Sex and Gender Development Flashcards
Gender role development ____ _____ ____. Influenced by culture, gender roles, focused on us and western culture, behavior/value/motive of a society consider more typical or appropriate for members of one sex
Gender Role Standard
Gender Role. Cooperative, kind, nurturant, sensitive to the needs of others
Expressive role
Gender Role. Dominant, independent, assertive, competitive, and goal-orientated
Instrumental role
Adults reactions to a ___ baby. Gentle, soft vocalizations,singing lullabies, cooing, softly rocking, called her “sweetie” “sugar” “honey”
Adults reactions to a ___ baby. Rougher, louder, bounced more, tossing in the air (pls no) BOO to scare/rile up kid (again, pls no)
Called him “sport” “tiger” and “buddy”
Consistent Sex Differences: G Verbal, B Visual/Spatial, B Math, B more aggressive, B Physically Active, G fearful/timid, B vulnerable to disease, G emotionally expressive, G compliant, B higher self esteem
Consistent Sex Differences: Fact
Consistent Sex Differences: G more social, G more suggestible, G better at repititve tasks, B more analytic, B better achievement motivation
Consistent Sex Differences: Fiction
People cause other to act in accordance with expectations that they have about others, act to meet expectations of society
Self-fulfilling prophecy
Psychological gender, may not match biological.
One’s awareness of another’s gender/implications 0 see gender identity at early ages biologically. Ability to discriminate m from f from an early age, vocal pitch then hair length
Gender identity
Theories of Gender Role Development: Natural selection created fundamental differences between males and females, not socialized, by nature, biological.
Evolutionary Theory
Girls: dolls, house/kitchen, dance, girl scouts. Boys: trucks, cars, nerf guns, football, karate, cub scouts. Perpetuated, and children learn their toys/activities/achievement domains that are appropriate for their gender.
Gender Role Stereotypes
Theory of Gender Role Development. Several prenatal stages - no gender socialization, all biological. 1. X or Y chromosome at conception, 2. Testosterone released 3. Growth of male genitals 4. Social factors begin at birth. These stages combine to form the basis for gender roles
Money and Erdardt’s Biosocial Theory
John turns to Joan because circumcision was bad, switched genders, socialized the Joan very hard into being a girl, Joan didn’t handle it well, took estrogen but never fully embraced the “female” identity, wanted to play with boy toys, socially awkward and isolated “just different’. Show bio basis in gender identity, but no proof
Money’s John/Joan Experiment
Gender Development Theory: gender roles are learned through interaction with others. Two methods of learning. Direct Tuition: directly reinforced for acting appropriately. Observational learning: imitate same-sex models. More concerned about labels
Social Learning Theory
Gender Development Theory. 1. Basic Gender Identity (age 3- label themselves as girl or boy) 2. Gender Stability (understand gender is stable over time) 3. Gender Consistency (understand that sex is stable across situations - gender stays constant when cross-dressing)
Kohlberg’s Cognitive Development Theory
Theory. We actively develop gender roles as we develop the schema. In-group/out-group schema is established: general knowledge of mannerisms, roles, activities, and behaviors. Internalize In-group. Own sex schema - start to follow the roles of gender they identify with
Gender Schema Theory
Incorporate a large number of both masculine and feminine attributes into their personality - behave flexibly, adapt their traits and change behaviors. Higher self esteem and better adjusted. List of being rejected b peers because they don’t match stereotypes