Meiosis Flashcards
T/F. Meiosis consists of two successive divisions, the first and the second meiotic divisions, in w/c the DNA replicates both before meiosis 1 and 2.
False. DNA replicates only once before the first division.
What are the five stages of prophase of the first meiotic division?
Leptotene (threadlike)
Zygotene (pairing)
Pachytene (thickening)
Diplotene (appearing double)
Diakinesis (further condensaiton)
At this stage, each chromosome consists of a pair of sister chromatids. It starts with the first appearance of the chromosome.
In this stage, homologous chromosomes pair to form bivalents.
During the zygotene stage, homologous chromosomes pair and form what structure?
Leptotene, Diplotene, Anaphase I, Anaphase II gametes bound closely together by the ____.
synaptonemal complex
The X and Y chromosomes undergo synapsis only at the distal end of both short arms in region called?
pseudoautosomal regions
The precise mechanism by w/c homologous chromosomes pair in humans is unclear, but dispersed blocks of ____ are suspected to be involved in the initial alignment and protein complexes such as the ____ are involved.
repetitive DNA; synaptonemal complexes
X and Y synapsis form _____, which is out of phase with the others and is condensed early in ____ as the sex body.
sex bivalents; pachytene
The non - pairing, or differential, parts of the X and Y are transcriptionally silenced through a process called ____.
meiotic sex chromosome inactivation
Meiotic sex chromosome inactivation is achieved by what process?
Phosphorylation of the nucleosomal histone
T/F. The early condensation of the differential regions of X and Y chromosomes during meiotic sex chromosome inactivation is important in preventing crossing – over between the non - pairing regions.
_____ is the main stage of chromosomal thickening, and the pattern of chromosome condensation appears to correspond to the banding pattern seen at mitosis.
During the pachytene stage, each chromosome is seen to consist of two chromatids; hence, each bivalent is a ____ of four strands.
Satellite association of the acrocentrics occurs at _____, due to the synapsis of homologous repetitive sequences (NOR) on non - homologous chromosomes.
During ____, the bivalents start to separate. Although the 2 chromosomes of each bivalent separate, the centromere of each remains intact, so the 2 chromatids of each chromosome remain together.
During longitudinal separation, the 2 members of each bivalent are seen to be in contact at several places, called _____.
Chiasmata mark the location of ____, where the chromatids of homologous chromosomes have exchanged material in late pachytene
cross - overs
On average, there are about _____ chiasmata per human male cell with at least one chiasma per chromosome arm.
Short arms of which chromosomes do not form chiasmata?
acrocentric, and chromosome 18
Characteristic appearance of chromosomes with chiasmata:
short chromosome with one chiasma - rod or cross
longer chromosomes with two chiasmata - ring
longer chromosomes with three chiasmata - figure 8
At ____, the sex bivalent opens out and the X and Y chromosomes can be seen attached to one another by the tiny pairing segments at the ends of their short arms indicating homology of these regions.
Crossing over occurs only in what region of the sex chromosome?
pseudoautosomal region 1 (PAR1) in the tip of and X and Y short arm
T/F. Sequences in the PAR region show sex-linked rather than autosomal inheritance.
False. autosomal rather than sex-linked