Sexual Ethics Flashcards
Religion Still Relevant
Religious Framed ethical/ legal systems- Sudan, Iran, Pakistan= punishable by death
Correspond religious beliefs to modern secular ethical values- SOM+EP, ensures consensual, just relationships
Religion touches on fundamentals of human nature- must also apply to sex
Religion Irrelevant
Prevailing culture on Homosexuality
Many parts Discriminate for beliefs
Humanistic values already ingratiated
Mill- universalisation of power= utilitarianism new religion, “individual is sovereign”, qualitative
Sen+ Nussbaum- capabilities for human development= bodily integrity+ emotional attachment as long as no one hurt
Private and Personal
Nobody else’s business
SE- Set aside social rules if most loving thing
Utilitarianism- greatest good may advantage homophobic mob
Libertarians- free individuals from restrictions
Subject to Societal Norms
INIRKN Involves another person Societal Norms help Sex+ reproduction Informs society Rule Utilitarianism- Mill= Higher Pleasures Kant- governed by ethical principles Natural Law- moral laws
May break societal rules in Extreme situations
-> Designed to deal with exceptions, not actual relations
Clear rules- needs of community over personal concerns
Makes sense of moral behaviour, forgives mistakes (apparent good)
-> Too narrowly prescriptive in defining human telos
Free approach if happiness=pleasure
Rule limits power of majority
-> Free love= deep, meaningful
-> Societal= less useful for personal
FRUPH Freedom+ dignity Responsibility Universal Prescribed principles, not rules -> Universalise specific rule about Homosexuality