Session 3 Study Questions Flashcards
Traditionally, who wrote the book of Kings in its final form?
What 4 basic principles are taught in the book of Kings?
- Man cannot rule himself without conscious dependence on the help of God.
- The circumstances of the nation depend in large part on the faithfulness of Kings to Yahweh.
- The Kings were illustrations of the people as a whole - they set the tone.
- Observance of God’s law produces blessing; apostasy receives judgment.
What queen introduced Baal worship to Israel?
What queen had Naboth and his sons killed in order to take his vineyard for a royal garden?
Who was the prophet whose words Ahab rejected just before his death from the Battle at Ramoth Gilead?
Who is the main prophet in II Kings?
What key event took place in 722 BC?
Fall of Samaria to the Assyrians
What key event took place in 586 BC?
Fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians
In your own words, explain why Elisha is a better “type” of Christ than is Elijah.
- Lives among the people
- Emphasizes grace, life, hope
- Elisha had a double-portion of the Spirit, and he worked twice as many miracles.
Give 3 of the 6 examples of contrast between First and Second Kings that evidence deterioration and destruction.
I Kings ||| II Kings
- Opens with David ||| Closes with Nebuchadnezzar
- Solomon’s glory ||| Jehoiachin’s shame
- The temple built and consecrated ||| Temple violated and destroyed
True/False: Chronicles gives a religious history of the Davidic Dynasty of Judah.
True/False: The Jewish Talmud takes Ezra the priest as the author of Chronicles.
True/False: The Davidic Covenant is recorded in I Chronicles 17 and II Samuel 7.
Give 4 of 8 differences in emphasis between Samuel and Kings vs. Chronicles.
Samuel and Kings ||| Chronicles
- Political history ||| Religious history
- More negative (rebellion and tragedy) ||| More positive (apostasy, but hope in spite of tragedy)
- Message of judgement ||| Message of hope
- Man’s failings ||| God’s faithfulness
How many chapters are devoted to Saul’s reign in I Chronicles?
List 4 of the 16 sources mentioned by Chronicles.
- Book of the Kings of Israel and Judah
- Chronicles of Samuel the Seer
- Chronicles of Nathan the prophet
- Chronicles of Gad the Seer
What are 2 ways in which the 70-year captivity predicted by Jeremiah are fulfilled?
- political captivity where Jerusalem is overcome (605-536 BC).
- political captivity and the temple is destroyed and rebuilt (586-516 or 515 BC).
Who are 5 good kings, mentioned in II Chronicles who are given considerable space?
- Asa
- Jehoshaphat
- Joash
- Hezekiah
- Josiah
True/False: Reformation efforts of Judean kings never last beyond one generation.
Be able to identify 20 kings of Judah with a major characteristic of their reign.
- Rehoboam (not righteous, but humbles himself before God and adverts His wrath)
- Abijah (short and evil reign…conquers Israel because they relied on God)
- Asa (destroys foreign altars and idols, conquers Ethiopia against great odds through his trust in God, and restores the altar of the Lord, yet he fails to trust God when threatened by Israel)
- Jehoshaphat (brings great revival, overthrows idols, teaches God’s Word to the people, and trusts in God before battle)
- Jehoram (wicked king who follows the ways of Ahab and marries his daughter…leads Judah into idolatry and dies in pain to “no one’s sorrow”)
6 and 7. Ahaziah and Athaliah (Ahaziah is as wicked as his father and as his mother [Athaliah]…both are murdered)
- Joash (repairs the temple and restores the worship of God…when Jehoiada the priest dies, Joash allows the people to abandon the temple and return to idolatry)
- Amaziah (mixed in his relationship to God…later forsakes the Lord for the gods of Edom…defeated by Israel and later murdered)
- Uzziah (begins well and is blessed with military victories, but when he becomes strong, he proudly and presumptuously plays the role of a priest by offering incense in the temple and therefore is struck with leprosy)
- Jotham (rebuilds the gate of the temple and revers God…God blesses hime with prosperity and victory)
- Ahaz (wicked king and an idolator…oppressed by enemies and forced to give tribute to the Assyrians from the temple treasures)
- Hezekiah (repairs and reopens the temple and puts away all the altars and idols set up by his father Ahaz…Judah is spared destruction by Assyria because of his righteousness)
14 and 15. Manasseh and Amon (Manasseh is Judah’s most wicked king…repents when taken by Assyria and God brings him back and he makes a halfway reform too late…Amon is wicked like his father…both kings are murdered)
- Josiah (leader in reforms and spiritual revival…centers worship around the temple, finds the Law and obeys it, and reinstitute the Passover)
17, 18 and 19. Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, and Jehoiachin (relentless evil brings the downfall of Judah…the temple is ravaged in each of their reigns)
- Zedekiah (Judah’s last king…wicked…Jerusalem and the temple are destroyed and captivity begins)
Name 3 religious or philosophical leaders whose lies overlap the events of the book of Ezra.
Gautama Buddah
Be able to arrange these four individuals in chronological order: Ester, Ezra, Nehemiah, Zerubbabel.
Zerubbabel, Ester, Ezra, Nehemiah
True/False: Out of perhaps 2-3 million Jewish people in Babylon/Persia, only about 50,000 left a life of relative comfort to return to the Promised Land.
Once the work started, how many days did it take Nehemiah to complete Jerusalem’s wall?
52 days
True/False: Elephantine papyri confirm the historical reliability of Nehemiah.
What was Mordecai’s relation to Ester?
He was her cousin.
In what ways is Ester like Christ?
Put herself in place of death for her people, but receives approval of the king.
Portrays Christ’s work as Advocate on our behalf.
How much advance warning did the Jewish people have of their coming “extermination”?
11 months
On what feast day is the book of Ester read?
Feast of Purim
What son of David tried to keep Solomon from becoming King?
What was special about Gibeon as a “high place” rather than Mount Zion?
The great bronze altar at Gibeon was the Mosaic original.
How did Hadad come to be an enemy of Solomon?
- Escaped to Egypt following Joab/s harshness against Edom.
- Married sis-in-law to Pharaoh Siamun
- Returned to Edom when he heard of David and Joab’s deaths.
How did Rezon of Damascus become an adversary against Solomon and the Davidic dynasty?
After David defeated Hadadezer, king of Zorba, Rezon was able to break from Hadadezer and establishes own seat of power at Damascus.
What prophet promised Jeroboam I that the Lord would give him kingship over 10 tribes?
Ahijah the Shilonite
How many administrative districts were under Solomon’s government?
What were the 3 great international powers in the 10th century BC in the Ancient Near East?
Assyria, Egypt, and Israel (Solomon)
True/False: Jeroboam led Israel into rebellion because they had tired from the high taxes of Solomon.
True/False: Jeroboam made Bethel and Dan into religious cult centers for the Golden Calves.
True/False: Bash founded the 2nd dynasty in northern Israel, and he tried to fortify himself against Asa, the king of Judah.
What king moved the capital of Israel from Tirzah to Samaria, which he purchased from Shemer?
Jehoshaphat of Judah was a basically good king, but for what reason did he receive a star prophetic rebuke?
For his friendship with Ahab and that he married his son Jehoram to the daughter of Ahab and Jezebel.
The prophet Elijah confronted Ahab with the threat of drought, and the drought lasted for how many years?
3.5 years or 3+ years
What were the 3 commissions that God gave to Elijah? Whom was he to amount or anointed?
Elisha (his prophetic successor)
Jehu (as king of Israel to terminate Omri’s dynasty)
Hazael (king of Damascus)
How did Ahab die?
At Ramoth Gilead, as predicted by Michaiah, the prophet.
Who and what was involved in the Battle of Qarqar in 853 BC?
Assyria met a coalition of Ben-Hadad, Ahab, and others. Assyrian inroads was temporarily stopped.
On what 3 occasions did the prophet Elisha assist Joram of Israel?
- Red sun rays of water give victory to Joram, Jehoshaphat, and the king of Edom.
- Naaman came to Elisha to be healed of Leprosy,
- Elisha reported Syrian troop movements to Joram; Syrian king came down to Dothan, but were blinded and taken to Samaria for a hot lunch.
True/False: Hazel of Damascus become king of Syria after visiting Elisha regarding Beh-Hadad’s hope for recovery from illness.
True/False: Jehoram of Judah was a very wicked king because of the influence of his wife Athaliah.
Jehu destroyed the house of Omri (killing both Joram, king of Israel, and Ahaziah, king of Judah), and thus he provides a “sychronism” point for both the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah in the year…
841 BC
The name of the daughter of Jehoram who rescued her nephew Joash as an infant, to deliver him from death at the hand of Queen Ataliah who usurped the throne was…
What was the significance of the Battle of Qarqar?
A coalition of western kings led by Syria and including Ahab, king of Israel, fought Assyria to a standstill in 853 BC.
Who was high priest in Jerusalem that protected Joash from Queen Athaliah, and guided Joash during his early rightous years, until he died and young princes diverted a
What Assyrian king was the “deliverer” for Jehoahaz of Israel, who freed him from the distress from Hazel of Syria?
Adad-nirari III
True/False: King Jehoash of Israel visited the dying prophet Elisha and Elisha predicted three notable victories that Jehoash would have over Syria.
What King of Judah was smitten with leprosy because he attempted to burn incense in the holy place of the Temple?
In what 3 ways were the prophets of Israel unique in the Ancient World?
- Conscious of the call of God
- Ministered only in the name of Yahweh
- Every predictive word came to pass.
True/False: Merrill believes that the prophet Obadiah prophesied near the reign of Jehoram, king of Judah.
True/False: Merrill believes that the prophet Joel prophesied early, near the ministry of Elisha the prophet.
Amos prophesied against Northern Israel during the prosperous days of…
Uzziah and Jeroboam II
Merrill believes that the prophet Jonah prophesied in Nineveh during the reign of…
Assur-dan III
Who assassinated Zechariah, the last king of Israel from the dynasty of Jehu?
Shallum son of Jabsh
What king of Israel paid heave tribute to the Assyrians during the time of Tiglath-pileser?
Who was the last king of Israel, ruling from Samaria?
True/False: Aha of Judah greatly feared a coalition invasian by Rezin (of Damascus) and Pekah (of Samaria) that would remove him from the throne.
Hezekiah, king of Judah, was encouraged in his faith by the prophet…
What prophet was commanded to marry and adulterous wife?
What prophet was a younger contemporary of Hosea?
What prophet was a contemporary with Isaiah, and also a prophet of Jerusalem?