✅Sexual Ethics Flashcards
What do quakers say about sex before marriage?
“A couple can be faithful to eachother in a loving, non-exploitive relationship outside of marriage. “
Exodus 20 rule?
“You shall not commit adultery”
Roman Catholic Church quote about sex outside marriage?
“Sexual acts must take place exclusively within marriage, outside marriage it alway constitutes a grave sin”
What did jesus say bout adulterous?
“Anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery i their heart”
Genesis about leaving your mother
“For a man shall leave his mother and father and join with his wife and the 2 shall become one flesh “
What does the Church of England say about marriage?
Marriage… provides the proper context for sexual relationships and the bringing up of children”
What does the catechism think of premarital?
Says its wrong, trial marriages where there is an intention of getting married later on are wrong
What do liberal Christians think of premarital sex?
Response to sexual morality regards agape love as a primary goal of any relationship.
What des Adolph grunbaum think about premarital sex?
Argues Christian sexual ethics is based on narrow views of old men who claim that’s what god wants
What is premarital sex?
Sex before marriage.
What does the Catholic Church think about premarital sex?
Doesn’t express fidelity, excsivity and commitment, therefore doesn’t tolerate sex before marriage.
What does the Church of England accept that the catholic’s don’t?
Cohabiting. COE does accept cohabitation, for many people, a step along the way towards the fuller and more complete commitment.
What does Pope Paul say about marriage?
“So that husband and wife come in a way one heart and one soul, and together attain their human fulfilment. “
What does Lisa Sowle Cahill say bout extra marital sex?
Argues that historcally wealthy and powerful men has concubines as well as wives.
The church’s ban on adultery made it impossible for men to have concubines and banned the diverse stopped men abandoning women therefore helping the women.
What happened in 1967?
It was made legal for men ages 21 or over to have sex
What happened in 1994?
It was made legal for men ages 18 to have sex
What happened in 2000
Law changes allowing homosexuals to be in the armed forces
What happened in 2001
It was made legal for men ages 16 to have sex
What happened in 1885
Age of consent for sex was 16
What happened in 2014?
The first same sex marriage took. Place
What did Hare think about extramarital sex?
What victims would feel. Act was no necessary of good.
What did Barclay think of extramarital sex?
Jesus sill told women to leave lives of sinning, therefore it was immoral teachings
What did Anthony Harvey think about extra marital sex?
“Consequences of deleterious are too damaging to be tolerated”
What did Marx’s and engels think about extramarital sex?
Marriage is slavery. Conceals domestic slavery
What did Kant think of extramarital sex?
Adultery cannot be universalised, because ten everyone would be adulterous
Bible quotes about homosexuality
Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, that is detestable
Bible quotes about homosexuality
Prohibits shrine prostitution where men and men are able to have sex with men for money
Bible quotes about homosexuality
Sodom and Gomorrah
Bible quotes about homosexuality
Romans 1
Men committed shameful acts with other men
Bible quotes about homosexuality
Men who have sex with men will not inherit the kingdom of god
What did Gareth Moore say about homosexuality?
Points out that MANY rules are not so forcefully imposed by Christians today, such as those that advocate beheading or those that forbid the wearing of garments made by 2 kinds of materials.
It seems that inconvenient rules are ignore while other attack minorities which are supported
What does the Church of England think to homosexuality?
Oppose same sex marriages. 2017- bishops of CoE issued a statement called “marriage and same sex relationships”, which affirmed that marriage is between a man and a woman
There is a place for homosexualities in the chrch, but some shame and repented is appropriate for the way they have been treated.
What does Catholic Church think of homosexuality?
There is no sin involved in an inclination towards a member of the same sex, as such an inclination is not freely chosen and is a trial
How many gay men die in Italy each year?
150-200 are murdered in Italy each year
What does the book of discipline say about homosexuality?
“We implore families and churches not to reject or condemn lesbia or gay members and friends. We commit ourselves to be in ministry and with all persons”
What dos NML think about sexual ethics?
All are morally wrong, because they do not support the precepts of a flourishing society.
They are all apparent goods,not real.
What does situation ethics think about sexual ethics?
Mot loving thing, which follow agape love, then it is fine. However, if not, the. It’s not ok.
Pragmatic and open to breaking traditional ethical rules.
What does kantian ethics think about sexual ethics
Freedom, promises dignity, equality.
Universalisability etc.
Means to an end- therefore mo forces marriage, rape, etc
What does UT think about sexual ethics?
Called libertarianism
Need consent, harm principle, etc
Bentham: Greatest happiness.
Mill: move away from religious rules. Fought for many causes
Disadvantages of NML
Without contraception, would would overpopulation and spread STI
Leiser: to condemn people for using sexual organs is prejudice
Aquila’s was celibate
Kant evaluation
Emphasises the importance of equality and not treating others as a tool
Recognises the importance of pleasure within marriage.
Sexual relations always recognise other persons as free
Ignores the importance of emotions within relationship
Just because something cannot be universalised doesn’t mean it is wrong
Evaluation of UT
Importance of pleasure within a relationship
Allows sexual freedom and choice
Realistic, allows for contraception and safe sex
Hard to apply hedonic calculus
Mill says lower pleasure i sex, but Hamsun don’t experience sex differently from animals
Teleological, therefore cannot always predict outcomes
Do emotions could our judgement?
Is homosexuality acceptable to NML?
Sees right and wrong as fixed things
Reason leads us towards doing good
Reason reflection the world reveals 1st precepts POWER
Homosexuality is wrong
Not good for sustaining flourishing human society
Is homosexuality acceptable for kantian ethics?
Treat with dignity and equally.
Universalised consent, would be ok
People shouldn’t be used as a means to an end, 2nd maxim
If homosexuality, you are below the level of animals
Freedom and autonomy, duty an reason
Is homosexuality acceptable for situation ethics?
Outdated, world has moved on
Agape love, focus of love
Imago dei, follow the example of love b God
Love marginalised and oppressed
Legalistic approach, practical and personal
Is homosexuality acceptable to UT?
Bentham act shows pleasure
mills higher and lower pleasures, eve in the minority, they still deserve pleasure
What does Stanley hauerwas think about liberal Christian ideas?
Christianity should say wth beliefs and western void should not be watered down by Christian teachings
What is the traditional Christian teachings about homosexuality?
Condemns all form of homosexuality. Breaks covenant bond with god. Paul made a list of wrongdoings who cant enter KOG. Biblical teachings is against and traditional church teaches marriage is proper place for sexual relations.
What is the town of Gomorrah and sodom?
It was destroyed because they practised homosexuality rape.
Leviticus homosexuality quote
“You shall not lie with a man as with a women, it is abomination”
What does the Anglican Church think of homosexuality?
COE oppose same se marriages and require gay clergy to remain celibate. Led to debates. Anglican community is divided on the subjec. Has debated the issue of gay priests and marriage, comments that orientation of practising homosexuality and blessing same sex marriages.
Part of COE, but views are slightly different
What does the COE think about homosexuality?
Issues in human sexuality 1991 illustrates biblical views. Bishops have become less content with ambiguous conclusions. Goes beyond mere toleration, yet it stops short at commitment.
Disagreements to do with whether relationships can have ethical validity. Whether its right to give blessings, etc
What does the liberal Christians think of homosexuality?
2 argument; argue that the church must be read in its historical context, what it means to be in a gay relationship, not focus solely on sex aspects. Argue Christianity from its earliest times has had a strong sense of justice and supporting the marginalised.gay relationships aren’t condemned.
What does situation ethics focus on?
Focuses on the particular situation, the interests of the individual person and love and justice. Therefore breaking the rational moral rules around sex. Pragmatic approach, setting aside fixed moral rules
Why would situation ethics be bad to follow for homosexuality?
Many Christians believe there are absolute rules about having gay sex.hey point to controversial passages in the bible such as “do not lie with a man as you do with a woman” etc
What is most important to UT?
Maximise greatest happiness for greatest number. If happiness is quoted with hedonistic pleasure, then UT has an unregulated approach to sexual behaviour.
What did Mill think about homosexuality?
Mill believed it was important to allow homosexuality to prevent mass social prejudice, restricting rights and happiness of individuals.
Why is UT a good ethical theory to follow with homosexuality?
U considers preferences or happiness of those involved, therefore wold allow sexual acts.
2009, singer produced an article “homosexuality is not immoral”
Mill said sexual preferences should be a matter of individual choice.
Why is UT a bad ethical theory to follow with homosexuality?
All UT decisions are based on a calculation that has to be made with pain or harm caused, this isn’t always accurate
It depends on the people involved being capable of making an informed decision
What are the main key points of kantian ethics to do with homosexuality
Offers principles that can be used to formless rules an regulations.
Traditional rules prohibit homosexual relationships. It is possible that the kantian principle of treating every human with dignity wold require all sexual relationships.
Why is kantian ethics a good theory to follow with homosexuality?
It is the couples relationship that is important, therefore acceptable
Kant sees sexual relationships perfectly acceptable as long as one peros is not being used
Why is kantian ethics a bad theory to follow for homosexuality?
Can’t be universalised.
Who said reproduction was the end? Can’t love be the end? If kant takes the end to be the continuation of humanity, homosexuality is disregarded as a purpose.
What did Arthur Schopenhauer think of kantian ethics?
Attacked kants view on homosexuality by asserting that. Is a means of preventing greater evils such as the birth of unwanted children
Why is NML a bad theory to follow which homosexuality?
Conflicting precepts. The primary precepts say homosexuality is fobidden.
Lack of intent to reproduce can also be applied to hereto sexual couples, as not every sexual act leads to a baby.
Situation ethics strengths fo premarital sex
May be most log thing to allow a coupe to have a pre Marital sex relationship.
Situation ethics weaknesses fo premarital sex
What happens if the partner falls pregnant and they were abandoned? There is danger of vulnerability and loss of agape love. Exploitation
UT ethics strengths fo premarital sex
Allows consenting adults to do what they like.
Only relationships tat cause harm are wrong pre marital brings people closer together
Bentham has wider conception of the greatest good than pure pleasure
Mill believes both men and women have the right to decide
UT ethics weaknesses fo premarital sex
Can lead to STI or unwanted pregnancies, this wouldn’t the Lead to the greatest unhappiness.
If everyone had premarital sex for leisure, everyone freely chose to use contraception and not have children. Society would suffer as a whole
Kantian ethics strengths fo premarital sex
Might allow couples to live together if they make an unconditional promise before hand
Kant believed that sex outside marriage led women to being abused and treated as things opposed to parters.
Kantian ethics weaknesses fo premarital sex
Allows no room for emotions, including love.
Human life cannot be preserved without sexual intercourse, yet at the same tie, kant regarded sex as morally degrading?
NML ethics strengths fo premarital sex
Rape etc are not allowed because they are contrary to right reason. They are unnatural, as they conflict with good society
NML ethics weaknesses fo premarital sex
Sex is only for procreation and because some sexual acts don’t lead to this, they are seen as unnatural to humans
Situation ethics strengths about extramarital sex
My be good in some circumstance such as if a wife’s husband has early Alzheimer’s and is in a care home, may find comfort in an extra martial relationship
Situation ethics weaknesses about extramarital sex
Fletchers examples are extreme and aren’t suitable basis for a genre all moral theory
Puts to need of the protagonist first, which makes it difficult to protect broader family interests and interest of society
UT ethics strengths about extramarital sex
Rule UT might argue that, as a rule, adultery is a bad thing
UT ethics weaknesses about extramarital sex
Lead to unhappiness, especially if STI and unwanted pregnancies.
Adultery involves cheating on a spouse, which can destroy trust issues in a relationship and lead to resentment
Kantian ethics strengths about extramarital sex
Believes sex outside marriage led women to being abused and treated as things as opposed to partners if they were married first
NML ethics strengths about extramarital sex
Adultery is considered wrong, not just be Christian people, but secular people too
Could be moral , if it is due to infertility.
Abraham sired a child by his servant irl Hagar ad his wife was barren.
Which normative ethical theories are absolute?
Kantian ethics and NML
Which normative ethical theories are consequential
UT and situation etchis
Which theories are most usefu in sexual ethics?
Consequential as it depends on the situation