Sexual ethics. Flashcards
What are the issues to do with sex and relationships?
- Pre marital sex.
- Contraception.
- Status of sex.
- Homosexuality.
- Consent.
- Pornography.
What are Christian churches’ view on the status of sex?
- Based on Aquinas, St Paul and Augustine.
- Sex only in a loving relationship.
- Marriage as the norm.
- Sexual pleasure is a gift from God only to be used in marriage.
What is the natural law view of the status of sex?
- Only have sex to procreate.
- Unnatural unless to have children.
- Any sexual activities that lead to children are acceptable.
What is the libetarian view of the status of sex?
- Sex moral if there is mutual consent.
- Sex is ok if no harm is done to others or a 3rd party.
- Sexual liberation.
- Consenting adults can do what they want.
- Sex not linked to having children or being married.
What is the feminism view of the status of sex?
- Sexuality needs to be remade before we can have moral relationships.
- View of woman as child bearer is restrictive.
- Women are not as free to men to have sex.
What are the different ethical approaches to contraception?
‘Birth control by the use of devices’
What are the types of contraception?
- Condom.
- Femidom.
- Pill.
- Morning after pill.
- Diaphragm.
- Injection.
What are the arguments for and against contraception?
- Its our decision.
- Reduces birth rate.
- Stops unwanted pregnancies especially from violence.
- Everyone has free will.
- Is it murder?
- Is our choice?
- Where does God fit into all of this?
What is the Christian view of contraception?
- Sex created by God.
- For babies.
- Your body is a temple so should be respected.
- Banned in Roman Catholicism.
What is the natural law view of contraception?
- Only have sex for babies; no other use for sex organs.
- Contraception prevents God’s purpose.
What is Immanuel Kant’s view of contraception?
- Sexual pleasure only allowed if there is a valuable goal.
- Marriage is the union of two people i.e. it is not just about having children.
What is the utilitarian view of contraception?
- Sex for pleasure.
- Consenual sex creates good.
What is the Libertarian view on homosexuality?
- Harm principle.
- Sex not linked to children or marriage.
- Human freedom.
- Human autonomy.
What is the natural law view on homosexuality?
- Sex to make children only.
- Sex is not to unite people.
- Unnatural unless to have children.
What is the Christian Church view on hommosexuality?
- Unnatural.
- Doesn’t lead to children.
- Homosexuality in Greek means ‘loose living’.
- Literal means says it is wrong but also told that the quality of the relationship is important.
- Not a sin unless put into practice.
- Homosexual acts freely chosen.
- Seen as a medical condition.
What is the argument for homosexuality?
- Equality for all.
- Embraces love.
- Ok if consensual.
- Freedom of speech.
What are the arguments against homosexuality?
- Unnatural.
- Is it what God wanted?
- Do two people in a same sex relationship give children a balanced upbringing?
What are the ethical issues with pornography?
- Degrading.
- Harm principle.
- Depravity.
- Consent.
- Could take advantage of some people.
- Can get in the hands of the wrong people.
- Encourages frivolity.
- Encourages teenagers to have sex.
What is the traditional view of pornography?
- Sex for procreation.
- Sex not to be done in sinful ways.
- Women as subservient.
- Must be married in order to fulfil sexual urges.
What is the Libertarian view of pornography?
- Harm principle.
- Mutual consent.
- Sex not for protection.
- Sex ok out of wedlock.
- Sexual liberation.
- Human freedom.
What is the feminist view of pornography?
- Women are oppressed by sex.
- Sexuality needs to be remade before sex is moral.