Session 5 Flashcards
What is a strategic interaction?
A situation where your best choice may depend on choices of others, and vice versa
If applying strategic thinking, what do you need to do?
- Understand the game we’re playing, which is defined as a strategic interaction that specifies:
a. All the possible players: who is interacting with whom
b. The feasible strategies: which actions are open to the players
c. The payoffs: what the outcomes will be for each of the possible combinations of actions
- Do our best to figure out or best response
- Best response: the choice that yields the highest payoff given the other player’s choice
Whats a static game?
A game thats played simultanously.
- Simultaneous move: when a player makes a decision, she does not know what the other person has decided to do
Whats a dynamic game?
A game where players move repeatedly or sequentially.
- Repeated game: same interaction may occur more than once
- Sequential game: not all players choose their strategies at the same time
Whats a prisoners dilemma?
A game with two players simultanously moving without knowing each others response.
Whats the players best response?
The best alternative strategy for each strategy of the opponent.
Whats a Nash Equilibrium?
An Equilibrium in which the choice that each player makes is a best response to the choices other players are making.
->No single player can unilaterally deviate to improve their standing
- One way to find nash equilibria is to look for cells in the payoff table where best responses intersect
Whats the tragedy of the commons?
Refers to the tendency for common resources to be overutilized.
What are Coordination games?
A class of games with multiple equilibria (Example: protesting)
What are good and bad Equilibria?
In some games with multiple equilibria, it is clear that some equilibria are good and others are bad. (Example: Bank run)
-> you have to apply concept of pareto dominance and efficiency to compare these
Whats an pareto dominant outcome?
An economic outcome (A) pareto dominates outcome (B) if at least one player would be better off with (A) than (B), and nobody would be worse off.
What is an pareto efficient outcome?
A pareto efficient outcome is not pareto dominated by any other outcome. I.e., nobody can be made better off
What are challenges to coordination and what are solutions?
Coordination is challenging because there’s more than one equilibrium
Some possible solutions
- Pre-play communication: players discuss strategies before deciding
- Focal points and norms: relying on cultural or societal conventions
- Formal rules: setting rules or contracts to guide decision
When are challenges to coordination less bad?
In games with clear good and bad equilibria. Pareto dominant equilibria tend to be played more often
What are sequential games?
- In a sequential game, players don’t move simultaneously
- Late movers can see what action early movers have taken
- To better appreciate the sequential nature of play, these games are better represented in an extensive form