Sex chromosome aberrations Flashcards
Incidence rate of Turner’s syndrome?
1 in 2000 to 1 in 5000 female births
Karyotype notation of Turner syndrome?
45, X
T/F. Over 99% of fetuses affected with Turner syndrome spontaneously abort.
This sex chromosome aberration can be suggested in the newborn by redundant neck skin & peripheral lymphoedema.
Turner syndrome
Diagnosis of Turner syndrome is frequently made later, during the investigation of _____.
short stature or primary amenorrhoea
In newborns with Turner syndrome, no adolescent growth spurt occurs, and the mean adult height, if untreated, is ____ with a correlation to ____.
145 cm; mid - parental height
T/F. In newborns with Turner syndrome, chest tends to be broad, with the impression of narrowly spaced nipples, the hair line is high and the neck may be webbed.
False. Broad chest, widely spaced nipples, hairline is low, webbed neck
T/F. In newborns with Turner syndrome, elbow carrying angle may be decreased and the fourth metacarpals long.
False. Elbow carrying angle is increased and fourth metacarpals are short.
In newborns with Turner syndrome, ____ of the nails and ___ are common.
hypoplasia; multiple pigmented naevi
___ occurs at some stage in 40% of patient with Turner syndrome.
Peripheral lymphoedema
T/F. Occasionally, ovarian degeneration is incomplete in patients with Turner syndrome, menses may occur (10 – 15%) and, rarely, a pregnancy may be possible.
In newborns with Turner syndrome, ova begin to degenerate and disappear after the 15 week of gestation, so that at birth the ovaries are represented by ____, and this results in failure of _____.
streaks; secondary sexual development.
What are the common cardiac abnormalities present in 50% of patients with Turner syndrome.
bicuspid aortic valve, coarctation of the aorta, atrial septal defect, and aortic stenosis
T/F. An increased risk of unexplained systemic hypertension (27%), renal malformations, Hashimoto thyroiditis, Crohn disease and gastrointestinal bleeding is associated with Turner syndrome.
T/F. Intelligence and lifespan of patients with Turner syndrome may also be affected.
False. Both are normal
In patients with Turner syndrome, ____ will allow the development of secondary sexual characteristics, and treatment with ____ in childhood has been shown to increase the final height by at least 5 cm.
sex hormone replacement; growth hormone
Normal childbirth has been achieved by ___ using donor oocyte in patients with Turner syndrome.
in vitro fertilization
In 80% of patients w/ monosomy X, only the maternal X chromosome is present, and thus the error occurred in ____.
spermatogenesis or post-fertilization
T/F. There is lack of maternal age effect in the incidence of monosomy X.
True. 80 percent of the time, monosomy X occurs due to nondisjunction in the spermatogenesis or due to anaphase lag post fertilization.
T/F. In monosomy X, the sex chromatin body is absent from nuclei.
T/F. Overall, 50% of patients have 45,X, 17% have an isochromosome of the long arm of X, 24% are mosaics, 7% have a ring X and 2% have a short arm deletion of one X.
T/F. In general, deletion of the long arm of the X is associated with the Turner phenotype, while short - arm deletions alone produce streak ovaries without the associated dysmorphic features.
False. Long arm deletion - streak ovaries without dysmorphic features; short arm deletion - complete turner phenotype
In 4% of patients affected with Turner syndrome, ____ with a second cell line containing a Y chromosome is found.
In patient with mosaic monosomy of X, , there is a risk of up to 20% that the streak gonad will develop a ____, which can progress to a ____, and gonadal removal is generally recommended.
gonadoblastoma; dysgerminoma