Cardiac Exam Flashcards
First thing to do in cardiovascular exam
- general inspection from 5 feet away:
a) distressed?
b) body habitus ( size an shape of the person - refer to the person’s bmi i.e. they have a very high bmi rather than they are morbidly obese)
c) well vs. unwell appearance (combo of skin colour,, level of distress, breathing pattern, level of consciousness, body habitus, facial expression ect) - well nourished
- well perfused
After general inspection hat comes next
- BP
- HR
- RR
- O2 sat
- pulsus paradoxus
Pulsus paradoxus
A decrease in systolic pressure during inspiration and/or an increase in systolic pressure during expiration
-when difference in systolic pressures is greater than 10 mmHg it is considered abnormal
When does pulsus paradoxus occur
Occurs with:
a) cardiac tamponade
b) severe volume depletion
c) severe asthma
Things to check for on the hands/wrists/fingers
1) Clubbing
2) Cyanosis (peripheral)
3) Capillary refill
4) Radial and brachial pulses
5) Splinter haemrrhage
6) Janeway lesions
7) Osler’s nodes
8) Raynaud’s phenomenon
- a bulbous swelling of the soft tissue at the nail base
- loss of normal angle between the nail an the proximal nail fold (angle inreases to 180 +)
- nail bed feels spongy or floating
Mechanism of clubbing
-still not completely known
Conditions that cause clubbing
Signs of bacterial endocarditis
- splinter haemorrhages
- janeway’s lesions
- osler’s nodes
Splinter haemorrhage
Janeway’s lesions
Osler’s nodes
Reynaus phenommenon
Vasoconstriction in the fingers
Capillary refill
The tine reqiured for finger nail to return to the pink colour after it has been squeeze
- normal is < 2 seconds (brisk)
- abnormally long times usually indicate poor circulation (a number of causes)
Things to note on examination of the radial pulse
1) Amplitude of the pulse = the size or strength of the pulse
2) Upstroke- how quickly the pulse reaches it maximum
3) Rate = frequency of pulse
4) Rhythm = description of regularity of pulse
Technique for palpation of an artery
- gently (too much pressure will occlude the artery an the pulse will be absent)
- use to figers
Things to inspect on legs
1) Pedal oedema
2) Pulses (femoral, popliteal, dorsalis pedis, posterior tibialis)
3) temperature
4) Signs of chronic poor circulation (loss of hair, discoloration, ulcers)
5) Achilles tendon xanthomata
Achilles tendon xanthoma
- disfiguring cholesterol deposits
- appreciable by palpation and visualization of the achilles tendon
- sign seen in familial hypercholesterolemia
Things to exam in eyes
- corneal arcus
- xanthalosma
- fundoscopic exam
- colour of conjunctiva (pale or pink)