Set 3 Flashcards
Checked by Matt. Covers content between SA2 and SA3 on the BPCompSci topic list. Need card on client port
What is the Internet?
The worldwide collection of networks that use standard (TCP/IP) protocols
What is a router and how does it work?
- A networking device with two or more links, each in a different network. It examines the destination IP address of incoming packets to decide which outgoing link to use to forward the packet.
- It sends the packet down the most efficient path to the destination
- It updates its own routine table to reflect congestion or network failure or changes
- It modifies the MAC addresses for the next hop
What is a gateway?
A device within a network that connects it to another network (like a router). If the networks use different protocols, it will handle the conversion from one protocol to the other.
What is a domain name server?
A server that contains databases which map FQDNs to their corresponding IP addresses.
What is an IP address?
A binary number assigned to a node in an internet network that is made up of a network ID and a host ID.
What is a packet and what are the main components of a packet?
- A packet is what data being transported across a network is split into.
- A packet is made up of the header and the payload.
What is an NIC?
Network Interface Controller
* A hardware component that connects to the motherboard and is hardwired with a unique MAC address
* It allows a computer to connect to a network
What are the steps in packet switching?
- Data is split into packets.
- Header is added to each packet
- Packets are sent along the network, not necessarily along the same route, hopping between routers
- Once packets arrived, they are re-ordered using their sequence number
- Acknowledgements sent from recipient to sender for each packet
- Transmission of a packet happens again if no acknowledgement is received
What does TCP/IP stand for?
Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol
What are the four layers of the TCP/IP protocol stack?
- Application Layer
- Transport Layer
- Network Layer
- Link layer
What does the transport layer do?
- The transport layer establishes an end to end communication channel
- The destination and source applications are identified using port numbers
- The transport layer uses these port numbers to route reassembled requests (or responses) to the correct application layer process
- The transport layer splits and reassembles requests (or responses) into packets
- Packets are numbered by transport layer
- The transport layer (using TCP) deals with error control i.e. acknowledgements and retransmission
What does the application layer do?
- It uses an appropriate protocol relating to whatever application is being used to transmit data
- It also interacts with the user via appropriate application software on the users system
What does transport layer header add to each packet?
- The sequence number
- The total number of packets
- The source port number
- The destination port number
What protocol does network layer use?
IP (Internet Protocol)
What protocol does transport layer use?
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) or UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
What is a MAC address?
Media Access Control address. A 12-digit hexadecimal address hardcoded on a network interface controller. Used to uniquely identify networked devices.
What does the link layer do?
- Adds the MAC addresses of the source and destination device to the packet header, to create a frame
- The MAC addresses are changed at each hop on the route
- It moves packets between 2 internet hosts directly connected by a physical medium (e.g. wire or electromagnetic)
- It deals with physical connections (and cabling)
What is a socket?
A socket is the IP address (provided by the IP protocol) combined with the port number (provided by a Transport layer protocol)
What is a port?
A number that identifies a specific network process running on a device.
How does SSH work?
SSH uses for port 22. It uses public key encryption to authenticate the user and prevent unauthorised access.
- The client initiates the TCP connection by contacting the server
- The server sends a public key to the client
- The server and client agree communication rules and open a secure channel
- The user can now login to the remote server host operating system and can issue application layer commands such as GET for HTTP, and SMTP and POP3 commands for sending and retrieving emails
How does SMTP work?
SMTP sends the email from the client device to the linked mail server or forwards the email to the recipient’s mail server.
How does POP3 work?
- Retrieves email from a mail server
- Removes/Deletes mail from the server as it retrieves
- Transfers it to your device’s inbox
How does HTTPS work?
Similar to HTTP, but HTTPS uses encryption to secure the data being transferred, and authenticates the web server through digital certificates.
How does HTTP work?
The web client sends a request message to a web server and the web server sends back a response message containing the data needed to display the webpage (or other web resource). Hypertext is a format of web pages that can include links between other pages
How does FTP work?
- FTP commands can be issued from a command line interface, but more commonly a user interacts with an FTP client, which sits on top of the actual FTP protocol.
- Once logged in, the user can access directories on the FTP server and can download and upload files.
- FTP sites which are publicly available are known as anonymous FTP.
What does SMTP stand for and what is its purpose?
- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
- Used to send emails from client device to the linked mail server or to send email between mail servers
What does SSH stand for and what is its purpose?
- Secure Shell
- Used to provide an encrypted connection for remote access to another computer
What does POP3 stand for and what is its purpose?
- Post Office Protocol (v3)
- Used to retrieve emails from an email server.
What does HTTPS stand for and what is its purpose?
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
- HTTPS is used for accessing a webpage from a web server securely. HTTPS encrypts data between the client and server.
What does HTTP stand for and what is its purpose?
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol
- HTTP is used for accessing a file (e.g. webpage) from a web server
What does FTP stand for and what is its purpose?
- File Transfer Protocol
- Used to move files between two devices. (commonly used to transfer data and programs as opposed viewable content)
What is a URL?
- A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is the address of a webpage or other internet resource
- It indicates the location of a resource as well as the protocol used to access it.