Set 1 (January 2024) Flashcards
вести переговоры о сделке
I’m _________ for a new contract.
I’ve managed to ______ a five percent pay increase with my boss.
_______ (a deal)
1 приближаться
We could just see the train _________ in the distance.
2 to deal with something:
I’m not sure how to _______ the problem.
to decide
to choose something, especially after thinking carefully about several possibilities
_____ ON
to make a(n informed) decision
find common ground
найти общую почву
They need to f____ c_______ g_______ and work towards a solution
making a decision or reaching a conclusion after considering all the available information
to d____________ what you want
keep an open mind
быть открытым новому
When traveling to a new country, it’s important to keep an open ______
This has been a ________ time for us all.
on spot
сходу/ на месте/без подготовки
When making a decision _____ ______, it’s essential to consider all factors
Her attitude gives a fresh ___________ to the subject.
He writes from a Marxist ___________.
to be in charge
to be responsible for
Who will be in _________ of the department when Sophie leaves?
consist of
to be made of or formed from something:
The team _____of four Europeans and two Americans.
split into
divide into two or more parts
The teacher _____ the children into three groups.
almost, or not completely:
It’s been ______ three months since my last haircut.
find out
to get information about something
How did you find out about the party?
take a guess
an attempt to give the right answer
Go on, take a guess.