Infections in Pregnancy & the Neonate Flashcards
• Congenital:
condition present at birth (inherited or caused by the environment)
Perinatal period:
commences at 22 weeks (154 days) of gestation & ends seven days after birth
• Neonatal period:
first 28 days of life
• Postnatal:
first 6 weeks after birth
vertical transmission
- Across the placenta (intrauterine)
- During birth
- Direct contact with maternal body fluids
- Prolonged rupture of membranes
- After birth (from mother or other contacts)
Maternal Microbiota
- Newborn’s gut microbiota can affect its own immune system
* Some evidence - mother’s microbiome shapes the immune system of her offspring
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are
frequently encountered in pregnant
• Pyelonephritis is the most common serious medical condition seen in pregnancy.
• During pregnancy, urinary tract changes predispose women to infection.
• Ureteral dilation is seen due to compression of the ureters from the gravid uterus.
• Hormonal effects of progesterone also may cause smooth muscle relaxation leading to dilation and urinary stasis, and vesicoureteral reflux increases.
asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB).
- ASB is defined as more than 100,000 organisms/mL on a clean catch urinalysis obtained from an asymptomatic patient.
- If asymptomatic bacteriuria is untreated in pregnancy, the rate of subsequent UTI is approximately 25%.