Set 3 Flashcards
T/F: Eminent domain is the RIGHT of the government to take private property for the public good
Eminent domain refers to the RIGHT of the government to take private property for the public good
Condemnation is the PROCESS used to take private property for the public good.
T/F: General assessment taxes are used to cover public good items
general assessment taxes are to cover public good items such as police and fire protection.
T/F: A special assessment tax pays for improvements (sewers, sidewalks) that benefit certain properties.
A special assessment tax pays for improvements (sewers, sidewalks) that benefit certain properties.
A general assessment tax is ad valorem
A general assessment tax is an ad valorem (based on value) tax on land plus improvements.
Is the following be an example of a buffer zone:
Garden apartments between a residential area and shopping center
A buffer zone separates two incompatible areas - an apartment complex between residential and commercial does just that.
What is the purpose of a master plan?
A » To insure safety in construction
B » To guide in the future development of cities
C » To give developers a way to make subdivisions uniform
D » To allow cities a way to acquire private property in the future if needed
B » To guide in the future development of cities
(B) A master plan is a plan for the cities future growth. (A) Building codes are designed to insure safety in construction. (C) Private deed restrictions allow developers to make a subdivision look a certain way. (D) Eminent domain allows a government entity to take private property for public good
What is an abstract in real estate
A written history of the property
Estoppel Certificate
“a signed statement by a party (such as a tenant or mortgagee) certifying for another’s benefit that certain facts are correct, as that a lease exists, that there are no defaults, and that rent is paid to a certain date.
provides confirmation by the tenant of the terms of the rental agreement, such as the amount of rent, the amount of security deposit and the expiration of the agreement
States the current loan balance on a note; used especially when notes are sold to others
T/F: The purpose of an appraisal is to estimate assessed value
An appraisal is used to estimate fair market value.
Assessed value is used for tax purposes.
T/F: Assessed value is used for tax purposes.
Assessed value is used for tax purposes.
T/F: An appraisal is used to estimate fair market value.
An appraisal is used to estimate fair market value
A document that gives an estimate of fair market value; for lenders, owners, etc.
Is an assessed valuation used for the taxation of real property?
The assessed valuation is used for the taxation of real property.
T/F: Appraisals (which are based on recent sale prices of properties in your area and other factors) are used to determine your home’s actual value.
Assessments are relative measures of value that indicate how this same property will be taxed by the government instead.
Put simply, appraisals (which are based on recent sale prices of properties in your area and other factors) are used to determine your home’s actual value. Assessments are relative measures of value that indicate how this same property will be taxed by the government instead.
T/F: Physical deterioration would be things like peeling paint and sagging floors - caused by deferred maintenance.
Physical deterioration would be things like peeling paint and sagging floors - caused by deferred maintenance.
T/F: Outdated items on a property (such as outdated plumbing fixtures) are considered to be curable functional obsolescence
Curable functional obsolescence
external obsolescence is another term for ______
External obsolescence is another term for economic obsolescence
ECONOMIC OBSOLESCENCE (aka external obsolescence)
A form of depreciation due to problems outside the property lines; e.g., owning a house next to a factory or sewage treatment plant
Also referred to as external obsolescence
A form of depreciation due to problems inside the property lines; does not function the way modern properties do; e.g., outhouses, pumps for water, etc.
T/F: Reproduction cost is normally used on historical properties.
Replacement cost is using the cost of similar materials and would be used on older properties.
Reproduction cost is normally used on historical properties.