Session 3 Functions of behaviours Flashcards
Challenging behaviour can often be viewed as a way to _________.
What are the four functions of behaviours?
- Sensory/Automatic
- Escape (from demands, from the situation, etc.)
- Attention (whether positive like praise or negative like reprimands)
- Tangible (access to items/activities/people)
*Tip Remember SEAT or EATS acronym
Functions of behaviour can apply to behaviours exhibited by __________.
Everything you do (learner or anyone) has a function or more than one function (serves a purpose).
Once we identify the function, work to break the connection between the function and the challenging behaviour, and reduce the problem behaviour, we should also be sure that we have identified and taught ____________.
replacement behaviours.
- Replacement behaviours are to teach more appropriate ways of receiving the reinforcement they were receiving before we intervened (i.e. sensory input, access, attention, or escape).
When a behaviour is maintained by their own movements or actions that feel good to them, this is the ____________function.
Example: Child sucks their thumb when trying to fall asleep.
When a behaviour is maintained by getting out of or avoiding an activity, demand, request, etc. that may be undesirable, this is the ___________ function.
Example: Child runs away when asked to clean up toys.
When a behaviour is maintained by getting access to an item/activity/person that is desired, this is the ______________ function.
Example: Child pushes their sibling to get their ipad.
When a behaviour is maintained by access to social interaction, this is the ___________ function.
*Remember It does not have to be all positive social interaction it may include things like getting reprimanded or other forms of negative reactions from others.
Example: Child screams look at me and everyone looks.
Developing and delivering contextual plans based on client history is an essential component of _______ -________.
Trauma- informed PBS.