For a named example of a town or city which you have studied, explain how urban sprawl has changed the surrounding area. (7)
For a named example of a town or city in an MEDC which you have studied, describe the problems which occur in the rural-urban fringe as a result of urban sprawl. (7)
For a named town or city which you have studied, describe the location and characteristics of two contrasting housing areas. (7)
Nottingham - Old Meadows (inner city) and Clifton (outer city council estate)
In many towns and cities there have been changes in shopping facilities in recent years. Describe one recent change in shopping facilities in a named town or city which you have studied. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of this change for the people who live in the town or city. (7)
Meadowhall Shopping Centre (Sheffield) or Merryhill Shopping centre (Dudley)
Name two settlements of different population size which you have studied. Compare the shops and services provided in the two settlements which you have named. (7)
Nottingham and Quorn (or a village of your choice)
Describe the hierarchy of settlements in a named country or area which you have studied. (7)
Name a city in an LEDC and describe what has been done to improve the quality of life of the people who live there. (7)
Rio de Janerio
Many settlements have grown over the years into large urban areas. For a named example of a large settlement, explain the reasons for its growth. (7)
For a named example of a large area which you have studied, explain the reasons for its growth. (7)
Nottingham an industrial city
Many towns and cities are growing rapidly. With reference to a named urban area which you have studied, describe the problems in the rural – urban fringe which are being caused by its growth. (7)
In all towns and cities there have been changes in land use. These include the development of transport, areas of housing,industry, leisure & shopping facilities. Briefly describe one recent change in land use in or close to a town or city which you have studied. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of this change in land use for the people who live in the town or city. (7)
MeadowHall Shopping Centre (Sheffield) or Merryhill Shopping Centre (Dudley)
Another urban problem is the growth of squatter settlement. Name a city in an LEDC and describe what has been done to improve the quality of life for the people who live in the squatter settlements. (7)
Rio de Janerio
For a named urban area which you have studied, describe the main features of its Central Business District. (7)
CBD Nottingham
Choose an example of rural to urban migration in an LEDC which you have studied. Name the areas between which people moved and explain why people migrated. You should refer both to pull and push factors. (7)
Upper Egypt to Cairo
Name an example of a rural area in an LEDC from which many people have migrated. Explain why many people have migrated from this area. (7)
Upper Egypt to Cairo