session 6 child health history and physical assessment Flashcards
what are the areas are investigated when completing a paediactric hx
- prenatal and birth hx- (ie gestational age at delivery)
- developmental hx- (ie behavioural issues)
- social hx of family- (ie support network, who is the legal guardian?)
- immunisation hx -(ie is it up to date, any reactions or side effects)
- Medications - (ie have they had any analgesia today/ what time?)
- Allergies - (ie foods, tapes, medications - place sign above bed/ wrist band is red)
- medical/surgical Hx - (ie have they ever been to hospital before?, trauma/ how many times/ ?abuse)
- infectious status - ( ie children can still have HIV, have they been treated in a hospital outside WA in the last 12 mths-? MRSA)
- general appearance- (ie do they look well cared for, do they look sick, look for symmetry)
Why is blood pressure not an indication of shock for children?
Blood pressure is a late sign in children. They have compensatory vasoconstriction, so therefore when a child is in shock they can maintain their BP until the pre-arrest situation.
What are more accurate indications for shock in children
Heart rate and resp rates are a better indication. They will be tachycardic and tachypnoea
Why do we take heart rate and resp rates for a full minute in newborns?
Their respiratory drive is often sporadic and it is normal to have apnoea in their breathing
how big is the BP cuff that is used on Paeds? what would happen if the wrong size is used?
it needs to be 2/3 rds the size of the arm otherwise this will impact the reading - give a false reading.
Why is taking the childs weight so important?
Everything administered to a child is determined by weight
What additional measurements are taken besides the weight for a child?
head circumference
blood sugar level
what are the normal vital signs for a
HR: 110-160, RR: 30-40, BP (systolic): 70-90
what are the normal vital signs for a 5-12 yr old
HR:80-120, RR:20-25, BP (systolic): 90- 110
*Be aware that children that play alot of sport can have a different reading that is normal for them. Ask the parent if this is normal for them. Contact dr and explain situationt to change the parameters
How would you calculate the weight of a child with no hx or identity - what method is used?
children under 9 (age +4) x2
children over 9 - 3 x age
what is investigated in a physical assessment
when is it necessary to do a focused assessment?
A focused assessment is done when the body system is investigated relating to the chief complaint
(ie child presents with a broken arm - the assessment would be neuromuscular)
How are you going to get a child to cooperate with your focused assessment?
- Gain as much information first by looking at them
- Based on development age you involve them, ask them and explain things to them.
- Keep the parent with the child, if the child is young have them sit on the parens lap
- Dont tower over a child, stay down at their level
- Explain things at their level
- Do the least distressing thing last
- Never lie to a child -this loss of trust will not only be with you but will continue with everyone else in the medical profession.
what is involved in a newborn assessment
reflexes and a basic newborn assessment
what is indicated in a infant that is not feeding, low nappy count, floppy and does not have a respiratory problem?
how is sepsis diagnosed?
blood cultures, MSU( some infants are born without valves that cause UTI) and a lumbar puncture is done
on a head examination what does fading (washed out) in the colour of their hair indicate?
why is it necessary to assess the fontanelle?
If the edges can be felt it can mean a fracture (dropped from the change table)
It the fontanelles are bulging it could indicate increases ICP
If the fontenelles are soft and boggy it could mean dehydration.
If the pinna of the eye is below the line from the middle of the ear across - what disorder does this indicate in a child
Renal disorder
In a head trauma that has presented with nasal discharge how do you test for CSF (cerebral Spinal Fluid)?
Blood glucose treatment as there will be sugar in it or
If there is blood and discharge coming out you can place it on a napkin and the CSF will migrate further from the blood making a halo shape
Where do you palpate the pulse in a baby?
The brachial pulse is prefered over the femoral - placing finger near the nappy area would require gloves incase of a soiled nappy.
what does the acronym APGAR stand for
Appearance Pulse Grimace Activity Respiration
why do we have a modified GCS for paeds?
because an infant cannot verbalise a response of being orientated or give a motor response of obeying commands
what is hydoceles
a fluid filled sack around the testies that will make he scrotum swollen