Setting Goals Flashcards
Your agenda vs their agenda
Why is important to set your own goals?
One of the key reasons why its worth knowing what you want, is because if you don’t set your own agenda, decide what you want and move towards it, there are many people that will interfere with your plans and make decision for you or push you into the decision you didn’t want or wasn’t ready to make.
What is the acronym S.M.A.R.T. standing for in goal setting?
- *S** - specific
- *M** - Measurable
- *A** - Attainable, achievable
- *R** - Relevant
- *T** - Time-bound
Which are two categories in which almost all problems fall into?
- You don’t know what you want.
- You don’t know what are the steps to take to actually come to what you want.
Looking at it, it is in general what problem solving is about, defining what you want to achieve and identifying steps you need to take to get there from the starting point where you are. So, probably this one is missing as well the starting point where you are currently?
When you find yourself under stress to decide between several options, good thing to ask is …?
What do I want right now?
This one should be especially helpful when you feel presure to do something you do not want or you feel that someone is expecting something from you but you are not sure whether you want to do it.
When thinking about what you want there is a cost attached to it?
Every commitment to what you want has another side.
- It takes time and potentially resources like money, health
- Some are recoverable, time is not recoverable.
- Consider the opportunity cost for every commitment you want to make and be avare of the sacrifice.
- Remember to ask 5 whys for every thing you claim you want.
5 whys?
5 whys is a recursive-interogation technique which helps getting into the root cause analysis of the problems and exploring to the bigger depth reasons of failures or train of thought …
When you wan’t explore deeply why you want something or explore the goal you are setting, just ask yourself recursive why questions.
Short term
Long term
Very important piece of achieving anything is understanding that it takes time to get to the goal and that satisfying with the short term satisfaction is often preventing us keeping up and focusing on the long term achievement.
Train yourself not to eat the first marshmallow.
Which are people you would like to spend time with to understand how they achieve things they do?
Spending time with people that achieve extraordinary things is a great way to increase your motivation and understanding of how great things are achieved.
What are your thoughts on wanting more?
Wanting more is not bad thing per se, but whanting more when, what, how, why that is a question?
Peer pressure and goal transfer from a nearby person?
Evaluate your needs and wants against the ones from the people in your surrounding.
It is extremely easy to fall for a want or need generated by the people you spend time with.
Good way to deepen your thinking on the things you struggle to define is to …?
Make a list and write down your thoughts on them.
Then play and explore your wants and goals through 5 whys, examinations, assertions and evaluations agains the overal goals, SMART principles and all that you know to see the quality of your thoughts on these topics.
Do your homeworks?
When something is important to you, and you know it is needed as a step towards achieving your goals:
- get organized to do what is to be done
- be prepared
- do what is needed to be done
- don’t be prevented by fear and reactions of other people.
Remember your Haskell talk, you could have done better job preparing and being a bit better, although you had a strong wish, execution was a bit flawed in certain moments. You had to be impressive.
Getting what you want through giving people what they want?
Basically, if you buy something, you are getting something you want by giving someone what they want.
In a non-material way this holds as well true, you can get what you want by providing people what they want.
Be aware that providing people what they want is possible only within the borders of your values and sometimes you just have to take it.
Four types of plans are?
- No plan
- Traditional, forward looking plan
- Reverse plan from the achieved target towards the now
- Make a list
My current approaches are between 1. and 4. without really making a plan. I can imagine that process of making a realistic plan is valuable for its exploratory and dependencies and obstacles expposing characteristics.
When did you last time work you ass of for the goal you have set for yourself?
Did you work you ass-off for the goals someone else was setting to you.
How was it, were they satisfied with you working your ass-off?
Could you bring more value to you and your family by working this much for a goal more reaching towards your goals?
If you would name 5 people you could talk to about the things you are interested currently and know not much about?
You are having a lot of people in your circles which know a lot about things you know nothing about and could give you heads up in the domain that you are interested in.
When was the last time you asked someone for help?
Asking someone for help, involving yourself in the community to grow into some dimension and explore your interests is very valuable and often helpful in various ways.
5 questions to ask a person about his/her interests and motivations?
Or yourself :)
- What made you decide to do this?
- What were your biggest surprises along the way?
- If you could do it all over again, what would you change?
- What are the hardest parts about doing this?
- What are the best parts about doing this?
What are best strategies of tracking progress on goal achievements?
- Build it into your routine.
- make it as a part of your daily activity.
- Quantify things
- positivity in 1 - 3 range.
- Keep it visual
- just a smiley for the emotions.
You will find a way
You will make one.
Think about the opportunities where you could have had a chance to make a way but you didn’t if any of these opportunities appearead.
Achieving anything significant takes time.
Yes it takes.
It took 7 years to do the first Harry Potter book :)
Are there any opportunities that you could use if chance appear. Are you ready for such a thinng and are you prepared for the chance?
How bad do you want it?
No one can have it all.
Even the people that seem like having what you badly want, don’t have a lot of other things.
Sacrifices versus opportunity cost vs risk of failure?
What are your fears, related to the things you want?
Risk of failing, not succeeding, wasting time, not achieving anything?
What is the feeling that make you give up on something and is related to fear?
ABCDE of pessimism forming?
- A - Adversity. Bad things will happen to you for sure
- B - Belief. You start to believe that “You are not good enough.”
- C - Consequence. As a consequence of the belief, you are getting less motivated, wandering if you are going to get fired.
- D - Disputation. First step in breaking the pessimist thing is to dispute the belief that you are not good enough and that maybe there are consequences which made it for a bad situation.
- E - Energization. By removing the belief and its consequences, we get energized.
Failure as an opportunity to learn.
Failures are still not the best way to learn. They are often the necessary way to learn since only that way they expose our faults and gaps we have to close to make it somewhere.
If we see everything as a process of learning than failure is a great opportunity to learn.
Failures of others and their mistakes which led to failures are even better to learn from and prevent own failures.
Failure is a manageable resource.
Only real failure is not to give the best for the thing you feel worth giving the best.
When failure occurs, get the best out of it and use it as a weapon against the next enemy which comes you way.
Use your failures as tools and not as things to be afraid and running away from. Use them as epauletes of the road passed towards the success.