Sexual Dysfuncton Flashcards
What are the 3 main catagories of sexual dysfunction
- Sexual identity 2. Sexual dysfunction 3. Sexual paraphllia
What is sexual identity dysfunction
Deep rooted feeling of disonecne between biological sex and perceived gender
Can sexual identity probs come during teen or adult years?
No they come at a very young age
What is one know link to sexual identity problems>
Pharmaceuticals taken by the mother during pregnancy
What are the phases of sexual activity?
- Desire
- Excitement
- Intercourse
- Orgasm
- Resolution
What is an example of tension in the desire phase?
Desireing cultural trends rather than what the person really wants
What is the main cause of problems during the excitement phase?
Unfocused Yi - Blood follows qi, qi follows yi. Not being attentive to the object of desire therefore qi doesn’t follow intent and the blood doesn’t flow
How can we help erectile dysfunction (and for female lube)
Train the intent (yi)
If something has gone wrong in the past during the excitement phase how can we prevent the yi from becoming focused on repeating the previous failures?
Being able to see this situation as new and not be attached to the old (related to the Po)
What happens if there is strong desire (yang) but not enough yin to hold
What happens if there is too much yin and not enough yang?
What should the resolution phase of sex lead to?
More desire (cycle)
how can we help negative thinking, guilt and projection in sexual relations?
Clarify what we really want and believe in
What is Paraphillia ?
Sexual excitement for objects that are not appropriate or typical
If paraphillia stays in the mind and isn’t hurting others can it still be a problem?
Yes. Evil is a process
What happens the more a paraphillia connection is established?
It becomes deeper entrenched
What has caused paraphillia to become more common today?
Internet porn
What can be a stimulus for people to seek out more paraphillia ?
Fantasies are yang.. What can make them yin
Sexual impulses are powerful and can re-wire habits and behaviours if reinforced through what?
Which stages of desire can parphilliea manifest in?
Desire, excitement and orgasm. Sometimes only on phase requires the object but often it is all 3
What can help to loosen a paraphillia attachment?
Therapy and stopping porn
What is Fetishism?
Desire, orgasm or action with an inanimate object.
Problem because real object of desire is not enough
What is the best way to treat paraphillia?
1.Person needs to identify and accept they have a problem and want to change
2. Behaviour modification - slowly visually and actively distance the from the problematic Behaviour
3. Bring orgasm toward an appropriate object of desire
4. Human map is most powerful tool