Session 5 Flashcards
Ears, nails & anal glands
Why is nail trimming important for pets?
Prevents overgrowth, discomfort, and injuries. Overgrown nails can cause pain, affect walking posture, and lead to ingrown nails or infections.
What is the “quick” in a pet’s nail?
The blood vessel and nerve inside the nail. Cutting into the quick causes bleeding and pain.
How can you stop a nail from bleeding if the quick is cut?
Apply styptic powder (Kwik Stop), use silver nitrate sticks (may sting), apply pressure with a clean cloth, or use cornstarch or baking powder as a home remedy.
What are common restraint techniques for nail trims?
Lateral recumbency for better control, standing or being held for small or cooperative dogs, and gentle foot handling training to reduce fear.
What are the risks of ingrown nails?
Pain, lameness, and potential infections if the nail breaks the skin. More common in geriatric pets and rabbits due to reduced natural nail wear.
Why is regular ear cleaning important?
Prevents wax buildup, infections, and mite infestations, which can cause pain and hearing problems.
How do you properly clean a pet’s ears?
Inspect the ear for redness, swelling, or odor. Apply vet-approved ear cleaner (never alcohol or hydrogen peroxide). Massage the base of the ear to loosen debris. Wipe away debris with a cotton ball (never use Q-tips). Let the pet shake its head to remove excess cleaner.
What are signs of an ear infection (Otitis Externa)?
Frequent head shaking or ear scratching, redness, swelling, or foul-smelling discharge, and sensitivity to touch or pain around the ear.
What causes ear infections in pets?
Bacteria or yeast overgrowth, ear mites (more common in cats), and excess moisture (common in floppy-eared dogs).
Why should you avoid using Q-tips in a pet’s ears?
Q-tips can push debris deeper into the ear canal, increasing the risk of infections.
What are anal glands, and what is their purpose?
Small scent glands near the rectum that release a strong-smelling fluid for marking territory.
What are signs that a pet needs anal gland expression?
Scooting (dragging rear end on the floor), excessive licking or biting at the anal area, foul odor, even after a bath, and swelling or redness near the anus.
How are anal glands manually expressed?
External method: Apply gentle pressure near the anal openings with a gloved hand and paper towel. Internal method (done by a vet): Insert a gloved finger into the rectum to apply direct pressure on the glands.
What complications can occur if anal gland issues go untreated?
Impaction (glands become clogged and swollen), infection and abscesses, which may rupture, and surgical removal may be needed in chronic cases.
How can pet owners help prevent anal gland problems?
Regular vet check-ups and gland expressions if needed, high-fiber diets to promote natural gland emptying during defecation, and monitoring for signs of impaction (scooting, excessive licking).
Why are geriatric pets more prone to ingrown nails?
They are less active, leading to reduced natural nail wear, allowing nails to overgrow and curl into the paw pad.
What is the most effective restraint position for nail trims?
Lateral recumbency (lying on the side) provides better control and visibility.
What home remedy can help stop a bleeding nail?
Cornstarch or baking powder can be applied to the nail tip to help clot bleeding.
What are the signs of an ear mite infestation?
Extreme ear scratching and shaking, black debris (‘coffee grounds’) inside the ear, and head tilting or sensitivity to touch.
What should you do if a pet has a persistent anal gland issue?
Consult a veterinarian, as chronic problems may require antibiotics, anti-inflammatory treatment, or surgical removal.