Ch 3 - Flashcards
The main reasons for requiring a description and survey of the improvements is to _____
Locate the physical improvements
Determine any unrecorded easements and other facts not recorded.
The __ __ ___ describes property by identifying the registered lot and then block on a recorded subdivision plat or survey.
(aka the lot and block system or subdivision map system)
Recorded plat system
The recorded plat system describes property by identifying the registered lot and then block on a recorded subdivision plat or survey. The recorded plat system is also called the lot and block system or subdivision map system.
What is the oldest method used to describe land?
Metes and bounds
The metes and bounds description is the oldest method used to describe the geometry of the perimeter of a parcel of land.
T/F: Each township is described by its location, relative to the intersection of the baseline and meridian.
Each township is described by its location, relative to the intersection of the baseline and meridian.
1 square mile = ___ acres
Does a boundary description and survery provide a legal description of the property?
Provides the legal description of the property.
And describes the land with its exact boundaries
In the metes and bounds system, metes mean measurements in length from one monument to another. Bounds refer to the _____
Metes mean measurements in length from one monument to another.
Bounds refer to the direction.
An informal handwritten will is called a ______ will
Holographic will
An informal handwritten will is described as a holographic will
Does federal law or state law usually deal with involuntary title transfers?
State law
State law covers the main involuntary title transfer laws associated with things like foreclosures, judgment lien sales, and tax sales.
When emminent domain happens, does a muni annex the property?
The owner must sell the property or grant an easement to the municipality for just compensation.
T/F: If a property owner demonstrates a need, a zoning board may grant a
An owner’s need that is not consistent or differs from current zoning regulations will request a variance or exception to use their property.
An example may include to add a second floor in a neighborhood zoned for one-story homes only.
T/F: A property is exempt from lead disclosure requirements if it has no separate bedrooms
A property with no separate bedrooms is exempt from these lead disclosure requirements.
T/F: A property is exempt from lead disclosure requirements if it has been certified by an inspector.
But a property that has no separate bedrooms is exempt from lead disclosure requirements
What type of agency exists when the agent can perform any and all actions that may be legally delegated to an agency representative?
Universal agency
The instrument of authorization is power of attorney.
Universal agency exists when an agent can perform any all actions that may be legally delegated to an agency representative.
T/F: Agency is governed by common law (or case law) and statutory (or governmental regulations) law.
Agency is governed by common law (or case law) and statutory (or governmental regulations) law.
T/F: The payment of compensation creates agency
The payment of compensation does not necessarily create agency
Which fiduciary duty requires the agent to safeguard the earnest money check?
The fiduciary duty known as accounting requires that licensees take good care of client funds or the licensee may become financially liable for their client’s losses.
T/F: Brand new homes that were just constructed by a builder or developer are generally exempt from the Illinois Property Disclosure Act.
Brand new homes that were just constructed by a builder or developer are generally exempt from the Illinois Property Disclosure Act.
Yet, the builder or seller must make full disclosure about the condition of the property.
Does a copy of the actual Disclosure Act need to be included with the Property Disclosure Report?
A copy of the actual Disclosure Act must be included with the Property Disclosure Report.
The failure to do so may result in future license restriction issues.
Estimate of seller proceeds
An Estimate of Seller Proceeds is a helpful form that’s used to show the seller how much that their potential future net profit will be based upon known estimated numbers and the targeted sales price.