Sexuality/Transgender Flashcards
A person who lives as a member of a gender other than that expected based on sex or gender assigned at birth. Sexual orientation varies and it is not dependent on gender identity.
Trans Woman
Male to female person with history of transgender.
Trans Man
Affirming transgender history with female to male transition.
- Someone who is non-binary and sees both sexual orientation and gender as fluid.
-An individual who is unsure of and or exploring gender identity and or sexual orientation
- Someone that is born with both male and female reproductive parts.
-An attraction to people regardless of gender. Maybe attracted to own genders or others.
prejudice against individuals or groups that display non-heterosexual behavior.
-someone who feels comfortable with their gender identity assigned at birth
Gender identity non- exclusively male or female
sexual orientation
who you sleep with
Gender identity
Who you go to bed as
Hormone therapy
-Estrogen, testosterone, Gonadotropin releasing hormone, Suprellin implant
Sex reassignment surgery
Masculinzing/feminine surgery
-reconstruction of the chest/breasts and external genitalia