Sex ethics (extramarital) Flashcards
what does Lisa sowle argue in ‘sex, gender and christian ethics’?
historically wealthy, powerful and rich men had concubines as well as wives
what three things did Lisa suggest occurred historically ?
1- men having long term relationships with several women was common
2- adultery was a crime and virtually only women were accused of it
3- divorce was exclusively a male prerogative
what did the church do to stop this?
the churches ban on adultery made it impossible for men to have concubines and ban on divorce stopped men form abandoning women
what is the secular view on adultery?
still taboo, publicly denounced but privately seems to be accepted as a part of life.
Jesus quote on extra marital sex?
“anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart”
why is extra martial sex so bad to Catholics?
because reproduction Is the key part of marriage and when adultery is committed it rises bringing children into an insecure environment and negates god’s sacred purpose for his people