Setting goals for success Flashcards
Setting goals for success
The Importance of Goals
A life without a purpose is a wasted life.
A life without a goal is a pointless life.
Whatever purpose that we have it is actually connected to what we called ______
Who theorized Self-Efficacy?
Albert Bandura
What theory that Albert Bandura theorized?
It refers to one’s belief in one’s ability to succeed in specific situations or accomplish a task.
If you believe you have skills, what it is called?
If you have faith in yourself nothing is impossible
What are ways to strengthen Self-Efficacy?
Mastery Experiences
Vicarious Experiences
Verbal Experiences
Emotional and Physiological States
First-hand or direct experiences that a person acquires?
Mastery Experiences
Emanate from observing people, especially those that one regards as his or her role models.
Vicarious Experiences
To motivation coming from influential people such as parents, teachers, friends, coaches, and superiors.
Verbal Experiences
To the emotional and physiological conditions that a person is in.
Emotional and Physiological States
Repentant as sign of vulnerability for poor performance.
Stress reactions or Tension
It can boost confidence to our skills
positive emotions
Who theorized Growth Mindset Theory?
Carol Dweck
What are the two parts of growth mindset theories?
“Fixed” theory of intelligence (fixed mindset)
“Growth” theory of intelligence (growth mindset)
People believe that basic qualities such as intelligence and talents are fixed traits.
“Fixed” theory of intelligence (fixed mindset)
People believe that talent and intelligence are developed through learning, effort, training, and practice.
“Growth” theory of intelligence (growth mindset)
He stressed that setting a goal provides a significant source of motivation which, in turn, improves people’s performance.
Edwin Locke
What theory Edwin Locke theorized?
Goal-setting theory
What are the two side of goal-setting theory?
The mastery goals
The performance goals
Where the desire to gain knowledge and skills are reflected.
The mastery goals
Where the desire to look competent in other people’s eyes is manifested
The performance goals
Who published the book A Theory of Goal Setting and Task Performance?
Edwin Locke and Gary Latham