Session 5: Substance misuse Flashcards
Provide a definition of substance misuse
Provide a definition of substance misuse and outline associated epidemiology
the harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive substances, including alcohol and illicit drugs
can lead to dependence syndrome
Identify the different types of substances that are commonly misused
Provide a definition of substance misuse and outline associated epidemiology
- stimulants: feel alert (tobacco, cocaine, speed-amphetamine, mephedrone)
- hallucinogens: mind altering (LSD, magic mushrooms, MDMA)
- depressants: feel relaxed (alcohol, heroin, transquillisers, MDMA)
Describe the key risk factors for drug use
Provide a definition of substance misuse and outline associated epidemiology
- family life issues - neglect/abuse
- mental health - depression/anxiety
- unemployment and poor education attainment
- social group
- adverse childhiid experiences (ACE)
- biology - previous positive experience using drugs
Outline the effects of drug misuse (physical, social, psychological and mental health)
Provide a definition of substance misuse and outline associated epidemiology
* dependence (DVT, abcesses)
* complications of injecting
* blood-borne virus transmission
* effects of poverty (malnutrition)
* poor pregnancy outcomes
* side effects of opioids and cocaine
Outline the effects of drug misuse (physical, social, psychological and mental health)
Provide a definition of substance misuse and outline associated epidemiology
* effects on families and children
* drive to criminality
* imprisonment
* social exclusion
Outline the effects of drug misuse (physical, social, psychological and mental health)
Provide a definition of substance misuse and outline associated epidemiology
* fear of withdrawal
* cravings
* guilt
Outline the effects of drug misuse (physical, social, psychological and mental health)
Provide a definition of substance misuse and outline associated epidemiology
mental health:
* self medication
* depression
Explain the different types of dependence
Describe mechanisms of dependence (both physical and psychological), tolerance, withdrawal and addictive behaviour and models of addiction
physical - experiencing symptoms associated with withdrawal from substances
psychological - dependence relating to having impaired control; described (by ICD-10) as a cluster of psychological, behavioural and cognitive phenomena, such as increased tolerance and withdrawal
Describe an example of a tool to assess alcohol dependence
Describe mechanisms of dependence (both physical and psychological), tolerance, withdrawal and addictive behaviour and models of addiction
Explain theories of dependence (learning theories, imitation, rational choice)
Describe mechanisms of dependence (both physical and psychological), tolerance, withdrawal and addictive behaviour and models of addiction
- drug dependence arises from environmental effects paired with drug effect
- falling blood alcohol levels lead to craving and withdrawal (unconditional responses)
- cue is paired with unconditional response (i.e. seeing fav drink and falling blood alcohol levels)
Explain theories of dependence (learning theories, imitation, rational choice)
Describe mechanisms of dependence (both physical and psychological), tolerance, withdrawal and addictive behaviour and models of addiction
- social learning theory - learning through observation and listening to others
- modelling - seeing others around you use drugs/alcohol increases the likelihood of you doing it
- expectation - positive ‘reward’ makes drug use more likely
- self-efficacy - ability to abstain or deal with situations
Explain theories of dependence (learning theories, imitation, rational choice)
Describe mechanisms of dependence (both physical and psychological), tolerance, withdrawal and addictive behaviour and models of addiction
- dependency involves making rational choices that favours the benefits of dependence over costs
- individuals are motivated by goals and wants
- if they discount the future they’re more likely to become addict and dependent
Describe the application of the stages of change model to substance misuse
Describe mechanisms of dependence (both physical and psychological), tolerance, withdrawal and addictive behaviour and models of addiction
Describe the key elements of treatment and care for substance misuse
Describe the common treatment regimens for various types of substance misuse problems and withdrawal states
Describe the variety of UK treatment agencies to which patients with substance misuse problems can be referred