Sex hormones responsive conditions Flashcards
what are the two types of oestrogens?
examples of natural oestrogens
estradiol, estrone, estriol
examples of synthetic oestrogens
ethinylestradiol + menstranol
examples of progestrones used in tx of HRT
norethisterone, levonorgestrel, desogestrel
examples of tibolone used in tx of HRT
weakly adrongenic
why is oestrogen given as tx in HRT?
-It helps to alleviate menopausal symptoms
-can also reduce postmenopausal osteoporosis
when is progestrone given with oestrogen
if pt has uterus
topical + systemic
what are the menopausal symptoms?
-vaginal atropy (topical)
-vasomotor instability (systemic)
pro and con of clonidine
-pro= can be used for vasomotor symptoms
-con = large s/e profile
when should HRT be used
only when benefit outweighs risk especially in under 60
what are the risks of HRT
-Breast cancer
-endometrial cancer
-ovarian cancer
-venous thromboembolism
-coronary heart disease
how long is breast cancer a risk in HRT
-increased risk after 1 yr
-longer use = higher risk
-risk higher in combined HRT than oestrogen alone
-excess risk persists for 10+yr
when is is endometrial cancer a risk in HRT
-women with uterus lower risk with combined than oestogren alone
-tibolone also increases risk
how long is ovarian cancer a risk in HRT
small increase which disappers a few years after stopping
what increases risk of VTE in HRT
-increase risk of DVT with both oestrogen-only and combined HRT
-increased risk with prolonged bed rest, obesity, trauma, family history
oestogen-only or combined HRT
which drugs increases risk of stroke in HRT
-slight increase with both oestogen-only and combined HRT
-tibolone increases risk by 2.2x in 1st yr of tx
what increases risk of coronary heart disease in HRT
-increased risk in combined HRT when started 10yr+ after menopause
choosing HRT women with uterus
-oestrogen + cyclical progestogen for last 12-14 DY of cycle
-continous admin of oestrogen + progestogen
-avoid continous admin of combined + tibolone in perimenopausal phase or within 12MT of last menstrual period
choosing HRT women without uterus
-continous oestrogen use
-if endometriosis occurs consider + progestrone
HRT and elective surgery
stop HRT 4-6wk before surgery + restart when fully mobile
what is given in non-elective surgery when taking HRT
-prophylactic heparin
-graduated compression stockings
reasons to stop HRT
-stopped pending investigation + tx
-sudden severe chest painand breathlessness
-unexplained swelling/severe pain =calf one leg = DVT
-severe stomach pain
-serious neurological effects (unusual severe, prolonged headache, fainting 1st unexplained epileptic seizure, motor disturbances, numbness
-hepatitis and jaundice
-BP >60 sys 95 diast
-prolonged immobility