Sexual Ethics Flashcards
Pre-marital sex is…
sex before marriage.
Adultery is…
sex with anyone other than your committed partner.
Divorce is…
the legal end of a marriage.
Promiscuity is…
having sex with lots of people, or casual sex.
Homosexuality is…
having a sexual or romantic attraction to the same sex.
A civil partnership is…
a legal union of a couple, similar to marriage.
Contraception is…
precautions used to prevent conception or STIs.
Childlessness is…
the state of having no children, can be by choice or infertility.
What does the Catholic church think about homosexuality?
Always wrong/sex is only for reproduction/they should remain chaste/mental illness/they should not marry or raise children.
What does the Church of England think about homosexuality?
Treated as a sin/not supported but should be respected.
What is Islam’s view on homosexuality?
It is haram/if you repent Allah will forgive you.
A secular country is…
A country that is not governed by religious laws.
A non-secular country is…
A country governed by religious laws.
What are the secular views of contraception?
Prevents STDs/prevents unwanted pregnancies/allows for safe intimacy/people can enjoy sex.
What are the Catholic views of contraception?
Sex is for reproduction/disrespecting a sacrament.
What are the Church of England views of contraception?
Not encourages as sex is for reproduction/certain exceptions, such as medical reasons.