set 3 Flashcards
how populations change
- fertility
- death
- migration and movement
refers to the biological ability to reproduce - an infecund cannot have children
factors that correlate to teenage pregnancy
1) income level
2) educational level
Crude Birth Rate (CBR)
number of deaths per 1000 population
Rate of Natural Increase
the difference between the birth and death rates expressed per 1000 or as a percentage
= CBR-CDR/1000
Crude Death Rate (CDR)
number of deaths per 1000 population
Infant Mortality Rate (CDR)
number of deaths of infants at or less than 1 year of age per 1000 live births
Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR)
of women who die from pregnancy related causes per 100,000 live births
Primitive Migration
people move in search of food; migrating with the seasons
group or mass migration
e.g. california gold rush, Irish potato famine
free-individual migration
individual migrant crossing borders?
restricted immigration
e.g. limiting the number of immigrants
impelled and forced migration
slave trade
Everett Lee’s Push-Pull Theory
- Need to analyze not just the migrants but also the origin and destination of these people
- The migrant has to overcome intervening obstacles between the origin and destination
Push factors
negative factors or perceptions that people have about their place of residence that induces them to move away
e.g. demographic growth
- low living standards
- lack of economic opportunities
- environmental degradation
- political representation