Sexual Differentiation Flashcards
Name the four levels in which sex can be defined.
- Chromosomal
- Gonadal
- Somatic (physical appearance) - external and internal
- Psychic
What is 45, X? This is characterized by _____ dysgenesis.
Turner syndrome - gonadal dysgenesis
What is 47, XXY? This is characterized by _____ _______ dysgenesis.
Klinefelter syndrome - seminiferous tubule dysgenesis
Gonads are initially ________ and develop from the primitive gonadal streak on the genital ______.
initially indifferent and develop from the primitive gonadal streak on the genital ridge.
Ovaries develop from the ________ of the indifferent gonad and testis develop from the _______ of the indifferent gonad in week ___ of embryonic development.
ovaries from the cortex, testis from the medulla in week 6
Embryonic ovaries produce no estrogens, while testis produce ________ and _____ to control further masculinization.
testis produce testosterone and MIS
The first thing that happens in differentiation from indifferent –> male is the SRY gene activates a transcription factor called _____ that activates transcription of testis-forming genes.
Testis-determining factor (TDF)
Which two testicular cell types are involved in generating products that aid in further sexual differentiation?
Leydig cells and sertoli cells.
What hormone do leydig cells primarily make that plays a role in early sexual differentiation? What does this hormone do?
Leydig cells make testosterone which acts on the Wolffian duct system to form the epididymis, seminal vesicles, and vas defrens.
Testosterone is also converted to DHT, which acts to form the penis, prostate, and urethra.
What important substance do sertoli cells primarily release that plays a role in early sexual differentiation? What does this substance do?
Sertoli cells make Mullerian Inhibiting Substance/Factor which acts on the Mullerian duct, resulting in inhibition of the formation of the uterus and fallopian tubes.
What is the most common enzyme deficiency that results in formation of ambiguous genitalia? Describe what happens.
21-hydroxylase deficiency blocks downstream formation of cortisol and aldosterone and results in the build up of products that are shunted to an androgen (testosterone, DHT) forming pathway. This results in masculinization of external structures (but not internal structures, that is done with MIS).
Name a specific example of congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
21-hydroxylase deficiency
Name a specific example of congenital adrenal hyperplasia that can result in incomplete masculinization of genetic males.
3-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency results in the ability to make only DHEA which is a very weak androgen
The age of puberty has been _________ in the U.S. over the past 175 years.
Average puberty onset age for males in the U.S. is _____ and for female African Americans it is ______ and ______ for female caucasians.
Males: 9-10 years old
AA females: 7-8
Caucasian females: 8-9