Sexual + Gender Identity Disorders Flashcards
What is gender dysphoria?
unsure which gender you belong to
- gender incongruence. my physical body =/= feeling inside
- many forms, depends on age of person
- diagnosis requires clinically significant distress or impairment
sexual orientation?
preference for sex of a partner
sexual identity
gender to which one identifies
prevalance of gender dysphoria
natal males : .005-.014%
natal females: .002-.003%
– not all adults seek hormones or surgery reassignment = estimate
evidence of physical disturbance may relate to gender dysphoria
- influenced by hormones
how hormones relate to gender dysphoria
sex hormones during pregnancy = behave like opposite sex + have anatomical abnormalities
- girls with synthetic progestins = tomboys
- boys + female hormones = less athletic, less rough+tumble play.
- not necessarily abnormal in gender identity
body alteration in gender dysphoria
- if want to alter body , do 6-12 months of psychotherapy.
- cosmetic surgery (M-> F: electrolysis to remove facial hair
- hormones to bring body closer to their beliefs about their gender.
- sex-reassignment/gender-affirming surgery
what is sex-reassignment and gender-affirming surgery
- first one in 1930
- worldwide attention = 1952
- more frequently by men than women
- controversy in benefit ( no + in social rehab led to termination of program in US not great)
benefits of gender-affirming surgery
- many say they are satisfied
- pre-operative factors have effect
what are pre-operative factors that predict favourable post-surgery adjustment?
- emotional stability
- successful adaptation in new role at least 1 year before surgery
- understanding of limitations + consequences of surgery
- psychotherapy in context of established gender identity program
prevelence of gender-affirming surgery in US?
1,000 a year.
what are paraphilia?
group of disorders involving sexual attraction to unusual objects or sexual activities that are unusual in nature
- 6 months + causes significant distress/impairment
- often not diagnosed because no distress/impairment
define para
what paraphilic disorder does not require distress?
paedophilia DSM-5 criteria
- over 6 months, recurrent, intense, sexually arousing fantasies etc with a prepubescent child or children.
- acted on sexual urges or sexual urges/fantasies cause marked distress/difficulty
- individual is at least 16yoa and 5 years older than child
stats of paraphilias
- accurate stats are unavailable bc most ppl don’t admit to it.
- most ppl with parapilias are male
- females mostly do masochism or paedophilia.
define fetishism
reliance on an inanimate object for sexual arousal
- recurrent/sexual urges toward non-living objects called fetishes.
- almost always males as opposed to females
- compulsive quality: involuntary + irresistible
- secret, masturbate to, use all senses, ask partner to don
degree of erotic focalization in fetish?
special sexual stimulant.
- must touch object
- drive to touch object is overwhelmingly strong.
what is transvestic disorder?
over 6 months, recurrent + intense sexual arousal fro cross-dressing.
- distress or impairment
- degree of variation differs
what is autogynephilia
males tendency to become aroused at the thought/image of himself as a woman.
characteristics of transvestic disorder
- begins in adolescence
- heterosexual
- almost always male
- cross-dress episodically not regularly
- masculine in appearance/demeanour + sexual preference
- many are married
- in private
- cause distress
what is voyeurism?
obtaining sexual gratification by watching others in a state of undress or having sexual relations.
- best if others dunno they’re watching
true voyeur - important element?
almost always a man,
NOT exciting when woman undressing for his special benefit
- element of risk seems important.
voyeurism begins when?
voyeurism + illegality
difficult to assess frequency because often unnoticed.
- but trespass by night is common charge
voyeurism + fear
think that they’re fearful of more direct sexual encounters with others.