Session 3 (Earths Energy Balance (cont.)) Flashcards
Greenhouse gasses
Water Vapor, CO2, Nitrous Oxide, Methane, Ozone =.
Non Greenhouse Gasses.
nitrogen, oxygen
How does a GHG absorb the radiaiton?
If the gas vibrates on the same wavelength as the Radiation.
Band Saturation has been reached, it does
not matter if we put any more of this GHG into
the atmosphere.
False, adding more GHG’s will lead to more warming since the scattering effect still transports heat out to space, the transport only decreases.
Gases with
lower band
saturation can
have a much
bigger impact
as gases with
high band because….
they have yet to be saturated and have more potential to trap more.
Why is water vapor the most important GHG on earth?
It captures the most radiation. Increases its lifetime depending on how warm it is.
Water Vapor Feedback loop
Global air increase -> Increased water vapor -> Increased GHG warming from water vapor
3 ways to analyze the global warming potential of a GHG
Ability to absorb IR radiation, Saturation, Lifetime
Larger droplets, shorter life, more precipitation (WARMING)
Smaller droplets, longer life, less precipitation (COOLING)
Do anthropogenic aerosol clouds
have a warming or a cooling effect?
Cooling due to reflectivity
Anthropogenic aerosols
Biomass burning, Industrial emissions
Natural Aerosols
Volcanic, marine, wind blown dust
If aerosols have a net cooling effect, are they a good thing then?
No, There ares still effects like lung damage, rain reduction, and altercation of wind circulation
More Higher Clouds leads to…
Less lower clouds leads to….
more small water droplets in clouds leads to….