Sex and gender Flashcards
the 5 sexes
- Males
- Females
- Herms(“true”hermaphrodites)
- Merms(male“pseudohermaphrodites”) 5. Ferms(female“pseudohermaphrodites”)
legal sex
determined by their birth certificate
• Gender refers to the cultural rather than biological differences between men and women.
3 aspects of gender
- a society’s constructed gender roles, norms and
behaviours, e.g. masculinity and femininity - gender identity, a person’s internal perception or self-
conception of their gender - gender presentation/expression, the way a person lives in society and interacts with others, e.g. clothing, enactment
refers to the biological status of a person as male or female in their physical development.
• Transgender
umbrella term for people whose gender identity and gender expression differs from the sex assigned at birth
what does transgender include
- Transmen: assigned female at birth but identifies as a man (or towards the masculine end of the gender spectrum)
- Transwomen: assigned male at birth but identifies as a woman (or towards the feminine end of the gender spectrum)
- Non-binary people
have gender identities that fluctuate
they may identify as having more than one gender depending on the context
feel that they have no gender
third gender/genderqueer:
they may identify gender differently
‘Gender dysphoria’, ‘gender identity disorder’
- A strong and persistent cross-gender identification (not merely a desire for any perceived cultural advantages of being the other sex)
- Persistent discomfort with his or her sex or sense of inappropriateness in the gender role of that sex
- The disturbance is not concurrent with a physical intersex condition
- The disturbance causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning
process of changing from one gender to another, with or without medical intervention
Gender/sex reassignment:
process undertaken under medical supervision to change one’s physical sexual characteristics
• Acquired gender:
the new gender of a person who has transitioned and had their gender reassigned and/or legally recognised
Gender Recognition Certificate
issued under the Gender Recognition Act 2004 by the gender recognition panel. The holder of a full GRC is legally recognised in his or her acquired gender for all purposes, legal and social. Issued provided that the applicant can prove they
- Have, or have had, gender dysphoria
- Have lived in their acquired gender for two years prior to the application, and
- Intends to live permanently in their acquired gender