Sex Offenders Flashcards
Personality Disorder
Cluster A: Odd and eccentric: Paranoid, Schizoid and Schizotypal
Cluster B: Dramatic: Borderline, Anti-Social, Narcissistic, Histrionic
Cluster C: Anxious/fearful: Avoidant, Dependent and Obsessive Compulsive personality disorders.
Paraphilic Disorder
persistent and intense atypical sexual arousal patterns that are accompanied by clinically significant distress or impairment
Types of paraphilia:
Preferences for nonhuman objects
Preferences for situations causing suffering
Preference for non-consenting partners
Common Characteristics
Disturbed backgrounds Abuse Interpersonal problems Likely to have drug and alcohol problems Experience more adverse life events such as relationship problems, housing issues and long-term unemployment
Single factor theories of Sexual Offending
Cognitive distortions Deficient victim empathy Deviant sexual preference Feminist theory Intimacy deficits
Child sex offender implicit theories
Children are sexual beings Nature of harm Uncontrollability Entitlement Dangerous world Ward and Keenan 1999
Implicit theories for rapists
Women are unknowable Women are sex objects Male sex drive is uncontrollable Entitlement Dangerous world Polaschek and Ward 2002
Finkelhor’s precondition model
Precondition 1: Motivation to Sexually Abuse
Precondition 2: Overcoming Internal Inhibitors
Precondition 3: Overcoming External Inhibitors
Precondition 4: Overcoming the Resistance
Marshall and Barbaree’s integrated theory
Early neglect or abuse
Internalised model of dangerous world and others as untrustworthy
Lack of self-regulation skills and other skill deficits
Render adolescent stage difficult to master
Meet psychological needs through sexual activity
Ward and Siegart’s pathways model
Interaction of psychological and physiological systems 4 clusters of clinical problems: Intimacy and social skills deficits Sexual scripts Emotional dysregulation Cognitive distortions Combination of above
CBT Programmes: Key Treatment Targets
Self Awareness
Understanding the link between thoughts, feelings and behaviour.
Pro-offending attitudes
Cognitive distortions, victim empathy, relapse prevention skills.
Social Competence
Social skills, problem solving, intimacy, emotional regulation