SET TEXT 3 Flashcards
v13 eng translation
People, We created you all from a single man and a single woman, and made you into races and tribes so that you should recognise one another. In God’s eyes, the most honoured of you are the ones most mindful of Him: God is all knowing, all aware.
v14 eng translation
The desert Arabs say, ‘We have faith.’ [Prophet], tell them, ‘You do not have faith. What you should say instead is, “We have submitted,” for faith has not yet entered your hearts.’ If you obey God and His Messenger, He will not diminish any of your deeds: He is most forgiving and most merciful.
v15 eng translation
The true believers are the ones who have faith in God and His Messenger and leave all doubt behind, the ones who have struggled with their possessions and their persons in God’s way: they are the ones who are true.
v13 breakdown
َيا P:Voc.Agnt.Acc .1
ا ي.N:Voc.Mas.Noun. Acc in place. Fixed On Dammah .2
َها P: Part.Attention .3
ال نا ُس.N: Def,Masc,Sng, Acc in place, Perm of .4
إِ ن .P: Agnt. Acc .5
نا N:1st P. RYL, Def, Acc .6
َخ َل ْق َنا V:1st P. RYL, Pr, Indic, active 1st form .7
كُ ْم N:2MP, Def, Obj, Acc .8
ِم ْن P:Prep .9
َذ َك ٍر N:Ind,Masc,Sng, Gen .10
َو 10 P:Conj to .11
ا نْ َثى N:Ind, Fem, Sng, Gen .12
َو 6&5 P:Conj to .13
َج َعل َنا V:1st P. RYL, Pr, Indic, active 1st form .14
كُ ْم N:2MP, Def, Obj, Acc .15
ُش ُعو ًبا … N:B.Pl, Ind, 2nd Obj, Acc .16
َو P:Conj to .17
َق َبائ َل N:B.Pl, Ind, 2ndِ Obj, Acc .18
ل .P:Agnt.Subjnc .19
َت َعا َرفُوا V:2MP, Imp, Subjnc, active, 6th form .20
إِ ن .P:Agnt. Acc .21
ا ْك َر َم N:Def, Masc, Sng, Acc, Sub, 1st part Gen-Constrt .22
كُ ْم N:2MP, Def, Gen, 2nd part Gen-Constrt comp .23
ِ ِع ْن َد P:Prep .24
الل ه .N:PN,Masc,Sng,Gen .25
ا ْت َقا N:Def, Masc, Sng, Nom, Pre, 1st part Gen-Constrt .26
كُ ْم N:2MP, Def, Gen, 2nd part Gen-Constrt comp .27
إِ ن .P:Agnt. Acc .28
الل َه.N:PN, Masc, Sng, Acc.Sub .29
َع ِلي ٌم.N:Ind,Masc,Sng, Nom, Pre .30
َخ ِبي ٌر .N:Ind,Masc,Sng, Nom, Adj .31
V14 breakdown
َقالَ ِت V:3FS, Def, Pr, Indic, active, 1st form .1
ا ْلا ْع َرا ُب N:B.Pl, Def, Masc, Nom, Sub .2
ٓا َم نا V:1st M/F P, Pr, Def, Indic, active 4th form .3
قُ ْل V:2MS, Def, Impr, Juss .4
لَ ْم.P:Agnt. Neg. Juss. it only enters on the Imp .5 ُ
ت ْؤ ِم ُنوا V:2MP, Def, Imp, Juss, active, 4th form .6
َو .P:Conj, New Sent .7
لَ ِك ْن P:Conj Redress .8
قُولُوا V:2MP, Impr, Def, Juss .9
ا ْس َل ْم َنا V:1st M/F P, Pr, Indic, active 4th form.10
َو P:Conj .11
لَ ما.P:Agnt. Neg. Juss .12
َي ْد ُخ ِل V:3MS, Def, Imp, Juss, active, 1st ْ form .13
ال ِٕاي َما ُن N:Def, Masc, Sng, Nom, Sub .14
ِفي P:Prep .15
قُلُو ِب N:B.Pl, Def, Gen, 1st part Gen-Constrt .16
كُ ْم N:2MP, Def, Gen, 2nd part Gen-Constrt comp .17
َو.P:New Sent .18
ِ إِ ْن.P:Agnt.Con. Juss .19
ُتطي ُعوا V:2MP, Def, Imp, Juss, active, 4th form .20
الل َه N:PN, Masc, Sng, Acc.obj .21
َو P:Conj to 19 .22
َر ُسو َل N:Def, Masc,Sng, Acc 1st part Gen-Constrt .23
ُه.N:3MS, Def, Gen 2nd part Gen-Constrt comp .24
ِ َلا .P:Agnt. Neg. Juss .25
َيل ْت V:3MS, Def, Imp, Juss, active, 1st form .26
كُ ْمN:2MP, Def, Acc, Obj .27
ِم ْن P:Prep .28
ا ْع َما ِل N:B.Pl, Def, Gen, 1st part Gen-Constrt .29
كُ ْم N:2MP, Def, Gen, 2nd part Gen-Constrt comp .30
َش ْي ًئا N:Ind, Masc, Sng, Acc, 2nd Obj .31
إِ ن.P: Agnt. Acc .32
الل َه.N:PN, Masc, Sng, Acc.Sub .33
ِ َغ ُفو ٌر.N:Ind,Masc,Sng, Nom, Pre .34
َرحي ٌم .N:Ind,Masc,Sng, Nom, Adj .35
v15 breakdown
ْ ِ إِن َما .P:Emph .1
ال ُم ْؤم ُنو َن N:SMP, Def, Nom, Sub .2
ال ِذي َن N:RMP, Def, Nom, Adj .3
ٓا َم ُنوا V:3MP, Def, Pr, Indic, active, 4th form Pred .4
ِ ِب P:Prep .5
الل ه N:PN, Masc, Sng, Gen .6
ِ َو 6 P:Conj to .7
َر ُسول N:Def, Masc, Sng, Gen, 1st part Gen-Constrt .8
ِه.N:3MS, Def, Gen 2nd part Gen-Constrt comp .9
ثُ م P:Conj .10
لَ ْم .P:Agnt. Neg. Juss .11
َي ْر َتا ُبوا N:3MP, Def, Imp, Juss, active, 8th form .12
َو 1 P:New Sent / Part. Conj to .13
َجا َه ُدوا N:3MP, Def, Pr, Indic, active, 3rd form .14
ِب P:Prep .15
ا ْم َوا ِل N:B.Pl, Def, Gen, 1st part Gen-Constrt .16
ه ْم .N:3MP, Def, Gen 2nd part Gen-Constrt comp .17
َو P:Con to16 .18
ِ ا نْ ُف ِس N:B.Pl, Def, Gen, 1st part Gen-Constrt .19
ه ْم.N:3MP, Def, Gen 2nd part Gen-Constrt comp .20
ِفي P:Prep .21
َس ِبي ِل N:Def, Fem, Sng, Gen, 1st part Gen-Constrt .22
ِ الل ه .N:PN, Masc, Sng, Gen, 2nd part Gen-Constrt comp .23
ا ولَ ِئ َك N:DPL, Def, Nom, Sub .24
ِ ُه ُم ,N:3MP, Def, Nom .25
ال صادقُو َن .N:SMP, Def, Nom, Pre .26
overall breadown
3 verses: 13-15
v.13 word breakdown
Oh (voc) Those (voc) ! People Indeed We We created You From Male And Female And We made You Peoples And Tribes So that You recognise Indeed Most honoured You With God (sub) Most mindful You Indeed God All-knowing All-aware 31
They said Arabs We believed !SAY! Not believe and (N.S) but !YOU ALL SAY! We became Muslim And Not Has entered (it) Faith In Hearts You (all) And (N.S) If You (all) obey God And Messenger His Not Diminish Your From Actins Yours Anything Indeed 32
* Emph Believers (nom-sub) Those (nom-adj) They believed (4) With God And Messenger His Then Not They doubt (8) And (N.S) They struggle With Possessions (wealth) Their And Lives In Way God These They The truthful (SMP)