting what<br></br>
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Uterine growths are benign and of various volume (even weigh a few kilograms);<br></br>
are the most common benign neoplasm of the female genitalia (especially between 40 and<br></br>
50 years) and are constituted by bundles of smooth muscle cells and connective tissue intertwined in<br></br>
varying proportions. Therefore, they are distinguished, according to Functional the ratio of the muscular component and<br></br>
Connective: myomas, fibroids and fibroids.<br></br>
The location can be single or multiple (but always with distinct nodules). For uterus is fibromatous<br></br>
intends, However, in the womb in cui the fibrous component Has taken precedence over That muscle: It has,<br></br>
Therefore, an invasion fibrous uterus in full (and not as in nodular fibroids).<br></br>
Important features are:<br></br>
• Localization of nodules (Which may be pedunculated or sessile):<br></br>
or subserosal: nodules develop under the perimetrium, extend into the abdominal cavity<br></br>
and, being furthest from the uterine cavity, rarely give symptoms<br></br>
or Intramural: develop in the thickness of the myometrium<br></br>
or submucosa: protrude into the uterine cavity and are Clearly visible in hysteroscopy. Those Ones<br></br>
pedunculated with long stalk can leak from the cervix. However, the<br></br>
Generally subserosal Are Those That give blackberries challenges, changing the stairs<br></br>
menstruation and going to alter the phenomena of local hemostasis<br></br>
or Intralegamentare: you go to locate the margins in the wall of the uterus, Within the<br></br>
broad ligament, in the vicinity of the vessels<br></br>
or "in transit": a few nodules, for example, depart from outside (subserosal) and reach the<br></br>
uterus (intramural and submucosal then)<br></br>
• Pathogenesis<br></br>
or hormonal factors: hyperestrogenism (notable is the Increase in the first weeks of<br></br>
pregnancy, in cui estrogen is high)<br></br>
or Genetic factors: familiarity<br></br>
• Symptoms: Considered to be, first of all, as in Un certain slice of the patients (20%) and<br></br>
asymptomatic. In These cases, it is the incidental finding of an Increase in the uterus That could be indicative<br></br>
in leiomyoma. The symptoms are related to the location, the size and number of nodules:<br></br>
or menstrual disorders: are mainly two to the submucosal and may lead to<br></br>
or pelvic pain (with possible dysmenorrhea and dyspareunia)<br></br>
or symptoms of compression:<br></br>
Vases: varices<br></br>
Ureter: hydronephrosis<br></br>
Spinal roots: sciatica<br></br>
Bladder: urinary frequency, urgency, and urinary incontinence<br></br>
Intestine: constipation<br></br>
or alteration of fertility and pregnancy<br></br>
Plant endometrial allowed<br></br>
Tubal occlusion for locating the corners tubal: passage of the egg in<br></br>
uterus Prevented<br></br>
Abortion and threatened abortion: the system is abnormal and fails to mature<br></br>
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Placenta previa and placenta untimely: leiomyoma hampers<br></br>
proper placental development (implantation of the placenta in SI: placenta previa;<br></br>
abnormal uterine contraction During childbirth: Placental abruption)<br></br>
Abnormalities of childbirth: leiomyoma, as Mentioned, alters uterine contractility<br></br>
• Pathology<br></br>
or Increase the volume of the uterus<br></br>
or irregular contours<br></br>
or increased At