Sexual Medicine Flashcards
1. Screening and assessing male sexual dysfunction
Sexual motivation cycle
- Conscious sexual desire as measured by sexual thoughts, sexual fantasies and conscious urge to be sexual either alone or with a partner
- Person seek out sexual stimuli
OR - from sexually neutral
- Sensual stimulation
- Triggered arousal or desire
When/in whom is conscious sexual desire more common
- early on in relationships
- in men more than women
ANS involvement in sexual arousal
- changes in ANS involve genital congestion,respiration, body temperature, muscle tone, blood pressure and heart rate are reflexly uncousciously activated
- at same time consciou and unconsciou evalution of stimuli (slower process which may or may not lead to subjective arousal)
Genital vasocongestion in women
- increase in genital vasocongestion is rapid response (occurs in seconds)
- happens even if not subjectively aroused/excited
- i.e. stimulus just has to be registered as sexual (not erotic)
Penile congestion and erection in men
- unlike women this occurs more slowly
- occurs with subjective excitement
Once subjective excitement is attained in men/women what happens (in the brain) - how the end effect of this differs in men and women
That state is evaluated both cognitively and emotionally
- if thoughts are negative: subjective arousal will lessen if emotions are negative subjective arousal will lessen
- especially in men there is a strong correlation between subjective arousal and genital swelling/erection
- in women there is a highly variable correlation between subjective sexual arousal and measured increase in vaginal vascongestion
Experiment showing subjective sexual arousal was not necessary for vaginal vasocongestion in women
- watch erotic videos
- the majority of women who complained of lack of arousal reportining no excitment in their minds and no awareness of any genital response actually had increase in vainal cnogestion comparable to control women (finding the videos sexually exciting)
Situations in which physiological response produced involuntarily and not matching subjective response
- genital responding in situations of rape/assault
- women with subjective arousal disorder - lubrication without subjective arousal/excitment
- damage to nerves subserving penile ereticle mechanism –> subjectively sexually excited but no swelling/erection
- autonomic nerves to vulva/clitoris cut –> no clitoral swelling/lubrication when subjectively aroused
Subdivisions of male genitalia
1) internal genitalia (prostate, ejaculatory ducts, seminal vesicles, vas deferens, epididymis, testicles)
2) external genitalia (mons pubis, penis, penil bulb, perineum, scrotum)
Structures that engorge with blood in response to sexual arousal in men and women
- penis
- clitoris
- both tissues contain vascular spaces (sinusoids) lined by endothelium and surrounded by smooth muscle + connective tissue –> form meshwork = trabeculae which is integral to expansion/contraction of sinusoids
Corpora cavernosa
Two parallel erectile tubes
form the major component of the body/shaft of the penis
- each starts as a crus (blunt pointed process in front f tuberosity of ischium)
- just beforie the tubes meet they enlarge slightly (bulb of penis)
- beyond this point undergo constriction and merge into corpus cavernosum proper and join the felow corpus
Tunica albuginea
- strong fibrous envelope that surrounds both corpora cavernosa
- made of superficial and deep fibres
Layers of tunica albuginea
- bilayered
- inner layer = circularly oriented bundles that support and contain cavernous tissue
- outer layer oriented longitudinally extending from the glans penis to the proximal crura and inserting to inferior pubic rami
- between two layers = emissary veins that dain the penis (occluded easily by tunicaly layers during erection -compress veins during erection)
- thick and complete behind
- but imperfect in front - (arrange in vertical bands like teeth of a comb = septum pectiniforme)
- permeable = alows medication to flow from one corpus to other
Corpus spongiosum
- running underneath corpora cavernosal tissue
- terminates in glans penis
- and heading into body expands to form urethral bulb (palpable between penile shaft and anal opening)