Set 4 - Learn For Purpose Flashcards
Что-то вероятно случится, кол-то вероятно сделает чоо-то
To be likely to …. (Verb):
He is likely to pass all interviews ahead and get the offer from EPAM
Forgot smth and couldn’t come up with the word
It just slipped my mind, let ms explain it
Common it’s on the tip of my tungue..
Let me refresh my memory, give me a sec
Я у кого-то (doctor, someone apartment)
I am at doctor’s
I am at yours (я у тебя)
I am at my sister’s
Вообще не похоже
It’s nothing like:
It’s nothing like user flow in real life
It’s not even close unfortunately comparing with the real user flow
Должен бьіл in 2 forms when:
1. the action is done
2. Action is not done/was in idea only
I had to finished that User Story yesterday - it’s done
I was supposed to finish that User story (, but…) - it’s not done
To resolve smth working on it
Together with Marta we’re going to work the things out to resolve an issue with scope creep
Useful/ helpful, healthy, valuable, effective, mineral:
Useful/helpful: meeting, book, info
Healthy: food
Effective: exercise (for rehabilitation)
Mineral: resources - this country is reach in mineral resources
I need more smth
I just need a few / 2 more days to complete the task
Finish/ completely finish with math
Wrap things/ smth up:
Give me another 5 mins I need to wrap things up and we could get off work/ leave
Let’s wrap up the meeting I suppose we’ve discussed everything that was planned
To be off the workplace
I’m off the clock already so I could look at the email tomorrow. I’ll to it the first thing in the morning
To relax after busy day
Kick back and relax:
I’m looking forward to the evening when I could kick back and relax after
To prepare someone/ smth for an activity and help to start it
To get someone/ smth set up for…:
Ok, I’ll help you with this once I’ve got the team set up for the sprint tasks
Nothing can be the worse
Nowhere go but up
Амбициозньій и нацеленньій на успех
Ambitious, dedicated (in the long run) well rounded, open minded
Restore smth or yourself to life or consciousness (восстановиться)
A cold shower will revive you
The project is reviving after the last cuts
To help something or someone to develop/take care of smth/someone
Nurture smth (project, children, etc.):
I worked on that project for 3 years and we nurtured it by bringing new ideas and developing the solution
to think of or remember what has happened in the past
Look back on smth:
Looking back (When I look back) on my whole career, I can declare that I was challenging myself all the time in each position I was in.
Something that delays or prevents a process from developing (застой)
Setback in smth:
There was a temporary/slight setback in our project
Certain/confident (smth)
Not liquid
This is a solid reason/ground why we need to hire an additional team
Solid ground
Well done, good job, поздравляю,
Kudos to someone:
Kudos to you / the credit goes to you