Session Two PIA exam Flashcards
What is Rapport Building
The ability to relate to others in a way that creates a level of trust and understanding
- Talking too much = Not active listening and giving the chance to the victim to explain
- Making things up = Not being an honest communicator
- Not keeping to your word = Don’t promise or guarantee actions/outcomes you cant keep
- Assuming things = Being under the assumption of an idea can lead you down a false track of investigation
- Rushing the Conversation = Can leave holes in the story therefore missing out on critical information for the investigation
What is empathy?
Understanding another person’s point of view or putting yourself in their shoes. Failure to use empathy is a lack of understanding of another person’s feelings, perceptions and thoughts.
What is Effective Non-Verbal communication?
- Body Language
- Eye Contact
- Avoid Distracting
- Avoid Interrupting
- Active Listening
- Focus on the speaker
- Aim for complete understanding of the speaker’s point of view
- Are attuned to speaker’s change of tone, delivery rate and inflection and feelings generated to support words used
- Look for eye contact, body language, and the language and volume of speech
- Active listeners look further into the message than just the words
What is ineffective Non-Verbal communication?
- Poor Stance or Posture
- Avoiding eye contact
- Creating a barrier that shuts out listening
- Lack of interest or motivation
- Mind being elsewhere
- Lack of Mutuality, in conversation/poor turn-taking, for example, one person holds the floor and shows no interest in hearing the other person’s point of view
- Perception - the way a listener interprets the words being used may differ greatly from the speakers meaning
- Attitudes and Beliefs - The listener’s own attitudes and beliefs distort the message to suit your own beliefs
- Unproductive use of space
- Weak or Repetitive gestures
- Relating negatively to listeners
What are communication barriers?
You will be communicating with different organisations or groups of people who may have a shared belief that could be at odds with the beliefs and values of the NSWP. Having an understanding of their belief and value system will greatly assist you in communication with that organisation.
Most of your interactions as a police officer will not occur in the context of confrontational situations. You will also need to communicate with judges and others from the legal profession and you will need to adapt your communication style to the situation. For example, the way you communicate when dealing with highly intoxicated patrons at a licensed premises will be different to the way you interact with a judge or prosecutor in court.
The location and environment the communication takes place. If you are at a football game and want to speak to someone you may have to move to a quiet area.
Dealing with the many different cultures that make up the population of NSW requires an awareness of the differing cultures. If your PAC or PD has a predominate culture, you will quickly learn appropriate communication strategies. Do not pay any attention to perceived stereotypes of a negative type.
Consider the jargon used within the NSWP. Refrain from using it when you communicate with those outside the NSW police. Never assume that everyone knows what a double beeper means.
Some barriers to communication will be due to the sender, (yourself), you may unconsciously allow your own bias to influence the way you communicate. You might over compensate for a lack of confidence or increased stress with aggression. To be an effective communicator you should be aware of your own bias.
Barriers are anything that can block or prevent the intended meaning getting through to the receiver. In addition to those already mentioned they can include:
- Police uniforms
- Intoxication impairs communication
Poor delivery from the sender, too quiet, too rushed, unenthused
What can victims of crime expect from the NSWPF?
- Comply with the Charter of Victims’ Rights
- Comply with the NSWPF Customer Service Charter
- Be victim focussed
- Use interpreters and support persons where necessary
- Provide victims with a victims’ card
- Treated with respect and fairness
- Treated with empathy
- Informed of the process
- Services you can access and how to access them
- Contact details of police
What are the four points of procedural Justice?
- Neutrality
- Respect
- Trustworthiness
- Voice
Explain Neutrality
- Neutrality- Police making impartial decisions based on facts, legal rules and principles as opposed to personal opinion and bias. Perceptions of neutrality can be facilitated by police through transparency or openness about the decision-making process
Explain respect
- Respect- Dignified and respectful treatment of citizens during police-citizen encounters
Explain trustworthiness
- Police demonstrating they can act on behalf of the best interests of the people they deal with
Explain voice
Providing citizens with opportunity to express their own POV in conflicts or other interactions with police
What is police legitimacy?
- Moralalignment- belief that police and public hold similar beliefs about what constitutes as law-abiding behaviour
- Ethical exercise of authority- need to be seen by the public, acting in an ethical manner and exercising authority in accordance to law (Police need to follow their own rules)
- Trust and confidence in police- belief that police perform their job well, and are honest
- Obligation to obey- when police are perceived as legitimate, people feel they should comply with decisions and rules, cooperate and follow them voluntarily out of obligation, rather than out of fear of sanctions or anticipation of reward
Fill in the blanks
- NSWPF Policy
- Behave honestly and in a way that upholds the values and the good reputation of NSWPF whether on or off duty
- ___________________________________________________
- Know and comply with all policies, procedures and guidelines that relate to their duties
- ___________________________________________________
- Comply with any lawful and reasonable direction given by someone in the NSWPF who has authority to give the direction
- ___________________________________________________
- Take reasonable steps to avoid conflicts of interest, report those that cannot be avoided and co-operate in their management
- ___________________________________________________
- Not make improper use of their position or NSWPF information or resources
- ___________________________________________________
- NSWPF Policy
- Behave honestly and in a way that upholds the values and the good reputation of NSWPF whether on or off duty
- Act with care and diligence when on duty
- Know and comply with all policies, procedures and guidelines that relate to their duties
- Treat everyone with respect, courtesy and fairness
- Comply with any lawful and reasonable direction given by someone in the NSWPF who has authority to give the direction
- Comply with the law whether on or off duty
- Take reasonable steps to avoid conflicts of interest, report those that cannot be avoided and co-operate in their management
- Only access, use and/or disclose confidential information if required by their duties and allowed by NSWPF policy
- Not make improper use of their position or NSWPF information or resources
- Report the misconduct of other NSWPF employees
What is the Customer Service Charter Guidelines (PITA)
- Professional and Helpful
Fairness and respect given
Acknowledge & listen to needs
Show care an be accurate
- Informed Throughout the Process
Communicate with communities re: issues relating to them
Event no. & police contact details
Wit: offer to provide follow-up info
Vic: explain rights, regular updates
- Take Appropriate Action
Provide info re: timeliness when attending scene
Investigate the matter and advise on the outcome
Attempt to resolve the matter at first point of contact
Explain process of the matter
- Accessible to the Whole Community
Through pal, provide info on nearest police station
Accesible to everyone (without discrimination)
Give priority to emergency & allocate priority to jobs
24/7 assistance
NSWPF Policy
Fill in the blanks
- _____________________________________
- Act with care and diligence when on duty
- _____________________________________
- Treat everyone with respect, courtesy and fairness
- _____________________________________
- Comply with the law whether on or off duty
- _____________________________________
- Only access, use and/or disclose confidential information if required by their duties and allowed by NSWPF policy
- _____________________________________
- Report the misconduct of other NSWPF employees
NSWPF Policy
- Behave honestly and in a way that upholds the values and the good reputation of NSWPF whether on or off duty
- Act with care and diligence when on duty
- Know and comply with all policies, procedures and guidelines that relate to their duties
- Treat everyone with respect, courtesy and fairness
- Comply with any lawful and reasonable direction given by someone in the NSWPF who has authority to give the direction
- Comply with the law whether on or off duty
- Take reasonable steps to avoid conflicts of interest, report those that cannot be avoided and co-operate in their management
- Only access, use and/or disclose confidential information if required by their duties and allowed by NSWPF policy
- Not make improper use of their position or NSWPF information or resources
- Report the misconduct of other NSWPF employees