Set 3 - Daily Eng Flashcards
I need to go/ run, it’s time to go
Better run/go:
I better run, running late already.
I need to do some routine for me and my family
Run some errands:
I’m gonna run some errands and the I’ll get back to work
Already going to some place
On my way (OMW-short):
I’m stuck in a traffic (and running late) but I’m on my way
Отвьік делать что-то
Be out of doing:
I’m out of drinking coffee in the morning
Spend some time thinking about possible future actions (представлять будущее/ представлять будущее)
Contemplate smth:
I’m contemplating a move to Stockholm
Think about past events with pleasure wanting to get back to that times
Reminisce about smth:
I reminisce about our trip to Spain
Lost connection when speech is interrupted from time to time
Be brake up:
Sorry, could i reconnect/ call back because you’re braking up all the time
Lost connection when speech is interrupted from time to time
Be brake up:
Sorry, could i reconnect/ call back because you’re braking up all the time
Have bad connection during the call
Have bad service/ unstable internet connection:
I want to apologize in advance, I can be cut off since I have unstable internet connection today (bad service)
Call to make sure everything is ok, talk a bit about life
Catch up/ check in with someone:
Just calling to catch up / check in
Start conversation by phone/ internet call
What have you been up to lately?
What’s new?
Polite way to ask someone for something
Get a favor (to ask):
- I’ve got a favor to ask…
- Shoot/ in all ears / totally / for sure / go ahead
Ask a person if they are busy right now, or in a while
Be up to:
Hey what are you up to (tonight/ today)? (=Busy?)
When did you plan to do smth
Sure, let’s meet tomorrow. What time did you think of?
We don’t have enough smth.
Be short on smth (time, money):
We’re short on time, we’ve got to run
Agreed, ok. Домовились!
- Let’s go somewhere on Friday. - It’s a deal!
)Suits for business deals)
Достаточньій и properly-done
Solid next steps:
Do we have solid repro steps in the bug?
Something that bothers you or takes too much effort
The approach when the project manager is micromanaging is hassle for me
Простите, что вмешиваюсь
Butt in (суб попу):
Sorry for butt in
Hand over & Take over
Fill up & Empty Out
Put up (повішати рушник на крючок) & Take down (скинути щось, що висіло)
Roll up (скрутить, ковер, серветку & Roll down = Unroll (розгорнути скручене)
Build up(побудувати будівлю або щось ментальне) & Tear down (розвалити)
Фактически/в сущности/реально/усиление последующего вьіражения
I did everything from scratch, virtually from nothing
Суть в том
Here the thing / the thing is that:
Because here’s the thing, we have a shortage of time and resources to deliver the solution
Слишком много
Far too many/much:
We’ve spent far too much time for this task, we need to move forward
Attend (meeting, office,etc):
I’m going to attend the office on Tuesday
Hope we can come up with an idea how to handle it
Make it work:
Hope, we can make it work
The direction of your thoughts
Where your mind goes:
It’s so interesting where your mind went