✅Kantian Ethics Flashcards
The basics
Deontological- right or wrongness of an action is in the action itself.
Kants books
Groundwork if the metaphysics or morals
Critiques of practical reason
Kant believed in true enlightenment could only be found in state of autonomy
The ability to make true, unfettered choices.
Date to be wise! - “sapere aude”
What is Kants moral theory
A priori- without experience
Systematic- empirical tests
Values of reason, autonomy, freedom.
What is duty
Reason enables us to reflect ourself. Duty is what we ought to do.
Duty is the moral law within.
Moral obligation of freedom
Kant argued that the will is free and independent. Necessary for morality to be meaningful. If our actions are free choices, then they can now be regarded as acts of s moral agent
Ought implied can
It is not our duty to do things that we are unable to do. For Kant, the fact that we ought to do something implies it is possible to do so.
If you have no choice then you have done nothing wrong. Every moral option must be possible
What is good will
Good will- duty for duty’s sake
The only reason for doing something with is not open to abuse and which can rationally apply to every person
Good will shines forth like a precious jewel
We must use our free will in order to do what is good
We should will what is right and what is right is duty.
Summun bonum
A state of virtue and happiness.
Need to postulate the existence of god.
What are the 3 postulates if morality
Freedom- we are fully rational beings
Immorality- perfect virtue should be rewarded with perfect happiness( summum bonum)
God- must therefore excuse to provide us with summum bonum after death.
Introduction of kantian ethics
What are hypothetical and categorical imperatives
Hypothetical- action good, condition attached to it
Categorical- no if. It is an order
Hypothetical imperative
An action which achieves s good goal or result
Always related to outcome
“If I do this… then this will happen”
Teleological, reason is related to outcome
No good for Kant as he wanted an ABSOLUTE RULE
Categorical imperative
Absolute and universal sense of moral duty which direct humans to right actions
You should do this.
What are the maxims
Guidelines which are net to be truly categoric. Three principles- Universal law Treat humans as ends in themselves Act as if you live in a kingdom of ends
Maxims- can the moral choice be a universal law?
Must be applied in all situations to all people without exception, must be universalised.
Maxims- does the laws treat humans as ends in themselves?
Must seek happiness or others. Humans must be treated with respect, as they are the highest point of gods creation
Does the law act as if you live in kingdom of ends
Must seek just society, everyone should act as though everyone else has the same human rights as themselves
What are kants examples to illustrate his three principles
Deception Theft Suicide Laziness Charity Cruelty to animals
Why does Kant think pure reason should come first?
As it helps us work our way through to moral law within us. Good will bring it out. You have to understand the maxims to understand the true reason,
What is the case of it inquiring murderer?
If a “would be” murderer asked you where his next intended victim was hiding, and you are sheltering her in your house, should you lie?
Kant says you shouldn’t lie, as it is impossible to universalised lying. If you lies and accidentally cause the death of the person, you can never know for sure that good consequences will occur by lying.
BUT if you do lie, James Rachels said you wold Dave the innocents life. There isn’t any contradiction.
What is the definition of kantian ethics in terms of key words?
Deontological, absolute, normative, secular, rational theory.
Why is kantian ethics deontological?
As there are no grey areas. It’s right or wrong.
Why is kantian ethics a priori?
Based on reason, synthetic
Why is kantian ethics heteronymous?
Dictated by others, happiness crowned in virtue.
Use others as a source of reason
Why does Kant believe moral obligation is important?
As it is within ourselves. The freedom we have shows independence. Ought implies can, the duty o do things we can do, and not our duty if we cannot achieve it.
Why is good will important to Kant?
Owe do something due to reason and its our duty to do. Good will shines forth like a precious jewel. Must have free will in order to do what is good. If we don’t know the consequences, every decision is guided by will..
Why is reason important for kantian ethics?
Objective moral law beyond experience or desire.
“Two things fill my mind, starry heavens above me and the moral law within me”
Strengths of kantian ethics
Not consequentialist Universal Clear Autonomy Rational Human rights Equality and justice International law Objective Duty Reliable Authority Ends in themselves
Why is not being consequential a benefit of kantian ethics?
Kant easily shows hat the fatal flaw in UT is that it is consequentialist. A bad act can have good consequences. Kant theory doesnt make this mistake.
why is being rational a strength of kantian ethics
Kant is not swayed by emotions. His theory doesnt allow for us to show favouritism for friends. It is a purely rational theory
Why is human rights a benefit for kantian ethics
Kant theory provides a basis for human Rights.
In 1948, the UN Declaration of Human Rights was a greeds by 48 countries and is the worlds most translated document.
Why is international law a benefit for kantian ethics?
Underpins UK and many international laws. When Kevorkian tried to defend killing Youk, the judge limited his evidence he could introduce, saying it didn’t matter if he intended to help Mr Youk, or if Youk wanted to Die. What was important was the act itself.
Weaknesses of kantian ethics
Consequences Inflexible Lack of motivation Absolute duty Moral law Anthropocentric Too vague Difficult forming maxis A priori Unrealistic Unforgiving Every situation is unique
why is Consequences a limit of kantian ethics ?
There are some occasions when consequences are so severe that many think it is better to break a rule than to allow awful things to happen..
Why is conflicting duties a limit of K?
Stare decided a pupil torn between looking after his mouthing in France or going to England to fight with the free french forces. “I found myself drawn into a vicious circle”
Why is absolute duty a limit of K?
Ross thinks we have an absolute duty when all things have been considered,but individual duties cannot be absolute. Somethings we have a duty to break a promise
What is anthropocentric a limit of K?
According to Kant, non-human animals have no intrinsic value. Many environmentalists see this as dangerous and wrong.
Why s it difficult to for maxims?
Which ones do you universalise. do not tell lies, or do not expose others to violence?
Why is being a-priori a weakness of k?
Some have criticised the claim that we work out or duty a priori. Surly we need to refer to experience to work to what is right, particularly in medical ethics.
Why is its unforgiving nature a limit of K?
Kant believed in retributive justice. “An eye for an eye”. It doesn’t low mercy.
Bentham believed punishment should be rehabilitative.
What does Alistair MacIntyre say about kantian ethics?
Says that you can used the universalisability principle to justify practically anything
what does Thomas angel and Bernard Williams think of Karin ethics?
Argues knots theory ails, because it ignores the circumstances of moral action.
An individual may think they are doing good by doing x, but the circumstances of their actions may result in harm being done. Another person might o exactly the same action but the result is a moral good and not harm .
what ones Phillips Foot think about Kantian ethics?
Doesn’t help in the situation of double effect. Should a terminally ill patient be given painters to ease their suffering, even if it means they’ll die sooner?
What are Kant’s books?
“Groundwork of the metaphysics of Moral 1785”
“Critique of pure reason 1781”
“Critique of practical reason 1788”
what does Ross think about kantian ethics?
What do we do when faced with moral duties which conflict? Ross suggested it would be helpful to look at two kind of duties:
Prima facie duties (first sight duties) : this duties are conditional and can be outweighed by a more compelling duty.
Actual duties: this is the duty people are left with after they have weighed up all the conflicting duties prima facie duties that apply in a particular case
What does Nancy Davies think about kantian ethics?
Surely it’s better for someone to choose to perform a good action, rather than act to avoid certain things they believe to be bad?
Kant quote about universal law
“I should never act in such a way that I could not will that my maxim Gould be a universal law”