Set 9 Flashcards
What is functional composition?
- Combining two functions to get a new function
- g*f means apply f first, then g
Describe in words what map
Applies a given function to each element of a list, returning a list of results
Describe in words what filter
Processes a list to produce a new list containing exactly those elements that match a given condition
Describe in words what fold
Reduces a list of values to a single value by repeatedly applying a combining function to the list values
What is a proxy server?
- A server that sits between the network hosts and the firewall
- Packets are sent outside the network by the proxy server (on behalf of the network hosts)
- Provides anonymity, caching, and logging of user activities
What is a network topolgy?
The way a network and its connected devices (computers, printers, servers etc.) are connected
Give three disadvantages of bus networks
- If main cable fails no network data can be transmitted
- Performance degrades heavily with increased traffic
- Security is poor as all computers on the network can see all transmissions
Give two disadvantages of star networks
- If central node goes down the whole network can’t transmit / receive data
- Can be costly to set up and install as lots of cabling is needed
What is the purpose of DHCP?
To automate the allocation of IP addresses (configuration) to hosts on a network
Why is DHCP used?
- Reduces the need for expert knowledge when configuring a host
- Reduces the time required to configure hosts
How is an IP address configured using DHCP?
- Host sends request to discover a DHCP server
- DHCP server offers configuration to host
- Host accepts configuration by echoing the accepted configuration back to the server
- DHCP server confirms that configuration has been allocated to host
What does a firewall do?
Blocks or allows network traffic, based on predefined or dynamic rules and policies
What is packet filtering?
When a firewall monitors outgoing and incoming packets and allowing them to pass or halt based on
- source and destination IP addresses
- protocols / ports
- Each packet is analysed separately
What is stateful inspection?
- When the firewall monitors the incoming and outgoing traffic from all ongoing TCP connections by:
– Analysing packet types
– Inspecting the payload
– Checking for suspicious activity (eg lots of outgoing data) - Connected packets are analysed together
How long is an IPv4 address and what is it split into?
- 32 bits (e.g. 192.168. 10.150)
- Network ID and Host ID