Sexual Offending Flashcards
Week 3
According to the precondition model, what are the 4 factors that contribute to sexual offending against children?
1) sexual arousal by children (PEDOPHILIA)
2) Affinity for children. Feel more comfortable being sexual with a child than someone their age. They feel equal to the child (EMOTIONAL CONGRUENCE)
3) Unable to meet needs in appropriate relationships (BLOCKAGE)
4) Inhibitions overcome through attitudes, impulsiveness, alcohol (DISINHIBITION)
what is the Vulnerability Model?
it is a DEVELOPMENTAL model which explains pathway between childhood and later sex offending.
1) biological vulnerabilities + adverse childhood experiences (e.g., abuse)
2) impaired social skills and self-regulation
3) impaired relationships with peers - increases risk of sexual contact with kids or coercion
-higher rates of sexual deviance
- sexual abused is higher as they are 5x as likely to have been sexually abused
-higher rates of emotional dysregulation
-more socially isolated
-less antisocial
lower criminal involvement
-fewer antisocial peers
-less substance abuse
^ these are what make them unique from others
sex offenders and other offenders have no significant differences in
1) social incompetence
2) attitudes about women
3) belief about sexual offending
4) parent-child attachment
5) Intelligence (do not have lower intelligence on average
people who offend against children tend to be
less antisocial and are often driven by deviant sexual interests
people who offend against adults/peers have
more similar to general adult offenders and tend to have higher levels of anti-sociality
what is the probability (%) of sex offenders reoffending IN 5 YEARS in ADULTS? how many don’t recommit? how many of the crimes committed are nonsexual crimes?
14% within 5 years DO recommit
86% don’t recommit.
of the crimes, 36% of them are nonsexual offenses
what is the probability (%) of sex offenders reoffending IN 15 YEARS for ADULTS?
24%. Yet the public believes that 74% reoffend
what is the probability (%) of ADOLESCENT sex offenders reoffending IN 5 YEARS?
12%. rates similar to adults. and 86% don’t reoffend.
adolescent sex offenders are ____ as likely to commit nonsexual reoffenses than sexual
twice as likely. However reoffense rates are lower if they receive treatment
risk factors for sexual reoffending can be grouped into…
Domain 1: Deviant sexual interests
• Attractions to sexual acts that are illegal or harmful or unusual such as sex with children, rape,
• Not all sex offenders have enduring deviant interests
Domain 2: antisocial orientation
-Antisocial lifestyle or traits such as history of rule violation, disregard for others, impulsivity
around ___ to ___ meet the criteria for pedophilia
which of the following is a predictor of sexual reoffending? pick as many as you think.
• Anxiety & depression • Low self-esteem, loneliness • Denial • But these are common areas of focus in treatment
trick question. none are good predictors of sex offending
whats the problem with using the VRAG in risk assessment with sex offenders?
the 12 items didn’t include factors related to sexual offending
what tools could be used for doing risk assessments of sex offenders?
option 1: VRAG
option 2: STATIC-2002 - unfortunately more made for adults
option 3: ERASOR
what was the static-2002 developed for?
developed for adult sexual offenders
static-2002 has items that are relevant to…
sex offending
T/F: Sex-offense tools are more predictive of sex offending than general violence tools
and…which tool would be best to use then?
how many items are on the static-2002 and static-99?
14 items
- Age at release?
- Prior sentence for sex offenses?
- Juvenile sex offense?
- Rate of sex offending?
- Non-contact sex offense?
- Male victim?
- Young, unrelated victim?
- Any unrelated victim?
- Any stranger victim?
- Any prior involvement with criminal
justice system? - Prior sentencing for anything?
- Community supervision violation?
- Years free prior to index sex
offense? - Any prior non-sex violence?
Estimate of Risk of Adolescent Sexual Recidivism (ERASOR) was developed for
Developed for adolescents who have sexually offended
ERASOR has items that are _________-relevant
developmentally-relevant (having a supportive or rejecting family)