Sex Chromosomes Flashcards
What different variants of Turner syndrome are seen.? And the proportions of each
50% 45,x 25% 46,x,abnormal x 12-20% 46,x,i(x) 15% mosaic 7% 45,x/46,xx/47,xxx 6-11% 45,x/46,xy and 45,x/46,x,+mar
Phenotype of Turner syndrome
Short Webbed neck Gonadal dysfunction Low hairline Hypo plastic widely spaced nipples Coarctation of aorta
Phenotype of 47,xxx
Variable but most mild assymptomatic
What normal variants of y are seen?
Peri centric inv y
Satellites yq from acrocentric p arm
Y heterochromatin translocation a
What Y chromosome deletions are there?
Azf a. Infertile. Oligo/azoospermia, serotoli syndrome
Azf b. Infertile Oligo/azoospermia
Alf c Most common. 90% Infertile Oligo/azoospermia but can often have Icsi
What is the consequence of a balance x;autosome translocation in a male?
Infertility spermatogenic arrest caused by disruption of the sex vesicle
What is the consequence of a balance x;autosome translocation in a female?
The normal x will have Xi (xist usually on der(x)
Approx half are infertile but more fertility could be tolerated due to Xi
Considerations of an inherited balanced x;auto translocation in fetus
Fetal phenotype may not be same as mum due to Xi
Where is the x inactivation centre located?
Sex chromosome aneuploidies in men and clinical features
Klinefelter xxy- infertile,
Most common cause of male hypogonadism. Otherwise normal phenotype
Xxy - tall, fertile
What non genetic causes of infertility should be considered?
Maternal age Medication Smoking Alcohol Stress Infection eg.mumps
What is the definition of infertility?
Failure to achieve conception in one year
What is the definition of infecundity?
Failure to sustain pregnancy to live born
How are Y chromosome deletions investigated?
Pcr assay for polymorphic y Chr markers
Female causes of infertility
Turner syndrome X structural abnormality T(X;auto) half are infertile T(X;x) Fragile X permutation carrier Cf 20% thickening of cervical mucus
What phenotype do you see with a ring X cintaining xist?
Variable ts - normal phenotype depending on deletion size and level
What is the phenotype of an X ring with no xist present?
Usually small rings
No Xi then severe phenotype
Resemble kabuki syndrome
How can Xi be measured?
Pcr assay of polymorphic cag repeat in exon 1 of androgen receptor gene at xq11.2
What is the function of Xi?
Dosage compensation.
Which region controls Xi?
XIC at xq13
What does XIST rna do?
Cis acting rna. Coats chromatin in both directions. Required to initiate inactivation but not maintain it. Recruits histone variant macro H2A
What is Tsix?
Transcribed fromXIST antisense. Represses XIST. A negative regulator of XIST. At inactivation the future inactive X stops expressing Tsix rna therefore increasing XIST expression
How is X inactivation maintained?
High levels methylation law histone acetylation and MacroH2A accumulation
Why are some regions of X not inactivated
For functional disomy
How many X linked genes escape inactivation?
What is the classic X-y translocation and what phenotype does the unbalanced der(X) form confer into both sexes?
t(X;Y)(p22.3;q11). Der(X) unbalanced leads to infertility and mr in males but fertility and normal iq in females