SET TEXT 4 Flashcards
v20 eng
One of His signs is that He created you from dust and––lo and behold!––you became human and scattered far and wide.
V21 eng
Another of His signs is that He created spouses from among yourselves for you to live with in tranquillity:He ordained love and kindness between you. There truly are signs in this for those who reflect.
V22 eng
Another of His signs is the creation of the heavens and earth, and the diversity of your languages and colours.There truly are signs in this for those who know.
V23 eng
Among His signs are your sleep, by night and by day, and your seeking His bounty.There truly are signs in this for those who can hear.
V20 breakdown
scattered far and wide.
ِ َو P:Conj.1
ِ م ْن P:Prep.2
ٓا َيات N:SFP, Def, Gen, 1st Part-Gen Construct.3
ِه N:3MS, Def, Gen 2nd Part- Gen Construct.4
ا ْن P: Agnt.Subj.5
َخ َل َق V:3MS, Def, Pr, Subjctive, active 1st form.6
كُ ْم N:2MP, Def, Acc, Obj.7
ِم ْن P:Prep.8
ُت َرا ٍب N:Ind, Masc, Sng, Gen.9
ثُ م P:Conj.10
إِ َذا . P:Condt. 11
ا نْ ُت ْم N:2MP, Def, Nom, Sub.12
ِ َب َش ٌر N:Ind, Masc, Sng, Nom, Pre.13
َت ْن َتش ُرو َن V:2MP, Def, Imp, Indic, active, 8th form.14
V21 breakdown
ِ َو P:Conj.1
ِ م ْن P:Prep.2
ٓا َيات N:SFP, Def, Gen, 1st Part-Gen Construct.3
ِه N:3MS, Def, Gen 2nd Part- Gen Construct.4
ا ْن P: Agnt.Subj.5
َخ َل َق V:3MS, Def, Pr, Subj, active 1st form.6
َل P:Prep.7
كُ ْم N:2MP, Def, Gen.8
ِم ْن P:Prep.9
ا نْ ُف ِس N:B.Pl, Fem, Def, Gen, 1st Part-Gen Construct.10
كُ ْم N:2MP, Def, Gen, 2nd Part- Gen Construct.11
ا ْز َوا ًجا N: B.Pl, Femِ, Acc, Obj.12
ل P:Agnt.Subj.13
َت ْس ُك ُنوا V:2MP, Def, Imp, Subj, active, 1st form.14
إِلَ ْي P:Prep.15
َها N:3FS, Def, Gen.16
َو 5 P:Conj 1 to.17
َج َع َل V:3MS, Def, Pr, Subj, active 1st form.18
َب ْي َن P:Prep.19
كُ ْم N:2MP, Def, Gen.20
َم َو د ًة N:Ind, Fem, Sng, Acc, Obj.21
َو P:Conj.22
َر ْح َم ًة N:Ind, Fem, Sng, Acc, Obj.23
إِ ن P: Agnt.Acc.24
ِ ِفي P:Prep.25
َذل َك N:DMS, Def, Masc, Gen.26
َل .P:Lam of Emph.27
ٓا َيات 24.N: SFP,ِ Indf, Acc, Sub of n.28
ل P:Prep.29
َق ْو ٍم ’N:Ind, Masc, Sng, Gen, 29-30 the implied pre ‘exists.30
ِل P:Prep.31
َق ْو ٍم ’N:Ind, Masc, Sng, Gen, 29-30 the implied pre ‘exists.32
v22 breakdown
ِ َو P:Conj.1
ِ م ْن P:Prep.2
ٓا َيات N:SFP, Def, Gen, 1st Part-Gen Construct.3
ِه N:3MS, Def, Gen 2nd Part- Gen Construct.4
َخ ْل ُق N:Def, Masc, Sng, Nom, delayed Sub, 1st Part-Gen Construct.5
ال س َما َوا ِت N:SFP, Def, Gen, 2nd Part-Gen Construct.6
َو P: Conj to.7
الا ْر ِض N:Def, Fem,Sng 2nd Part-Gen Construct.8
َو P:Conj new sentence.9
ا ْخت َلا ُف N:Def, Masc, Sng, Nom, delayed Sub, 1st Part-Gen Construct.10
ا لْ ِس َنة N:B.Pl, Fem, Def, Gen, 2nd Part-Gen Construct.11
كُ ْم N:2MP, Def, Gen, 3rd Part Gen-Construct.12
ْ ِ َو 9 P: Conj to.13
ا ل َوان N:B.Pl, Fem, Def, Gen, 2nd Part-Gen Construct.14
كُ ْم N:2MP, Def, Gen, 3rd Part Gen-Construct.15
إِ ن P:Agnt. Acc.16
ِ ِفي P:Prep.17
َذل َك N:DMS, Def, Masc, Gen.18
ٍ َل .P:Lam of Emph.19
ٓا َيات 16.N:SFP, ِ Indf, Acc, Sub of n.20
ْ ِِ ل P:Prep.21
ل َعالمي َن N:SMP, Def, Gen 22
V23 breakdown
ِ َو P:Conj.1
ِ م ْن P:Prep.2 ٓ
ا َيات N:SFP, Def, Gen, 1st Part-Gen Construct.3 ِ
ه N:3MS, Def, Gen 2nd Part- Gen Construct.4
م َنا ُم N:Def, Masc, Sng, Nom, delayed Sub, 1st Part-Gen Construct.5
كُ ْم N:2MP, Def, Gen, 2nd Part-Gen Construct.6
ِب P:Prep.7
الل ْي ِل N:Def, Fem, Sng, Gen.8
َو P: Conj to 8 .9
ال ن َها ِر N: Def, Fem, Sng, Gen, 7-10 Pre.10
َو 2 P:Conj to.11
ا ْبت َغا ُؤ N:Def, Masc, Nom, Sub, 1st Part-Gen Construct.12
كُ ْم N:2MP, Def, Gen, 2nd Part-Gen Construct.13
ِم ْن P:Prep.14
َف ْض ِل N:Def, Masc, Sng, Gen, 1st Part-Gen Construct.15
ه N:3MS, Def, Gen 2nd Part- Gen Construct 15-16 pre.16
إِ ن P:Acc.Agnt.17
ِ ِفي P:Prep.18
َذل َك N:DMS, Def, Gen.19
ٍ َل P:Lam of Emph.20
ٓا َيات N:SFP, ِ Ind, Acc, Noun of Inna, Sub.21
ل P:Prep.22
َق ْو ٍم ’N:Ind, Masc, Sng, Gen 22-23 the implied pre ‘exists.23 َ
ي ْس َم ُعو َن
V:3MP, Def, Imp, Indic, active, 1st form.24
overall breakdown
20= 14
and from signs (SFP) his that (agent subj) he created (subj) you (pl) from dust then behold (p:condt) you (pl sub nom) human (pre-nom) you scattered far (8) 14
and from signs (SFP) his that (agent subj) he created (subj 1) for you from selves ( fem) your spouses (acc-obj) for (agent subj) he makes peace (subj) to it (fem -spouses-) and he placed (subj 1) between you (pl) love (acc-obj) and mercy (acc-obj) indeed it that (DMS) ! LAM ! signs (sub-acc) for people they reflect (5) 31
and from signs his the creation (nom sub 1G.C) heavens (SFP 2G.C) and earth (fem 2G.C) and diversity (sub 1G.C) languages/tongues (2G.C) your (3G.C) and colour (2 G.C) your (3 G.C) indeed in that (DMS) LAM ! signs for those who know (N) 22
and from signs (SFP) his sleep (nom-sub) your by night (fem) and day (fem) and seeking (N nom-sub) you from bounty his indeed in that DMS ! LAM signs (SFP) for people they hear (1)